Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1108: Cut Hu

True God Huo Xing has gradually calmed down, and he looked at the stranger opposite him with a serious expression.

His mind is full of doubts now, the opponent has too many laws and avenues, and the means are endless.

More importantly, the other party's use of every law is almost instinctive, and the terrifying proficiency and method of use made him terrified.

In his opinion, the fire element has been mastered almost instinctively by him, but the opponent's five elements have the same degree of mastery. If not every rule is only ninth level, he probably has lost.

"This is too much to bear? Hehe, then try this trick again!"

The True God of Kong smiled faintly, his figure was swallowed and moved by the space again, and then appeared on the top of the True God of Fire, this time he didn't slap his palms, but instead tapped several times towards the surroundings of the True God.

Seeing this scene, Huo Xing Zhenshen's eyelids twitched, and his intuition told him that something bad might happen next, but he couldn't do anything about it.

Accompanied by the inexplicable means of the true **** of the sky, two rays of light, one black and one white, rose rapidly around him.

At this time, under the perception of True God Huo Xing, he began to reverse everything around him.

"The two ways of yin and yang, this is the yin and yang formation of life and death! can you know the two ways of yin and yang?!"

If the other party's method just now could find out some reasons, but now he has no way of finding out the reasons for both yin and yang.

Yin and Yang, he knew that his lord of the zodiac house, the black and the white house, was good at this, and it was called the tortoise road.

Because of this, he deliberately searched the classics, and he knew very well that the two ways of yin and yang had been cut off a long time ago, and the Lord of the Black and White House was good at this way, and it was inherited from an ancient relic. It stands to reason that the two ways of yin and yang should not exist in the outside world That's right.

He tentatively slapped a palm in front of him, but soon the sea of ​​flames formed by this palm rushed straight to his face. Fortunately, the true **** of fire has a terrifying control over the fire, so he quickly took it back into his body .

"Under the Yin-Yang life-and-death universe formation, thinking about what you have passed down to the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, I also know that the Yin-Yang two ways are not good at attacking and killing, but they are best at defending trapped enemies. You are already a turtle in a urn and cannot escape."

The voice of True God Kongzhi came from outside the formation, and True God Fire Xing couldn't even locate the opponent's position. Because within this large formation, all perceptions are upside down.

It's not just a simple front and back reversal, because this big formation is always in a state of motion. The position may still be upside down one second, and it may be upside down the next moment.

The perception is wrong, everything he sees and hears is wrong, indeed, he is now the turtle in the urn.

"Hmph! The two ways of yin and yang are indeed very strong in trapping the enemy, but they are not good at attacking and killing. I can't help you if I don't move and just defend you! At worst, I won't go out."

True God Huoxing is now determined to spend time with the opponent, anyway, soon the group of people from the Chaowei Divine Kingdom of the Great Zhou Empire will attack, and then I don't believe that this guy dares to spend time with him.

"I know it, but when did you feel that my means are limited to this?"


Hearing the words, the True God of Huoxing faintly felt something was wrong.

In the next moment, two hot and cold objects, one red and one blue, quickly appeared around.

"Water and fire!"

True God Huo Xing's eyelids twitched, the other party seemed to have grasped many avenues, and he would never be able to perceive the other party's details.

Immediately afterwards, frost appeared around, as well as terrifying rolling thunder.

"Ice Avenue, Thunder Avenue!"

However, this is not over yet, the true **** of emergency fire line only felt his soul tremble, an invisible force was constantly oppressing and attacking his soul, and looking around him, there was already a strange invisible black mist wrapped around him.

"Avenue of Soul?! How is this possible? Is there anyone else who knows this avenue?"

Enduring the severe pain of the soul, Huo Xing Zhenshen's face was full of disbelief.

And this is not over yet, and then there are terrifying and dazzling rays of light emerging from the surroundings. The rays of light seem to contain extremely strong attack power at all times, constantly attacking the surroundings of True God Huoxing.

There will be a tingling sensation when exposed to light.

"Avenue of Light."

At this time, the face of True God Huo Xing had gradually been covered with despair, and he had already had some guesses in his heart. As the other party showed more and more laws, this guess became closer to the truth.

" are not the True God of Space, are the incarnation of Dao Consciousness! When? When did you take him away?"

True God Huo Xing already felt that his soul and even his body were disintegrating little by little under the superposition of so many laws, and his consciousness was dissipating.

Only at this moment did he understand why the opponent could quickly grasp the power of the law, even ignoring half of the law of beheading others and returning to the iron law of the origin of the Dao. Because the other party is the incarnation of Dao, it is natural to ignore this iron law.

