Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1106: Ancient Interior Dojo Is it possible to use other people's interior scenes to achieve interior scene level? "Jiang Heng probably understood what Taoist Wuwei said, but just because of his understanding, he felt a little inconceivable.

"Normally not! But if it is a person with a strong internal view who voluntarily breaks his complete inner universe and merges into another person's body, this can be done. Of course, the person must be infinitely close to half a step internal view.

Just like you will achieve the pinnacle of dominance in the future, accumulate enough to be infinitely close to the half-step interior, and for the teacher to break the inner universe into your body, you can also step into the half-step interior. " Taoist Wuwei said calmly.

"This...that is to say, the Martial God accepted a broken inner universe from an inner scene-level powerhouse who is in a similar state to the master?" Jiang Heng asked in surprise.

"It should be like this." Taoist Wuwei nodded.

"Although I don't know who that old man is, but I am willing to turn the fruits of countless years of cultivation into nourishment for others. I admire this courage!" Taoist Wuwei sighed.

Jiang Heng was silent, and did not continue to talk to Taoist Wuwei, but waited for the follow-up of Wuwei.

After the phantom of the Valkyrie appeared, he glanced at all the powerful people present, and then waved his hand lightly. Everyone felt that their vision was blurred again, and the surrounding starry sky environment had returned to normal, and they felt the law again.

"Those ancient corpses are gone!"

"The projections of those alien avatars are also gone!"

Everyone was shocked to find that the ancient corpses controlled by the True God of Fire had disappeared, and even the few incarnations of foreign races who were still persisting were gone.

At the same time, in a small reclusive plane, the sudden annihilation of the avatar startled the owner of this plane.

"The main god! This is definitely the power of the main god. How can there be a main **** in this universe? The news of this matter must be reported..."

This twisted and ferocious figure murmured in horror, he was about to escape into the void and go somewhere, but suddenly the plane froze, and his movements also stagnated.

A pair of opened eyes appeared in the sky, staring at each other, and the twisted and hideous figure showed horror when seeing these eyes.

"How come? The power of the main god, you, the main **** of the universe..."

Before his terrified voice finished speaking, his body disintegrated little by little like broken porcelain until his physical body was completely annihilated.

But the soon-to-be-disappeared body has fine dust squirming again, and it seems to be recovering.

"The vitality of the Tianyuan Realm is really extraordinary. If the suppressing power of the plane is no longer there, this seat may not be able to do so. It is better to die now!"

A majestic voice sounded, and the next moment this god-level Tianyuanjie powerhouse completely disappeared, leaving only strands of Tianyuanjie origin floating in the air, and a big hand pierced through many spatial dimensions and took it into the palm of his hand.

At the same time, what happened to this god-level Tianyuan world powerhouse happened in many small planes of this universe. They all recovered from the panic and were about to report what they saw in the avatar projection. But before they could act, a pair of eyes and a big hand completely erased their existence ahead of time.


The Valkyrie, suspended in his own universe, let out a mouthful of turbid air, and his complexion was slightly pale.

"It's still a bit difficult to use such means forcibly in the half-step interior scene, that is, the suppressing force of the plane is still there. Otherwise, unless the main body comes, it will be too difficult to chase the source and kill them with projection."

The Valkyrie sighed, it didn't take long for him to step into the half-step interior scene, but fortunately, while inheriting part of the interior scene of the strong man, he also inherited part of the memory of the strong man, and he knew many interior scene methods by heart.

What he just used was an internal method, using his own inner universe to forcibly commandeer this cosmic power.

"Leave the rest to them."

"I didn't expect Senior Valkyrie to take that step." The Mechanic Master was very emotional, he was envious, extremely envious.

He is equivalent to the existence of the same age as the God of War. He had already started to practice when the God of War rose up. After that, the God of War stepped into the realm of the true god, and he stepped into the realm of the true **** after half a step behind.

After that, Martial God established the New Great Zhou Empire, competing with the temples of the gods in the main universe, while he entered the ninth dimension and established a super-dimensional kingdom of God to become his own country.

Not long after the Valkyrie broke through to dominate, he also stepped into the realm of dominate at the same time, and the two sides are almost chasing each other and making progress.

Since when did Valkyrie take this step?

The mechanical master is a little confused. He is only at the master level right now, and he is still not far from the peak master. As for the legendary interior scene, he dare not expect extravagantly.

Now that the former strong man of the same period has already stepped into this step, how can he not let him feel melancholy.

