Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1093: World War 2 (3)

"Your Majesty, we will pass through the high-dimensional passage soon." Xin Zhao said in a deep voice.

"Well, I just don't know how that kid Jiang Heng is doing now."

The Great Zhou Emperor was floating in the mid-air of the huge boat at this moment, his brows were tightly furrowed, if he were to say that he was really worried about his son-in-law now.

Although it is very unpleasant to see this son-in-law on weekdays, after all, what is the status of my daughter to share a man with other women, it is really unpleasant to say it.

However, he is usually unhappy, but right now he is still very anxious. It would be even worse if his daughter was left as a widow.

"The Marquis of Wuwei is powerful, and there are hundreds of thousands of elite Wuwei troops sitting in the town, so it should be no problem."

After Zhao Xin finished speaking, even he didn't believe it, just kidding, what kind of elites, who in the entire empire doesn't know that Jiang Heng's Wuwei army is a motley army that has only been formed for tens of thousands of years.

Not only are most of them casual cultivators, but even their cultivation bases are low and uneven. In addition, it is said that in this battle, many foreign gods and true god-level powerhouses descended. This Jiang Heng is indeed powerful, but it is only powerful below the true **** level.

In short, Xin Zhao really didn't think Jiang Heng could carry it for long, and now he was only talking about comforting His Majesty, the scene that followed might be extremely **** and tragic.

Maybe they just landed there has become a blank land.

At this time, the Great Zhou Emperor never thought this way. Before leaving, his precious daughter was crying and begging him to save her husband quickly.

Thinking of this, the Great Zhou Emperor became very angry.


At this moment, with the giant boat trembling slightly, everyone began to wait with bated breath, which meant that the battleship was about to arrive on the battlefield.

Accompanied by a burst of light flowing outside the giant boat, followed by a blackout, which means arriving at the dark cosmic starry sky.

As the giant boat descended, the Great Zhou Emperor shouted loudly: "Kill!"

In the next moment, with the Great Zhou Emperor as the center, his terrifying divine sense spread rapidly, but he was a little stunned by this sweep.

Didn't it mean that the Wuwei army is more dangerous than good? Why is it that the line of defense is still there?


Not only is the line of defense intact, but even the Outer God race seems to be tightly bound to the first line of defense, where it is like a meat grinder tightly strangling the pace of the aliens' invasion.

This discovery excited the Great Zhou Emperor, and at the same time made the rest of the people who were observing feel incredible, and at the same time they were also very excited. Since the battle line is still there, there is still room to fight.

At this time, everyone is gearing up. Although everyone was not optimistic about the motley army of Wuwei Army in the past, it has to be said that the opponent has resisted now, which is the best news for them.

This also means that they don't need to fight against foreigners without any support. Now that they have formations and lines of defense, they can retreat quickly to delay one or two if the casualties are too heavy.

"Set off!"

The Great Zhou Emperor quickly reacted and issued a combat order.

Because many war simulations have been done before, all the generals are very precise at this time to control the subordinates, and the huge boats are pouring out like a wave towards the defense line.

The Great Zhou Emperor Zhao Xin and the two are still floating on the giant boat and continue to observe the trend of the war. No wonder they are still watching now, because the battlefield spreads too widely.

The area stretching for nearly a light-year or so is exchanging fire, and each area is extremely intense.

A large number of dense energy bursts disrupted the magnetic field here, and made the investigation of the spiritual sense very detailed, so the spiritual sense could only be contracted for partial observation.

"Your Majesty, the current situation on the battlefield seems to be well controlled, and the performance of the Wuwei Army is not bad." Xin Zhao sincerely praised.

"Well, it's not bad."

The Emperor of the Great Zhou also nodded. There is one thing to say. It is indeed amazing that a motley army that has only been formed for tens of thousands of years has such an effect. Even some elite legions may not be able to withstand this kind of war frequency. This Wuwei army resisted like this.

"Did you find out where that guy Jiang Heng is?" Da Zhouhuang asked.

Because the battlefield situation is too complicated, coupled with the serious interference of divine sense, the Great Zhou Emperor can only focus on a certain area for investigation.

"I haven't found it yet, but the current situation is very good, so I don't think it will be a problem to come to Wuwei."

Xin Zhao also had no choice but to respond, he didn't know how to intervene in the current situation.

As for the army they brought, they can only rescue the nearest line of defense. If they want to spread to other lines of defense, they need to adapt to the battlefield situation here.