Of course, he was more shocked at this time.

"Since when has the incarnation of the Great Dao become conscious? The incarnation of the Great Dao has brewed consciousness, so what does he want to do with so many layouts?"

These are all the questions that Huo Xing Zhenshen was puzzled in his mind at this time.

However, the other party would not answer him.


Just when the True God Kong was about to continue teasing the True God Huoxing, within the sight of the True God Huoxing, the figure of the other party disappeared in place.

What happened?

True God Huo Xing was a little confused.

At the same time, in the corner of one side of the main hall, a small spatial distortion emerged, and it could be seen that the tearing of this space was very difficult. A pair of eyes were hidden in the passage and looked here.

This is not someone else, it is Jiang Heng.

"Master, this seems to be an ancient ruin, it seems to be the dojo of a strong man, do you know where this is?"

Following the large army into the ruins, everyone was aimless at the beginning. The environment here is very special, surrounded by a large number of distortion elements and the special magnetic field of the ancient battlefield that affects the spiritual exploration.

It just so happened that Taoist Wuwei proposed to use the Space Dao to explore as deeply as possible. According to his analysis, this should be the dojo of an original powerful person from the Council of the Ancients. However, because of the serious damage, he couldn't analyze it for a while.

But it is certain that this kind of powerful dojo must have great treasures, so this scene happened.

"Look at the strong power of fire rules here, and the layout here is very familiar. If the teacher reads correctly, this should be the dojo of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi." Taoist Wuwei said with some joy.

Jiang Heng was also very excited at this time, the dojo of Donghuang Taiyi, isn't this the dojo of inner scene level power?

No matter how you say this level of powerful dojo, there should be some amazing treasures in it, right?

"Hey! This... this is actually here!"

Suddenly Taoist Wuwei's surprised voice sounded, it was the first time Jiang Heng had seen the old man lose his composure.

"Master, but the two treasures on the platform? What can you say?"

If there is something that is more eye-catching here, it is the two things placed on the eucalyptus table. There should have been three things, but there are only two things on the three shelves right now.

"Good thing! This is such a treasure. The Chaos Clock and the Primordial Formation Eyes, these two are the treasures that are born from the heavens and the earth like the Primordial God at the beginning of the universe, so they are called Primordial Treasures!" Taoist Wuwei's voice was full of excitement.

This is the first time Jiang Heng has heard of this term.

"Don't hesitate, hurry up! Ingest it into the old man's inner universe. This object cannot be stored in ordinary storage space or even in the cave. The original object represents uniqueness. It has escaped the basic constraints of this universe, and ordinary space cannot accommodate it!"

Taoist Wuwei seemed very urgent, and Jiang Heng also realized that this treasure was unusual.

With both hands stretched out quickly, the power of space and time quickly wrapped these two treasures and was about to bring them to him.

However, in the middle of the journey, Jiang Heng suddenly felt that the surrounding space and time became extremely viscous, and he could clearly feel that there was another force of time and space besides his own time and space that was compressing and squeezing his own power.

"Stealing is not a good habit!"

The faint voice seemed to sound from the depths of the soul, Jiang Heng was taken aback, and just as he was about to refute something, the voice of Taoist Wuwei resounded in his mind, "Don't be influenced by him! Affect you! Take the treasure and go!"

What? !

Jiang Heng was startled, and only then did he realize that he was only focused on responding to the other party, even stopping his movements.

This is very wrong, the voice just now gave me the feeling that I had to respond to the other party first no matter what, and even felt a sense of guilt in my heart.

He even opened the Dingqiao to stabilize his mind, and at the same time opened the Douqiao to quickly stimulate his fighting spirit and use this fighting spirit to resist the influence of this invisible thinking.

"Wanting to leave after taking something is too disrespectful to me!" The inexplicable voice sounded again, this time he was on guard in his heart and Taoist Wuwei kept shouting, Jiang Heng barely maintained his mind, but The speed is still unstoppable decline.

It's not that he doesn't want to speed up, but that the power of time and space is increasing, and with the power of various laws, it begins to suppress his power of laws.

who is this How could there be so much power of law?

Jiang Heng was shocked in his heart, and hurriedly urged his physical body and airway to join the competition at the same time, but the opponent's strength was too great, and the surface of his arm even began to be covered with some fine inscriptions.

The power of banning!

Feeling that the power of the law was being blocked little by little, Jiang Heng was so shocked that his back shivered. He felt like he had stabbed a hornet's nest. What kind of **** is the person behind this?

