Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1103: Temple of Destroyer (4) With the corpses of the ancient gods waking up one after another, the entire sleeping ruins seemed to be waking up, and there were bursts of roaring filial piety in the void.

The corpses were connected by invisible red silk threads centered on Dianjiangtai. Immediately afterwards, these corpses got up and gathered together as if they were in a queue, ready to listen to the general's military order.

"Eh...not...Your Excellency Donghuang, you...who are you?"

One of the corpses made an incoherent sound, as if he seemed a little dull because he hadn't spoken for a long time.

"The breath is very similar to His Excellency Donghuang, but it's not, you... Are you the heir of His Excellency Donghuang?"

Someone spoke again. Although these corpses were manipulated by the True God of Fire, some of their own sanity seemed to remain.

"That's right! My father is the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and this is the Tiger Talisman. You must listen to my orders. Now the God orders you to wipe out those rebels outside!"

True God Huoxing laughed, this is where his confidence lies, driven by so many master-level true god-level powerhouses, why worry that he can't unify this universe?

He has been looking forward to this day for too long, so he doesn't need to worry about it today, let those guys see how powerful he is.

Hearing this command, the expressions on the faces of these corpses of the gods returned to calm, as if they had returned to a sluggish look, and immediately flew upwards in unison.

"Keep working harder, the crack is getting bigger and bigger, just a few more strokes will break through this space!" The Mechanic Master said in a deep voice, they were wasting too much time here, and he faintly felt something was wrong.

"Break him in one go!"

The Great Zhou Emperor also took a breath of strength.

Hearing the words, everyone also exerted their strength together, booming! Boom boom boom!

In one breath, everyone swung dozens of joint blows with all their strength, and with the sound of kacha kacha, the entire space was completely opened.

"not good!"

It's just that everyone was not ready to enter yet, and the Mechanic Master seemed to feel something, and his expression suddenly changed.

Everyone also felt a dense and huge aura gushing out from the inside, and everyone quickly retreated to form a counter formation. At the same time, one after another silhouettes also flew out from the inside, more and more figures, until nearly three hundred Many existences above the true **** level came into view.

Dozens are okay, but more than 300 breaths of true **** level and above are suppressed, and everyone feels that they are breathing.

"It's a big trouble, True God Huo Xing has awakened those corpses!" The Mechanic Master looked ugly, and the last thing he wanted to see happened.

"You decide, Great Zhou Emperor, what should we do now?" The Mechanic Master said and looked at Great Zhou Emperor. He always felt that Great Zhou still had some tricks that he hadn't shown, so he deliberately asked.

The Great Zhou Emperor also looked hesitant at this time, this Huo Xing True God is too ignorant of martial arts, and made such a commotion without saying a word.

Is it refundable?

It is impossible to retreat without hitting once, let alone...

"Fight! Let's fight first, let's see if we can't win!" The Great Zhou Emperor gritted his teeth.

"Yeah." Hearing that the mechanical master didn't say anything, he is in the master state and has a ninth-level space path companion, and it is easy to escape.

"Who are you? Divine Court? The origin of all things, or the stars?" At this time, a corpse of a **** who should have been at the peak of the Dominator level before his death, but now only at the Dominant level, turned his head stiffly and looked at the people present. These unfamiliar enemies in front of them are very confused.

"These guys still have some memories of their lives?" The Great Zhou Emperor was a little surprised.

"These are at the master level and the true **** level anyway. In addition, the group of people in the council of the ancients studied all kinds of things. They are all old monsters. Maybe some special methods have preserved some memories."

The mechanical master analyzed that this kind of method is similar to him, which is nothing more than data backup of memory. It can be said that as long as his entire super-dimensional kingdom is not destroyed, then he is equivalent to immortality.

And the group of people in front of them may have integrated part of their memories into their physical bodies, the principle is similar, but it is far worse than his data backup.

The memories these people retain may be incomplete.

"Who the **** are you? People from which faction? The catastrophe is over?" The corpse of the master who was entangled in thunder said again. It seemed that he was talking more and more, and this guy's speech became more and more fluent.

"The catastrophe has not yet passed, and it is now the second catastrophe. As for the stars, the court of God, the source of all things that you mentioned, senior, and even the council of the ancients you were in, they have long since disappeared in the last catastrophe. Hundreds of millions of years!"

The Great Zhou Emperor's eyes flickered, and he decided to communicate with these corpses.

"Hundreds of millions of years? It no longer exists? The second catastrophe?"