"Your Majesty, right now we are leading the crowd here, and we have the ace elite of the Central Army Corps. I think I will gain the upper hand in this battle soon!" Xin Zhao said with some confidence.

Hearing that the Great Zhou Emperor also nodded, he also had high hopes for the Central Army, which is the strongest army in the empire, and now it has expanded to a scale of one hundred thousand, and even if it is facing several true god-level powerhouses at the same time, it can fight against it. One or two, and it is like a big killer on the battlefield below the true god.


But soon Xin Zhao and Emperor Zhou discovered something, and their faces froze immediately. ,

Because what they were concerned about was the theater where the Central Army was located, and they saw that the Central Army, which they had given high hopes for, was in trouble as soon as it entered the battlefield.

At the beginning, it was really overwhelming, and once rushed out of the defense line and entered the hinterland of the enemy's formation, but as time passed, the surrounding enemies seemed to be inexhaustible, and soon the Central Army began to retreat consciously, wanting to withdraw from the defense line to recover.

This kind of decision-making is very correct, but this Central Army, which has just been trained and expanded to a scale of 100,000, seems to be unable to adapt to a war of this scale.

After all, even the former Central Army has never fought such a tough battle. The Central Army is indeed strong, and it still has too little combat experience. One game, but how can that game compare with the current scale.

Coupled with the fact that the Central Army Corps had just expanded and many personnel orders were not very coherent, and it encountered a war of this level, and the consequence of this was that it was beaten up all over the head in a short time.

"Ahem! Your Majesty, I think it's because the Central Army Corps has just arrived and hasn't figured out the situation. It might be better when they get used to the frequency of the battlefield here." Xin Zhao excused the Central Army Corps with some embarrassment.

At this time, the old face of the Great Zhou Emperor had already darkened, and he did not expect that his Central Army Corps would behave like this from the very beginning.

And the performance of the Central Army Corps is like this, so it can be expected that the performance of other imperial troops newly expanded by the standing army, dignitaries and the empire will be even less satisfactory.

I saw that many troops brought by the imperial capital suffered a large number of casualties at this moment, and some noble soldiers composed of dignitaries were even beaten by foreigners at the moment.

The main reason is that there are too many enemies around. You may just face one of them, but in a blink of an eye, you will face dozens of enemies at the same time, and these enemies are not afraid of death, regardless of casualties. .

What's more, just rushing directly is a self-destruct. This is a calf, and naturally it is beaten and crying.

In less than a minute, the coalition army from the imperial capital was defeated, and the casualties reached hundreds of thousands.

This is by no means an exaggeration. If we want to say that there are good and bad personnel, in fact, this imperial capital coalition army is even more miserable.

Although Jiang Heng's Wuwei army is a motley army composed of loose cultivators, since they practiced Shenting Kungfu for tens of thousands of years, their cultivation base has been advancing thousands of miles a day, and there is almost no low-level demigod level, all of them are above the middle level. Those 100,000 veterans are all high-ranking members.

The quality of one hundred thousand high-ranking powerhouses, even the Central Army, was thrown out several blocks. Who is so arrogant, treating them like ordinary soldiers with high-ranking demigods.

The demigods placed in the high positions of the Central Army are all big figures at the level of commanding generals.

As a result, a magical scene appeared on the battlefield. It was originally the Allied Forces of the Imperial Capital who came to support, but at this moment it turned out to be the one being supported.

Because of the great defeat of the coalition forces, many Wuwei troops who were sticking to the defense line had to be forced to push the front line forward to rescue the brother troops as much as possible.

So seeing this scene, the face of the Great Zhou Emperor became even darker, and Zhao Xin who was on the side remained silent, and now he didn't know how to behave.

"Okay, this is the army I built, and the four idiots Fenghuolin led the Central Army to give me such an answer sheet? I didn't give them 100,000 troops to send them to death!"

The Great Zhou Emperor was furious, and Xin Zhao could only lower his head.

As the saying goes, how confident I was before I came, how skinny I am now.

At the same time, the four main generals of Fenghuolin, who led the Central Army, were also in distress at the moment.

It should be said that they were careless before the war, but they were really helpless after a big defeat. They didn't expect this group of foreigners to be crazier than the last time they encountered it.

Self-detonating attacks, all of them desperately wanting to die, this is completely disregarding martial arts.

"Set up the formation! Quickly! Set up the formation!" Feng Yunhou shouted.