All kinds of laws are shining generously all over his body, his muscles are knotted and blue veins are protruding, and his bones covered with natural inscriptions are making a crunching sound.

Jiang Heng's divine bone even fused with a fragment of a Pangu axe, but now he began to collapse under the wrestling with the opponent.

"Release that body!"

Hearing Taoist Wuwei's voice, Jiang Heng quickly took out the previous ninth-level body without saying a word.


Seeing the sudden ninth-level soulless body, the man seemed a little surprised.

But soon with a cold snort, the surroundings suddenly stagnated, and everything began to stagnate.

I saw the detailed inscriptions that were originally tied to Jiang Heng's arms began to go backwards like time, but Jiang Heng's movements did not weaken.

The owner of that voice also seemed to gradually recede back to its original position.

Taking the two treasures into the space crack, Jiang Heng quickly put them into the cosmic star map.

At the same time, the ninth-level body lost its aura again, and Jiang Heng quickly put it away.


Taoist Wuwei's voice resounded in his mind again, but at this time his voice was extremely exhausted, Jiang Heng didn't have time to ask more, he quickly closed the space crack, and his figure quickly fled away along the space channel when he came.

"Run away, use the power of time to speed up, and at the same time switch between time nodes and space nodes to jump. That person has a very deep grasp of the second way of time and space, and he can't be a teacher. If it weren't for him, the second way of time and space is only at the ninth level, you I'm dead now!"

Taoist Wuwei's voice was exhausted and anxious. Jiang Heng dared to be negligent at this time. He almost went crazy and activated the power of the two laws of time and space in his body. Case.

At the same time, True God Kong, who had returned to the Yin-Yang Universe Formation, was a little dazed. He ignored True God Fire, who was still stubbornly resisting. In his opinion, this person's law was already in his pocket. Everything about him is the nourishment for his own growth.

However, he was very annoyed to be cut off by a thief with two treasures.

"The power of the law of time and space that contains a trace of the power of the inner scene? There is no such great power in this era. It seems that there are still old antiques lingering on their last days.

Trouble, but so what, it's just a wisp of remnant soul, after this, I'm afraid you won't be able to use these methods again. "'True God of the Sky' muttered to himself, and the expression hidden under the hood was not only not annoyed, but a little more joyful.

"Is it a dilapidated interior scene delivered to your door, or an interior scene achieved by the Second Dao of Time and Space, so it will be the most perfect nourishment!"

"You can't escape!"

Whispering in his mouth, a strange magic ring rose rapidly behind his back. This magic ring is different from other law shapes. This is a magic ring like a precision-calculated compass composed of countless inscriptions.

It is indeed the ring of secrets and Taoism.

Countless numbers were sorted and reorganized behind his back.

"Oh, I found you!"

Whispering softly, a twisted spatial passage quickly appeared in front of him, and he was about to step into it.

"Damn it! Dao consciousness dares to underestimate this god, thinking that I am just an ant that you knead at will? I am an internal scene expert who knows himself, the sky is precious, and he wants me to die! Don't even think about it!"

The sudden roar interrupted the movements of the 'True God of the Sky', not because he wanted to stop and watch the roar of the True God Huo Xing like a bereaved dog, but because the space channel in front of him had already been melted by a terrifying high temperature.

Forced to interrupt the search for the enemy, the 'True God of Sky' looked very annoyed, he turned his head to look at the True God of Fire, his eyes under the hood were very It was like looking at a dead dog generally.

"Hehe, Dao consciousness. Don't you want the complete fire element of this god, don't you want this dojo?"

True God Huo Xing was in a miserable state at this time, his breath was abnormally weak, and his body seemed to be fragmented.

"It's just an ant. If you hadn't had a good father who left you this dojo with fairly complete rules, I'm afraid you would have died a long time ago. It's my charity for you that you can still stand and talk to me now." !"

Now that his identity has been seen through by the other party, the 'True God of the Sky' has no choice but to see him. His voice and demeanor are like a high god, and the True God of Fire in front of him is more like a humble mortal being, who can be crushed to death by him at will. exist.

"Fuck you shit! During my father's heyday, Dao did not know how many times he tried to conceive consciousness, but that time was not easily erased by my father and many other ancient powers. You can stand here and dictate to this **** because of my father and The kindness of the ancient gods to you!" True God Huo Xing said directly, as the son of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, since he wanted to understand the identity of the other party, he naturally thought of many ancient secrets.

"What on earth are you trying to say? My seat has limited time and I don't have time to waste time with you." 'True God of Space' said indifferently.

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