Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1105: Temple of Destroyer (6) You can try more, the core of Time Tao is a loan! "


"Yes!" Taoist Wuwei laughed, "Borrowing future attacks, you just borrowed multiple future space abilities to continuously inflict damage on these ancient corpses, so as to achieve the effect of multiple compound strikes in an instant. You can also use future attacks Space Dao, it is also feasible to directly borrow the space ability of the True God Realm."

Jiang Heng is quite clear about this, knowing that Time Dao has the ability to borrow the future body and the past body to present the body, which is also a kind of borrowing.

It’s just that Jiang Heng mentioned from Wuwei Taoist before that there are many hidden dangers in the three-body method. If the body was killed in the past and the future body, and finally the body is also beheaded now, then in the end the body will die and the body will disappear. Even if only one body is lost, the attenuation of strength is huge.

In contrast, borrowing future abilities to oneself has the least side effects, but the most obvious improvement.

However, the side effects are not small, one is that it consumes a lot of energy, and the other is that there will be a period of time in the future when the power of the law will suddenly lose part of it. If a part of the law is suddenly lost during the battle, the impact will not be small, but compared to the three body method, this is considered to have the least side effect.

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng's figure was quickly swallowed by the space, and the next moment he came to a real god-level ancient corpse.

The ancient corpse was momentarily confused by the sudden appearance of the enemy, and quickly killed it aggressively.

But Jiang Heng made a big move, and an invisible force of space quickly floated out of his palm. The next moment, the surrounding space appeared as if broken glass textures, and the ancient corpse was frozen in place. Immediately afterwards, his divine body followed the space. Fragmentation presents a fragmented stance.

At this moment, Jiang Heng's senses are very subtle, which is the same as before using Xing Tian's power to step into the true **** level or even the master level to display the space.

At that time, he was more of a superficial use of the Dao, with Xing Tian's power as a bridge in the middle, as if he couldn't see clearly through a layer of veil.

But at this time, in his senses, the person in front of him seemed to become a plane, and he looked down at the other party as if standing in another dimension, and he could have a panoramic view of the other party.

"what is this?"

"How does it feel after mastering the complete Dao? Especially the Dao of Space, when you master the Dao of Space, everything is flat to you. They are people or things in the painting, but you are the person outside the painting, you are now The state of jumping out.

The space of your own body is the only one, which is separated from this universe. Right now, this universe looks like a huge picture scroll to you, and you can change some things at will. "

Taoist Wuwei spoke in a somewhat complacent tone.

Jiang Heng does have this kind of feeling right now, it is mysterious and unusual, and he has a feeling of detachment from everything, as if he can control the life and death of the person in front of him at will with a single thought.

With a light swipe of the palm, the space where the ancient corpse was located disappeared, as if it had been erased.

But Jiang Heng knew very well that it was as if everything in this space had been forcibly separated from this universe and exiled to a foreign domain.

"this is...."

"The regular method of the Space Dao True God, exile in the void! This move must be used with caution, because this ancient corpse has no sanity, and it is impossible for you to exile the other party if you are in the same state.

Because the true God Realm who has mastered a Dao is the only one in this universe, just like they have an anchor, firmly nailed to this universe. Even exile in the void can't do it.

However, the means of the true **** realm are not limited to these, there are also space cages, exile in time and space, and even mastering the ability to bring people back from the dead! "Wuwei Taoist seems to be taking advantage of the current battle to start teaching experience.

Jiang Heng listened earnestly, and he didn't care about the fighting environment right now. While attacking the enemy, he said, "Master, you said resurrection from the dead? How can this be done?"

"Of course you can't do it now, you have to step into the interior scene, don't be so ambitious, kid!"

Taoist Wuwei couldn't help shouting, "Step into the inner scene, and only then can you form a universe of your own to fight against the will of this universe. At that time, you can temporarily suppress the power of this universe with your own inner universe, and at the same time use the Tao of Time to catch people from the long river of time." That’s it. It’s like fishing things out of the river, following the long river of time of a dead person, fishing for a person who used to be, and this is resurrection from the dead.”

"Then what method can I use now?" Jiang Heng nodded, somewhat understanding.

"It's too much, why don't you want to use your brain more? The time road has time and space exile, forward and reverse time, time and long river interception, etc. The space road has space cages, space exile, space cutting, space collapse, compression etc...."

Taoist Wuwei said a lot, and Jiang Heng was dizzy from hearing it, but he kept trying various methods, and now is a good time to test.

