Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1001: survivors of ancient times

Looking around, it seems that this place is more incomplete and barren than the ruins outside.

As far as he could see, there was no living thing or any breath of life, Jiang Heng let out a sigh of relief, he didn't know whether he was regretting the desolation and silence of this place or feeling something.

Stepping into the Taoist temple, the space inside the Taoist temple is not very large, except for a quiet room, there is only one wing room next to it, which looks like an ordinary mountain wild temple.

It's just that as soon as he stepped into Jiang Heng, his whole body was startled, his pupils shrank suddenly, his hair stood on end, his whole body was tense, and he had already entered a state of high alert.

I saw an old man sitting cross-legged on the futon in the inner hall. With his back to Jiang Heng, the old man couldn't see his face clearly, but he had half white hair, and the crown of his hair was **** in a high bun. The fairy who looks like a fairy sits cross-legged in front of him.


Jiang Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, and his spiritual sense came out to perceive the vitality of the other party. The person in front of him clearly maintained his extremely perfect appearance, and he looked no different from a living person.

The appearance of this person was also reflected in Jiang Heng's eyes under the investigation of his spiritual sense. This person is a kind-hearted old man, but there are not many wrinkles on his face.

No breath was detected, but the appearance of this person really made Jiang Heng's expression solemn. It is unimaginable that not only can the body not rot for such a long time, but the key point is to keep it exactly the same as it was in life.

"Little friend, I'm a visitor from afar, and I don't know how many years have passed. May I ask my little friend what year it is?"

Just when Jiang Heng was deep in thought, a strange and old voice suddenly appeared in his mind out of thin air.


Jiang Heng's brain was almost shaken, his neck became stiff for a while, and he could only move his eyes to the old man sitting cross-legged in front of him.

Have you spoken?

he is still alive?

Jiang Heng's eyes widened, as if a turbulent wave had been set off in his heart.

"It seems that a lot of years have passed. The old man has calculated that an era is 100 million years. The old man has lived through nearly ten eras. If there is no billion years, seven or eight billion years have passed. Really. Time is ruthless, even the true gods cannot escape the pursuit of time."

This time Jiang Heng heard it clearly, it was the sound transmission that appeared directly in his mind, not the opening and closing of the other party's lips.

Jiang Heng looked directly at the opponent's body, and began to check the situation in the opponent's body, and found that there was indeed no trace of life, so he was slightly relieved.

But I was even more suspicious.

"Could it be the divine sense left here?"

Just as Jiang Heng was thinking, that voice sounded again.

"You have the identity token of Li Yiming's little baby on your body. It seems that the external situation is not optimistic. The Tianzong of Wuji Dao should not have escaped that catastrophe, right?"

The old man sighed deeply, but there was not much regret in his words. He seemed to have expected all this.

"Senior, what exactly is the catastrophe you mentioned? How did the Wuji Dao Tianzong be so powerful back then?"

Since entering the ruins of Jiang Heng, more and more questions have surfaced, and now I want to ask as much as possible.

For example, the catastrophe in the other party's mouth!

"Doom! Everything is doom."


Hearing the old man's incomprehensible answer, Jiang Heng was puzzled, not knowing what kind of catastrophe the other party was talking about.

"I don't know the name of the senior?"

After Jiang Heng asked, the other party was silent for a long time, until a long time before he said: "The old man was called Wuwei Taoist in his early years, but he was just an ordinary idle Taoist on a wild planet.

A hundred years later, I will be honored as the Taoist Lord of Wuwei, and hundreds of thousands of years later, the old man will be honored as the Immortal Lord of Wuwei. Until a million years later, many of the strongest old guys at that time called me the Lord of Time and Space, mastering the order of time and space, and carrying out the order of time and space on behalf of the universe. "

Lord of time and space? !

This person is the Lord of Time and Space! !

Jiang Heng's eyes widened, and his breathing became a little short.

"I don't know whether the current state of senior is life or death?" Jiang Heng paused word by word.

