Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1095: World War 2 (5)

At such a close distance, the two true gods of foreign races, no matter how fast they reacted, they were caught in the attack, which was really treacherous, and the energetic invisible substance directly penetrated through the body regardless of the physical defense.

It's just a pity that when they realized something was wrong, it was too late to resist, and the bodies of several people could not move an inch in an instant.

Maybe they were more cautious and Jiang Heng couldn't be so effective, but don't blame Jiang Heng for being ruthless if they are looking for death.

The next moment, Jiang Heng's airway erupted in full force, and countless air flows quickly poured into the bodies of several people. Immediately afterwards, after a burst of swelling and contraction, the physical bodies of these people were like balloons that were crazily inflated and then burst quickly. Soon the body turned into countless **** water, and the **** water was decomposed and shattered again by countless tiny air passages. until it disappears completely.

It was the first time for Jiang Heng to see the power displayed by the true god-level Qi Dao, and he did not expect it to be so terrifying.

In the blink of an eye, there were only exotic armors, weapons and some foreign decorations floating in the void.


But saw a few phantoms running away in a hurry. It is the soul of these people!

"This person is the pinnacle true god! No! He is definitely at the master level! He is deliberately hiding his clumsiness, just to deceive us!" The short and strong true **** shouted instantly. "The four of us fled separately! Even if it is a master-level powerhouse, it will be difficult to kill us all."

Indeed, with the beheading of several more people, Jiang Heng's aura grew stronger again, but because the master level is very different from the true **** level, it is still the peak of the true god.

But at this time, they have no time to pay attention to it. If they are joking, if they are true gods, doesn't it mean that they are incompetent?

They can only hope that the foreign true **** in front of them is not good at attacking the soul.

"You still want to escape?" Jiang Heng looked at these people and grinned, his face full of murderous intent.

"Now I have gradually mastered the current true god-level means. I use Xing Tian's power properly. With the increase, I am a true god-level powerhouse." Jiang Heng secretly said.

"He fought with us, and his aura exploded completely. He was only at the demigod level at the beginning, but how could he become a true **** level powerhouse after a while, how could he become more courageous as he fought?!" Several foreign **** powerhouses thought quickly in their minds, "This This person must also practice some kind of special law. This law can not only exploit our origin but also strengthen our own body. This person must be a serious problem for our family in the future! We must pass the news of this person back to Lord God!"

It is true that too much information has been revealed before, and they only need to make a little guess to guess the truth to the greatest possible extent.

These people took a deep look at Jiang Heng. Without hesitation, Whoosh! Whoosh!

A few minutes quickly turned into a few shadows and streamers and drilled out of this empty space, and it was already several light-years away without a sound.

"We must report all the information about this person to Lord God!"

The head of the tall and strong alien **** wanted to send this news back, but then...

He saw a figure standing in front of him, it was the guy who looked like a nightmare before, and he was looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Damn it, I forgot that this person is extremely good at the way of space!" The heart of the foreign true **** power sank.

Earlier, when Jiang Heng pretended to flee and deliberately attracted the four of them to chase after him, Jiang Heng's moving distance was still quite satisfactory, and could only be regarded as a demigod level. Bondage simply doesn't work.

At that time, they only thought that this person forcibly tore apart the space with his strong strength, and then moved quickly with a weaker level of space.

This is also their preconceived idea. After all, they were completely ignorant of the existence of Jiang Heng, a foreigner, and now they are even more mistaken.

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"You all have to die!" Jiang Heng grinned and held a big axe.

Hearing that the foreign **** turned around and ran away without saying a word, he is really scared now!


The foreign **** Mengdi felt that his soul suddenly exploded, and his soul froze in place, as if his soul was suppressed by a powerful shock force.

"Isn't this the trick this person used against Lao Niu before? Sure enough, he was hiding his clumsiness from the beginning!"

Outer God was terrified, his whole body was radiant and generous, and the surface of his soul body burst out with terrifying light like a supernova. Under the impact of the terrifying power of the soul, he wanted to break free from this bondage.


However, at the next moment, another sound resounded in his mind, and this moment was his last, and his soul shattered like shattered glass.



