Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1097: The Mechanical God Who Analyzes Everything

This meeting was regarded as a collective meeting of all high-ranking generals and powerful figures in the entire empire, so all four kings were present.

At the position where the four kings were sitting, they were also sitting with the powerful generals brought along along the way. The gathering of such a luxurious lineup was considered a major event for the entire empire.

Jiang Heng also saw Nan Wang, and the two were old acquaintances nodding to each other.

The relationship between the two can be regarded as friends. Although Nan Wang intended to attract Jiang Heng at the beginning, but now that Jiang Heng is in a high position, he does not have much jealousy or complaints. Instead, he sincerely congratulates Jiang Heng.

Compared to Nan Wang, the relationship between Jiang Heng and the other three kings is really just nodding acquaintances.

But the three kings were still very impressed with Jiang Heng, especially the demeanor of Jiang Heng single-handedly fighting against the four demigods of the ninth rank, which made them look sideways in amazement.

And this time when they heard that this Marquis of Wuwei had even beheaded fifteen true gods outside the tribe, at first they thought they had heard it wrong, and after careful questioning, they were convinced. unbelievable.

After all, only 50,000 years have passed since the last war, and 50,000 years may be a lifetime for domain masters, but for demigods, it is really just a drizzle.

Many people may not even be able to break through a level in 50,000 years, but it is good to come to Jiang Heng's place. Slaughtering a true **** in 50,000 years is as easy as slaughtering chickens and dogs.

Anyone will find this incredible.

It simply broke the fastest growth rate in the history of the empire.

"First of all, the Emperor severely reprimanded you four in the Central Legion! Look at you and then at my son-in-law! You are still bearing the name of the strongest legion in the empire, and you handed me such an answer sheet? Are you ashamed? ?!"

The Great Zhou Emperor fired at the four masters of Fenghuolin from the very beginning, and he did not forget to point out Jiang Heng as his son-in-law.

If this was put in the past, the arrogant Great Zhou Emperor would not have mentioned this at all, wishing to skip it every time he said Jiang Heng, but after the previous battle.

The Great Zhou Emperor knelt down proudly.

With such a powerful son-in-law, what's the point of saving face, just curry favor with him. The son-in-law will have to contribute in the next battle.

"All four of you will be demoted to one rank, the title of the Central Army Corps will be abolished, and the original Central Army Corps will be subordinated to the Wuwei Army. The four of you will also be unified into the Marshal Wuwei!"

Regarding the will of the Great Zhou Emperor, although Feng Huanhuo Lin was unwilling, he had to obey.

Without him, it is true that they have completely embarrassed the Central Army Corps in this battle. Now more than half of the 100,000 troops are killed and injured, and the total number of troops is now only more than 40,000.

It can be called the biggest tragedy among the elites of this war, and it is also the biggest Waterloo that the Central Army has ever encountered.

"Your Majesty, I have the courage to ask, whether the background and war potential shown by the foreign race in this battle is really so terrifying?"

At this moment, Dong Wang stood out of the queue and asked, cupping his hands.

He is the prince who is second only to the Southern King among the four kings, and the prince with the same background as the Northern King, and he is also the prince whose fighting power under the command of the Four Kings is not inferior to the Southern King.

Without him, it is only because of his territory that it directly borders the temples of the gods.

Unlike the southern border, at least a large area of ​​the southern border belongs to the boundary of the realm, and the eastern border has really been exposed to the gaze of the temple forces for a long time.

Therefore, his temper is also the hottest among the four kings. He has a quick temper and a fiery temper. Not to mention the combat effectiveness of his subordinates, at least everyone under his command has inherited his fiery temper, and he will fight if he disagrees.

In recent years, apart from the southern border, it is their eastern border and surrounding forces that have been the most violent.

Not only did he fight against the Temple of the Gods, but he also often opened fire on some neutral forces, in order to sharpen his subordinates.

"This battle has come to an end for the time being. The progress of the battle that I showed you earlier is all true. The background shown by the foreign race in this battle is only the tip of the iceberg.

Compared with the great catastrophe in ancient times, the strength they showed in this battle is indeed only a tiny bit. "The Great Zhou Emperor shook his head helplessly.

This was also what he was most worried about. They were almost defeated even in such a small victory, and the anomaly Jiang Heng appeared. Otherwise, the frontline positions would definitely be lost, and the flames of war would burn to the hinterland of the empire.

"Brother Dongwang wants to be the main force in the next battle? If possible, Your Majesty, I recommend Dongwang's troops as the vanguard of the next battle!" Xi Wang hurriedly came out to the side.

