Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1091: World War 2 (1)

At the same time, Jiang Heng and a group of generals stood in the command room of the front line one after another, while near the fifth line of defense were the army soldiers who quickly came from the rear and were intensively mobilized.

Because I don't know the exact number of enemy troops, but the Wuwei Army still transferred nearly 300,000 troops in one breath. At this moment, each one of them is waiting in line to see the scene in the distance, which is somewhat nervous.

In the distance, one after another cracks appeared, as if the void had suddenly split open, and then densely packed ferocious monsters poured in from inside like a tide.

In the middle of the army, a majestic celestial body like a giant vajra was particularly conspicuous. This person laughed and looked around, as if he was very excited about the environment here.

"Haha! Praise the great old days! It's really easy for her great divine power to break through this world and swing the power of its realm. But the environment here really makes me uncomfortable!"

Meanwhile, the forward command center—

Ling Hai and other generals and senior generals of various legions gathered here to analyze the situation of the battle. Many generals listened at the side and participated in the battle meeting with Jiang Heng, the head of the Wuwei Army.

"The location of the Outer Gods is now clearly revealed. They will establish a temporary base in this area and send multiple scouting teams. They want to arrange space wormholes and shorten the attack distance. It is estimated that the opponent's main force will be teleported in a short time..."

The main control star map appeared on the display stand, and multiple directions were framed. Ling Hai used the star map to match his description from time to time, and everyone listened carefully.

The main force of the Outer Gods has assembled at the cosmic barrier. I don't know why they didn't attack immediately. Instead, they sent a scouting team to build a small sentry tower and approached our firepower coverage, so as to choose a closer position as a space wormhole, shortening the attack time. distance.

Because once the main force arrives within the range of the defense line, it is basically impossible to hide and escape, and can only attack conventionally. There is a high probability that they will be covered by long-distance firepower and multiple harassments from the Wuwei Army on the way. If they set the teleportation point too far from the interception circle , will be consumed by us as much as possible, so the distance in the middle should be shortened as much as possible. Although the Outer Gods are not afraid of battle damage, they are carrying a large number of troops this time, so..."

"The opponent's ability to act is extremely fast, and we didn't give us much time to prepare. Although we have a large number of troops right now, the opponent is even more numerous. The enemy's army is estimated to be no less than hundreds of millions, and all of them are at the demigod level. It's beyond imagination." Another general said.

"Our advantage lies in the home field and space. The defense line that has been deployed, the fortress, the trap, and the long-range fire coverage. If the opponent's main force can be held back for a long time outside the defense line, we estimate that we can reduce the opponent's staff by millions... But The gap between the number of strong people is still too big, so..." The official in charge of building the defense line in the early stage mused.

At this time, everyone couldn't help turning their heads to look at Jiang Heng, and everything had to be decided by the legion commander.

"The analysis is good." Jiang Heng nodded.

Although the Outer Gods have a large number of people and a large number of miscellaneous soldiers, they are not incapable of fighting. The Wuwei Army's Nine Transformations of Shenxiao is the biggest variable, and what I said before is correct, this is a local battle. As long as you hold back, your side will be defeated There will be a steady stream of reinforcements coming.

Jiang Heng knocked on the table, "Generally, everyone has understood, and then assign tasks for you..."

He assigns tasks according to the strategy discussed earlier.

After assigning the task, Jiang Heng looked at the generals of the legion and said in a deep voice:

"Long-range firepower coverage and harassment do not require your involvement. You lead the crowd to stand by within the defense line, waiting for close combat at any time... Also, the formation masters began to strengthen the formation."


Everyone responded.

In this kind of large-scale demigod battle, the consumption of the enemy's main force by their little people is just a dream. The risk is much higher than the benefit for them to fight against such a large army. The best way to deal with the opponent's sea tactics is to Consume engagement.

The most important thing is that the opponent has a true **** level!

Jiang Heng looked into the distance, as if he could see the terrifying figures in the distance through the command room.

The meeting was very brief, and instructions were passed on quickly. It didn't take long for the entire army to be notified of the official combat mission, and the war machine was rumbled into motion.

The Wuwei army first killed and sniped the reconnaissance team, and after a while, Outer God finally established a nearby space wormhole, and the army descended like locusts flying towards the area covered by firepower. The main force was subjected to long-distance firepower during the attack, and it suffered a lot of losses after passing through the traps of killing formations. However, even after frequent long-range strikes by the Wuwei Army, the distance between the main force and the area covered by firepower is still shortening every day. getting closer.