He roared loudly, his eyes rolled rapidly, and the next moment, the divine soul disintegrated one by itself in advance, splitting into thousands of tiny divine soul rays of light and flying away in all directions.


There was another cold snort, the soul was already severely injured, but now the soul is even weaker after being decomposed by the golden cicada's shelling method, how can it resist, and it is directly restrained in place.

All of a sudden, thousands of small soul spots were fixed in place, and this scene seemed very strange.

Jiang Heng was not surprised by this scene. The methods of these foreign true god-level powerhouses are all kinds of strange. This person can actually decompose the soul by himself. Fortunately, he has prepared in advance.


Jiang Heng took another trick, the hum ha two technique has strengthened the body with the power of Xingtian and has reached the level of the true **** level, so naturally performing this technique again is an existence that can truly be extremely lethal to the true **** level.

In an instant, thousands of spirits were strangled.

"I should be safe now!"

At the same time, another short and sturdy figure moved thousands of light-years away in just a few breaths, and now there is only a state of mind and soul left, and the moving speed is even in the blink of an eye.

It's just that now he has lost a true god-level body, and the ten of them are now dead and crippled. They don't know that if they go back to face the main **** and die, they will have to peel off their skins.

"I don't know what happened to them, but after all, I'm safe now."

"I don't care if they live or die." But perhaps because he was really scared of being beaten, this person still couldn't help but look around, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that there was really no one else around, "Except for the boss, I'm running away." The block is still the strongest, and this time he used the soul secret technique at any cost, even if this person has great spatial ability, it is presumably held back by them right now."

Escaping from such a long distance of thousands of light years in an instant, although this is not too far for a true god-level powerhouse, it still brings him a lot of sense of security.

"This this...."

The next moment he shrank suddenly, and he looked at the front in disbelief. Just tens of thousands of meters away, under a space distortion, that terrible guy also appeared. It was Jiang Heng who killed all his companions.

"You are the best at running, but you are the only one left now, my dear, I don't want to trouble you anymore!" Jiang Heng looked at him, and the murderous intent locked on this person directly.

"'s impossible! How could could it be?" The strong foreigner couldn't believe it, "Didn't you be held back by other people, and you... you said that, you have already defeated them!" Killed?!"

The four fled in different directions, and he couldn't believe that this person had already killed the other three and was able to catch up to him again.

It's just that he doesn't know.

Jiang Heng is still at the domain master level, and the method of incarnation outside the body has reached a point that many demigods can't reach. The divine power of Xingtian obtained now, the method of incarnation outside the body has reached the level of a true god.

Moreover, the simple differentiation of three avatars from his external avatar will not have a great impact on his strength. With the current temporary strength at the peak of the true **** realm, the differentiation of these several incarnations can still ensure that each incarnation has the early stage of the true **** realm. level.

Naturally, it is worthwhile to use this kind of strength to deal with four surviving people who only have their spirits left.

Under the terrible humming technique, the outer **** soon felt that everything was over.

"It's over." Outer God felt that his boss might not be able to resist this restraining force, so he simply gave up, because he knew that he couldn't escape.

Katsa! Katsa!

The soul is shattered a little bit...

"Hateful! Hateful! If I don't covet this credit..."


His spirit shattered apart.

Decompose piece by piece, until finally completely decompose and eliminate annihilation.

Jiang Heng looked at the completely annihilated aliens and couldn't help but murmured: "This foreign **** powerhouse really has a lot of means. If I don't have the means to be very diverse, I'm afraid I really can't take these guys down."

This is Jiang Heng's real feeling, because most of the powerhouses in his own universe have relatively simple methods, such as this group of foreign races with diversified methods, not only are they physically strong, but also have many life-saving methods.

"There is no need to belittle yourself, and don't take these guys too seriously. The old man's old guys back then are actually not inferior to them in strength, and the means are also not lacking. All kinds of magical weapons, various formations, talismans, and spells The power has caused a lot of trouble to this group of foreigners.

It can only be said that today's cultivators are too weak. Of course, on the one hand, it is also because of the great changes in the environment in this world. This cannot be blamed on you. "Wuwei Taoist's voice sounded, quite sentimental.

