Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1104: Temple of Destroyer (5) Are you looking for me? Ao Yue. "

A loud voice frightened Ao Yue's soul, and he raised his head in amazement, and suddenly shrank.

"Inside...inside view? are half-step inside view!"

Ao Yue was terrified. He found that he was completely cut off from the outside world, and the laws and avenues around him were very strange. He couldn't feel other avenues, only the pure physical avenue.

This feeling is so familiar, it's clearly the method of the inner-level powerhouse, but it's different from the real inner-level powerhouse.

He used to be the mount of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, so he had seen interior-level methods.

"You are the mount under Donghuang Taiyi's command. I think you know the interior-level means. Tell me, what is the difference between this seat and your master's means?" The majestic voice seemed to reveal some interest.

Ao Yue was annoyed in his heart, he repulsed others to say that he was a mount, and that he was the mount of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, which was a shame.

Uh, there is no way, the other party is a half-step interior scene.

Not to mention his current decline in strength, even at his peak, he couldn't help but let it be manipulated.

"The real internal scene level powerhouse has an extremely stable inner universe, and has at least a thousand other incomplete avenues. You are far behind. You seem to completely isolate the power of my law here, making it impossible for me to use it A little power of law, but as long as I am at the peak strength, you can't hold me back for long!"

Ao Yue said with a look of contempt.

"Is that so? It looks like I'm on the right track. But don't leave, do things for me."

"Do things? Who are you!" Ao Yue was annoyed, and told me to do things, did you really think that I, Ao Yue, had no temper?


As soon as the voice fell, a huge face slowly emerged. In the inner universe where the Valkyrie is not perfect, in Ao Yue's eyes, this Valkyrie is like a universe, extremely huge.

"You are not any interior scene expert I have ever seen, you are not from my generation! You are a new interior scene expert? But... how is this possible?"

Ao Yue's face was full of disbelief. Although he had just been revived, this resurrection also found that this universe is not as good as before, and the incompleteness and thinness of the laws make him very uncomfortable.

Even he is not very hopeful about whether he can recover the strength of the dominator level in the future.

But a half-step interior scene suddenly appeared, and it was a new half-step interior scene after the last catastrophe, which is outrageous.

"Impossible! It's impossible for this world to give birth to a half-step inner scene. How did you do it?!" Ao Yue asked loudly.

"Hehe, Ao Yue, you were used to the environment where the laws of heaven and earth are extremely strong, but I am also used to the environment where the laws of heaven and earth are extremely thin, so is it strange to step into the inner scene half a step?"

Martial God chuckled, his words were of course more exaggerated, in fact he had paid a lot for stepping into the interior scene.

"What do you want me to do for you?" Ao Yue asked vigilantly.

He didn't understand what the new half-step interior scene was trying to do.

"Serve for me, for this universe, and resist the catastrophe!" The Valkyrie spoke concisely, but these words made Ao Yue look frightened.

"'re crazy, it's okay to serve you, but resisting the catastrophe makes me face those foreigners again, I won't do it!"

What a joke, he, Ao Yue, was finally resurrected by the coincidence of the right time, place and people, and now let him face those foreigners, it's crazy.

"Your Excellency, can you tell me how many half-step internal scenes you have now, are there still internal scene-level powerhouses?"

Valkyrie shook his head, "There is no interior scene, and there is only me in the half-step interior scene."

"Just like that, what are you talking about to resist the catastrophe! Let me see that before they come in, we should eat and drink, and you are now a half-step inside scene, taking some creatures from this world to leave this universe to wander It's not impossible to go outside." Ao Yue said very simply.

He knew what was going on in that catastrophe back then. Back then, so many inner-level powers, half-step inner-level powers couldn't stop the group of lunatics, and now they are head-to-head with the group of lunatics.

Valkyrie was silent for a while before shaking his head and said, "It is not advisable to wander in the outer world. We are rootless people who leave this universe, and I am not a real inner-level powerhouse. If I wander outside for a long time, my rules will continue to pass away until I get to the inner world." The universe completely collapsed.

And now the Outlands are all foreigners, and they cannot escape. "

"Then don't think about anything, wait to die, I don't want to face them again." Ao Yue said directly.

"You don't have to face them, but I can kill you right now!"

