Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1102: Temple of Destruction (3)


At this moment, the entire temple trembled violently.

"Do it!"

It was almost instantly bound by an invisible force, and everyone present felt that their mobility was immediately exploited, and then their souls felt as if they had been hit hard.

The sudden blow stunned everyone present, let alone this series of actions.

The moment the **** appeared, the space on the top of the temple distorted rapidly, a huge dark space passage appeared, and several figures poured out one after another.

The first to bear the brunt is naturally the mechanical master, followed by the Great Zhou Emperor, the Snow God, and a group of god-level true gods and mechanical war beasts.

And that's all there is to it, there will be a steady stream of high-ranking powerhouses coming one after another in the follow-up.

Hundreds of high-ranking powerhouses quickly turned into streamers and flew in all directions. They threw a small formation disk in their hands and it was suspended above their heads. All the hundreds of people were like this. The next moment, a hazy large formation opened the envelope The whole temple.

As the formation was propped up, the space in the area covered by the formation began to become extremely viscous.


Seeing the Mechanic Lord let out a roar, his physique swelled inch by inch, and the metal on his body surface flew and swelled like scales, and soon turned into a metal giant with a height of 1000 feet. The giant's palm poked out from the void, and a metal saber appeared in his hand.

Holding the saber tightly in his hand, the Mechanic Master didn't hesitate at all, and slashed at the head of the True God of Fire, the blade was entwined with the power of multiple compound laws.

Time and space, thunder, machinery, wisdom!

At this moment, the master of machinery showed his true might, and the three avenues he had completely mastered were undoubtedly revealed, namely thunder, machinery, and wisdom!

Originally, his feeling was not obvious when his breath was restrained, but when his strength was fully released, he could no longer hide it.

Time and space are only at the ninth level, but driven by the master's mighty force, its explosive power is also better than the ordinary ninth level. The space time and thunder mechanical wisdom are concentrated on the surface of the sword, and the surrounding space time thunder stirs.

The Great Zhou Emperor also made a sudden move. At this moment, the two leaders did not hold back, and it was a lore from the beginning.

I saw a small golden seal appearing in the palm of his hand, and the muscles in his hand swelled, and the surging power of the real god's physical body poured in, and the next moment the small seal turned into a giant seal that was also crushed away.

Snow God, who is also in the Real God Realm, does not contain a lake, and his whole body quickly crystallizes, and the entire hall is enveloped in ice crystals, and a ferocious giant beast with snow-white hair appears behind her, and the next moment, a puff of breath comes from the mouth of the giant beast Spewing out, the extreme cold enough to freeze the soul of the true **** surged towards the true **** Huoxing.

The several god-level and mechanical war beasts of the true **** realm also shot one after another, and all the true **** realms of the two countries all launched lore methods against the true **** Huoxing for a while.

Seeing the high-ranking demigods behind this scene, they felt that the overall situation was settled.

Not to mention them, even Jiang Heng, who was left behind, almost believed that the True God Huo Xing was doomed after seeing this scene.

"You are careless! This operation will cause big trouble."

Suddenly the voice of Taoist Wuwei sounded, which made Jiang Heng feel suspicious, and was about to ask why.

After all, the current situation is already obvious, and he really can't think of any possibility for True God Huoxing to escape. Tens of thousands of special imprisoning laws and demigods all shot together to suppress the true **** of fire for a single breath, and there was a follow-up attack from the soul, which was enough to suppress the true **** of fire for about two or three breaths.

And even if True God Huo Xing has a body-protecting treasure that can withstand such an impact, he can react directly.

But Snow God's Frost Law extremely restrains the Fire Element, and in addition to the space solidification array arranged here, even if the real god-level space method is used, it is impossible to tear apart the space and move in about one or two breaths.

Ok? !

By the way, the true **** of the sky!

Mengdi Jiang Heng thought of something, quickly swept his eyes, and suddenly Tong Kong shrank.

The True God of Kong was not seen here at all. According to the original plan, in the first crackdown, apart from the True God of Fire Xing, the second was the True God of Kong. After all, if there is no restriction on this Space Dao True God, it is impossible for him to stay after running.

That is to say, as soon as he felt something was wrong, he saw the body of True God Huo Xing twisted suddenly, and the space around him began to quickly twist and collapse, and soon swallowed him up and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Boom boom boom!

The dense and terrifying true god-level dominator-level means all bombarded the area where the Huoxing True God was before, but they fell to nothing, and they moved away long ago.