Hearing these thunder-covered corpses of the gods fell into a deeper level of confusion, these situations were somewhat beyond his imagination, or even if he was still alive, he would be silent for a long time at this time.

"Then who are you? You give me the impression that you are very weak. Are you the existence that grew up in our realm?" He continued to ask, quite inquisitive.

"This seat is the Great Zhou Emperor, this one is the master of machinery, and they all grew up after the catastrophe of your seniors. As for the weak you said, hehe, maybe." The face of the Great Zhou Emperor It's a bit embarrassing, he doesn't deny that the group of them is indeed weak against the group of the ancient gods, but it would be embarrassing for you to say it so bluntly.

"You are the Dao of the flesh body, and you have the shadow of the group of people who return to the source of all things, but you are too weak, and you can only be regarded as mediocre in your foundation back then. And you, your Dao is very special. You are about the same guy, I forgot who it is."

The man seemed to have been asleep for too long, and he couldn't help rambling.

"Then who are you, senior?" The Great Zhou Emperor couldn't bear the somewhat hurtful posture of this guy, and said dissatisfied.

"Me? I...I seem to be called...By the way, I am Da Ri Tian Long Ao Yue!"

The man's eyes were a little confused at first, but gradually brightened as he spoke.

"Da Ri Tian Long Ao Yue? Who is this person?" Da Zhou Emperor was puzzled.

"This person is Donghuang Taiyi's landline back then. It originally belonged to a descendant of a certain original god, and was later surrendered by Donghuang Taiyi." The master of the machine still read ancient books, and immediately checked him into his seat.

"How is the strength?"

"The first echelon of the master class exists, second only to one of the strongest people at the interior class, be careful." The mechanical master continued.

In fact, the Mechanic Master was right in reminding him. At this time, the eyes of the Great Ritian Dragon Ao Yue became brighter, and the invisible fiery thread that originally pulled him began to break a little bit at this moment.


At the same time, the true **** Huoxing in the ruins was stunned, what's going on?

"How could it be? One of them is about to escape the control of the Tiger Talisman. How could this be? Isn't he afraid of losing the energy supply of the Tiger Talisman and falling into a deep sleep again?" True God Huo Xing couldn't understand this kind of operation at all.

But he was also helpless, not knowing at all that he had to continue to inject law energy into the tiger talisman to strengthen his control over the corpses.

The invisible fiery red silk thread became much thicker again, and began to tightly wrap around the Great Ritian Dragon Ao Yue, but this Ao Yue didn't know what happened, his whole body became more irritable with thunder, not only that, his whole body was filled with a thick layer of true water .

His body changed little by little, the original human form no longer existed, a tail grew from the tail, a pair of horns grew from the top of the head, and a layer of fine scales quickly covered his body.

At the same time, his body began to swell rapidly, and in just an instant he turned into a huge ferocious dragon with teeth and claws, roaring.

"I'm Ao Yue! I'm the Great Ritian Dragon. The Eastern Emperor Taiyi was nothing more than that, but you are just his heir and dare to dominate me?!"

He roared angrily, and the deafening dragon chant made people's souls shake.

"Shall we make a move?"

Seeing this sudden scene, the Mechanic Master and the Great Zhou Emperor were a little confused. This corpse could still cause internal strife.

Or is this Ao Yue worthy of being the strongest group of people below the inner scene back then, even after so many years of ruin, the remnant soul is still so powerful.

"Master, what is the situation? Wasn't Donghuang Taiyi a master-servant relationship with Ao Yue?" Seeing this scene, Jiang Heng couldn't help but gossip.

"Hey, what kind of master and servant, do you think Ao Yue is willing? If this happened not long after the birth of the universe, he, Ao Yue, would also be born with a noble stomach. The crown prince who belonged to the strongest ethnic group in the past, has a higher status than the Eastern Emperor Taiyi." Not much worse.

As a result, his father fell in the blink of an eye, and later organizations such as the Council of the Ancients rose up. Ao Yue was overwhelmed by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and has been used by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi as a mount for billions of years. You said that you have been riding for so many years. Can you convince me?

If the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is still there, it’s all right, how can the heirs of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi dare to dominate him?”

Taoist Wuwei sighed.

Jiang Heng was dumbfounded, and for a long time it was a game between the unscrupulous boss and the unyielding workers.

To be honest, this is indeed insulting. Think about it differently. If you have been ridden by others for hundreds of millions of years, and you have to be dominated by the other party's heirs in the end, you will be damned if you can convince yourself. You can't wait to kill his whole family.

