Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1099: 25 Aberdeen Zimei True God

Everyone was surprised at first, but after seeing the woman's appearance clearly, the Great Zhou Emperor was the first to be shocked.

And the four kings also showed surprise on their faces, but the rest of them were still a little confused and didn't understand the identity of this woman. But I couldn't help being secretly surprised.

Because this woman's aura is impressively in the realm of true gods.

"True God of Purple Charm!"

Da Zhou Huang's face was cloudy and uncertain, "What do you mean by the machine mastering you? Why did you bring this woman here?"

And at this time, before the mechanical master opened his mouth, the Zimei True God struggled for a while, but the metal chains on her body were like living things, the more force they were, the more entangled they became.

"Machine master, why are you like this? I really want to rely on you? Why do you treat me like this?" True God Zimei cried out sadly.

"As you can see, this ruler brought her here to be disposed of by you. This woman said that she is willing to abandon the dark and turn to the light, and rely on this ruler, but since you want to be convinced, then I will leave this ruler to your disposal, which proves this ruler's determination. "The master of machinery ignored the incomparably alluring Zimei Zhenshen, just looked at the Great Zhou Emperor and said with a smile.

"What the **** is going on with Zimei?" Da Zhouhuang frowned, can this Zimei turn to the light?

He had heard from his old man that Zi Mei, the True God of Kongzhi and the True God of Huo Xing were working together as daughter-in-laws in collusion with foreigners to besiege the old man.

"What else can I do? The True God of Fire Xing is not authentic, although I am not a good person. But colluding with foreigners... I can't do it! He keeps saying that he is just using foreigners, but in my opinion, that is not the case at all!

Now if you want to harm me, even though the **** is a woman, but if you want to kill me, you must listen to your dignity! "

Speaking of which, True God Zimei held up a huge weapon, revealing a heroic look on his white neck.

There was also a burst of sadness in her heart, and she was indeed sincerely willing to contribute. Originally, he turned to the mechanical master because he felt that he had been at loggerheads with the Great Zhou Empire for many years, and he almost cheated Valkyrie not long ago, so it would be impossible to get the other party's understanding.

It's just that I didn't expect to take refuge in the mechanical master, but I was still deceived by this guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

She is an ordinary true **** and is not a strong first-line true god. Facing the mechanical master, she almost couldn't escape, so she was caught directly.

"How does the emperor know that you are sincerely serving?" The emperor of Zhou Dynasty ignored the other party.

These veteran true gods have lived for so many years, and each of them is a master of acting, and none of them can match their acting skills.

"I....I..." Zhenshen Zimei felt depressed for a while, but she still couldn't refute.

Because there is really no evidence to prove her sincerity.

"Hehe, how about it, is His Majesty the Emperor going to kill her? It just so happens that the master can't trust her." The mechanical master said indifferently.

He really didn't care, the capture of Zi Mei was completely because the other party came over stupidly, and didn't bother to listen to the other party's arguments, so he was caught directly.

"Not urgent!"

The Great Zhou Emperor waved his hand, although it was safest to kill it directly, but he still wanted to confirm.

But all the ministers watched with gusto. Today is really the right time. There are really waves of breaking news. First, they form an alliance with the super-dimensional kingdom of God, and then they hear the news of the inner-level ancient corpse.

Then, even one of the three true gods of the pantheon came to seek refuge.

"Since you keep saying that you are sincerely seeking refuge, are you willing to talk about the trump cards and reliance of the temples?"

What the Great Zhou Emperor thought was that if the other party said, no matter right or wrong, he would be imprisoned first. If the other party doesn't say anything, he will be killed directly.

"I'm willing to say, but are you willing to let me go?" Zi Mei asked back.

"Do you think you have the qualifications to negotiate terms with the Emperor?" The Great Zhou Emperor sneered, suppressing him with a surge of coercion.

True God Zimei's face turned pale, and he was horrified.

I thought that the other party's strength would not be good if he had just stepped into the true god, but he never thought that he had already surpassed her by a lot just after breaking through.

Feeling desolate, she sighed in her heart.

"I say! I'll tell you everything I know."

"Huo Xing holds an ancient ruin in his hand, I believe you should all know it, but

Do you know that this ancient relic is the relic of which power in ancient times? "

"Don't go around the bush, tell me straight!" The Great Zhou Emperor was dissatisfied, and walked away with another wave of coercion.

The weak and powerless True God Zimei nodded bitterly, "It is the ancient ruins of the council of the ancients, as far as I know, the True God of Fire Xing claimed to us and others that his father is Lord Huode Xing.

But this is impossible, Huode Xingjun, an ancient powerhouse, I have checked in detail, and he is just a true **** peak powerhouse.

