Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1096: World War 2 (6)

Back at the front line, Jiang Heng was just about to provide assistance to the front line theater, and he also wanted to take advantage of the fact that the superimposed effect of Xing Tian's power hadn't declined to kill more enemies.

But before he could make a move, he was quickly stopped by a figure, Jiang Heng was stunned and almost made a move.

"The emperor of the Great Zhou Empire, the junior, has met the senior!"

Suddenly, the Great Zhou Emperor stood in front of him respectfully and bowed to him, which made Jiang Heng impossible.


The Great Zhou Emperor was taken aback for a moment, he lowered his head, and restrained his spiritual thoughts because of his respect for the senior. At this time, seeing the senior didn't respond for a long time, he suddenly became a little suspicious.

Is this senior not good at words?

Heart beeping, he waited for a while and looked up cautiously, but he fell silent after just one glance.

Jiang Heng and his gaze met each other in silence for a while, and soon the Great Zhou Emperor also returned to normal, but with embarrassment and silence on his face, the atmosphere between Weng and his son-in-law was extremely embarrassing for a moment.

It's just that at the same time of embarrassment, the Great Zhou Emperor couldn't help but set off monstrous waves, and his mind was still in a state of complete confusion.

Then at this time and almost at the same time, dozens of true god-level breaths erupted in the distance, accompanied by dense explosions.

Seeing that dozens of true gods had rushed to the front line at some point, they shot out and quickly opened up dozens of breakthroughs. A large number of demigod domain masters and mortals died in the killing of the true gods.

To be honest, recently I have been using reading to follow up, change sources, read aloud with many timbres, and both Android and Apple can be used. 】

These people were either directly annihilated, or directly reduced to abnormal creatures.

There are five true gods of foreign races laughing wildly. They enjoy the feeling of annihilating other people's groups, because it makes them feel that they are not other people's vassals, but gods who can control the life and death of the bottom at any time.

However, it's just a few breaths.


The five foreign true **** powerhouses in different areas of the front all turned their heads sideways and looked towards a certain area.

There, a black-haired man in a dark red armor stomach suddenly appeared, and he let out a sigh when he looked at the front line.


Five true gods from other races gathered together and suddenly appeared around Jiang Heng.

"All the true gods of the foreign race must die." A large ax suddenly appeared in Jiang Heng's hand, and a surging blood burst from his body.

"Judging from the aura, the true **** realm?" The foreign true **** powerhouse covered in scales gasped, "I have also participated in the looting of this world before, and I have killed five true god-level powerhouses in this world, and you are the sixth one .” The words were still lingering, and the five foreign true gods burst out with strange and special frequencies.

The time and space they were in suddenly accelerated, and they came to Jiang Heng in an instant.

Jiang Heng felt the acceleration of the surrounding time, and he just watched indifferently.



In the hands of a foreign true **** powerhouse covered in scales, a long sword with an exotic style protruded from the acceleration of time and stabbed at Jiang Heng.

Another tall foreign strongman also punched out suddenly, hitting Jiang Heng's body, spattering blood and flesh.

Jiang Heng stood there without moving.

When he was hit by many attacks, he only reached out and grabbed the nearest foreign true **** powerhouse covered in scales. After all, the exotic long sword stabbed him.

The two sides are already very close. On the contrary, another strong foreigner true **** was a little farther away. Jiang Heng swung his ax away, and he hurriedly avoided.


The foreign god's double exotic-style long sword covered in scale armor pierced Jiang Heng's body, and it felt very strange. Why didn't this person dodge at all?

"What the **** is this guy doing?"

Several other true **** powerhouses from other races were astonished, "Huh? He can't even dodge this?"

"The true **** of our race mainly fights in close quarters, and his body is already strong, not to mention how can he hide when we have the time?" Another true **** of the foreign race sneered and said indifferently.

"Don't care about him, if that's the case, kill him directly!"


However, at the next moment, Jiang Heng suddenly appeared behind this group of people.

Immediately afterwards, a more terrifying gray-white light radiated out, and the time body that collapsed rapidly behind Jiang Heng suddenly shrunk to a point.

Under the restraint of the gray-white light, it was very difficult for this group of foreign true gods to exert the power of time. Obviously, they lost in the competition of the law of time and could only try their best to dodge.


The ghostly ax fell suddenly, Jiang Heng didn't hide his clumsiness at all, and quickly chopped down the giant ax with space. The combination of space and time, the speed has reached its limit at this time!

