Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 999: Fortune (below)

"Hong Ming Dao, the true meaning of the Dao of the Sword, the world will collapse!"

Hogg let out a low cry, the blade in his hand was already out of the sheath, and the blade was cut out like a mountain avalanche, with an infinite momentum, and dozens of swords were blown away as the blade passed.

However, there were still dense swords flying towards him. Seeing this, Hogg's face changed slightly. He couldn't allow His Royal Highness behind him to suffer a little damage. This was his duty.

"The true meaning of the Dao of the Sword, cut Haitian in one line!"

The knife cut out again, and the sky seemed to be compressed into a thin line. This time, hundreds of swords were hit and flew away.

But looking around, the dense and seemingly endless sword lights and sword shadows remained the same, and Hogg felt powerless.

He is a demigod of weapons, and his cultivation base has been above this Hongming Saber all his life. He is not good at dealing with crowd tactics. He is better at one-on-one against strong enemies.

But there was nothing he could do, just when Hogg was about to make another move to defuse the next wave of attacks, a calm and clear female voice came from behind him.

"Hogg step back, you're not good at dealing with such situations, so I'd better do it myself."

"But how could your Highness let you do it yourself..."

"Why? I can't order you anymore?"

"Your Majesty will follow everything!" Hogg didn't dare to say anything.

The woman in white clothes took a step forward, and saw her better figure began to float up slowly, like the flying goddess, she was extremely beautiful, yet very hazy and mysterious.

The streamer behind her began to float up, and soon sprang out like two spirit snakes, like a river-turning dragon tossing the clouds and seas among countless sword blades.

In an instant, hundreds of swords were caught and stirred by the streamers and deviated from their direction.

The woman's movements did not slow down at all, and a pale golden light wheel rose up behind her. The light wheel slowly rotated, and then suddenly accelerated.

With the sudden acceleration of the light wheel behind him, the sky seems to have turned into countless pieces of broken glass spliced ​​together, and it seems to have countless mirror refractions, and the swords and handles disappeared soon after entering this area.

When it reappeared, it was already thousands of miles away.

"Space way!"

Seeing this scene, Hogg secretly exclaimed in his heart.

Although it has been known for a long time that these members of the royal family are often extremely talented, the appearance of space dao talent is unexpected.

Isn't the royal family all the way of the flesh?

It seems that the status of His Highness's mother and concubine is not ordinary.

As soon as this thought appeared in his mind, Hogg immediately stopped daring to think about it.

At this time, the swords in the sky are still flying towards this side, seemingly endlessly.

The woman in white palace attire finally couldn't hold on after several breaths and used her treacherous spatial ability to transfer nearly a thousand swords. Her pretty face under the veil was already pale.

Seeing that the four maids who had been paying attention to His Royal Highness all the time this morning took action and began to share the pressure for His Royal Highness.

A blush of unnatural embarrassment appeared on the pretty face of the woman in white clothes.

Originally, she thought that she could solve this problem by herself, but she didn't expect that the sword above her head seemed to be endless. With such a strong foundation and her space ability that is very good at moving, she still couldn't deal with such a majestic attack. .

The addition of the four maids made the woman in court clothes a little bit slower. Hogg also had good eyesight. Seeing that the faces of the four maids all turned pale in different situations, he no longer hesitated to slash again.

At the same time, all kinds of protective talisman formations were thrown out in everyone's hands, so as to continuously offset the pressure of the sword above their heads.

As the stored treasures were continuously thrown out, the sword above his head finally gradually became thinner.

It didn't end until ten breaths later.

It's just that one of them is a bit staggering, and they look like they have been hollowed out.

"It doesn't look like the backhand left by the ruins here. Your Highness, you can see that these weapons are clearly the forging technology of today!"

Hogg still had sharp eyesight and recognized the style and style of the blade inserted on the ground at a glance.

"Someone has already entered the depths of the ruins ahead of time. This person's strength is probably very good at controlling weapons and laws!"

As soon as this remark came out, even the woman in palace costume didn't look very good.

Someone was one step ahead, she had already guessed about this, but the other party's strength really made her unexpected.

This overwhelming attack has already left them in a panic. If they didn't have enough treasures in their hands, they might be crucified here.

