Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1092: 2 World Wars (2)

"Legion Commander, think twice!"

Immediately, a commander sent by the imperial capital knelt on the ground and pleaded.

Just kidding, how can Jiang Heng and the true **** level play together? Not to mention that the sudden sudden death of Jiang Heng as the head of the legion would cause panic in the army. The other identity of the head of the legion is the son-in-law of the Great Zhou. If he dies, he will not be buried with him when he goes back.

"I also implore the commander of the legion not to take any risks!" Even Ba Yuehou, who had never dealt with Jiang Heng very much, pleaded on his knees at this time.

The position of the head of the legion is not ordinary, especially on the battlefield, senior generals like the head of the legion die before the middle and high-level generals like them. Then no matter how to refute it later, at least it is hard to escape the blame.

"Yes, the leader of the legion must be cautious at this time!" Ling Hai also hurriedly clasped his fists in pleading.

In an instant, the entire command room was half-kneeling and pleading. Jiang Heng frowned, and was about to say something when he saw the situation on the monitoring screen change again.

The ten true god-level powerhouses seemed to lock on to them under the powerful divine sense, and one of the true gods came to the outside of the command room with the closest distance.

Through the porthole at this time, everyone can see the majestic and terrifying body of the true **** of the foreign race.

"Don't look at him!"

Jiang Heng yelled loudly, but it was still too late, and several people saw it clearly because they were facing the true god.

Jiang Heng has seen how terrifying the distortion power of the alien race is before in the Mother God ruins. Now these demigod-level powerhouses are not surprised at all, and they turned into twisted and hideous monsters in an instant. Alien vassals don't make much difference.

The rest of the people did not see the whole picture of the true god, but many people saw some parts and still felt that the distortion was growing rapidly.

"Linghai Bayue quickly calm the chaos here!"

As soon as the voice of the head of the legion rang in their ears, the next moment, they saw that the space was distorted and Jiang Heng had disappeared in front of them.

"Ant, how dare you look directly at me?"

Seeing the figure that suddenly appeared in front of him, this huge monster with three bull heads that was covered in abscesses showed surprise.

Jiang Heng just looked directly at the other party. Of course, he couldn't ignore the distortion power of the true god-level outer gods, but as he stepped into the ninth-level realm, he had already invoked part of Wuwei Daoist's cosmic star map.

Taoist Wuwei's cosmic star map itself is his inner universe, but later he refined it into a super-standard natal artifact, which Jiang Heng could not use before, but as he stepped into the ninth-level divine power, he approached the true **** level to a certain extent The power of Xing Tian.

The power of Xingtian at the level of the true **** is somewhat similar to the original Xingtian God of War, and the original foundation of Taoist Wuwei's inner universe is taken from this universe.

And Xingtian God of War is originally the place where this universe was born. The gods carry part of the original power of the universe, and the aura is similar. In addition, Taoist Wuwei has now lost most of his control over the inner universe and can only use it passively. Therefore, Jiang Heng can call this universe. Star map.

Of course, at the moment, the power of distortion can only be transferred to the star map. As the inner universe, the star map is not afraid of the power of distortion at this level, unless it is the same level of inner scene level outer gods.

"So much nonsense!"

The moment Jiang Heng appeared from the space passage, he was already ready to attack. With a flick of his wrist, thirty-six god-suppressing beads evolved into a great array of god-suppressing and hit the opponent's head.


The three bull heads were stunned for a moment, then sarcasm appeared on their faces, and the thirty-six beads that looked like dust to him were about to be blown away with a light flick of their big hands.


There was a loud noise, and the next moment the three bull-headed gods were startled and then let out a miserable howl.

However, thirty-six god-suppressing beads collided with the giant palm, followed by the explosion of flesh and blood, and the huge hand full of pus burst instantly.

"Ants with a bit of ability dare to offend the gods?!"

The three bull-headed gods were furious, and saw the burst palm recover quickly, followed by a purple-black aura covering the palm, and clawed at the thirty-six God-suppressing beads again.

He wanted to take away the treasures offered by the ants, and if he could blow up his divine body, this thing must be a treasure.

The big hand came into contact with the Zhenshen Bead, this time the big hand covered in purple-black aura didn't explode, but when he held the Zhenshen Bead and wanted to pull it back, the bull head was stunned again.

"how is this possible?"

At this moment, he felt a thick and unshakable sense of thickness on this small bead, and he couldn't move it at all.