The restraint of the power of time is actually not obvious to these people, because these people seem to be able to explode the power of time comparable to the true **** level by virtue of a strange blood connection ability.

It's just that the time law controlled by Jiang Heng's current peak true **** strength is so terrifying. Cooperating with the space, it was really a blow that was extremely fast. The air flow poured into this group of people one after another.

These five people were still a little puzzled, but their expressions changed suddenly, and the next moment they were like the previous few people, and their bodies quickly disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the second technique of humming quickly wiped out the enemy.

So easily, he killed five foreign true gods.

Jiang Heng was just calm. This group of guys seemed to have very simple minds, and they couldn't even see such a simple way to lure the enemy. Of course, this is also because his strength is strong enough, and he has been able to do one against five.

"The red ghosts are dead? The five brothers of the red ghosts are gone now?"

"It was just a shot, how could it be killed in an instant?"

"Dominator level! Dominator level!"


As Jiang Heng beheaded several people in a row again, after his aura completely stepped into the dominator level, as the aura spread out, almost all the foreign races at the true **** level changed their expressions at this moment, and retreated decisively without any hesitation.

They were just probing for a while this time. Although the Lord God gave an attack intention, it was not clear. In short, after finding out that the opponent does have a master-level combat power, this mission is considered complete.

The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. Originally, when the true gods of the foreign race broke through the defense line one after another like wolves and tigers, the true gods of the foreign race quickly retreated. All of a sudden, the Wuwei army quickly recovered, and many people began to regain lost ground. .

Many foreign vassals are not afraid of death, but the morale of the Wuwei army has been raised to the peak after seeing his Lord Hou beheading several true gods one after another. .

Jiang Heng would not waste the strength he had accumulated with great difficulty at the moment. He moved quickly on the battlefield, and every time he appeared, he would strike with an axe. All burst out, the airway destroys the physical body, and the two skills of humming are the end.

The method is straightforward, each shot is only a momentary effort, and every time it comes to an area, hundreds of thousands of troops will die instantly, and their souls will be wiped out.

The situation on the battlefield was completely reversed. At the same time, the Great Zhou Emperor, who was still entangled with three foreign true gods on the other side, was about to give full play to his strength that had just broken through to the true **** realm, but in the blink of an eye, the three of them turned around and ran away.

Feeling that the familiar aura of his own side has soared to the level of the dominator at this moment, the Great Zhou Emperor fell into silence for a while.

At this moment, he felt that it might be difficult for him to restrain this son-in-law in the future.

Moreover, the shock given to him today was too great. The Wuwei Army, which he thought he would let this kid play casually, turned out to be an elite army. On the other hand, the Central Army Corps, which he had placed high hopes on, was seriously stretched.

Not only that, the Great Zhou Emperor also found that the overall strength of the Wuwei army seemed to be very wrong. There were nearly 100,000 high-ranking demigods, and more than 400,000 middle-ranking demigods, and there was not a single low-ranking demigod.

The quality of this kind of soldiers is not a motley army that has just been established and is composed of casual cultivators. The Central Army Corps under his command is far inferior.

The ensuing battle was also simple. In just a few tens of minutes, the foreign army was completely defeated. It's not that they want to escape, but they have to.

If they continue, they feel that no matter how many people come, it will not be enough.

The dominator-level powerhouse on the opposite side was too terrifying. He kept rushing to the battlefield and made frequent shots, but he didn't see his state decline at all.

However, it is easy to kill, but it is difficult to go back, because Jiang Heng is still attacking and killing at a high speed, and when he pinches a space, it becomes sticky as solidified, or the time ** rotates counterclockwise. In front of Jiang Heng, there was no escape.

In the end, less than one-twentieth of this group of people were able to escape back, and now only one-twentieth of the army of hundreds of millions fled, and the loss was not insignificant.

But Jiang Heng also knew that the loss of this kind of miscellaneous soldiers was nothing to Shengyuan World, because these vassal groups were the second legs they recruited.

It's just that they forcibly recruited from all the worlds after the conquest, and they don't care how much these ethnic groups lose.

As long as the loss is not their native ethnic group powerhouse, then everything will be as usual.

"We can't fight against them. We are fighting against multiple universes at the same time." Jiang Heng said in a heavy tone. If the opponent didn't know his special ability today, I'm afraid they will have to pay a terrible price for this crisis.

