Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1101: Temple of Destroyer (2)

"We have a lot of true gods and high-ranking demigods here, but we definitely can't kill them all at once. If the fire **** sees us being so aggressive, he will definitely turn his head and run away. Unless we have treasures or means that can imprison the true gods.

But the way of space can reach the level of true gods, which is no longer limited by ordinary means. "The Great Zhou Emperor sighed.

There is no way to do this. Everyone knows that the Tao of space is one of the top avenues. It would be great if it was so easy to restrict.

"It would be great if there was a means to limit the Dao of space. One person is the ruler of a country. There is a shortage of special law talents. If your Great Zhou Empire has some special law powerhouses of confinement, it might be a bit miraculous. "

The Mechanic Master sighed.

His words can be regarded as a wake-up call. After all, the super-dimensional kingdom of God is indeed one person, one country. He mechanically dominates one person is one country. The people under his command are the people, the citizens, and they are part of the incarnation if they have to be nice. .

As long as the mechanical master wants to, he can think into the body of any super-dimensional divine kingdom citizen.

"Special laws, this is feasible, but even if there are enough such powerful people gathered, it is still too difficult to influence the true god-level space dao. At most, it is limited to about one breath."

The Great Zhou Emperor thought for a while and nodded. Although this idea is not very feasible, it is indeed one of the restrictive means. He glanced at Xin Zhao beside him, and said, "Go ahead and count all the imprisoned ones... By the way, how many demigod-level powerhouses of the spirit and soul kind come here by force."


"Go, deal with this matter quickly, within five days I want all such demigods to come here to listen to dispatch." The Great Zhou Emperor ordered majesticly.

Hearing this, Xin Zhao didn't say a word, turned into a streamer and quickly left.

At this time, the mobilization ability of a huge cosmic empire is fully demonstrated.

Meanwhile, the main hall of the Temple of the Gods—

Today's main hall is different from the loneliness of the past. On the contrary, it is a bit lively today. Many towering and huge **** seats are deliberately placed in the empty and majestic hall. The true **** of fire is located on the innermost main seat. Looking at the figures on the seats on both sides below with a smile.

Many of these figures are somewhat illusory and fuzzy, and some are solid incarnations, but they are all full of strong distortion. There is no doubt that these are true gods of foreign races.

"Brother Huo Xing, we have seen your friendship with me in the Saint Yuan Realm, but it seems that Brother Huo Xing is not strict with his subordinates. The former Zi Mei has defected now, and she will not tell us about us. Let's go out?" A pitch-black phantom with horns on its head and countless black hairs entwined all over its body rolled its voice like Tianwei.

"Please rest assured, Shengyuan Tianshen, this woman doesn't know much about us. And sooner or later, I will let her taste the consequences of this traitor. But before that, let's discuss the assistance you promised to my temples before. How?" Huo Xing said seriously.

Compared with those things, he cares more about assistance, and for some reason he always feels something is wrong recently.

A faint cloud enveloped him, and the True God of Fire Xing attached great importance to this vague feeling.

All demigods have a certain sense of danger, not to mention the true **** level.

If it is some astronomical secrets and deduction laws, you can even see the crisis you will encounter in the future in your mind.

"It looks like I have to let Shi Yu take a look at it for me."

Thinking of this, True God Huo Xing thought of Shi Yu, the Palace Master. The other party is Time Dao and can see some fragments by chasing the future. Although it may not be as accurate as deduction, it is still a way.

"Of course there will be no shortage of assistance. Brother Huo Xing is a friend of our Saint Yuan Realm. This **** came here this time to bring some gifts from Lord Luo Yu." Shengyuan Tianshen said with a smile.

"Oh!" Hearing the words, the True God of Huoxing was really surprised, which was beyond his expectation.

"This is a taiyuan fire fruit bestowed by Lord God Luo Yu, and it is a fruit that can only be bred every hundred million years by a kind of fire tree in my holy yuan world, each of which contains the extremely pure power of fire.

Brother Huo Xing, your father seems

It was the Eastern Emperor Taiyi of this world hundreds of millions of years ago. He was able to step into the inner scene at that time. The Fire Element was not only achieved by the power of the Fire Element in this world, but also integrated with the power of many other realms.

This Taiyuan Huoguo can help Brother Huoxing step into the peak of the True God Realm, and I also have a drop of Shengyuan Xuanshui, which contains a drop of the essence of Shengyuan Water. It can help you understand the water and its movements.

With the direction of brother Huo Xing, mastering the two paths of water and fire will definitely not be low in the future to step into the dominance of the battle! "

As Shengyuan God spoke, he saw a crimson fruit filled with incomparably hot and high temperature and a dark purple water drop full of rich water essence emerged in the void as he flicked his hand casually.

Listen to these and see these two things in front of you. True God Huoxing's heart beat uncontrollably, he laughed, "Haha, Celestial God Shengyuan is really happy, you Saint Yuanjie really treat people with sincerity!"

He was also hesitant to collude with these foreign races recently, and he hadn't fully surrendered yet, but he didn't expect these guys from the Saint Yuan Realm to be too arrogant.

The two treasures at hand are the treasures that make the two true gods of water and fire extremely hot. He can feel that after taking the Taiyuan Huoguo, his own fire will climb to another peak. With the accumulation of the past, he can instantly step into the peak of the true **** level.

As for the Shengyuan Xuanshui, it is also a rare treasure of water, but both of these two things belong to the strong distortion power contained in the outside world.

Swallowing is not a small risk, but the fire **** doesn't care, he can swallow the fire fruit, and can suppress the power of distortion with his own background of the fire line, as for the holy yuan Xuanshui, he has to Hold off.

"However, if I can step into the peak state, then I can also try to absorb the power of my father's fire element. It's not impossible to step into the master with the fire element alone!"

Thinking of this, True God Huo Xing's heart became hot, and his ambition grew rapidly at this moment.

"When I step into the, those old departments that drive my father will naturally be extremely relaxed. At that time, I will have the final say in this universe. Any foreign races will get out of my way. And what kind of Valkyrie, I bother!"

The True God of Fire Xing laughed wildly in his heart, thinking that everything was going according to plan, and it was going supernormal.

But in the face of these foreigners, he knew very well that he still had to win them over as much as possible, and it would be great if he could continue to squeeze the wool.

"God Shengyuan, don't worry, our temples will do our best to cooperate with you in your future actions. But you also know that there are only a few strong people in my temples, so I'm afraid they won't be able to help you much. This..." True God of Fire Difficult look.

Shengyuan Tianshen narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling annoyed in his heart, this alien race is really greedy. But he also knew that these temples were really nothing.

Through his understanding of the previous battle against the Great Zhou Empire and the Chaowei Divine Kingdom, he clearly knew from a comparison that the external performance of these temples was far inferior to that of the Great Zhou and Chaowei.

After thinking for a while, he still said in a deep voice: "Brother Huo Xing, don't worry, my Saint Yuan God who is lurking in this world will obey Brother Huo Xing's dispatch. But please do your best to cooperate with Brother Huo Xing when the time comes!"

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