Hearing that the Great Zhou Emperor hadn't opened his mouth yet, the Eastern King glared viciously at his younger brother, and immediately smiled and said to the Great Zhou Emperor, "Your Majesty, what the Western King said is not true, my subordinates have been fighting with the gods all year round." Waiting for the forces to fight, there is not much combat power left. As a vanguard, I am afraid that more than half of them will be killed or injured in a single encounter.

On the contrary, Xi Wangdi's territory is peaceful all the year round, and there are no foreign troubles around, except for the borders, it is close to the central imperial capital. I think the troops under Xi Wangdi's command must be strong and strong. As the saying goes, it is time to raise soldiers for a thousand days and use them for a while, and it is time for Xi Wangdi to show his accumulation over the years. "

Seeing that the two king brothers, Dong Wang and Xi Wang themselves, were arguing again, the Great Zhou Emperor was speechless for a while.

The East King and the West King have different personalities, one is very hot-tempered and extremely aggressive, the other is timid and timid, so the former looks down on the latter, and the latter is annoyed by this, and also dislikes each other.

For this reason, they have often told each other to give each other eye drops in front of the Great Zhou Emperor. As for whether this is really not pleasing to each other or just pretending, no one knows.

"Okay, next time the two of you will fight together with the Wuwei Army!"

Da Zhou is also a kind of imperial power trick. Since the two of you are so noisy, then stop arguing and let me do it together.

Of course, there is also the meaning of military training. He must let all the imperial legions take turns to experience the intensity of foreign attacks.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and a soldier hurriedly stamped his feet outside the meeting room, and said loudly: "Your Majesty, the super-dimensional divine kingdom has sent a special envoy!"

"Let the envoy come in!"

The door of the conference room opened, and a streamlined humanoid mechanical individual with a cloak on his body, whose whole body was made of white porcelain metal, stepped in.

"Special envoy of the super-dimensional kingdom of God, god-level, Luo Kesi came to pay homage to His Majesty the Great Zhou Emperor by the order of my god!"

The man put one hand on his chest, just bowed slightly and saluted.

The Chaowei Divine Kingdom and the Great Zhou Empire are three major powers, and they belong to the same size. Therefore, the Great Zhou Emperor did not care about the fact that the special envoy did not kneel down.

"Is there any news from Your Majesty the True God of Mechanism?" the Great Zhou Emperor asked.

"Returning to Your Majesty, my **** also encountered foreign invasions in the high-dimensional world recently. Fortunately, they have been repelled now, but the boundary barriers cannot be repaired for the time being. I am afraid that the high-dimensional world will not be safe for a long time. calm."

Hearing this, the Great Zhou Emperor nodded, "Then what is the opinion of Your Majesty the True God of Mechanism?"

"Your Majesty the Great Zhou Emperor, my **** intends to form an alliance with the Great Zhou Empire to create a wartime community of interests to resist foreign nations, so I ordered you to bring the letter of credence to sign a contract to reach this consensus!"

As the special envoy spoke, he saw strands of electric arcs appearing in his palm. With a bang, a small blue flash exploded, and a scroll like gold leaf appeared in his palm out of thin air.

"The idea of ​​building a community of interests in wartime is something that my emperor is happy to see. It's just that the super-dimensional kingdom of God signed a contract with me, and just sent you a special envoy. Isn't it a bit too condescending for this emperor?"

The Great Zhou Emperor snorted coldly, he is not just showing off. The other party only sent a special envoy, which probably also shows that the other party does not pay attention to this matter.

However, the special envoy did not panic when facing the coercion of the Great Zhou Emperor. He smiled calmly and said, "Your Majesty the Great Zhou Emperor, my **** has come!"

As soon as the voice fell, before everyone became suspicious, they saw a violent tremor in the void above the meeting room, and a twisting vortex slowly formed.

The opening speed of this channel is not fast, but considering that it is placed here from the ninth dimension, it is very precise, which shows how clever this method is.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, because as far as he is concerned, it is still possible to do this with the ninth-level space dao. But the opponent is not a space dao, but it is incredible that he can do this step.

"Hehe, this is the mechanical way you mentioned, so it's this great way!" The voice of Taoist Wuwei sounded in his mind.

"Does the master know something? What does this mechanical **** say?"

"It's a big way of saying it. In ancient times, this should be called the Avenue of Wisdom. On the surface, it doesn't have much offensiveness, but it has endless potential for exploration.

It is said that the rule of this avenue is to be able to analyze everything. As long as you analyze and study everything through a long period of time, the way of wisdom will become stronger and stronger!

Generally speaking, the longer you live to master wisdom, the stronger your strength will be.