"how come!"

After finishing one move, Emperor Zhou's complexion suddenly changed when he saw the situation clearly. The mechanical master also frowned, which was beyond his expectation.

"He has arranged a space transfer channel in the area in advance. The formation can block the subsequent space channel, but this kind of space channel that has been opened from the beginning cannot be restricted at all. This is a trap!" The mechanical master looked serious.

"The Emperor of the Great Zhou! There is also a mechanical master! Good! Good good! You are so good that you have united together and want to kill me?"

At this time, the extremely furious voice of True God Huoxing sounded in the hall, and he was extremely angry.

This is really a person sitting at home, and the disaster comes from the sky.

Originally, he wasn't ready to mobilize these two forces, but they came to kill him ahead of time.

As for the space passages arranged in advance, he is just in case. After all, he is also very clear that he is colluding with foreign races. On the one hand, he is worried that the foreign races will suddenly turn against him, and on the other hand, it is also to prevent the assassination of the strong in this universe.

As a result, this precautionary measure really saved lives.

At this time, the true **** Huo Xing, who was in the ancient ruins and observed the situation through the formations arranged in the temple, felt terrified.

A little later and he just disappeared. That was a real fall. With the terrifying posture before, True God Huo Xing can conclude that he will definitely die. Even if the soul can find a way to escape, the opponent who has been prepared for a long time will never give him this chance.

"The True God of Kong just thanked you!" Huo Xing looked at the True God of Kong and said with emotion.

If it weren't for the true **** of the sky, he would indeed be gone.

"We are on the same boat, saving you is also saving me." The True God of Kong, whose face was hidden under the hood, said calmly.

"Hahaha, well said, saving me is also saving you, it's true that we are on the same boat." Hearing this, Huo Xing Zhenshen was very satisfied.

Since colluding with foreigners, he has been worried recently, and now it seems that the true God of Kongzhi is trustworthy.

"Then what are you going to do next? They are obviously prepared for such a fierce attack. Most of the foreigners outside are incarnations and projections. It may be too late for the main body to come." The True God of Kongzhi asked.

"Oh, since they failed to kill me immediately, then they all have to stay here!" True God Huoxing sneered, and then he smiled at True God Kong with a smile, "Next, I will ask True God Kong , block the entrance of this place, be sure to block them, and I will kill them all in a short time!"

"Oh, is there any backhand for the True God of the Fire Xing?" The True God of Kongzhi asked, his face hidden under the hood seemed to be distorted by a force so that he could not see his expression clearly at this time.

"Don't worry, just help me block them, then this universe will be yours and mine from now on!"

True God Huo Xing patted the opponent's shoulder with a smile, did not explain anything, and gave a few more instructions, and his figure turned into a flame and escaped into the depths of the ruins.

Looking at the True God of Fire that has gone away, the expression of the True God of Kongzhi suspended under the hood is mysterious and unknown.

"What should we do now? He must have fled into the ruins to wake up his backhand." The Great Zhou Emperor looked ugly, and at this time he had already killed an incarnation of a foreign race nearby.

It is relatively simple to deal with the foreign true gods. With the true gods and the Fantian Seal bestowed by the Martial Gods, the Great Zhou Emperor can wipe out an incarnation with almost one move.

"Let's go straight in and leave it to them!"

The Mechanic Master swept his eyes away and said quickly.

Hearing that the Great Zhou Emperor just thought quickly and nodded, if they really ended up in such a hasty way this time, not to mention the follow-up cosmic public opinion, after this time, it would be impossible to kill Huoxing True God by surprise.

"This place is for you to deal with, you follow us!"

All the high-ranking demigods of the Great Zhou Dynasty gave an order, and immediately followed the mechanical master and all the true gods to flee towards the space coordinates where the ruins are located.

But before leaving, he glanced at Jiang Heng, thought for a while and said via voice transmission, "You follow me too!"

Of course, Jiang Heng knew why his father-in-law called him. It was because the record that day was too amazing.

Although the reason was explained later, Jiang Heng's ability is indeed very special. If the environment is excellent, it can play a miraculous effect in establishing the battle situation.

When his father-in-law asked for help, Jiang Heng naturally couldn't refuse, and this place was just the incarnation of some foreign races, with so many high-ranking demigods present, it was not difficult to deal with them.

Whoosh whoosh!

A group of people quickly searched for the entrance of the ruins, but it was a bit difficult to reach the entrance.