"Uh, you really want to do this? Do you not know what Ben Tianlong saw back then?" Ao Yue said helplessly.

"Of course I know what you saw. It's nothing more than the fall of the gods, the great powers of the inner scene died one after another, and the law of the great way fell."

"You know it's still the case? Let me tell you like this. It's useless. It can be blocked for a while, but it can't be blocked for a lifetime." Ao Yue is too lazy to talk. He is really afraid, and he doesn't want to experience that kind of hopelessness again. to despair.

"But, if you don't work hard and try, how can you know you can't stop it?" The Martial God said calmly.

"I have worked hard before, and those great interior scene experts also worked hard back then, but now? Who is still alive among them? It's good luck that I can be resurrected." Ao Yue rolled her eyes and shook her head.

He was very speechless about this unfamiliar half-step interior scene. Are all the strong people in this era so naive?

"Hehe. I never thought that I could step into the half-step interior scene before. You also said that it is impossible to step into the half-step interior scene in this era. How do you say it now?"

"'s just your luck." Ao Yue argued.

"Then why don't you believe that we are lucky in this catastrophe?" Martial God said with a smile.

"This... oh, senior, your realm is higher than mine, I call you senior, you said that you are half-step interior, why bother to embarrass me, a small true god? I can't help you with my current strength What's the matter?" Ao Yue was about to collapse, if he was really dragged to fight with foreigners, he might as well not be resurrected.

The Martial God had expected the little dragon's reaction, and said with a smile, "I was not interested in you at first, but after hearing that you are a great day dragon, I became interested in you, no, I am very interested."

"Ah? You guys won't... you won't have anything special..." Ao Yue felt a little bad, and shrank back.

Martial God directly ignored Ao Yue's reaction, and said with a smile. "Dari Tianlong, the son of the primordial **** Zulong, should I call you the crown prince?"

" did you know that!" Ao Yue narrowed her eyes slightly.

"The original Zulong, the original Yuanfeng, and the first unicorn were the first batch of original gods at the same time. The three of them fought and caused turmoil in this universe in the earliest years. At that time, the power of the law contained in these three was absolutely unimaginable. of.

Later, all three of them died. I don't know the details, but I know that the bodies of the three of them are still intact.

Especially Zulong!

So now I want to find the place where the ancestral dragon fell. Over the years, I have spent my time searching for it. I have entered countless ancient ruins to find clues, but I still can't find it.

But so much hard work is not in vain. At least I got a clue. If I want to find the place where the ancestor dragon fell, I must first find the son of the ancestor dragon.

For this reason, I am still confused about who is the son of the ancestor dragon, even if it is to find information about you, the son of the ancestor dragon, I will spend tens of millions of years. Now I can be sure that you must have the plane coordinates of the Land of the Fallen Dragon and even the key to open the Land of the Fallen! "

Talking about it, the Martial God looked at Ao Yue with a smile, and Ao Yue was very uncomfortable.

Compared with these discomforts, Ao Yue's heart has already set off monstrous waves.

"I don't know where you found the gossip, it's just nonsense!" Ao Yue sneered.

"It doesn't matter whether you admit it or not. I probably know your intentions. You want to rely on the legacy of the Fallen Land to return to the peak, and even step into the half-step interior scene or even the interior scene!"

"Ridiculous!" Ao Yue sneered.

"It seems that you don't want to say it, that's okay, you can't help it."

As soon as the words were finished, before Ao Yue could speak again, the Valkyrie grasped his big hand, and in an instant, the small universe was condensed into one point, and the starry sky of the main universe was restored around him.

The figure and appearance of the Valkyrie are revealed, his figure has not changed much from the beginning to the end, and it is not huge at all, but he is holding a drop of crystal transparent beads in his hand, which seems to contain a universe.

"There are too many thoughts, and he needs to be sharpened."

Putting away the transparent beads, Martial God looked indifferent, this was just a surprise. He didn't have much expectations for the legacy of Zulong, but luckily, he actually met the descendants of Zulong.

At the same time, the battle below is already in full swing, but it can be clearly seen that the Chaowei Kingdom of the Great Zhou is already in retreat.

Although these revived ancient corpses were not living people, they could not use many means during their lifetime, but with the advantage of numbers, they only gained the upper hand in a short period of time.