"Oh, it means that the group of people who were teachers back then were careless, and at that time, Shengyuan World was indeed determined to disable us. Otherwise, hundreds of millions of years after that, we might have a certain amount of capital Break the wrist with Shengyuan World."

Taoist Wuwei sighed for a while.

Jiang Heng knows that Taoist Wuwei has always been unable to forget the events of the past. After all, there were indeed local strong people like clouds back then, and even Neijingtian level powerhouses were no longer a minority. Looking at the fact that Neijingtian is almost extinct now, the only remaining ones are still alive Maybe it's the mother god, but she probably doesn't count as such.

"Master, do you think it is possible to get the mother goddess out of the ruins, and let her old man help to contribute to this battle. After all, those guys she suppressed before escaped to death, it is really unnecessary I'm nesting there." Jiang Heng asked with a smile.

"Hmph! You kid is daydreaming, and you don't look at the current state of the mother goddess, let alone contribute to the current battle. Even if you can move her out, do you think she will take her out immediately? Have you guys been wiped out?"

Daoist Wuwei sneered, and Jiang Heng also looked embarrassed. The **** who has indeed fallen into distortion, distortion and madness does not want her to have any rationality at all.

"Master, is it possible to use your inner universe to temporarily store the Mother God? After all, you and the Mother God were old friends for many years. Isn't it okay for old friends to sit by each other!"

Jiang Heng said as soon as his mind moved.

Taoist Wuwei was also startled when he heard the words, he seemed to be silent for a while before he said, "Your method is not impossible, I can probably think of what you want to do. You want to use the mother **** as an indiscriminate strangulation weapon ah?"

Jiang Heng really thinks so, if he can temporarily store the Mother God in the inner universe, and wait for the war to start, then he can take out the Mother God, and at the same time quickly throw it into the enemy army with the space method, so as to achieve indiscriminate strangle.

"The consciousness of the Mother Goddess has been crazily distorted. She can be temporarily stored in the teacher's internal scene, but the time can't be too long. After all, she used to be at the internal scene level. After she fell into madness, her polluted personality is also at the internal scene level."

"I won't do anything recently, wait until I really step into the level of the true god, and the ability of the space dao will improve." Jiang Heng didn't even think about lifting the mother **** out now.

His idea is also very simple, wait for the space road to step into the true god, and directly move the mother **** from the ruins at a super long distance. In this way, there is no need to borrow Wuwei Daoist's Neijingtian as a temporary storage, because it can already be moved directly.

At this time, the war has entered the sweeping The remaining enemy, Jiang Heng, who is fleeing, does not plan to pursue him.

After all, there are nearly a hundred true gods and strong men watching over there, and after entering that area, the power of law in the body can hardly be used, so they can only rely on pure physical power. The superposition of the increase of Xingtian's power will naturally no longer exist, and it used to be food delivery.

Jiang Heng felt that it was enough for the time being. Annihilating hundreds of millions of troops at one time, and all of them were at the demigod level, was already considered a great victory.

However, the preliminary estimates of the battle damage rate and defense line damage rate reported by Ling Hai, as well as the damage rate and consumption rate of various military facilities gave Jiang Heng a headache.

The most direct thing is that the establishment of the 500,000 Wuwei Army suddenly lost several group armies, with a sharp reduction of 230,000 troops, leaving only 270,000 troops and many of them seriously injured, but still able to maintain insufficient combat power fifty thousand.

And these 50,000 were among the previous 100,000 veterans. It can be said that this battle was a big wave, and all that was left in the end was gold.

It's just that this kind of price is too high. Although it's all quick, Jiang Heng still can't help but feel a pain in his flesh.

As for the sky-high military consumables, Jiang Heng didn't think about it, and left it to his father-in-law, who called him the boss.

Countless medical personnel began to come to the front line to treat the injured one by one. At the same time, a large number of logistics personnel flooded into the rear star gate to repair the defense line, and the entire defense line became full of enthusiasm. Sorrow is only temporary, and there is no room for constant sorrow and pain in the face of this kind of war.

At this time, five days had passed since the last war, and after the simple adjustment and restoration of the defense line, almost all the high-level officials of the empire who arrived at the front line gathered in the command room that originally belonged to Jiang Heng.

And the one who presided over the overall situation naturally became the Great Zhou Emperor.

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