Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1000: another universe

"If you want to talk about imperial objects, there are good players in the gods and the empire, but the palace master of the twelfth palace of my gods is unique in the world. Could it be that he came here?"

Shi Yu frowned slightly, thinking about everything about the Palace Master of Yushen Palace.

He is quite familiar with this person. Although he joined the Zodiac at the latest to become the lord of the palace, he is definitely an old man among the old people in the temple of the gods. The one or two changes of the zodiac house, let alone know every lord of the zodiac house, at least they belong to the very familiar kind.

"The master of Yushen Palace, the old man of Tianqi. This person is about five thousand years old, and he has already entered the end of his lifespan for a ninth-level demigod."

After all, when it comes to longevity, the first place is the demigod of the law of life, followed by the demigod of the Tao of time, followed by some laws of the small way similar to the law of life, and the demigod of the Tao of the body.

As for weapons, the laws of imperial objects, the demigod's lifespan is almost similar to that of ordinary demigods, so the lifespan may be limited to 60 million years, and the lifespan of some people who often fight may be limited to 30 to 40 million years. Yuan.

In Shi Yu's impression, the old man Tianqi, the owner of Yushen Palace, belongs to the category of the twelfth palace of the gods who cares the least about world affairs. He also runs his own Yushen Palace on weekdays, and his main duty is to serve Forging magical weapons, so most of the entire Yushen Palace is full of weapon refiners or demigods of weapon laws.

"This old man has never seen him make two shots in normal times. His past strength can only be said to be mediocre, but today's move is absolutely extraordinary. Could it be that he has hidden his strength before?"

Shi Yu became suspicious. After all, if he wanted to enter the ruins here, his cultivation had to be suppressed to the median sixth level. In other words, the other party can only come as an incarnation.

And just now, I was almost killed by the opponent's move. Although it was because of the restraint of the four elephants that my strength could not be fully exerted, the opponent's move just now still scared Shi Yu.

"No! It can't be that old man Tianqi. That guy usually spares his life and has always been aloof from the world. How could he have such a strong desire to attack!"

Soon Shi Yu vetoed this guess, after all, the image of the old man Tianqi in weekdays is completely different from what he is now.

Unable to figure it out for a while, Shi Yu could only continue exploring the ruins.

At the same time, Jiang Heng is also slowly exploring the hall. The hall still retains the appearance of the ancient times. Except for the dust on the futon and the ground, the rest are exactly the same. If there is no one here, Jiang Heng thought it was the reappearance of the previous illusion.

Scanning around Jiang Heng, his eyes fell on the map of the stars and stars in the universe hanging in the center of the hall.

I have seen this picture scroll in the illusion, and what I saw with my own eyes is exactly the same as the illusion, but it is a little different.

After all, the illusion is not as intuitive as experiencing it in person. At this time, Jiang Heng's gaze was focused on the picture scroll and he realized that facing this object actually has a feeling of facing the starry sky of the universe.



It's more like facing the entire vast and boundless world directly, looking at it with an unimaginable vastness and shock.

"Why does it feel like there is really a universe hidden in this picture scroll?"

With this kind of thought in his mind, even Jiang Heng himself was shocked by his own thoughts.

After all, the opening up of the universe was a feat done by the legendary supreme being. If such a brand new universe really appeared, wouldn't it mean that in ancient times, there appeared another one comparable to the creation **** level to the powerhouse level? exist?

Jiang Heng was shocked, and slowly stepped forward to the scroll and began to examine the scroll carefully.

If you look closely, you can see that every brushstroke and every bit of paint on this scroll is extremely bright, as if someone just painted it.

Recalling the scene in which the elder Chi Huo stepped out of this scroll in the illusion, Jiang Heng stepped forward and stroked the scroll.

From the perception of divine sense alone, this picture scroll is unremarkable, as if it is just an ordinary decorative picture scroll, and it seems that there is not much abnormality when touching it.

However, this made Jiang Heng even more suspicious.

"No! The Tianzong of Wuji Dao has no reason to put such a meaningless picture scroll here. This is clearly the most solemn and sacred place of preaching in the entire sect. Could it be that there is something strange about this picture scroll that I don't know about?" ?”