"Quickly set up the battle formation. If this continues, I will be defeated! If the entire Central Army is disabled, how can I face Your Majesty with face!"

Hearing that the other three Marquis also shouted again and again that they wanted to form a manpower and quickly arrange a large formation.


Boom boom boom!

But before the sound spread, he heard explosions like mountains and tsunami coming from his ears. The energy shock caused by the explosion was earth-shattering, and several big holes were torn across the entire army's outer defense line.

Let alone the formation, maintaining the formation of the legion is enough.

"It's over!"

Seeing the chaotic army, Feng Yunhou's heart skipped a beat, he felt that he might be dragged out and slaughtered by His Majesty when he went back.


Just when the army was about to be completely defeated, a loud hum sounded, and a majestic phantom appeared above. When the phantom was punched out, the space in the distance froze for a while, and it was overwhelming to launch a suicide move towards the central army. The attacking foreign army seems to have pressed the pause button at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, the punch hit the sky above the nearly 100,000 aliens, and these people first stagnated in place, and then their bodies exploded, as if the area suddenly turned into a sea of ​​sticky blood, floating in the void. It is very eye-catching.

"Your Majesty! It was His Majesty who made the move!"

Someone yelled, and the rest of the people also yelled. Only then did Feng Yunhou recover from the shock.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, this is... Is this stepping into the Realm of God?!"

Feeling the terrifying aura above their heads as if a true **** descended, Feng Yunhou and the others were all horrified on the spot.

It is well known that the Great Zhou Emperor stepped into the ninth rank for tens of millions of years, and since then he has been stuck at the peak of the ninth rank, unable to take the last step. I did not expect that when I saw His Majesty today, I would take that step , Reaching the level of the physical body and the true god!

"Hmph! Let's settle accounts for today's affairs after this battle!"

The Great Zhou Emperor let out a cold snort, and then turned into a stream of light and flew towards another battlefield.

Looking at His Majesty in the distance, the four princes of the Central Army Corps were already in cold sweat.

Today they really lost the face of the Central Army Corps.

At this time, Emperor Zhou was really annoyed, but he also knew that this was not the time to look for trouble, so he could only wipe their butts.

After resolving the previous crisis, the Great Zhou Emperor continued to move forward along the defense line. From time to time, he would take action to suppress a wave of corruption when he saw the situation, but he was also a little weak over time.

In order to seek the greatest lethality, he always used his full strength to strike, otherwise it would be impossible to kill nearly one hundred thousand troops with one move.

Every time he made a move, a large amount of divine power and the power of the physical law gushed out like flowing water, even if he was a real **** in the physical body, he couldn't bear it.

And looking at it all the way, he was also shocked, he could only observe a small half of the area Now looking at it along the way, he understands how many people the Outer God has dispatched this time.

And those outer gods in the distance have hundreds of true god-level auras stabilizing the boundary channel, and that channel seems to have an endless stream of enemies pouring in.

If this continues, the Great Zhou Emperor knows that even if it can be delayed for a few days, the entire Great Zhou Empire will collapse after a long time.

"Hundreds of true gods are by no means their full strength. According to the records in the classics, there were hundreds of thousands of true god-level powerhouses in the last catastrophe, tens of thousands of master-level powerhouses, and thousands of inner-sedum-level powerhouses." can.

Could it be that this catastrophe will reach that scale? If this is the case, the Great Zhou Empire... no! The entire universe will not last long. "

The Great Zhou Emperor felt extremely heavy. He had always covered up the real strength of the enemy and did not spread it to the outside world.

Because he is afraid!

He was afraid that if people knew about it, he might not have the heart to fight.

And to cover up the news, at least for now, you can fight and resist one or two.

Just how long can this last?

The Great Zhou Emperor didn't know, he could only do everything he could to resist and consume these foreigners.

"Hey! True god-level breath, nine? No! Now it's eight, seven, less and less, now it's five?!"

The Great Zhou Emperor looked into the distance in horror, and saw that there was a more grand battlefield, but there was a large area in the middle, and several powerful auras were fighting and competing.

There are five breaths besieging and killing the person in the middle, no! Right now, it looks more like that one person is hunting these five people!

How is this going?

"This person's aura is somewhat familiar, but who is it that is so powerful and terrifying?"

The Great Zhou Emperor was shocked and suspicious. The other party's breath gave him a very familiar feeling, but because the breath was countless times stronger, he was a little uncertain.

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