Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1107: treasure hunt

A dense layer of golden inscriptions are embroidered on the surface of the scroll, and the inscriptions are like living creatures walking along the surface with a layer of golden light all the time.

True God Huo Xing's eyes immediately fell on the other two items, the other two items were a small bronze clock and a hexagonal bronze compass.

"Hetu Luoshu, Chaos Clock, Xinghe Formation Eyes! Haha, these treasures of father are all here!" Seeing these things, Huoxing True God immediately showed ecstasy, he was too familiar with these things Yes, I saw it several times in my father's hands when I was young.

"With these few primordial true artifacts, I can fight even half a step inside!"

True God Fire Xing let out a wild laugh.

He is very clear about the horror of these treasures. These three treasures are a trinity. If they are taken apart individually, they can only be regarded as treasures comparable to master-level treasures.

But the three treasures cooperate with each other to form two large formations, namely the Hunyuan Heluo formation and the Zhoutian Xingdou formation.

They are the Hunyuan Heluo formation composed of Hetu Luoshu, and the Zhoutian Xingdou formation composed of chaotic clocks.

The two large formations were once the most powerful treasures of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and they were also the top formations of the Council of the Ancients. And because the original treasures are the eyes of the formation, the two large formations can stimulate the original power of the universe.

The so-called original treasures are the same as the original true gods. They are all treasures that were born and cultivated at the beginning of the universe. They belong to the innate treasures. These treasures are unique and cannot be imitated.

And because it is similar to the source of the universe, it can stimulate the power of the source of the universe, and once it forms a large formation, it can be easily wiped out.

Even if it is a half-step interior scene, as long as the inner universe is not stable, it still cannot resist the annihilation of the origin of the universe.

"Haha, I still have a chance. With these treasures, no matter what methods Da Zhou and Chaowei used before, I can still turn the tables. Even if they have half-step internal combat power, I can still fight."

At this moment, True God Huo Xing feels how lucky it is to have a powerful father.

Unable to hold back the ecstasy in his heart, he strode forward to take the three treasures into his hands. Now he doesn't believe in anyone, so he believes in these three treasures.

Taking a step forward, his brows were slightly furrowed, and the coercion around him increased a bit.


After feeling it a little, True God Huo Xing continued to move forward, but when he came in front of the three treasures, the Huo Xing ** behind him had already begun to condense and collapse into a point, which was in a state of full force.

The real prodigy of Huoxing enlarged Kong a little bit, and stretched out his palm to take those treasures into his hand.

It's just that at this moment, the space beside him twisted, and a figure quickly stretched out his palm, and rushed straight at the three treasures on the table at an extremely fast speed.

"It's you! The True God of the Sky!"

The sudden change shocked the True God of Fire, and Donghuangling sacrificed the surging fire law in his body, which seemed to be complementary to Donghuangling. Suddenly, a silver-white flame enveloped the opponent's outstretched arm.

And the surface of the arm showed a sense of strange mirror reflection, which was caused by the power of space to distort the space near the arm and move away these silvery white flames.

But this silvery-white flame was a bit impressive. The distorted space was like a melted candle, melting continuously, and soon a drop of silvery-white sparks splashed on the opponent's arm.

At this time, the opponent's palm was already holding the scroll-shaped Hetu Luoshu in the center, and the power of space enveloped his palm, and the Hetu Luoshu quickly disappeared in his palm.

"Looking for death! True God Kong, how dare you treat me like this!" True God Huoxing was furious, and the most important Hetu Luoshu was taken away by the other party, which was no less than a huge blow to him.

What's more, he never thought that the True God of Kong would betray him.

Just like the True God Zimei, even the True God Kongzhi has betrayed himself now.

"Okay, okay! The same is true of you, the True God of Kong, as well as the woman Zimei before, and the guy who was the Martial God before, and the guy who is the mechanical master of the super-dimensional kingdom. You are all like dogs! You are rebellious, you are all thieves!"

The True God of Fire Xing felt a surge of anger in his chest that he couldn't vent.

What is that in ancient times? That's Tianhuang Guiwei, and the direct blood relatives of the Neijing-level powerhouses are the existences of the prince and grandson level.

And after his father and many elder brothers all died, he was orthodox, and he was the speaker of the entire ancient council organization.

First, he created the first empire of the universe by himself to rule this universe, but the good times didn't last long, two traitors appeared one after another, and these two traitors turned out to be commonplace, and they fought against him for many years.

Now even his confidantes have begun to betray him, a purple charm and a true **** of space, these are all confidantes he cultivated.