"Emperor Zhou, take out all the cards you have left. At this time, we can only give up this mission." The mechanical master said anxiously.

He can't handle it anymore.

At this time, the first thing to bear the brunt was that he, a master-level powerhouse, was treated specially, and nearly five master-level ancient corpses attacked him together. He is not a powerful ruler in the first place, if it is not for the various methods, I am afraid that he can only retreat in a hurry at this time.

Hearing that the Great Zhou Emperor just said nothing, he wanted to use his hole cards, but this hole card was not up to him to decide.

The situation on his side is also not good. Ten true god-level powerhouses and one master-level ancient corpse oppressed him inhumanely, that is to say, his physical body is strong and he can resist beating, otherwise he would have burped.

In addition, Snow God and a group of god-level true god-level mechanical war beasts also received similar treatment, and they were all in a state of embarrassment, especially the god-level and mechanical war beasts lost to participate in the battle, and several of them had been blown up one after another.

Jiang Heng's situation is not good at the moment, this group of damned guys can't absorb the source of the law, fighting with these ghosts is like a rootless duckling, and his Xingtian power can't be used much at all.

That is to say, Xing Tian's power can increase his strength according to the intensity of the nearby battlefield, barely making Jiang Heng's current strength reach the level of a true god, and in the case of fighting and retreating, relying on the particularity of time and space, he is still safe and sound.

"Master, the power of Xingtian has little effect on these ancient corpses, is there a way to break the situation?" Jiang Heng said quickly.

At this time, he was facing three ancient corpses in the Real God Realm. Although the three ancient corpses had no consciousness of living beings, Jiang Heng was a little flustered when they joined forces with the physical body of the True God Realm and the laws comparable to those in life.

And he is still in a relatively good condition, he can easily move and dodge with the help of space.

He could actually move these ancient corpses to other places in the universe, but this kind of non-directional movement can easily make these uncontrollable guys move to densely populated areas, and the trouble will be even greater at that time.

"Use your brain more and think about how to use the Tao of Time and the Tao of Space. How come these two top avenues have become so mediocre in your hands?" Taoist Wuwei was speechless. The ninth-level realm has already beheaded several people, so there is no need to be so troublesome.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng was slightly taken aback, a little embarrassed, his use of these two techniques was indeed very superficial, and the first thing he thought of every time he made a move was to force his anus.

"Then try!"

Jiang Heng was engrossed, recalling the Shi Yu he had seen before, and imagining the means he used the Time Dao.

Although Shi Yu's use of the Tao of Time is not very powerful, it is definitely better than himself.

Behind the time ring quickly collapsed, and within hundreds of meters, it was quickly shrouded in gray light. This time, Jiang Heng did not perform simple time acceleration and time restraint.

Instead, the figure quickly disappeared into the long river of time.

At the same time, these ancient corpses fell into confusion, and the sudden disappearance of the target caused them to fall into a short pause.

But then a bloodstain appeared on their bodies, and the ancient corpses were unmoved, but in the next instant tens of millions of attacks burst out one after another.

Countless dense space cuts made the smallest limbs of these ancient corpses in a short Several ancient corpses turned into cosmic dust before they could react.

These ancient corpses had only remnant souls left, and when the physical body was annihilated, the remnant souls would lose support, and soon the remnant souls would also be annihilated and dissipated.

"Hehe, that's it. It's very easy for Time Dao to deal with these guys." Taoist Wuwei praised with a smile.

Jiang Heng's figure reappeared, and at this time his face was slightly pale, and he said with a wry smile, "Master, what you said is nice, this method consumes a lot of money, and if I do it a few more times, I estimate that the time reserve of the ninth-level peak level will be consumed." It's spotless."

This trick is not too fancy, it is to pull the three ancient corpses into a specific time flow in an instant, and Jiang Heng can attack them in different time dimensions, and then detonate them in an instant.

This requires a deep understanding of the dimension of the long river of time, as well as a rich background in the Dao of Time itself, which is equivalent to completing hundreds of millions of attacks in an instant, and the difficulty can be imagined.

"Try again, your move is not bad against this kind of stupid ancient corpse, but it's still worse if you want to pull a truly conscious true **** level, unless you really step into the true **** level."

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