However, True God Huoxing would occasionally slip up, saying that his father was the original god.

Since it is the original **** and the original **** who rules the fire element, there is only one... The Council of the Ancients, Donghuang Taiyi! "

"Huh?! Who do you think his father is?" Before the others could react much, the Mechanic Master looked at Zi Mei.

Together with his mastery of wisdom, he is the number one person in the world in terms of knowledge reserves, and he even knows a lot of ancient secrets.

"How could it be that great power! If it is that great power, why is Huo Xing so weak? How can he only be in the true **** state, and he should have stepped into the master level at the end of ancient times!"

The mechanical master questioned repeatedly.

"Master, do you know this Eastern Emperor Taiyi?" Jiang Heng also asked Taoist Wuwei at this time.

"One of the five great powers of the Council of the Ancients who stepped into the interior level, at first he only mastered the fire element, but he was born with the fire element, and later merged many laws.

Among them, the elements of fire, stars, and earth are used to achieve the master, and in addition, nineteen complete avenues merge with three thousand incomplete avenues to achieve the inner scene.

The years of this existence are too old, and the accumulation is extremely deep. But it's still a little worse than being a teacher. I fought against him back then. "

Wuwei Daoist said that he couldn't help boasting at the end, but Jiang Heng was secretly surprised that his master is the second way of time and space, mastering these two ways basically once he stepped into the inner scene, he belonged to a very strong group of inner scene levels.

However, facing Donghuang Taiyi, he couldn't gain the upper hand, which shows that this character is not a simple character.

"Oh, I don't need to lie to you, he is indeed the heir of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and his hole card comes from the corpse of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi! And a piece of the Eastern Emperor's Token!" Zi Mei sneered.

"The corpse of Donghuang Taiyi?! How is this possible? The main law of Donghuang Taiyi is the fire element, and his fallen body is bound to turn into pure fire element power, unless the inner universe is still there!" The mechanical master was shocked, let alone it His Great Zhou Emperor also stood up abruptly.

How can I sit still here, I didn't expect that the True God of Huo Xing would be silent and have such a rich family background.

"Of course it's not a corpse in the strict sense, it can only be regarded as a bit of the power of the original fire element. This guy often enters the depths of the ancient ruins just to swallow the original fire element power.

Ha ha, but he is afraid of death! The power of the original fire element is too strong, so strong that it can burn and burn his fire element avenue.

He was worried, and in the end, not only could he not swallow his worries, but he was swallowed by this original law of fire.

As for the Eastern Emperor Token, maybe you don’t know, and I didn’t know what it was for at first, but I used the law of **** to penetrate Huo Xing’s emotions, and found out from his perspective that he used the Eastern Emperor Token once.

He locked himself in the ancient ruins alone, and activated the Eastern Emperor's Token against the remains of a group of ancient gods.

Then..." Zi Mei said and looked at the crowd with a smile.

"Say it!" Da Zhouhuang had no choice but to be cold again.

Zi Mei shook her head, and said helplessly, "The remains of the gods are all awakened, the Eastern Emperor Order seems to contain the remnants of these corpses, it has the effect of accumulating spirits, and using it can command these remnants.

With it, the True God of Fire is equivalent to having hundreds of puppets at the level of a true **** or even at the level of a master! "

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help taking a deep breath, even the Mechanic Master was lost in thought for a while, he seemed to feel that joining forces with the Great Zhou Empire was not very reliable.

Only the Great Zhou Emperor's eyes shone with light.

"There is such a treasure, if it is captured, the number of true god-level dominator-level combat power can make up for it! It will be of great use in the catastrophe!"

he thought so

The law, naturally stems from the courage given to him by the Valkyrie,

If it wasn't for the backing of a half-step inner scene, he wouldn't dare to ask for anything extravagantly.

But soon he remembered something, and couldn't help shouting in a deep voice: "You are lying! If the fire element is such a treasure, why didn't my father show it when he entered the temple of the gods?"

"No! It's too hasty, the Martial God's Crown came over too abruptly!" Zi Mei responded freely, she said in a deep voice, "The Eastern Emperor asked me to watch him perform. It takes a long time to prepare, and the price is not small."

This explanation makes sense, and the Great Zhou Emperor didn't bother with this topic any more, and instead asked, "Does the True God of Fire have any other backers?"

"He should still have some true artifacts and master-level or even higher treasures left by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and the Council of the Ancients.

In addition, he colluded with foreign races and often took me to meet with the true **** of the sky and the foreign races.

Sometimes he would go with the True God of Kong, as if deliberately avoiding me. But I once went there together and met many foreigners," said Zi Mei really.

