Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1100: Temple of Destruction (1)

In the past ten days only, at the border of the Great Zhou Empire not far from the Temple of the Gods—

The legions sent by the Great Zhou Empire and the Super-Dimensional Divine Kingdom gathered together, and hundreds of high-ranking demigods and true gods who participated in the battle gathered in the command room of the main ship of the Wuwei Army to participate in the battle meeting.

"According to the information provided by True God Zimei, True God Fire is currently in this area. This is also where the main hall of the Temple of the Gods is located, and the Zodiac is nearby."

A projection screen displays the star map of the Temple of the Gods, and a red dot is lit in an area of ​​the barren universe, representing the coordinates of the True God of Fire. The Great Zhou Emperor stands beside the projection, explaining the situation to all the demigods and true gods present with a serious face .

The role of the legions of the two countries is to deal with the millions of demigod armies brought by the true **** Huoxing, and the task of the four kings is to fully cooperate with the main force of the true **** Zhouhuang Machinery to dominate the attack.

"Well, I will directly open the channel and send the troops there. We can directly carry out the beheading task, but there are still a large number of legions under the Zodiac around the main hall, which need to be cleared so that they cannot hinder us. action!"

The Mechanic Master nodded. He only needed a rough orientation from the True God Zimei, and he had already dispatched many detectors to conduct a detailed exploration.

The participants in this battle are extremely gorgeous. In addition to the two true gods, the Great Zhouhuang Machinery Master, there is also the woman Snow God. In addition, Jiang Heng, Zhao Xin, and the four kings are the second echelon main combatants.

And the super-dimensional kingdom of God also has three mechanical war beasts with true god-level combat power, and two god-level powerhouses with true god-level combat power.

This time, the super-dimensional kingdom of God can be regarded as showing sincerity, and this also allowed the Great Zhou Empire to see the savings of the super-dimensional kingdom of God for the first time.

It has to be said that it is extremely terrifying for the True God of Mechanics to accumulate strength in the ninth dimension all the year round.

But no one in the Great Zhou Empire knew that there was a figure in another plane in the distance who was always watching the situation here.

Nan Wang knocked on the table. He also participated in battles often and had a lot of combat experience. He raised a question

"Our assessment of the overall strength of the temples is still based on what they have shown us, and is the information provided by the true **** Zimei credible?"

This is a necessary concern. After all, as a hawk, he has always believed in conspiracy theories, and it is because the brains of the dogs who have been fighting with the temples all year round are about to come out. Therefore, he didn't have any good impression of those who came from the temples of the gods.

"It shouldn't be wrong. Regardless of the truth or falsehood of True God Zimei's words, this master has already conducted a detailed investigation of the temples. My detection methods are very covert, and I have confidence in my detection methods.

According to their location, I have compiled a detailed troop deployment information for them, you can take a look at them. "

The Mechanic Master answered calmly.

He has deployed a large number of detection methods in the main hall area of ​​the temple of the gods, and he knows the true **** of fire and his forces well.

And knowing the deployment of troops, they can quickly and accurately deploy them to the designated area through the space channel, catching the opponent by surprise.

Jiang Heng turned his head and glanced. The lineup sent by the Chaowei Divine Kingdom this time is really strong. In addition to several true gods, there are also 10,000 high-level demigods and a million mid-level demigods. soldiers.

According to the Mechanic Master, this time he was considered to be the elite.

If it wasn't for the fact that they had beaten up that group of foreigners before, the Mechanic Master wouldn't have dared to move out of his family all at once.

Now the entire super-dimensional kingdom of God has only two true god-level combat powers and a bunch of standard miscellaneous military guards.

What surprised Jiang Heng was the few mechanical war beasts. They were small in size. If you hadn't seen them before, you would think they were huge monsters when you heard the true god-level war beasts.

In fact, this kind of war beast is only the size of a fist, but Jiang Heng was surprised to find that the metal density on the surface of the body of this thing was unprecedentedly high, reaching the point where even the divine sense could not penetrate.

At this time, these war beasts just lay down next to a few true god-level powerhouses, looking as stupid and cute as a few mechanical dogs.

But Jiang Heng can be sure that once this kind of thing is shot with all its strength, it can be transformed into an incomparably huge monster.

"Since we have mastered the deployment of the troops of the Temple of Gods, we will take the initiative in this battle. Your Excellency, should we take action now?" Da Zhou Huang said.

"Well, it is true that we have mastered the deployment of troops, but have you ever thought about whether the True God of Fire will run away once he sees us mobilizing so many troops?

The True God of Fire also has a True God of Space, this person is the biggest trouble, once he takes the True God of Fire to perform space teleportation, we will not be able to catch up at all, they can easily enter other planes, even the other end of the universe, or even unknown small plane. "

The Mechanic Master's face is a little dignified, which is what he is most hesitant about now.

Although he is said to be the master, but he has mastered the existence of the true god-level space way, and there is nothing to stop people who want to leave.

The Great Zhou Emperor rubbed his brows, and said seriously, "We have so many high-level demigods and true gods who have decided to take this action, so we can't just act casually, or scare the true fire god.

If we want to kill the True God of Fire, and if we want to fight to determine the universe, then we only need to solve these two problems at present. Play fast and slow, by surprise, you can't give True God Huoxing a chance to use any hole cards! "

Hearing this, everyone nodded. This is indeed the biggest problem.

Although the Great Zhou Empire and the Temple of the Gods did not know how many times they fought in history.

However, there has never been anyone who is truly determined to destroy the temples of the gods, or even form an alliance with the super-dimensional kingdom of God to target the temples of the gods.

Even now the alliance between the Great Zhou Empire and the Super-Dimensional Kingdom of God is still unknown to outsiders. It is conceivable that if some neutral forces know that the Great Zhou Empire of the Super-Dimensional Kingdom of God has formed an alliance, the turbulent waves that will be set off are absolutely unimaginable.

Of course, if the two countries form an alliance today, so many people join forces, and even the Great Zhou Emperor Mechanic Lord personally ends up still unable to kill the True God of Fire and destroy the temples, then the two countries will lose their face when it is spread.

Therefore, many powerhouses here held their breath and killed the temples, and this was recorded in the annals of history, completely ending the original situation of the three kingdoms.

"These two issues are related." The Mechanic Master said solemnly, "If we want to instantly kill the True God of Fire, we have to attack together, and we need a lot of people. Seeing that so many of us appeared together, He will definitely escape, this situation is difficult to break."

The Great Zhou Emperor also nodded, agreeing with this very much, and this is where he is more embarrassed.

True God Huo Xing is not the kind of one-brained one. Unless he has a sick mind, he would never think of dealing with multiple true gods or even masters at the same time with his own power.

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