"The space is extremely stable. This is because someone has strengthened the space inside. Let's break him apart with all our strength!"

The Mechanic Master had mastered the ninth-order space path at any rate, quickly discerned the situation, and took the lead when the sword came out.

The Great Zhou Emperor and the group of true gods did not hesitate, and immediately the overwhelming true god-level blows fell in the void not far away.

The continuous tremors of the space shock set off, ripples.

But the layout of the space here is too stable, with so many true gods and a master-level powerhouse joining forces, there are only a few cracks in this space, and it will take a few minutes to completely break through him.

At this time, in the depths of the ancient ruins, giant corpses of the true gods suspended in the void can be seen everywhere here, which is very shocking from a distance.

And in the middle there is an ancient building similar to the Dianjiangtai. This building is still well preserved after countless years of erosion, but the base has already been destroyed, and only the Dianjiangtai is tilted like a weightless state suspended in the void.

A burst of flame exploded on the stage, revealing the true body of the true **** Huo Xing. He looked around at the corpses of the gods, his face was full of excitement.

"Father really left me a big legacy."

True God Huo Xing muttered to himself, at this time there was a small pedestal in front of him, and there was an obvious groove on the pedestal.

Seeing this, he probed into the void, and a tiger talisman appeared in his hand. The shape of the tiger talisman just corresponded to this groove.

Holding the Tiger Talisman in his hand, a hesitation flashed across the face of True God Huoxing.

"Forget it, isn't it just to recuperate for a while, with the fruit of the fire element bestowed by the group of foreigners, the **** will soon be able to return to the peak."

There is a reason why the Fire God is so hesitant.

This tiger talisman can indeed awaken hundreds of corpses of the true **** level or even the master level, and it can awaken so many corpses at one time. The awakening of these corpses requires massive laws and energy.

Although these corpses themselves still retain a lot of charm, and only a small price is required to awaken them to a minimum level, hundreds of them together are still massive.

This is enough to seriously injure the true spirit of Huo Xing, and the accumulation of hundreds of millions of years before may be wiped out, and may even fall to the realm.

But right now was not the time to hesitate, he gritted his teeth and put the tiger talisman directly into the groove.


As the tiger talisman and the groove were perfectly fused together, the next moment True God Huoxing felt his palm was stuck by the tiger talisman.

A terrible suction gushed out from it, and began to crazily devour the energy of the law in True God Huo Xing's body.

Almost every True God of Breathing Fire Xing will have a large number of laws passing through his body, which also makes his divine body's aura wilt at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This process lasted for a full five minutes, until at last True God Huo Xing almost thought that he was about to fall to the realm, and the suction gradually weakened.

Seeing this fire god, he quickly pulled his palm away, which has reached the minimum awakening standard, and if he continues to fill his whole body, it will not be enough to fully charge the tiger talisman.

And that's enough.

"Enough! It's finally done. Although it's just awakening the minimum standard, the strength will be a lot worse, but the number is enough."

True God Huoxing looked up to the sky and laughed, this minimum level of awakening would cause the strength of the awakened corpse to drop by half a level.

After being awakened at the peak of the dominator realm, he is only a dominator, and after being awakened, a dominator is only at the peak of a true god.

But True God Huo Xing didn't care, he felt that this was enough to push this universe across.

"Hoo hoo! Then it's time for the divine mind to enter the tiger talisman to drive these puppets with mind."

True God Huo Xing was panting weakly, but his face was extremely excited.


Suddenly he turned his looked around, but didn't see anything abnormal.

Scratched the back of his head.

"It's weird, is it because I'm too sensitive?"

True God Huo Xing frowned and murmured, just now he suddenly felt something penetrated into his body, but he didn't feel abnormal when he carefully operated the law and looked inside.

Shaking his head, Huo Xing Zhenshen chuckled and said, "Maybe it's too sensitive at critical times."

His eyes fell on the tiger talisman again, and a ray of divine thought was absorbed in the center of his brow.

Immediately afterwards, the breaths of the hundreds of corpses suspended around them changed, their chests began to rise and fall slightly, their eyelids trembled slightly, and their finger joints made crisp sounds.

A master-level corpse opened its eyes suddenly, the eyes were full of excitement, very similar to the eyes of the true **** Huo Xing.

Soon more and more corpses opened their eyes and woke up. Their aura is no different from that of living people, the only difference is that their child holes are scarlet, and the whites of their eyes are pure black like ink.

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