His gaze was fixed on the Taoist sitting cross-legged on the futon, motionless.

"Life and death are just a definition of living beings in the main universe. Here, as long as the universe is not broken, I am alive, but what happened in the past makes me only in this state of life and death. You can I imagine this universe, I am everything in this world, I am everywhere, and at the same time I no longer exist, only this remains in front of you."

"The younger generation doesn't quite understand what the senior said."

"It's fine if you don't understand, but knowing too much is not necessarily a good thing.

It is said that the most powerful person who opened up the main universe back then has fallen, and the avenue after the fall of that strong man has turned into the long river of avenues today. But only when he reached or approached his realm would he know that he has not fallen. Like the old man, he has become a part of his own universe, bound by the prison he created. "

Hearing that Jiang Heng was thoughtful, he vaguely felt that the master of time and space back then had reached an unfathomable level.

"The old man sees that you have already cultivated the four realms, which is very good. You are a good young man, and you have mastered both time and space at the same time! Your future achievements may not be inferior to the old man. Remember that the prerequisite for opening up your own inner universe is time and space. With these two There are avenues behind, and other laws can be added step by step.

Only with these two rules you have the prerequisite to open up the inner universe. "

"Senior, is the opening of the inner universe the channel to the level of the strongest?" Jiang Heng asked.

"It can only be said that this path is correct, but what can be done. The inner universe is also called the inner sedum, and there is also the outer sedum." The old man said with emotion.

"What is Inner Scenery, what is Outer Scenery, and what is the connection between the two?"

Jiang Heng asked again, and the two were like two like-minded people talking about each other at the moment.

"Inner Jingtian is what I said before to open up the inner world of the inner universe. Once the Inner Jingtian is completed, the body will continue to grow and survive many disasters in the world. Even if you leave this world and walk in a foreign universe, you can use many methods.

If you enter the inner scene of the old man, do you realize that the laws of time and space cannot be used? "

"That's right! The younger generation really can't use the power of the laws here, and can feel the laws running, but they can't leverage the power of the rules here." Jiang Heng nodded.

"That's it, Neijingtian is not yet completed, you are a rootless apple without the main universe that you depend on for survival, naturally many methods cannot be used.

And once you have cultivated the Inner Sedum, you can use the power of the Inner Sedum to drive your many supernatural powers no matter where you are. "The old man explained.

"According to what the senior said, could it be that in ancient times, many strong men have cultivated the power of the Neijingtian?"

"It is true that many old guys have cultivated the Inner Sedum, such as the Lord of My God Court, the original gods who return everything to the original, and some old ghosts from the council of the ancients.

The grand occasion was so spectacular. In order not to exhaust the resources of their own universe, and to cultivate more and stronger descendants, most of the strong people of Neijingtian would leave the main universe and go to the rootless outside world to find many cultivation resources and even some wandering in the world. The power of external laws and regulations. "

The old man seemed to be lost in reminiscence, and his voice had a hint of ethereal and memory.

"The younger generation is very interested in what happened back then, I wonder if the senior would like to talk more about it?"

Jiang Heng knew that it was extremely rare to understand the past of the prosperous period of ancient practice.

"Okay, anyway, the old man can't go anywhere now, he can only be trapped in this inner scene. But you have to answer the old man's question."

"Senior, please speak up!"

"After the fall of the old man, what happened to this day, what happened to the current main universe, and is it on the verge of destruction?"

On the verge of extinction?

Jiang Heng was suspicious and didn't know what the other party meant when he said that he was on the verge of destruction, but he still told the events after the end of ancient times one by one.

It took about several hours to describe the approximate time nodes and forces after ancient times.

"It turns out that so many years have passed. Is our era now called the ancient era? But at that time, the strong practitioners had already become the swan song. Are there really no Neijingtian masters now?"

After listening to Jiang Heng's description, the old man felt a little unbelievable, and asked suspiciously.

"Shouldn't be there, maybe that Martial God has approached or reached that level, but I haven't seen the other party with my own eyes so I have no way of knowing." Jiang Heng deduced truthfully based on his own guess.