At this moment, he also understood that this is the real trump card of the Great Zhou Emperor, a half-step interior-level powerhouse.

In the case that the foreign race is still suppressed, a half-step inner scene is an invincible existence.

"My father took this crucial step some time ago, and he still hopes that the mechanical master will restrain the deployment. This matter must be kept secret!" The Great Zhou Emperor hurriedly reminded.

"I know the importance of this matter, and I won't leak the secret. What are you going to do with those guys?" said the Mechanic Master, pointing to the Lord of the Zodiac Palace and his followers.

The Great Zhou Emperor glanced at the lord of the Twelve Palaces, and said casually, "Kill him! Or imprison him, just like the true **** Zimei."

"So merciful?" The Mechanic Master laughed.

"Be kind? I'm not kind. It's easy to kill other people, but it's very difficult to kill the black and white lord. You should be able to see that this person seems to have an inheritance. The strength of the ninth-order peak cultivation base is no weaker than that of ordinary true god-level powerhouses." The Great Zhou Emperor shook his head.

In the fight just now, although the power of the lords of the zodiac palace has always shown that they are not working hard and always hovering on the edge of the battlefield, the group of people dominated by the black and white lords is quite impressive.

The master of the black and white house hadn't gained anything before, but no matter who went to Dazhou and Chaowei Shenguo, it seemed that they couldn't get much advantage, and they couldn't be slick.

Even the Mechanic Lord tried to slash with his knife, but the weird yin and yang two ways directly dispelled his attack.

After a fruitless blow, seeing that the opponent was only at the ninth level of cultivation, the Mechanic Master ignored him at that time.

Thinking of this moment, the Mechanic Master pondered slightly, "Killing the Lord of the Black and White Houses is indeed a bit tricky. It is impossible for him to kill the True God, but it is also very difficult for us to kill him. The Yin and Yang Taos are indeed the most powerful among the ancient ways. Slippery existence."

The Mechanic Lord is very familiar with many ancient materials, and he also has some understanding of the two ways of yin and yang. In short, he is a flawless tortoise shell.

The force of hitting the past will be resolved, unless the opponent is killed by force.

But the mechanical master knows his own affairs, and has various means, but when it comes to attacking, he is still a little short of the master level.

"Is it so laissez-faire?"

"So we need to be imprisoned. Seeing what they did just now, these guys don't want to go all the way with the True God of Fire. This emperor doesn't care if they are really like this or pretending to be like this, and they will be imprisoned first, and wait for the next time they fight against foreigners. All the people are sent to the front line." The Great Zhou Emperor said calmly.

"Haha! Good means, you really use everything to the extreme, and that's right, you can't waste all the power you can use to deal with foreign races."

With a loud laugh, the Mechanic Lord made a bold move, and with a slap of his big hand, all the faces of the twelve palaces suddenly changed. They only felt that the power of the surrounding space suddenly froze, and thunder rolled all over the place.

This kind of thunder force not only acts on the physical body but also acts on the soul, but it did not cause much actual damage to them, but shocked their soul into paralysis.

The master of the black and white house frowned when he noticed the attack of the mechanical master, and the black and white gun behind him was about to spin rapidly, but then he seemed to sense something, and he immediately gave up resistance and let the surrounding space quickly close to form a space cage.

The trapped Zodiac powerhouse was wrapped in dense metal chains, and the surface of the chains was attached with the power of thunder at the master level and the power of space and time at the ninth level.

Shi Yu, the lord of the Zodiac Palace with the strongest ability to escape, saw that the space behind him collapsed rapidly, and wanted to forcibly untie this layer of chains, but the next moment his figure reappeared in place, and the time channel failed to open.

Shi Yu was originally only an eighth-order time dao, and his vitality was seriously injured because of his battle with Jian Wushen before, and now he barely recovered to the eighth-order, but how can he compete with the ninth-order time-space dao dominated by machines.

Soon all the Zodiac powerhouses were packed and compressed into a translucent space cage by the mechanical master. He casually put this space cage directly into the high-dimensional prison specially built by the super-dimensional kingdom of God.

Where is the true **** Zimei, but he has been alone for a long time.

"Then, the next one is True God Huo Xing, I hope he won't be frightened!" The Great Zhou Emperor and the Mechanic Master looked at each other and smiled, and rushed into the ruins together first.

At this time, True God Huo Xing had already lost his position. With the loss of contact with hundreds of ancient corpses, he was already stunned, followed by fear.