"No, I feel that he is really strong, maybe you were too strong back then, or maybe I am still too weak now." Jiang Heng sighed.

Daoist Wuwei was afraid that his apprentice's self-confidence would be hit, so he quickly comforted him, "You are not bad, after all, you are only a true god-level powerhouse temporarily promoted with the help of Xingtian's power, and with the means and accumulation of demigod level, you can kill ten people. Outer God is already very extraordinary."

Jiang Heng still agrees with Master Wuwei Taoist's statement. If he can't borrow the superimposed state of Xingtian's divine power, he is a ninth-level demigod, not an opponent of any of the ten outer gods. With the superimposed effect of the original Xingtian's divine power, he can reach the strength of the true god. As long as he has one-on-one dominance at the beginning, he can continue to snowball in the future.

"This is also because the environment is too favorable to me this time. I can't fake this matter. I am indeed a ninth-level demigod." Jiang Heng sighed. The ninth-level aura he showed at the beginning cannot be faked at all. The reason why these foreign gods are so confident.

It was also because of their arrogance that Jiang Heng could defeat them one by one.

call. "

With a wave of Jiang Heng's hand, he put away the alien divine soldiers floating on the side, and many treasures of different shapes.

Following a step, the figure quickly drilled into the space tunnel, and the figure disappeared in an instant, and when it reappeared, it returned to the front line.

Beyond the barriers—

At this time, there are already densely packed troops here, but the number is still controlled within a controllable range, and because the old barriers to the boundary will not be too much at the beginning, right now it can barely accommodate the entry of combat forces below the master level.

Gathering outside the barriers of the realm is limited to the tribes of one main god. After all, it is not yet time for a full-scale invasion.

Even the old days just used incarnations to wear down the power of the realm. After all, since the plane they were in before collided with another big force last time, the top powers of the old days have become busy, and He will not go to war because of this small realm that has been captured once.

Nowadays, it is necessary to plunder a large number of world origins in the old days. It can be described as a multi-line battle, and world wars are starting everywhere, so it is very face-saving to be able to deploy an avatar.

At this time, Lord Luo Yu was sitting on the throne exuding the breath of the inner universe, looking at a huge disc in his hand, on which there were many light spots, each of which represented a god, that is, the equivalent of a **** under his command. The dominant force in this world.

There are many master-level powerhouses under his command, and the total number is about tens of thousands. Not all of them are from his own world, but more are vassal powerhouses recruited from other worlds. All easy to use.

Under the gaze of his scarlet eyes, the surrounding space seemed to be rippling with The space was distorted for a while, and countless distortion forces lingered around him.

call! Hoo hoo!

He silently looked at the disc in his hand.

With a whoosh, another light spot was completely extinguished until the ten light spots in front of him were completely wiped out.

"They're all dead too..." Lord Luo Yu's face was very ugly. It would be fine if these ten people were just vassals, but these are all the masters of his direct lineage, and the death of one of them is the loss of his clan.

Although there is no shortage of powerhouses in his world, and countless god-level powerhouses emerge every million years, it is still time-consuming and labor-intensive to cultivate a god-level powerhouse.

Especially now that the boundary barriers have not been weakened to a certain extent, the loss of any master level is a huge loss.

"Didn't this world decay long ago after the last looting? What kind of strong man will there be? Who did you meet? The master level powerhouse of this world? The origin has been plundered so much, can a master level be born?"

"It seems that we still have to let the vassal group try again."

Wei Wei whispered to himself, and he lightly tapped dozens of dots on the CD one after another, and soon one message after another was quickly transmitted to the minds of dozens of gods within the barriers of the realm through his fingertips.

At the same time, dozens of true gods who were consolidating the boundary channel on the other side gave a pause.

"His Majesty has issued an order!"

"You also received it?"

"Then kill! Haha! His Majesty finally let me wait for the end. I can't bear it anymore. I heard that this realm has long been weak. This is a good place to get credit!"

"Be careful, His Majesty the Lord asked me to find out the truth about their demise. There seems to be a master-level combat power!"

"Hehe, it's just a stubborn resistance, and we will kill even the master class if we join forces!"

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