"Hogg, can you perceive the trace of the other party?" The woman in the palace costume asked softly and followed her chaotic breathing.

"No! This person should not be nearby, but rather far away!" Hogg shook his head.

The more so, the more fearful he was of that unmasked weapon-like law expert.

The opponent's use of this kind of long-range attack must be just a test, but just this test alone almost fell one by one. These methods are really terrifying.

The group of them had different thoughts at the moment, all sitting and guessing about the identity of the attacker.

At the same time, Shi Yu, who was still exploring a certain elder's mansion on the other side, was fighting wits and courage with four puppets of the sixth-order peak.

"Although each of these four puppets only has the peak strength of the sixth level, each of them can quickly gather the power of the other three puppets, and can burst into the power of the seventh level in a short time. The end is ingenious. I need the refining skills of these ancient puppets Definitely capture it and study it slowly."

Shi Yu's eyes stared at the four puppets that were constantly attacking him, each of which was a different beast.

Shi Yu looked through some records of the corpses outside this place and learned that there are four four-elephant puppets hidden deep in the mansion, which are used to guard the elders' collections for many years.

And this elder's hobby is collecting all kinds of magic weapons and some special treasures. It can be said to be the multi-treasure Taoist of the Tianzong of Wuji Dao.


Suddenly Shi Yu was startled, and his spiritual sense sensed an unusual fluctuation in the distant sky.

"No! This is..."

Soon this trace of fluctuation turned into densely packed waves, as if endless densely packed waves struck.

"What happened? Has someone from the outside invaded the ruins? Or has some kind of killing array been triggered here?"

Shi Yu was taken aback. He was in the cave here, and his vision was blocked by the houses, so he didn't know what was flying fast above.

Those things in the perception are flying towards him very accurately, and they are getting closer.

Aware of this abnormality, Shi Yu looked anxiously at the Sixiang puppet that was rushing towards him.

The combination of these four puppets is a large formation of four elephants, which can trap outsiders into the formation. In short, Shi Yu simply cannot leave this place now.

However, this big formation is still a method arranged by at least the third-level demigod powerhouse. With Shi Yu's time ability, he can't open the time tunnel to escape from this place.

"Hateful, if it's the main body coming, why should my palace master worry about this!"

Shi Yu was a little annoyed, a puppet whose whole body was crimson and its aura soared to the seventh level, swung a heavy iron fist and threw it at him.


A round of gray-white guns rose rapidly from behind Shi Yu, the guns rotated counterclockwise, and time fell into a brief stagnation. The speed of escape suddenly soared.

Immediately, Shi Yu seemed to have turned into an afterimage, and he wanted to destroy the other four elephant puppets first.

The only flaw of this large formation is that as long as one of them is broken, the four-elephant formation will also be broken.

However, just as he was about to get close to the puppet, a violet-blue light quickly emerged from the large patterns on the ground, and the light swept across Shi Yu, and the time gun behind Shi Yu immediately slowed down as if it had misfired.

Shi Yu's speed slowed down, which invisibly gave the Four Elephants puppet reaction time, and soon the puppet who was about to be attacked was glowing red, which was the gathering of the power of the other three puppets in a short period of time.


With the sound of metal and iron clashing, Shi Yu's weapon seemed to have hit something extremely hard, and he couldn't even break through the opponent's surface barrier.

"Damn it!"

Shi Yu was very depressed. The most troublesome thing about the four-elephant formation was that the four puppets could gather the energy of other puppets in a short time, and whether the formation patterns on the ground could emit purple light.

Being swept by that kind of purple light, the operation of the law will be temporarily stagnant.

It was this situation of being interrupted from time to time that made Shi Yu very uncomfortable. Obviously, he would be able to crack the four-element formation soon, but under such constant targeting, Shi Yu felt as uncomfortable as if he had eaten shit.


At this moment, there was a sudden roar on the beam above the head, and immediately after that, countless densely packed swords came into Shi Yu's field of vision.


Shi Yu turned pale with shock, who knew what was going on in his mind at this moment, but he really wanted to ask why?


The gun on the back spun counterclockwise rapidly, and suddenly hundreds of swords that were about to hit Shi Yu were stopped at a position less than one meter away from Shi Yu's head.