At this time, Ao Yue has this kind of mentality, he hates, he is angry! He wants to destroy everything.

The huge dragon body kept dancing and moving in the void, as if trying to get rid of something.

In fact, with his continuous resistance, the influence of that kind of restraint on him has become increasingly negligible. It can only be said that Ao Yue is really good.

That Tiger Talisman is one of the most important treasures of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, which belongs to the pinnacle treasure of the dominator level, and even has the ability of some inner scenes.

It's just that Donghuang Taiyi has been down for so many years, and the aura he left on the tiger charm back then has long been negligible. If Donghuang Taiyi was still with him, Ao Yue would not dare to be presumptuous, but right now he is not afraid.

Time passed by little by little, at this time the cold sweat on the forehead of True God Huo Xing had covered his cheeks, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

If he wants to convince Ao Yue, he has to keep inputting the rules, but if he goes on like this, he will definitely fall into the realm. Even if one falls to the True God Realm, it will cost even more to improve one's cultivation.

"Forget it, it's just a master-level corpse, it's nothing without him."

True God Huo Xing gritted his teeth and simply cut off the link with Ao Yue.

But with the disconnection, Ao Yue's aura began to wilt rapidly.

He was a person who had been lost for many years, and he was able to be resurrected only by the power of the tiger talisman. Now that the tiger talisman was broken, although he would not be able to fall again with the ability of his remnant soul, his aura was uncontrollably sluggish.

At this moment, the cultivation level that could still maintain the Domination Realm fell directly to the peak of the True God Realm, and in the end even the peak of the True God Realm could not be maintained, and the slide to the True God Realm was barely stopped.

"Hehe, no one wants to dominate me anymore. The secret method I practiced back then is still useful."

Feeling her own state at this moment, Ao Yue not only did not feel depressed but laughed wildly.

The people who watched were a little stunned, and Jiang Heng was also puzzled. Why is the master so happy that he fell to the true **** and almost couldn't keep the true god?

"Look at the state of his soul!" Taoist Wuwei's voice suddenly sounded, and Jiang Heng hurriedly checked the other party's soul, and couldn't help but gasped.

"Master, what is going on? He...isn't he a remnant soul?"

Jiang Heng was shocked, this guy was still a remnant soul before, but now it seems that there is still a remnant soul, it is a complete body of spirit and soul, who would believe that the other party fell hundreds of millions of years ago!

This is equivalent to the other party has been reborn,

"Hey, this is the secret method of the dragon clan. A certain primitive ancestor dragon had this ability back then. Ao Yue is considered the son of the ancestor dragon. It seems that he has inherited the secret method of the other party. I can't envy you." Taoist Wuwei said clearly. envious.

But it's just envy, and he also knows that he is not even a remnant soul now, but only a remnant.

Yi Cannian can exist for so long without relying on his physical condition, this is because he has always stayed in the inner universe, otherwise he would not last long in the outside world and would be wiped out.

"Kill them!" At this time, the True God of Fire Xing had already given the order, and in an instant, hundreds of the masters of the True God rushed towards the Super Dimensional Divine Kingdom and the Great Zhou Empire to kill them all.

Seeing this, the Great Zhou Emperor and the Mechanic Master didn't hesitate, they were just dragging their time to save money, and they didn't care about it at the moment.

It's just that the Emperor of the Great Zhou used some spiritual thoughts to observe the surrounding Ao Yue.

However, this fellow stared at the sudden outbreak of war for a moment, and then laughed loudly, "Wait, let's fight, I won't bother you when I finally regained my freedom!"

As soon as the words fell on the dragon, it turned into a bolt of thunder and dived into the void and fled away. It was unknown where it went.

Ao Yue was really excited at this, this is the long-lost freedom.

After a billion years of oppressive slavery, now that he has regained his freedom, he couldn't help but let out a loud dragon chant in the void.

Ok? !

Suddenly he felt a terrible crisis emerging, which made him stab at the dragon's spine for a moment, his body paused to look around, and his spiritual sense quickly scanned.

"Who?!" Ao Yue's face was solemn, and the original smiling face had froze at this moment, "I don't know which senior it is?"

"Ao Yue, right?"

Hearing the sound of vastness in the void, Ao Yue's complexion changed drastically, and the surrounding tens of light years suddenly turned into a thunder realm, and he was about to escape in the form of thunder.

But then his eyes widened, and he felt that no matter how he fled, he seemed to stay where he was.

No! It's not that he hasn't moved forward at all, but that his space has been covered by a big hand, and he is like a small bug swimming in the palm of others.

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