Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1094: World War 2 (4)

Without hesitation, the Great Zhou Emperor had to rush over to confirm one or two in person.

Soon the distance is getting closer and closer, and the sense of familiarity is becoming more and more obvious. Gradually, the situation in the distance can be fully seen.

I saw that at this time, the five true **** powerhouses had lost one person again.

Back to a few minutes ago now—

At this moment, the four foreign true gods formed a combined formation similar to a small battle formation. As the battle formation took shape, the surrounding space seemed to be enveloped by an invisible force field, and the viscous force of the space increased a lot.

Jiang Heng faced everything calmly, and with the addition of Xingtian's divine power, it became easier and easier for him to resist such constraints.

Compared with Jiang Heng's indifference, the terrifying faces of the four foreign true gods are as black as coal, who knows what they have gone through.

This time, ten true god-level powerhouses came here, which meant that their status in the Shengyuan world was very unusual.

After all, those who stabilized the boundary channel had no foothold, but they were all close people at the level of the main god, because in their opinion, they came here to get credit.

But who would have thought that the seemingly vulnerable line of defense in front of him would be holding back the pace of the army, let alone that a ninth-order demigod would burst out with a strength no less than that of a peak true god.

In fact, these people are not weak, and they are equivalent to dominator-level existences in this realm, but the suppression of the power of the realm can only display the strength of the true gods. Even so, they are stronger than ordinary true gods with the vision of the masters. Be stronger.

As a result, six people died in just this time, and of course the remaining four of them are also the strongest among the ten people.

Before, they were careless and didn't go all out, but now it seems that if they keep their hands back, they will all have to be dragged out and slaughtered by the Lord God.

"Traveling is a bit more difficult. Perhaps for the vast majority of true god-level powerhouses, it is not impossible for me to teleport in such a bounded space. Is it because I am afraid that I will escape?" Jiang Heng glanced around, and then The phantom of Xing Tian behind him quickly condensed and merged with the main body, and at the same time, the giant ax of that phantom also appeared in his hand. The power has already reached the limit level of a true god, and the giant ax condensed is no less than a general true artifact.

In other words,,,..version. 】

"The true god-level powerhouse in this world is just a weak prey in our eyes! If we can't take this person down, I'm afraid it won't be good when I go back!" The four outer gods and true god-level powerhouses wandered around.

Suddenly, one of the tall outer gods and true god-level powerhouses took a step and approached in an instant. They were not restrained and disturbed, and they carried a monstrous force with their palms, and suddenly slapped Jiang Heng with terrifying and surging force.

The distance is very close! But behind Jiang Heng, the space is distorted quickly, and the space is torn, and the big hand can't touch it at all.

As soon as he dodged the palm, Jiang Heng noticed another tall and strong outer **** true god-level powerhouse approaching, crushed by a big hand with a dark red vortex in it, and Jiang Heng's big axe slashed across in an instant.


In the contest between the big ax and the giant hand, Jiang Heng trembled slightly to stabilize his figure, but the tall and strong foreign **** and true god-level powerhouse was beaten backwards and flew hundreds of meters away.


In the void, there was a dark halberd shot out! It was extremely fast! It was much faster than ordinary true god-level powerhouses, and Jiang Heng’s ability to move space was also extremely fast. There was obviously a little space constraint, but Jiang Heng was still alone. The figure kept tearing apart the space to move, dodging the halberd.

"Bang bang!" "Boom!" "Chila."

Four foreign gods and true god-level powerhouses were looming, attacking and killing them in a blink of an eye, and coordinated their moves one after another.

Jiang Heng kept moving, and with the help of Xing Tian's power, the blood light covering his body escaped at an extremely terrifying speed, and he kept blocking with a big axe.

"This guy is really difficult to deal with. In this world, he must be the most powerful existence among true god-level powerhouses. His body movement space movement ability is too fast! Lei Yun, you must control his space movement ability, otherwise we will There's nothing wrong with this person."

"The true god-level powerhouses in this world are generally weaker than us, but the suppressing power of the realm still exists at the moment. And this person seems to have the ability to fight more and more bravely. If you don't solve him as soon as possible, you will lose face. Besides This person should be good at space."

The four outer gods and true god-level powerhouses quickly completed the exchange of opinions. They also know very well that Space Dao is one of the top figures even in their boundary.