However, more and more swords pierced this area, but they were all stopped and hovered in mid-air by the influence of time.

But as more and more things entered his time control domain, Shi Yu felt more and more strenuous.

The time dao demigod is not really playing with time at will, maybe a master of time dao at the true **** level can do this step.

But demigod level, even the ninth level, can't play with time at will.

Affecting the time flow of other things like this can affect a few things, but after more and more things pour into this inverse time zone, the consumption of the law will rise in a straight line.

"No, too much consumption! What's going on?"

As an old monster who has lived for tens of millions of years, Shi Yu's eyesight is naturally far superior to that of ordinary people, and he immediately noticed the abnormality of these weapons.

"Could it be that person from before?"

Shi Yu wondered if this was the guy who killed his avatar earlier.

The main reason is that there is only such a person who entered the ruins, and this is also a mistake.

As more and more swords hovered above his head, Shi Yu felt the pressure also follow. At the same time, be careful of the four-element pattern on the ground.

If it is swept by the light within the pattern at this time, something really big will happen.

Jiang Heng was unaware of the current situation of the two groups of people.

After recuperating for about a few hours, Jiang Heng finally felt a sigh of relief.

"This move is powerful, but the consumption is too terrifying. Before performing this move, you must make full preparations, otherwise it is really easy to damage the foundation."

Jiang Heng sighed, it was really dangerous and dangerous just now, if it weren't for the fact that there were still a lot of pills in Bai Lao's inventory, I'm afraid that this wave would have to be pumped out.

"But these Sword God Soldiers won't come back now?"

Jiang Heng looked up at the sky, feeling even more uncomfortable. There are tens of thousands of semi-sacred weapons, even if many of them are low-level, it is an unimaginable huge sum of money.

Now it's just such a wave of comfort from myself.

But soon Jiang Heng remembered another spell described by the elder Chihuo.

"Practice the way of heaven, transform the two instruments, give birth to yin and yang, and transform the universe, I should be pardoned! Accept!"

Jiang Heng's energy and spirit were united, and he rehearsed it again by simulating the feeling of casting the Sword Control Curse before.

This is a recovery spell, generally used to recover array disks, treasures, etc.

The advantage of this spell over direct ingestion is that it can retrieve things from a distance.


After waiting for a while, seeing the calm and calm, Jiang Heng felt a little uncomfortable.

But I still tried it again, if it didn't work once, I would try it twice.

Fortunately, after about tens of breaths, dense streams of light appeared in the sky again, but compared to the streamers that flew out before, the streamers that flew back this time were obviously nearly one-third less.

At the same time, the law of consumption is far worse than before. Previously, because of the need for attack, each sword contained a majestic power, so naturally the consumption was greater.

But right now it's just retracting, the flying speed of the sword is not very good, it just flies back slowly.

Seeing that the streamer of swords and swords had disappeared so much, Jiang Heng frowned.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Heng opened the Zhanshen Gourd, and put all these swords into the Zhanshen Gourd with one brain. At the same time, he searched for a lot of treasures from Bai Lao's storage ring and stuffed them into the gourd.

Now that such spells have been practiced, the value of the god-slaying gourd will increase again.

This thing will become Jiang Heng's portable treasure It is used to store tens of thousands of swords and swords on weekdays. When using it, you only need to open the gourd plug to kill everything in one go!

Also with so many weapons added, the god-slaying gourd also needs a lot of treasures to consume to maintain the nourishing effect of the gourd itself.

So Jiang Heng stuffed in a lot of various treasures.

"This move is actually a pretty good trump card. I can forge more swords and swords when I have time. Ten thousand is still not enough. I can make one hundred thousand or even a million. At the same time, I have to find some treasures that store laws and energy."

After all, for such a costly killing move, it must be equipped with a power bank.

After adjusting his breath for a while, Jiang Heng continued to search around the hall.

At the same time, Shi Yu couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he saw those swords and swords lifted off into the sky and disappeared again.

"Thanks to my Palace Master's many means, otherwise it is very likely to be hated on the spot. But who is this person? With such a profound attainment of imperial objects, this kind of person should not borrow from unknown people in the whole universe."

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