True God Huoxing felt an indescribable sense of being deceived.

It is true to say who is the worst, perhaps the True God of Huo Xing is the number one person. Originally, he had a great family and business, inherited many legacy from ancient times, and he himself was the first true God Realm powerhouse after the catastrophe.

In the end, all of them became other people's wedding dresses, and even the former confidant wanted to take away the treasure left by his father.

If it was a glass-hearted person, he would probably be **** off by now, but True God Huo Xing is fine, he has already been numb from the blow.

First there was the Martial God and the Mechanic Dominator, the two or five youngsters of the old Zhou Dynasty, and then there was the traitor Zimei. Now it seems understandable to have one more true **** of space.

The silver horse quickly enveloped the space around the opponent, and the true **** of fire was furious. This is his home field. He holds the Eastern Emperor's Token. This thing can not only control many ancient corpses, but also increase the power of fire for the holder .

The treasures at the master level were originally worn by Donghuang Taiyi, and naturally they were also related to the fire element.

And these silver trains are also very good, the surrounding space becomes soft under the terrifying scorching, it seems that there are some qualitative changes due to the unbearable high temperature baking.

"Why did you betray me? I think I treat you well!" True God Huo Xing stared at the other party, holding the Eastern Emperor's Order tightly in his hand, and at the same time secretly crushed a forbidden space talisman with the other hand.

This air-forbidden talisman can only be regarded as a ninth-level thing, which can greatly limit the power of the ninth-level space Taoist to leverage the space. Not much use to the true god.

The True God of Fire Xing did not place high hopes on him, he just wanted to limit the True God of Space a little bit.

"True God of Fire, everyone has their own aspirations, not to mention that I don't like people who live under others for a long time, so I'm sorry!" Through the space distortion channel, the flat and almost indifferent voice of the True God of Kong came.

"Hmph! It turns out that you have long been ambitious, but you seem to have taken it for granted. This place is not an ordinary place. How good can your spatial path be?"

Hearing the words, the True God of Huo Xing no longer cared about the love in the past, and sneered.

This is the dojo of my father back then. It is not easy for a strong inner scene level dojo. How can an ordinary true god-level strongman do anything recklessly.

The laws of space and time here are extremely strong, and many laws of the outside world will be forcibly suppressed here.

Unless it is a strong person in the fire line who holds the Eastern Emperor's Token, he can ignore the rules here.

This is the dojo of the inner-level powerhouse, and the inner-level powerhouse is the rule. Even if it is the fallen inner-level powerhouse, the suppressing effect of the dojo is not so obvious, but there are still some rules that belong to the inner-level powerhouse.

This can be seen in the relics of the Tianzong of Wuji Dao at the beginning. Wherever Taoist Wuwei's dojo is, the sect is also there. Even after a billion years, Taoist Wuwei has lost his body, spirit and soul for so many years, and the rules in his dojo still exist.

The time and space there are still isolated from the outside world and form a world of their own. If it weren't for the strong entry of the main god-level foreign gods to break through the power of rules in that dojo, I am afraid that the power of rules there will be even more terrifying.

And this place has similar rules to the ruins of the Tianzong of Wuji Dao back then.

It is precisely because of this that the True God of Fire Xing is very confident. Here he feels that his Fire Xing has risen a level together. He had almost fallen due to some serious damage to his vitality. At this time, he already has the power to dominate, and the flame It can burn the soul and burn space and time.

It stands to reason that a true god-level breakthrough master needs to master two complete laws at the same time.

But it is not applicable in some cases, such as the forced promotion by external force. At this time, the true **** of fire is relying on the blessing of his father, Donghuangtai, under the rules of the internal scene.

It is equivalent to within the inner universe, where the fire element can be dominant.

Just like the most powerful man who opened up the universe, the body is the source of countless laws. For example, the half-step interior scene of Valkyrie is also dominated by the way of the body. When he steps into the interior scene in the future, the way of the body will also become the source of countless laws.

Similarly, at this moment, the True God of Fire Xing has already surpassed the limitation of the main universe itself, so the nature of the law does not apply at this time.

Originally, the Dao of Space was to stabilize the weak first-line Dao of Huoxing, but the suppression of ranks has been reversed.


The flames burned, and the space tunnel that envelops the true **** of space began to melt little by little, like melting candles.

Seeing the true **** of the sky, the reaction was very calm and he came directly to this place, and the space channel behind him closed by itself.

"It seems that my guess is right. This place is really good for the fire line. This dojo is also a treasure, so I have to kill Your Excellency and use your fire line as a medium to help me control this place!"