Soon Jiang Heng moved in front of an ancient corpse again, and the space and time force behind him collapsed and condensed again.

The ancient corpse was a little dazed, and was a little taken aback by the strange enemy that suddenly appeared in front of him, but soon the charm of the ancient corpse began to fade rapidly.

The source of the power of these ancient corpses is not themselves, but the energy brought by the Huoxing True God's activation of the Tiger Talisman. The energy dispersed in each ancient corpse is not much left.

With Jiang Heng's slap at this moment, the opponent's body feels like decades have passed in an instant.

In just a few decades, the charm in this ancient corpse dissipated in an instant, and the eyes closed again, and the body and limbs drooped weakly, like a shutdown.

"It's the most labor-saving method to deal with these ancient corpses, but now the opportunity is much rarer and we can try other methods."

Jiang Heng was not overly pleased with this method of restraining the ancient corpse. What is more important now is to experiment with the power of space and time.

Constantly moving, Jiang Heng is like a firefighter, suddenly appearing and disappearing, each time defeating the enemy in an instant.

Space cutting, space collapse, space compression, space black hole, multi-dimensional compression, space cage. Various spatial means appeared in Jiang Heng's hands one after another, and sometimes one move couldn't solve the enemy, so he used two moves, or combined use of multiple moves.

At the same time, the way of time is also tried one after another, such as forward and reverse time, and time river interception, time beam, time reincarnation, time stagnation and so on.

However, what makes Jiang Heng a little regretful is that the relevant methods used to face these ancient corpses for a long time are really useless.

The long river of time pays attention to entering the opponent's long river of time to chase the opponent's past to intercept and kill, or to enter multiple time nodes in the future to attack as before, so as to superimpose to an instant and cause extremely terrible lethality.

The former is useless to the other party. The ghost knows how long these ancient corpses have existed, and how far the past has to be traced. With Jiang Heng's current understanding of time, such a long time travel is enough for him to get lost in it.

The latter is not bad, Jiang Heng thinks this move is very useful, but consumes a lot.

It is nothing more than entering multiple time nodes to carry out hundreds of millions of attacks, and then superimposed and exploded in an instant. Entering so many time nodes and attacking it countless times at the same time, this consumes too much.

Jiang Heng only used it as a trump card.

And with the constant attempts to use various means of time and space, Jiang Heng's understanding of the two ways of time and space has improved a lot.

"It's kind of like that. After you really step into the real **** realm, you can combine the two realms of time and space. At that time, you will still be in the first echelon even if you were in the master realm." Wuwei Taoist said very It is certain.

And Jiang Heng's continuous raids and killings also led to some changes in the battlefield pattern, and the one-sided crushing gradually appeared to be barely able to compete.

Previously, under Jiang Hengna's continuous raids and killings, there were as many as 50 real god-level ancient corpses that were restrained by him.

"Who is this kid? Could it be that the Great Zhou Emperor is your trump card? The use of time and space is still quite deep!" The mechanical master said in surprise.

With his eyes, he could naturally see Jiang Heng's progress. At first, his use of the two ways of time and space was still superficial, but he quickly became proficient.

And to a certain extent, he is even more powerful than him now, which makes the mechanical master a little bit astonished. He has also studied time and space for a long time.

He suspected that this kid should have used it very deeply, and he should have been hiding his clumsiness at first.

"He is my son-in-law, Jiang Heng. It's not bad." The Great Zhou Emperor smiled modestly, but the curvature of the corner of his mouth couldn't be concealed.

After all, it is very good for the son-in-law to give him a good face as the father-in-law.

However, he couldn't help but mutter in his heart, "What's wrong with this, if you see his performance that day, you may be even more surprised."

Jiang Heng's performance is indeed outstanding, but he can only deal with ordinary true god-level ancient corpses, some true **** peak ancient corpses, and even master-level ancient corpses.

Without him, he is a ninth-level powerhouse, so it is very inappropriate to mix with the true god-level battle. Is it polite to mix with the master-level battle?

Of course, it was also because he was really unable to do what he wanted. After using various methods to restrain fifty real god-level ancient corpses, Jiang Heng also felt that the law was exhausted at this moment.

"It's no good, no matter what, I can't borrow it anymore. Master, if I continue to borrow future abilities like this, there won't be too much backlash, right?"

Panting for breath, Jiang Heng moved to a fairly quiet place. The future true god-level methods he just borrowed were too many. Now that the power of time has been exhausted, naturally he can't even borrow them.