The Emperor of the Great Zhou knew that the alien race she was talking about was the group of secret agents lurking in this universe, and they were all lurking from the last catastrophe.

"How many and where are they hiding?"

"That time I only saw ten people, all master-level masters who were suppressed to the true **** level. I don't know where they are hiding. Every time, the true **** of space is responsible for moving, and only he and the true **** of fire know about it." Zi Meiyao shook his head.

"You don't know? Is it true or fake?" Da Zhouhuang narrowed his eyes slightly.

True God Zimei just wanted to say something, but soon spit out a mouthful of blood, and she was hit by a strong coercion.

"I... that's all I know! The rest... I've said everything I need to say!"

True God Zimei was about to cry, he was almost drained, why didn't this person believe in himself?

If the Great Zhou Emperor believed her, he would go to hell. He had fought against the temples for many years. Even though the Great Zhou Emperor was more rational as an emperor, he would not listen to one-sided words.

"Are you going to kill her?" the Machine Master asked.

"No! I'd like to trouble Your Excellency to imprison this person first, and the right and wrong will be known after the temples are destroyed." The Great Zhou Emperor waved his hands.

The mechanical master flicked it casually again, and Zi Mei wanted to say something, but disappeared into nothingness in the blink of an eye and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Jiang Heng looked at it secretly, and at the same time, he had nine-level space dao attainments, why did the other party master it so well.

"Hehe, I see that no one else is better than an expert like you. Your level of space manipulation is too rough. If you have one percent level as a teacher, you can fight the real **** with the ninth level of space!"

Taoist Wuwei couldn't help but sneer, but he also knew very well in his heart that he was born in the Way of Wisdom, the master of machinery, and after so many years of practice, he is best at analysis. After analyzing various methods and skills for a while, he can always find out.

"Emperor Zhou, are you planning to attack the Temple of the Gods?" At this moment, the mechanical master asked in surprise.


"You have heard what this Zimei True God said and still decided to attack the temples, so you are not afraid of the Huoxing True God's backhand. Maybe he has a more powerful backhand, and even Zimei doesn't know. And what this woman said I don’t know if it’s true or not.”

The Mechanic Master was a little puzzled. After all, even if what he said was true, there was a possibility of being deceived. It might be that the True God of Fire Xing had discovered the identity of Zimei Erwuzi long ago and played it for her in advance. At the same time, it is not ruled out that the True God of Fire Xing has other backhands.

"It's precisely because the True God Zimei has said it, so you should try it. Whether it's true or not, you'll know if you try it, right?" Da Zhouhuang chuckled lightly, with a relaxed tone.

"Your Excellency thinks that there are some backhands that the master doesn't know about. It seems that the master has underestimated you and the Valkyrie. Maybe His Majesty has stepped into a stage that I can't even look up to."

The words of the master of the machine suddenly made the emperor of Zhou feel a little bit stunned, but his face was very indifferent, he just said calmly: "The master is joking, the temples of the gods must be removed, even if they can't be removed, the fire must be beaten and hurt, and the temples of the gods must be destroyed .

Otherwise, I will be attacked by the enemy, my Great Zhou Emperor

The country suffers the most. "

"This statement is justified!" The King of the Great Zhou's words made the machine master very much agree, "Okay, I have a part in the super-dimensional kingdom of God, and the specific matters will be discussed in another day. I have said enough today."

"Then goodbye!"

As he said that, the mechanical ruler Yu Dazhou, who acted vigorously and vigorously, nodded slightly, and his figure quickly merged into the high-dimensional passage and disappeared.

"No one is allowed to leak today's matter. I hope you all know the consequences of the leak. Don't blame the emperor for turning his face and denying people!" The Emperor of Zhou immediately reminded solemnly that although everyone present here is high-level confidantes and even blood relatives, they should What has to be said has to be said.

In the matter of collusion with foreign races, there is a true **** of fire, and there will be another two or five Today's discussion ends here, the rest of the people will retreat, the four kings, Wu Wei wait to stay! "

Accompanied by the bowing of the officials, they retreated one after another.

Soon there were only Jiangheng Four Kings and Great Zhou Emperor left in the meeting room.

"The emperor stayed here and you guys know why?" Da Zhouhuang glanced at the few people and said.

Everyone made eye contact and fell silent.

Jiang Heng looked at the relationship between the few people present and the Great Zhou Emperor, and he understood it, but he also knew that talking too much at this time would not make you look smart.

"You are the most trusted people of the emperor. The four of you are brothers of the emperor, and your boy is the son-in-law of the emperor. Therefore, the battle to destroy the temple of the gods is fully entrusted to us to discuss, and we will execute all actions!"

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