The situation gradually escalated, the Outer God army finally came into contact with the area covered by firepower, the first line of defense of the Wuwei Army was ready, and the main forces of the two sides finally broke out in a frontal exchange of fire.

Jiang Heng nodded to everyone.

"how is it now?"

While asking, he looked out of the porthole like everyone else.

What came into view was the magnificent and **** battlefield, on one side was the long fortress line of defense, and on the other side was the densely packed foreign army rushing forward without fear of death.

The two sides continued to pour firepower, and there were god-killing cannons bombarded at any cost on the fortress line of defense. This kind of expensive killer was almost used at any cost at the moment.

The two sides were criss-crossed, as if endless firepower rays formed an airtight firepower net. Of course, the Wuwei Army's defense line had the upper hand, and the benefits of not rushing to use the God-killing Cannon were highlighted.

The power of concentrated fire and covering strikes of dense Demigod Cannons is extremely terrifying. One Demigod Cannon is enough to wipe out most of the middle demigods, and the baptism of intensive Demigod Cannons is even for high-level demigods. If you set fire, you will have to drink hatred.

It is certain that many high-ranking foreign gods fell during the period. Of course, such a large-scale battle situation is extremely cumbersome to schedule.

Fortunately, besides Jiang Heng's Wuwei army command center on the defense line, there is also a command center for commanding domain masters and common people.

Separate command to form two combat situations that operate independently and connect with each other, which do not interfere with each other but can perfectly complement each other.

At this time, the battlefield has become a piece of incomparably gorgeous and grotesque areas, all kinds of weird and strange cosmic wonders emerged due to the firepower bombardment, and tens of thousands of people were killed every time they breathed.

On the side of the outer gods, mid-level and low-ranking demigods continued to die on a large scale, while on the Wuwei army's defense line, gaps were constantly opened up, but immediately the Wuwei army who was waiting in battle formed a battle formation to drive them out, and soon the array mages behind And the refiner will quickly repair the defense line.

The two sides engaged in an extremely tragic tug-of-war on this fifth line of defense.

At this moment, they seem to be holding their breath, no matter how many casualties there are, they are gritting their teeth and persevering.

Seeing this super-large-scale demigod-level battle that hadn't happened in hundreds of millions of years, many generals were secretly surprised, and some even couldn't help but gasp.

There were some generals present who were confident and wanted to show their talents, but seeing this scene not only felt a headache, the battle situation was too complicated, there were firefights everywhere, and they felt that they couldn't start.

Among them, the **** battle is one of them. He has been eager to try it for a long time, but he can't help being silent just looking at the scene in front of him.

In such a high-intensity battle involving a wide range of popularity, the general's personal force is only a tiny speck of dust, and he is in danger of being surrounded and strangled at any time.

This is the real head-on collision between the two realms. At this time, everyone felt that the previous war with the Temple of the Gods was simply a child's fight, and now it is the real all-out war.

Ignoring everyone's complex emotions, Jiang Heng said in a deep voice: "It's just a normal exchange of fire right now, and the two sides maintain an even match. This situation is good for us. If the opponent's true god-level end, it will be really troublesome!"

Ling Hai pondered and said: "True gods don't seem to be in a hurry to end, but what should we do if they make a move?"

This is what everyone is worried about, because there are nearly a hundred true god-level auras that are gradually descending at this time, and there are more and more tendencies.

It is impossible to strangle the arrival of the opponent in advance, because the area where they descend belongs to the restricted area of ​​the law.

The outer gods can ignore this rule because they don't belong to this realm, but if they, the local demigods, kill them rashly, they will be delivering food.

"There is no need to worry. His Majesty has already led the army here, and His Majesty the Valkyrie can arrive at any time. Our task is to check for deficiencies in the follow-up line of defense, and don't worry about anything else." Jiang Heng shook his head and said.

Hearing that His Majesty and everyone still had a hint of worry on their faces, but hearing that His Majesty the Valkyrie will arrive at any time, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Many people present have seen the terrifying combat power of the Valkyrie and the True God class tens of thousands of years ago, and everyone feels at ease with the Valkyrie crowned.

Jiang Heng ignored these, and looked at many war zones.