The figure of the true **** who had just lost his voice flashed quickly, and the next moment he came to the top of the head of the true **** Huoxing.

And the True God of Fire is also quick to respond, with the help of the rules of Fire here, he can't hide every move around him. Almost at the same time, he also raised his head and slapped out with a palm, the terrifying silver flames were like a sea of ​​flames burning the sky and destroying the world, and quickly swallowed towards the true **** of sky.

Seeing that the true **** of the sky was about to be engulfed and burned by the sea of ​​flames in an instant, but seeing that the true **** of the sky turned into a figure of flames in the next moment, the influence of the surrounding silver flames on him attenuated a lot.

At the same time, he also slapped it with one palm. This palm looks ordinary, but there are five colors entangled in the palm, like five dense mountains with incomparably thick and suppressing power.

"Supernatural power Five Elements Mountain?! How can you do this trick!"

In a hurry, True God Huo Xing slapped out another palm, and when the two palms collided, the hall trembled slightly, and the two of them retreated together.

True God Huo Xing staggered back a few steps, while True God Kongzhi was light and swayed back to stabilize his figure, and judged immediately.

"You are not the True God of Kong who are you!" The True God of Fire Xing looked very ugly, he gritted his teeth and said, "Master the power of the five elements at the same time, and have mastered all of them to the ninth level, the True God of Kong can't do this."

The opponent's move just now really terrified him. Although the Five Elements Dao has only been mastered to the ninth level, the power of the Five Elements can be comparable to the true **** level even without any means. What's more, he has also cultivated the ancient supernatural art of the Five Elements Dao, the Five Elements Mountain.

"Hehe, who am I if I am not the True God of Space?" The True God of Space hidden under the hood let out a slightly sarcastic laugh.

"The Supernatural Five Elements Mountain has been lost, no! Only the one on the Three Gods Mountain still exists. Could it be that you killed him?"

"It seems that your Excellency is not a useless idiot. The three gods are still tough, and they refuse to give in. I just want to kill them. The Five Elements Mountain is still very useful. The art of supernatural powers." True God Kongzhi was very satisfied with his previous behavior, and the Five Elements Mountain was indeed powerful.

"It hasn't been long since the True God of Kong stepped into the Real God Realm, and his body has not been out of my sight for a long time. If it is a clone, it is impossible to destroy the power of the Three Gods Mountain who controls the Five Elements Mountain. You can never be the True God of Kong. Who are you? "

Staring fixedly at the familiar stranger opposite, Huo Xing Zhenshen could conclude that this was definitely not the Kong Zhishen he was familiar with.

Of course, he still has a doubt that he didn't ask, that is, even if he wiped out and beheaded the person from the Three Gods Mountain, it would be impossible to immediately cultivate the Five Elements Mountain, and it was impossible to immediately cultivate the Five Elements Law to the ninth level.

After all, it is common sense that half of the laws will return to the long river after the fall. How could it be possible that a little loss did not fully inherit the cultivation level of the other law, and even inherited this supernatural power.

Unreasonable, unreasonable.

"Your Excellency has too many questions. I didn't want you to survive today. I could have killed you long ago. However, the power of the rules in this dojo is too special. Now that you hold the Eastern Emperor Token, you have indeed improved. Your strength, but it also makes the repelling power of this place disappear."

The true **** who had just lost his voice had moved to the back of the true **** Huoxing again, and slapped out again, still the Five Elements Mountain.


Huo Xing Zhenshen's body was filled with energy and blood, and the Huo Xing Dharma Ring behind him was even more uncertain.

One strike The True God of Sky struck again, he seemed to speed up and forcefully kill the True God of Fire.

The palm of his hand directly pried the space, and the next moment his palm protruded from the back of True God Huo Xing like a ghost and shot again.

Huo Xing Zhenshen was a little overwhelmed by Space Dao's elusive fighting style, but fortunately, his perception was extremely sharp and dangerous, and he reacted dangerously, and also hit him with palms.


However, after the palm fell, True God Huo Xing couldn't help but flew upside down, with a shocked expression on his face. On his arm, the dense inscription began to wrap around his whole body like a chain.

"Banned Avenue! How is this possible?!"

The True God of Huo Xing was terrified, and hurriedly urged the power of Huo Xing and at the same time used the Eastern Emperor's Order to crazily leverage the power of the rules here.

Fortunately, he occupies the home court here, and the power of the dojo's rules temporarily suppressed the power of the ban.

"How can you have so many methods for banning laws at the ninth level?"

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