"I'm stepping into the first battle of the ninth rank, and today I will kill a true **** to help the fun!"

As soon as the words fell, a terrifying blood-colored light shone from behind Jiang Heng, and a human-shaped phantom exuding a terrifying aura slowly emerged from the **** light.

The phantom is extremely majestic, with **** as eyes, navel as mouth, and Qi Yiwu.

The monstrous martial arts fighting spirit shot out from the phantom, and the terrifying coercion pierced the head of the bull-headed god, and he felt a little dizzy from the terrifying killing and fighting spirit.

This uncomfortable feeling has just faded away, hum!

Suddenly there was another cold snort that seemed to resound in the depths of his soul, which made him unable to help but let out a heart-piercing wail.


Another sound resounded in his head, and it was the second magic power. This magic power was far superior to that of the ninth-level cultivation base before it was used, but it was still not enough to destroy the soul of a true **** with a single blow.

But that's enough.

Niutou Zhenshen felt his mind gradually regaining clarity, and he was terrified in his heart and no longer dared to underestimate this ant, but just as he restrained himself and was about to fight again, the next moment his eyes widened and his face was full of horror.

"not good!"

But he saw a phantom of a huge ax suddenly fall in front of him, and the terrifying breath locked him, and there was no way for him to hide at this time.


The huge giant ax was like chopping wood, and the body of the Ox Head True God was split in two.

The true **** was bleeding, and all the other true gods of foreign races who were rushing to this place not far away were stunned for a moment.

At this time, all the commanders and generals in the command room were also stunned. They didn't dare to look at the outside world, but they could clearly feel that the aura of an outer **** was rapidly declining.

"Damn it! How can a mere ants do this!"

The two halves of the Niu Shou True God's torn body were connected with countless blood threads, and his physical body was healing rapidly. For him, this kind of injury would not die as long as his soul was immortal, but it would still consume some of his origin.

And most importantly, he was slaughtered by a mere ninth-order ants.

He could already imagine how an existence of the same level would laugh at him afterwards.

"Ant, you are courting death!"

The God of Niu Shou let out a roar that resounded through the universe, and saw his body muscles swell, the terrifying force of distortion gathered in his arms, and the majestic divine power in his body was urged to the extreme, his whole body was enveloped by the purple-black aura, and he jumped A punch was thrown towards the phantom not far away.

The three bull-headed gods sneered, the ants in front of them should be the arrogance of this realm, and they thought they had used some killer tricks that required a huge price.

This kind of arrogance also exists in their holy world, and it often dies after one move, and it is wishful thinking to use this method to fight the true god.

The divine power of a true **** is condensed into a godhead, and the divine power is inexhaustible, the godhead is immortal, and the godhead is immortal, and the body is immortal.

And often demigods seldom have the means to cause fatal injuries to true gods, so what can even Tianjiao do? How can kill God?

"Then make a quick decision!"

Seeing the other party rushing, Jiang Heng did not retreat but advanced, with the same arm, and the huge Xing Tian phantom behind him also raised his battle axe. He wanted to kill one before the other true gods came. If he could kill it, he would kill it.


There was another sound of a sharp weapon entering the body, and in the eyes of the Niu Shou Zhenshen who was full of disbelief, his right arm was broken at the root.

My mind was bewildered and I didn't want to understand why, but there was another flash of blood, and the giant ax fell on the head.

Flesh torn!


Before the real **** Niu Shou recovered, two soft hums resounded through the soul, and the huge pain in the soul slowed down his recovery speed.

The light of blood struck again like a meteor, and the flesh and blood were dismembered more thoroughly.

When True God Niu Shou recovered from the tearing of his soul and recovered his physical body, a look of horror appeared on his face.

"How is it possible! Why is my origin so weak? What have you done to me?"

The Ox Head True God roared hysterically, and when he recovered again, he could clearly feel that his origin had been weakened uncontrollably, more like being pulled away, and the total amount of origin was much less.

The origin is the law, origin, and avenue origin of the true god-level powerhouses in their holy world. When the origin dissipates, the breath will decline, and the realm will fall if it is severe.

He is not afraid of the constant destruction of the physical body, and he is not afraid of the continuous heavy damage of the soul, but he is afraid of the damage to the original source.

"Hey, I didn't expect Xing Tian's power to have such a miraculous effect on foreign gods. As a teacher, I thought I knew many secrets back then, but now it seems that I am ignorant."