Jiang Heng began to use the power of space and the power of time to try one by one, but there was no response. This thing seemed to be an ordinary thing.


Jiang Heng was a little angry, and when he was about to ignore this thing, he quickly slapped his head and took out the identity token on his waist.

"Almost forgot about this!"

Gently touching the token with the picture scroll, I thought I might get nothing this time, but a miraculous scene happened.

The originally ordinary picture scroll began to ripple after touching the token of the true disciple, and then Jiang Heng's hand penetrated into the picture scroll without any hindrance.

He reached out and scratched inside.

I can clearly feel that my palm still exists, and at the same time, there seems to be nothing on that side, no air, no water flow or other substances, as if in a vacuum environment.

"Sure enough, there is a space inside, but I just don't know where it is?"

After thinking for a while, Jiang Heng's upper body directly leaned in, and with a burst of ripples passing by, his upper body passed through the scroll and entered inside.

It was pitch black at the sight, and the field of vision was completely pitch black without any light source.

If it wasn't for the detection of some huge celestial bodies not far away by the divine sense, Jiang Heng would have thought that he had closed his eyes.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng reached out with his big hand and took out a not very big star directly from the portable cave.

Jiang Heng has stored some things like stars in his secret cave, and Jiang Heng even captured a lot of stars for backup when he built a new home for the Orto family.

At this time, it acted as the only light source here. As the stars appeared in this space, Jiang Heng discovered that this place turned out to be a space similar to the secret realm of the cave.

Looking around, there is a star system nearby, but the star in the center seems to have reached the end of its life long ago, turning into a dim and dead planet.

This also led to the near extinction of life here.

Looking around, I found that there is desolation everywhere, and every planet seems to be frozen, dead and cold.

"Could it be that this place is the cave secret realm of a senior master of the Wuji Dao Tianzong at that time?"

The inference from this is the most basic guess. However, when Jiang Heng let go of his perception, he found that this place is actually vast and boundless. He used his own perception to fully release it. It stands to reason that it is only used to explore the territory in the largest range without considering the subtle screening. , enough to cover the vast territory of one or two superclusters.

However, there is still no border here.

"How is it possible? Is it because the owner of the Wuji Dao Tianzong is the master of time and space, so this is a secret cave opened by a true god-level space Taoist, so the territory is so vast and boundless?"

Jiang Heng was very surprised. With his cultivation of space dao, he was able to open up a secret cave of the size of a super galaxy cluster.

If you push it up, it seems reasonable for a high-ranking Space Dao powerhouse to open up a secret cave that is the size of dozens of super galaxy clusters combined.

If it is the true **** of the Dao of space, it seems very reasonable to open up hundreds of caves the size of super galaxy clusters.

But how big is it?

Jiang Heng rubbed his chin and fell into thought.

To identify the area of ​​the universe, there are many kinds of equipment and means in the outside world, whether it is the temples of the empire or the super-dimensional kingdom of God, but some of the simplest equipment is judged by starlight, but there is no starlight at all here, it seems that there is no one in the entire cave. A star that still shines.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Heng took out a diamond-shaped crystal-like object from the storage ring.

These are some gadgets that I got from the headquarters of the Eye of the Sky. Its function is to act as an interstellar compass. It is generally used for the team to perform tasks to prevent accidental transfers to unknown planes or star fields.

This thing can barely explore the vastness of the surrounding starry sky, but it is not very accurate.

Input strands of energy into the diamond-shaped crystal, and soon the crystal emits strands of shimmering light. At the same time, the light on the surface of the crystal quickly condenses into three beams, and the three beams of light are emitted from different angles of the crystal.

These three rays of light are compressed to be extremely thin, so thin that even a demigod-level powerhouse cannot catch them with the naked eye, and can only be detected with divine sense.

This ray of light continues to extend towards various peripheral areas of this place in the distance.

This is a way to use crystal light sources to explore the size of the territory, and it can quickly extend the extremely small light beam at a speed exceeding thousands of light years.

This kind of technology is often used by the empire as a communication technology. It is said that even the reconnaissance semi-artifact, the Eye of the Heavenly Domain, has a similar technology.