Back then, there was also a little guy who mastered the way of wisdom. Although he was much younger than the old man, but after years of precipitation in strength, that guy stepped into the interior scene earlier than the old man. interior grade. But now it looks like he's gone too. "

Listening to these Jiang Heng looked at the forming vortex thoughtfully.

"So he has analyzed the space and mastered the way of space?"

"Well, it should be that the Dao of Space has been analyzed to the ninth level, the Dao of Time has been analyzed to the ninth level, and the Five Elements have been analyzed to the ninth level respectively. It is a pity that the analysis is too complicated. Although it is now considered to be the master level, its own wisdom Tao is only at the true **** level, and some put the cart before the horse.

Wisdom Dao is only purely pursuing the realm, and he can cast a wide net, and he is indeed right in doing so. It's a pity that if you don't step into the interior, your strength will be too hip.

If he can analyze the Five Elements and Dao to the true **** level, he can display a strength not inferior to the peak master. "

Taoist Wuwei seemed to disdain the True God of Mechanics in his words.

"The Dao of Wisdom is quite interesting." Jiang Heng has already roughly understood the concept of the Dao of Wisdom, "But if the Five Elements Dao is upgraded to the true **** level, can it be comparable to the peak master?"

"This is natural. A single split of the five elements can only be regarded as a weak first-line law, and the achievement of the true **** is also very weak. But the five elements that each master different five elements form a battle formation. It is even more difficult to gather together on the five elements by yourself. called terror.

The combination of the five elements can evolve most of the laws of the universe, forming an extremely stable power of law, and the power of the five elements is infinitely varied and has infinite means. It is by no means a lie to be comparable to the peak master.

It's a pity that when I was a teacher, I had a complete grasp of time and space, and any of the five elements was only at the ninth level. If I also mastered the complete five elements at the same time. Then being a teacher might be able to rival the peak interior scene in one leap.

That battle might also be reversed. "

Wuwei Taoist can't express regret.

"The five elements seem to be as important to the inner universe as time and space?" Jiang Heng could hear the implication of Taoist Wuwei's words.

"This is natural, when the five elements of time and space are gathered together, the inner universe will be as solid as gold, and if the physical body is also completely mastered, then both inside and outside will be indestructible, immortal and immortal.

Unless those old days personally attack me, or any foreign gods, if you come, I will kill one, if you come, I will kill the other, and they will all be slaughtered! " Taoist Wuwei said arrogantly.

Jiang Heng nodded, and secretly made a note in his heart, when he will get the Five Elements Dao.

Right now, my time, space, and physical body are advancing side by side. Although I can't see how the airway can complement these three avenues in the future, the attacking power of the airway seems to be excellent right now.

At this time, the high-dimensional channel was completely stable, a pair of big metal hands clasped the void walls on both sides, and immediately a majestic human-shaped metal life came out of it bit by bit.

Dense electric arcs jumped in the void, and everyone felt as if their hair stood on end.

A terrifying coercion from the master swept across At this moment, everyone felt as if they were being washed away by a terrifying amount of knowledge. The impact of massive and complicated knowledge made it impossible to analyze this kind of knowledge. will be the source of countless madnesses.

Many human surfaces have already shown symptoms of distortion.


With a cold snort, the terrifying mass of knowledge dissipated in the next moment. The Great Zhou Emperor got up, and the coercion of his own emperor wrapped in the coercion of the real God Realm physical coercion quickly eliminated the baptism of knowledge.

"Your Majesty the Mechanic is too presumptuous!"

"Your Majesty the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, don't get angry. This **** is just fighting with people over there, so the power of law cannot be fully restrained for a while."

The voice of the True God of Mechanics has a strong sense of mechanical roar, mixed with a majestic vastness like a god.

Her whole body is blood red, and the surface body is obviously made of metal, but no matter how you look at it, it looks like ordinary human skin.

It's just that everyone didn't dare to look too much, because the metal surface on the other side seemed extremely smooth, but if you look closely, you can find that the smooth surface is caused by countless densely engraved knowledge symbols.

The symbols on the body surface seem to represent all the knowledge that the True God of Mechanics has analyzed throughout his life, and he himself is like the source of distortion, more terrifying than the power of distortion carried by the true gods of other races.

Fortunately, the True God of Mechanics also seemed to deliberately cover up, and soon his body surface was shrouded in a hazy halo.

"Since Your Majesty Mechanic came here in person, do you want to discuss the alliance or sign a contract directly?" Seeing that the other party settled down, the Great Zhou Emperor breathed a sigh of relief.

The person in front of me is a master after all, and he has only just entered the true **** realm, and he is not yet familiar with many methods of the true **** realm. It is of course best to sit together and have a good talk.

"Then sign the alliance directly. I'm not like you. Efficiency is better than everything else in my opinion."

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