At this time, in Jiang Heng's mind, the voice of Taoist Wuwei sounded.

"Master, don't you know? I thought you knew." Jiang Heng was stunned.

Because this is also what he discovered after he stepped into the ninth level of cultivation. The best place to display Xingtian's power is the battlefield, and the more tragic the battlefield, the stronger Xingtian's power will be.

Secondly, Xingtian's power is in killing. If each attack inflicts trauma on the opponent, it can continuously exploit the opponent's origin, which is similar to devouring and feeding back to become the purest and purest power of law.

This also means that Xing Tian's power is indeed the top divine power in the main war, the more you fight, the braver you are, and the crazier you kill, the stronger you will be!

"As a teacher, I didn't expect that Xing Tian, ​​the original god, fell too early. When this great **** fell, he didn't even start the first battle of the gods. As a teacher, it was only the second battle of the gods. rising.

In addition, all those old guys back then kept secret about Xing Tian and other original gods, and defined him as a sinful god. Being a teacher is not a secret, how can those guys know. "

Taoist Wuwei shook his head helplessly.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng thinks it is understandable. After all, Xingtian God of War was killed by other original gods, and those original gods later became the leaders of the four major forces. The black history is known, so it is understandable to conceal it.

"However, if Xingtian is still alive in the great catastrophe, maybe the victory or defeat is still unknown." Taoist Wuwei sighed.

Jiang Heng no longer paid attention to the words of the master, and now he has once again killed the Niu Shou True God.

"No! Get out of here!"

The voice of Niu Shou Zhenshen already had a trace of panic, and he turned his head and ran away as he roared.

His speed far surpassed that of Jiang Heng, who was at the ninth level, and he pulled away from Jiang Heng in just a split second. Seeing this, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


! "

The next moment, the space above his head suddenly distorted, and a huge ax protruded from the distorted space, and the next moment, his body and head were separated.

When it recovered again, the aura of Niu Shou's true **** was extremely sluggish, and there was a faint tendency to fall into the true god's personality!

"It's a pity I couldn't kill this guy!"

Jiang Heng sighed regretfully, if he could kill the opponent to the ninth level, then killing him would only be done with an axe.

just now..

Jiang Heng turned his head and faced the other nine true god-level foreign gods head-on.

"What a strange alien ant!"

"The old cow was killed and defeated just now. Could it be that this ant has some other secrets?"

"Hmph! No matter what mysteries he has, he's just a mere ninth-order ant, and he's just extinct!"

These few true god-level foreign gods with different shapes and different auras were discussing. Although they were discussing, in their view, the alien race in front of them was still just ants, the prey they hunted together.

As for the prey, whether to kill or not and when to kill depends entirely on the hunter's will.

"You kid is underestimated!"

Do nothing to promote the narrow road.

"I can't help it. I'm your apprentice, I'm only at the ninth Isn't the ninth level an ant in the eyes of the true god?" Jiang Heng shrugged helplessly.

"You boy, I have never seen an ant that almost killed a true god!" Taoist Wuwei was speechless for a while.

"But I'm really weak!" Jiang Heng said that I was really weak.

"Okay, now your power of Xing Tian has absorbed so much killing power on the battlefield, and also absorbed a lot of the origin of that idiot just now. The power you have accumulated is enough now. It is still possible to fight these nine idiots again. .”

Taoist Wuwei felt helpless as he said that his apprentice was really lucky.

I couldn't help complaining in my heart, how powerful this Xingtian God of War was back then.

"I really don't know much about the fall of Xingtian back then, but I heard that many primordial gods, gods, and the return of all things in the Council of the Elders participated in the siege.

So it seems that this beast was indeed vigorous back then.

If you think about it differently, if the old man was there, he probably wouldn't be able to help but kill Xing Tian. "

After all, the universe was basically stable back then, and there were no external aggressions, so internal fighting continued.

Moreover, all the powers at that time did not want such an unstable factor in the universe to be able to support war with war, and to continuously exploit other people's original power by killing. Such terrible abilities must be killed.

At the same time, the giant airship is sailing rapidly through high dimensions.

"Everyone! I just received the news that the Wuwei army garrison has already confronted the true god, and we can perform the high-dimensional descent in three breaths!" At this time, the Great Zhou Emperor was floating on the giant boat, and the loud voice rang every corner of the giant boat. .




Countless demigods in the huge boat below shouted, this is a battle of realms, and there is no retreat.

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