It's a pity that they still thought about it. The reason why Jiang Heng was able to erupt such a terrifying power right now was that the spatial path was forced to rise up. The reason was the continuous superimposition of Xingtian's power. Superimposed, using Xingtian's divine power to control the space way can play a space method far beyond the past. Right now, his space ability is forced to rise to the true **** level in a short time.

Space Dao is naturally the best at moving.

"I'm here to imprison this space!"

The tall and strong outer **** true god-level powerhouse was revealed, and the surging dark red aura pervaded his body, covering the surrounding five people's fighting area in an instant.

Jiang Heng only felt that the surrounding space became extremely viscous, as if entering a space quagmire, and the barriers of space seemed to become tougher.

"Space solidification? No, what the **** is this?" Jiang Heng actually didn't care. The original Xingtian's divine power endowed the Space Dao with far more abilities than before, and this restraining force was not particularly strong for him.

It was also the time when the Great Zhou Emperor arrived, but before he could see the situation clearly, he found that the people in front of him were suddenly wrapped in a viscous space and quickly disappeared from his field of vision.

"Huh? What kind of different space plane is this entering?"

The Emperor of the Great Zhou was a little suspicious, the methods of the Outer Gods were all kinds of strange and different in this world, not to mention that this was the second time he had fought against the Outer Gods, so at this moment he could only continue to gather his spiritual thoughts to explore the surroundings.

"It's not at the high-dimensional level either, where did it go?"

The Great Zhou Emperor's face was a bit ugly, "Although I don't know which senior is fighting these outer gods, but this person's strength is definitely the top existence of the true **** level, and I am afraid that he is not far behind my father. I hope this person will be fine!"

For a moment, the Great Zhou Emperor was a little helpless, and he had no choice but to pray for that strange senior in the same formation.

Looking at the unfamiliar space around him, Jiang Heng looked calm. The most important thing for Jiang Heng at this time is to find an opportunity to kill the remaining four people one by one!

I have to say that sometimes confidence is built. At the beginning, Jiang Heng never thought of being able to slaughter a true foreign god, but with the change of Xing Tian's power, his ambition gradually became bigger, and now he wants to kill this **** in one breath. All ten people were left behind.

"I have to let these foreign gods lower their vigilance first, so that they can attack at the best time." Jiang Heng understood that the strength of these four people is not comparable to that of the previous guys. "I only have one chance, and it's best to kill them all at once. I'm afraid these four foreign gods and true god-level powerhouses have already guessed my special ability, so they may not be entangled with me, and they must run away.

If they escape separately, it will be impossible to keep them all with their special means. "

"Your appetite is getting bigger and bigger." Taoist Wuwei's voice sounded at this moment.

"Heh, I don't want to be known by foreigners about the special nature of Xingtian's power. If possible, it's best to kill all these people! Don't let the news leak out," Jiang Heng said with a light smile.

Although the power of Xingtian is powerful, it also has limitations, that is, this kind of improvement is not permanent. Once this battle is over, this kind of strength realm that has been continuously improved by fighting to support it will fall again.

However, there will still be some energy laws intercepted, of course only a small amount.

For these Outer Gods, right now is definitely an excellent opportunity to kill the local true gods, and the four Outer Gods, true god-level powerhouses, can't really escape without a fight. What they want is to kill Jiang Heng and other true god-level powerhouses in this world! At the same time, they want to break through the defense line here.

"Don't hesitate any longer, let's kill this person together!"

Four true god-level powerhouses from other races came from all around to attack.

Sometimes they hide in the special void environment here, and sometimes they dodge and attack suddenly, their power is extremely extraordinary, and every move carries the power of the peak of the true **** level.

"According to the description in ancient books and my previous experience of fighting the outer gods, the use of laws by the outer gods and true god-level powerhouses is more like an instinct. Their group has the terrifying power of the old days, and there is also an inner scene. The inheritance of the ethnic group, many methods are inherited through the ethnic group on the one hand, and on the other hand, they are also obtained after a long-term battle. And their bodies are stronger than us and other true gods in this world."

"The bodies of foreign true god-level powerhouses are like real artifacts! Some of their treasures and magic weapons have extremely strong distortion power."

"And they will fight in the group from birth, and then they will continue to be thrown into the planes to fight and fight until now!"