"How? What the **** happened? How come everyone lost contact?"

He didn't know what happened to the outside world. He controlled those ancient corpses before, but that didn't mean he could share the vision of those ancient corpses. He could only give simple instructions to them.

At this time, all the messages fed back by Tiger Talisman were out of contact, and they still lost control in an instant.

This phenomenon really made Huo Xing Zhenshen confused and shocked.

"What should I do? What should I do? The method, the method is right, I still have the hole card, as long as I use that thing..." Huo Xing Zhenshen seemed to have thought of something, and a hint of joy appeared on his pale face again, and then Some worries.

"With the speed at which they rushed in, it's too late. By the way, the true **** of the sky, he will help me block them, there is still time, there is still time!"

At this time, the True God of Huoxing was like a nervous old man on the verge of death. He pulled out the tiger charm-shaped Eastern Emperor Token from the groove, and then quickly flew towards the deeper part of the ruins. Perhaps it was because of consumption. Too big, now his escape speed is far slower than before.

What he didn't know was that in a space not far away, a pair of eyes seemed to be watching him through the space.

The ruins of this battlefield were originally supposed to be the dojo of a certain great power, that is, Donghuang Taiyi. There are broken spaces everywhere, and there are many damaged buildings floating in disorder.

True God Huo Xing turned into a ray of flame and quickly went to the innermost place, passing through the densely packed chaotic two-dimensional buildings, and finally appeared a small innermost small plane that was still well preserved in his vision.

The small plane was small, and there seemed to be some force around it that repelled other space fragments that were suspended in disorder, causing the area around the small plane to be empty.

True God Huo Xing quickly approached the surroundings of the small plane, and immediately displayed the Eastern Emperor Token in his hand, dripping a drop of his own blood on it, and the invisible force of isolation disappeared immediately.

True God Huo Xing quickly entered it, and soon he appeared in the small plane.

This small plane seems to be very different from the floating and chaotic planes above. The original plants, flowers and plants on the broken planes above have long since withered and withered.

And the small plane in front of him, the total area is like a small island with a diameter of no more than 10,000 meters, but the lush grass and various flowers and trees on the ground still retain the appearance hundreds of millions of years ago.

After countless years, these ancient flowers and trees contain extremely pure energy, and these flowers and plants are not like ordinary plants.

However, True God Huo Xing didn't even look at these things. These plants and trees cultivated for hundreds of millions of years were treasures for those below the True God level, but in his eyes they were just rubbish.

His eyes always fell on a somewhat exquisite and magnificent palace in the distance.

This palace that still retains its original appearance after hundreds of millions of years seems to contain a majestic coercion, which is daunting, even if the true **** of fire moves in, the more difficult it is to walk.

This should be the coercion released by a treasure that contained his own martial arts will left in the temple by a certain power.

True God Fire Xing knew that this was his father's coercion.

"It's really scary. The inner scene level just makes me breathless because of the coercion, and there is also the Eastern Emperor's Order. No wonder I couldn't get closer to 100 meters no matter how I tried before."

True God Huo Xing sighed secretly, he came here to explore tens of thousands of times, that is, some time ago, he discovered that the Eastern Emperor's Order could weaken the coercion here, so he had the courage to re-enter here.

"Treasure! There must be a treasure left by my father inside! There is a treasure left by a strong interior scene!"

True God Huo Xing was extremely excited, and his pace began to speed up, even though he was extremely uncomfortable, he was still speeding up.

He was actually very dissatisfied with his father, saying that he was the heir of this inner scene-level power.

But from the beginning to the the number of times he met the other party did not exceed five times.

Compared to his unknown young son, those elder brothers who were born hundreds of millions of years before him are more valued by his father, because they are all famous true gods and even rulers, and they can follow their father to fight in all directions.

And he was only a half-god back then, and he stepped into the true **** realm only after the catastrophe.

"Heh! So what if you didn't value me back then? Those heirs who were valued by you are gone now. In the end, these inheritances of yours are not all mine! Hahaha!"

Thinking of this, True God Huo Xing couldn't help laughing wildly.

At this time, he had already arrived in the hall. The situation in the hall was very clean and tidy. There were many futons on the floor, which should be where those subordinates or disciples who followed his father used to listen to training.

On the innermost high platform, there is a larger futon, and behind the futon are three exquisite and elegant shelves that place three things respectively.

And in the middle is a scroll, and the martial arts coercion is issued from it.

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