I have to say that although the current battle situation has suffered heavy losses, it is definitely a good thing for the Wuwei Army.

The Wuwei army had been practicing before, and only took time to practice formations occasionally, and even if they practiced formations, it was only on paper, and now it was the real test.

But to Jiang Heng's relief, these recruits quickly adapted to this high-intensity war after going through the initial jerky.

Because death is too common here, one carelessness is irreversible.

The 300,000 Wuwei troops originally mobilized had dropped sharply to 200,000 at this time. Most of the 100,000 dead were killed in the first wave of confrontation. The firepower coverage and death began to drop sharply.

Relying on the defensive army can barely block it, but this group of foreign gods is really endless.

Jiang Heng looked at the space wormhole where the alien gods descended from a distance. There were a large number of true god-level alien gods gathered there. They didn't take the initiative to attack. It wasn't that they were just too lazy to do it, but that they were expanding the space wormhole. .

At this time, the passage that could only accommodate one person has been expanded to the point where a large number of troops can pass through at any time, and it is still expanding.

And the current wormhole of this size can accommodate the influx of millions of foreign gods' vassal races at any moment, but because the wormhole is still unstable, hundreds of thousands of foreign races still pour in every breath.

"It seems that once the cosmic barrier is weakened, it will be impossible to stop the invasion of foreign gods."

Jiang Heng said with emotion, this situation is obvious, it is not feasible to block this space wormhole and send people to strangle the entrance and then repair it.

Not to mention that the area is not good for the local demigods, even if it can be repaired, it is useless, because blocking the outer gods here can open wormholes elsewhere.

Unless the barriers of the universe are strengthened and the law of the avenue becomes full, this catastrophe is already inevitable.

"It's no wonder that the ancient gods are powerless to stop the invasion of foreign gods. With their strength back then, it is not a problem to block a few passages, but this is only a temporary solution, and it is impossible to cure the root cause!"

At the same time, Jiang Heng also knows that this is only one reason at the moment, and another reason is that there is a stronger outer **** in the outside world, and that existence called the old days is weakening the power of the world's barriers.

At this moment, the star map showed several glaring red dots. Everyone looked at them, and saw that the screen changed, but they saw that a section of the defense line in the screen had collapsed and disappeared instantly. The gods are all wiped out.

"The true god-level powerhouse has made a move!"

Jiang Heng Tong Kong shrank, and as expected, he saw ten figures had already escaped from the wormhole area and rushed to the battlefield. With a finger from a distance, a defensive formation shield was instantly wiped out, and with it, everything on that defensive line was wiped out. people.

These true god-level powerhouses are earth-shattering means when they make a move. They were still in the far wormhole area a second ago, and they came to the defense line in the blink of an The defense line exploded densely. Fireworks, The formation couldn't stop them at all, and a large area was quickly emptied wherever they passed.

"Damn it! It won't take long for the entire defense line to collapse if this continues!" Bloody Zhanhou slapped the table and cursed.

The rest of the people also looked ugly, but they were a little helpless, this is a true god!

"Bloody battle awaits orders!" The majestic voice of the suddenly legion Changjiang Heng resounded out of thin air.

"The end is here!"

"Let you lead your troops to form the Shenxiao Nine Transformation Formation to block a true god-level foreign god?"

"The last general will definitely block it!" Xue Zhanhou half-kneeled on the ground, his eyes were red, and there was a hint of excitement.

Everyone was a little surprised, let the **** battle formation fight against the true **** level, would it work?

Jiang Heng didn't pay much attention to it. He had confidence in Shenxiao Nine Changes. Of course, this is also the leader of the main battle, Bloody Warlord. If Ba Yuehou, he would definitely not issue this order!

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Hearing the **** battle, Hou quickly turned into a ray of blood and disappeared in the command room.

"Legion Commander, even if this is the case, you can only block one!"

Ling Hai looked worried on the side.

"Are you and I confident in blocking one?" Jiang Heng looked at Ling Hai.

Ling Hai was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Jiang Heng to point him, but the next moment he said solemnly: "The final general wants to go!"

"Take the soldier talisman!" Jiang Heng casually threw another soldier talisman to Ling Hai.

After receiving the soldier talisman, Ling Hai couldn't help being a little suspicious, "League commander, then you..."

"Shenxiao Nine Transformations I practice less, so I won't form a battle formation, I'll choose a guy to play with!" Jiang Heng grinned.

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