It is not unreasonable that the Eye of the Heavenly Territory can cover the entire Southern Territory at its widest extent.

Although this small crystal is many times less effective than the Eye of Heaven, and it is only used to roughly explore the size of the starry sky, the function is simple and modeled on a lake. This function is generally very useless, but it is quite practical now.

After about ten minutes, Jiang Heng fell silent.

Because the feedback from this gadget told Jiang Heng that the largest area of ​​the crystal search has not yet explored the edge of the Fangdongtian secret realm.

Jiang Heng knew what this meant, which meant that the size of this world was at least equivalent to the size of the entire southern border of the empire.

The southern border is so vast, equivalent to nearly one-tenth of the territory of the main universe.

There are nearly hundreds of thousands of superclusters in its territory.

"Is this really something that can be done at the level of a true god?" Jiang Heng was a little skeptical.

He guessed that a true god-level space dao powerhouse could open up hundreds or even thousands of secret realms the size of a super galaxy cluster, but he never expected it to be so large.

It is not an exaggeration to call this place another universe.

"How glorious was the Tianzong of Wuji Dao back then? With such great power, it was still only a part of the ancient organization of Shenting, and even the entire sect, Shenting, and even the ancient times were extinct. What kind of power destroyed it? all of these?"

Jiang Heng feels that the more he understands the past, the more he feels small and powerless.

"Hey! The time here seems to be different from the outside world!"

Jiang Heng was surprised to find that the time flow here seemed to be one-tenth of the outside world, or even lower, and the time was unexpectedly slow.

"Could it be that the reason why this place is so dead is that time runs slowly here, and this new universe has not yet brewed an opportunity for life?"

Jiang Heng knew nothing about all this, and could only imagine through the legacy left here by the powerful Tianzong of Wuji Dao.

With the help of the stellar light just invested, Jiang Heng discovered that there is a rather different place in the star system not far away.

It was... an ancient temple that seemed to be suspended in a vacuum environment.

It is not accurate to say that it is a temple, it is more like an ordinary Taoist temple.

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng was going to run the space teleport to go directly, but he didn't move at all.

"What's going on? I clearly feel that the laws of space can run smoothly, but why can't they affect the space here?"

Jiang Heng was obviously taken aback, and a guess suddenly appeared in his mind.

After thinking about it, a round of law light wheel rose up behind him. This is a gray-white light wheel representing the law of time, and the light wheel exudes gray-white brilliance.

But soon Jiang Heng retracted the gray and white light wheel into his body.

"Sure enough, neither time nor space can be moved here. This is another universe different from the main universe. The avenue here is completely entrusted to the strong man who opened up this universe."

Jiang Heng understood, this is tantamount to a different system.

The creatures like Jiang Heng who live on the plane of the main universe belong to different systems from this small universe, and there is no possibility of compatibility of software under different systems here.

"If I want to leverage the space and time of this place, it seems that I have to practice and learn the laws of time and space here."

Jiang Heng found this novel experience quite interesting.

After thinking about it, he still used his physical strength to quickly hide in the void.

The way of the physical body is not applicable here, but fortunately, the physical body is strong, and the speed of a powerful physical body traveling in the void is not slow.

After a few breaths, they arrived at this rather desolate Taoist temple.

The Taoist temple looks like a small island suspended in the Jiang Heng slowly landed on the ground, looking at the withered grass on the ground, one can imagine the past, this place should be full of vitality scene.

There are several dead trees outside the Taoist temple. The Taoist temple has a wall with white paint on the surface and black paint on the eaves.

The overall color is black and white, which looks solemn and solemn.

Pushing open the wooden courtyard door, there was a scream from the courtyard door.

Jiang Heng is still very surprised at the quality of the houses here, and they can still maintain a very high degree of integrity after so many years.

This place is different from the Wuji Dao Tianzong ruins that are isolated by the time magic circle outside. This place is another universe. Although the time is only one-tenth of the main universe, it has been an extremely terrifying time from ancient times to the present.

Entering the inside, Jiang Heng found that the inside was very crude, and outside of a small meditation room, there was only a small pool in the courtyard, and the water in the pool had dried up.

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