"Besides, the true god-level powerhouses of the Outer Gods may be suspected to have special innate supernatural powers." Jiang Heng thought about it, exerting his space ability to his heart's content. Even under the suppression of the space here, Jiang Heng continued to move with difficulty.

The space kept moving, and under the siege of the four foreign gods, every dodge became more and more difficult.


Relying on his ability to move in space, Jiang Heng turned the big ax in his hand into a blood-red beam and slashed down.


The terrifying ax slashed at the chest of the tall foreign true god, drawing a long bloodstain on the surface, but the bloodstain quickly healed. The tall foreign **** grinned: "Hehe, how about scraping for me?"

Whoosh, two spears attacked Jiang Heng from behind.

Jiang Heng evaded again, but when he evaded, a **** hand tore at Jiang Heng's back.

"not good."

Jiang Heng's face changed drastically, and circles of **** red lights visible to the naked eye erupted all over his body.

The red glow broke out and defeated the big hand, and rushed towards the four outer gods, the true god,

At the moment when Xing Tian's power erupted, Jiang Heng swung his ax at the same time, and saw streams of blood-red light emerge rapidly from the giant axe. The surface of the ax instantly turned blood-red, and the surrounding space illuminated became extremely scarlet.

A monstrous killing intent swept across.

Jiang Heng's whole body was wrapped in space, and he slashed out with an ax and tore a dark crack in this special space, and the next moment his figure quickly left this space.

"It's not good, he wants to run away!" The faces of the four foreign true gods suddenly changed, and they wanted to chase and kill them in an instant.


Jiang Heng turned around and slammed his ax back again, like a beam of blood-red light, charging towards the four of them, trying to stop them from pursuing.

Chi la chi la! !!!

Jiang Heng turned around continuously and frantically slashed out ax lights.

"He's at a loss! Quick!"

From the outside at this time, it looks like Jiang Heng is one-on-four, and it is very difficult to face the pursuit. The special space around him keeps repelling him, and there is space that restricts his ability to move in space.

"caught you!"

A big hand suddenly protruded from the void on one side, and grabbed Jiang Heng's back.

Almost at the same moment, a piercing and terrifying dark red blood light also took the opportunity to strike Jiang Heng's chest.

"Die to me!"

The big ax in Jiang Heng's hand frantically slashed at the body of the tall foreign true god, but the opponent didn't bother to deal with it, and he wanted to give the true god-level powerhouse in this world a few more blows, and kill him as soon as possible!

Outer gods are very confident about their bodies. The physical strength of their group is as tyrannical as a real artifact, and as they continue to grow, their physical strength will become more and more terrifying.

What's more, for this invasion the spies they placed in this world have sent back countless news.

I also know that the strong people in this world are far inferior to those in the past, and their bodies are getting weaker and weaker. For example, those powerful opponents in those days have long since ceased to exist. Most of the strong people in this world today are garbage with weak bodies.

almost at the same time

The tall and strong foreign **** grabbed Jiang Heng from behind.

Another slender alien true **** slapped Jiang Heng with his palm.

A burly alien true **** stabbed Jiang Heng's chest with a dark red spear.

A short and sturdy foreign **** covered in scales had already stabbed a halberd full of twisting and distortion force in Jiang Heng's waist.

Looking at Jiang Heng again, he saw the horror on his face, and he was a little hysterical, and he kept swinging the big axe.

"Chi la chi la!"

The moment the tall and strong alien **** touched Jiang Heng's back with his big hand, countless air currents rushed into his body like spider threads along his palm.

The tall and strong foreign **** was horrified, and was about to resist, but it was too late for the fast and destructive airflow, which quickly locked all his acupuncture points.

Almost at the same time.

Jiang Heng swung his huge axe and slashed at the tall foreign god, but before the giant ax touched the opponent, a majestic and strange air flow was aroused from the surface of the giant axe, and the air flow entered the person's body as quickly as before, and soon Quickly kill it completely.

At the same time, the other two were also hit by this move.

Because they were too close, almost none of them expected it, mainly because they were still attracted by Jiang Heng's giant axe, and they didn't expect Jiang Heng to have such weird means.

This is obviously Qi Dao, like the Dao of Space, Qi Dao is no less than the true **** level under the control of Xing Tian's power, the first time the power is displayed, it is extremely terrifying, almost all-pervasive and hard to guard against.

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