It stands to reason that there is no need to borrow the power of law, but this has to talk about the mechanism of time, the law of time itself is one aspect, and the law of time borrowed is a temporary law.

Each borrowing will consume its own time law, and the borrowed law will be used when facing the enemy.

This is equivalent to two buckets, the water in one bucket is your own, and the water in the other bucket is borrowed by you. Every time you borrow, you will pay a little of your own water to go out, and your bucket will be empty after borrowing many times.

"Hehe, don't worry, anyway, what you are using now is the law of your future, as long as you don't scold your mother for it in the future, it will be fine." Taoist Wuwei said with a smile.

He had done this before, and he had tasted the bitter fruit after stepping into the realm of true gods. When fighting with others, he lost a lot of the law of suddenness, and his law was exhausted before the end of a fight.

If it wasn't a contest between friends at that time, I'm afraid it would have fallen.

Hearing that he was fine, Jiang Heng felt relieved. As for whether his future self would scold his mother, he didn't bother to care about it. At that time, what business did he have to do with me?

"Let's stop here!"

At this moment, a majestic and majestic voice rang out, and everyone was a little surprised.

I saw the surrounding vision flicker, followed by the original starry sky disappearing.

"What's going on? Why can't I feel the law?"

"The law disappeared?!"

Everyone was shocked, they couldn't feel the slightest law of themselves, and they couldn't feel the power of the law of the great way all the time.

In the main universe, all demigod-level powerhouses can basically feel the laws between heaven and earth, and feel the laws related to themselves. Only in this way can they invoke the power of laws.

However, at this moment, everyone seems to have been blocked from perception suddenly. At this moment, they are like domain masters who have lost their laws.

No! It is worse than some domain master-level powerhouses, because domain master-level powerhouses can use some power of law anyway.

"There is a physical body here, but what kind of physical body is this? Why is it different from what we usually feel? Why can't my physical body be driven to resonate?"

Those who have a strong physical body are also confused. There is only a physical body around them, but this physical body is completely different from what they usually feel.

We must know that the source of the physical body they felt in the past came from the strongest man at the beginning of the universe, which is equivalent to the source of all the strong physical body of the main universe is the long river of physical body left by the strongest.

But what the **** is it now? This is not the avenue of law of the most powerful man.

"Could it be that we have left the original universe? But...but how is this possible? Who has this ability?"

Most of the strong people present have never seen this method before, and now they are completely dumbfounded.

"Inner view? This is an inner view method. We have entered the inner universe of a certain inner viewer?" The Mechanic Master seemed to have noticed something.

He is at the master level, and he is good at analyzing everything. After the initial shock, he soon noticed something strange.

His gaze quickly fell on the Great Zhou Emperor who was not far away. He was in deep thought, narrowed his eyes slightly, and immediately said loudly: "But Senior Martial God? I congratulate Senior Martial God for stepping into the interior scene!"


All the Great Zhou Empire, the Ultra-Dimensional Divine Kingdom, and even the temples came to support at this time, and the Zodiac Palace and their powerful men who were also included in this universe were also shocked.

As for those ancient corpses, after entering the inner universe at this time, it was like puppets who suddenly lost the control signal, and all actions stopped.

"His Majesty the Valkyrie stepped into the interior scene?"

"Interior scene? How is this You can still step into the interior scene in this world?" It was Snow God who said this, and she was the most horrified.

But she couldn't help but not believe the situation before her.

"It's indeed an interior scene, but it's a bit different, a half-step interior scene?" Snow God whispered slightly.

Following the clamor of the crowd, the figure of the Valkyrie appeared immediately, but at this time, the Valkyrie was as majestic as a universe in the eyes of everyone.

It seems that the whole world is part of the Martial God, and if the other party makes a slight thought, they will be crushed to death.

"Half-step interior view, how can this world still step into half-step interior view?" Taoist Wuwei's voice sounded in Jiang Heng's mind.

"Perhaps it's because the Martial God has been saving for many years, and he has accumulated a lot," Jiang Heng replied casually without feeling anything.

"How can it be so simple? If you practice normally, not to mention hundreds of millions of years of accumulation, even billions of years and tens of billions of years of accumulation, it is impossible to step into the half-step interior scene. This martial **** should have found some kind of opportunity, maybe he found a complete body. The incomplete inner universe of a strong person. It is like the inner universe of a teacher."

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