"Hmph! Shit Nei Jingtian, this doll is really arrogant, but fighting against two or three ordinary true gods by himself is worthy of being called a martial god?

With such a loud tone, this old man would have been beaten to death at that time.

At best, it can barely be regarded as half of the level of the original god, and it is still a lot worse than the dominance realm of entering the true **** level with multiple avenues at the same time.

As for the distance from Nei Jingtian, it is even more out of reach. In addition to several core avenues that need to step into the realm of true gods, Nei Jingtian also needs to master many avenues that have stepped into the demigod level at the same time. Otherwise, it would be a joke to open up the Neijingtian. "

Regarding Jiang Heng's description of the current strong man, the old man was obviously very contemptuous, and his tone was even more unceremonious.

"By the way, you said that there are only a few people who have cultivated to the real **** level?"

"Exactly, there may still be some that can't hide from the world, but there are only a few on the surface." Jiang Heng nodded.

"It seems that although those guys spared us in the catastrophe back then, they still took away our hope of rising. The reason why we retreated is probably that we old guys made them a little bit too much back then.

After all, they are just outsiders to this world. "

The old man's sudden words made Jiang Heng a little confused.

"Are those people mentioned by the predecessors the biggest factor that led to the end of the ancient era?" Jiang Heng asked tentatively.

"Well, those people really did everything they could to deal with us back then. Now that I think about it, I realize how terrible they are. It turns out that they were eyeing our universe a long time ago. They were indirectly instigated by them in the three wars before and after. result.

It wasn't until the third war that they finally couldn't bear to end in person. But the next stage is thunderous means, old man... I used to think that my self-cultivation was so high that I am not afraid of anyone except the leaders of several major organizations.

Until those people appeared, the old man knew that this was a war with no suspense at all. We didn't deserve to lose that battle! "

The old man felt a little regretful and very helpless and unwilling.

"Seniors, those people are outside..."

Just as Jiang Heng was about to continue talking, the Lord of Time and Space interrupted with a low drink: "Shut up!"

"Back then, at the peak state of the old man, his eyes could see through a person's past and present lives, and he could even see the whole universe. He could also listen to everything in the world that was related to the old man.

The old man calls it cause and effect.

Cultivating to the level of a true **** can often see some cause and effect that ordinary people cannot see, and through the thread of cause and effect winding around oneself, one can quickly detect the little things that happened far away at the other end of the universe.

If you don't want to expose the life-saving place left by the old man Jin Chan's shell at this moment, you can speak up. It's just that you're dead when the time comes. "

The tone of the master of time and space returned to the original tone, and he spoke in a calm manner.

Jiang Heng broke out in a cold sweat.

Although the true god-level powerhouse in memory can investigate the situation in a distant place, it requires the other party to bluntly say the true name of the true god, right?

"Don't be surprised, what are the so-called true gods now?"

The Lord of Time and Space is obviously very dismissive of today's powerhouses.

"Back then, the other party could rely on one or two eyeliners lurking in our universe as nodes to radiate and monitor the entire universe. But there is no way around that. Those people were the winners back then, and they had the right to deal with many things in our universe. treasures and resources.

It's just that I didn't expect that besides me, there were people alive back Is there anyone alive? "

Jiang Heng was surprised. He could understand that the master of time and space could live for so long. After all, relying on the existence of Nei Jingtian and the fact that the other party was the master of playing with time and space in the early years, it was barely acceptable for the other party to survive for such a long time.

It's just that besides him, who else can live like this?

"Don't underestimate the powerhouses who have cultivated a great avenue into a complete one, not to mention that in ancient times, there were not a few people who had cultivated several avenues to perfection.

It stands to reason that everyone will have endless lifespans with the same longevity as the universe, but those guys are fighting with us. Their strength is not as strong as ours in the universe. As long as they are injured, they are almost like ordinary people. Killing is really killing.

That is to say, the Nei Jingtian powerhouses like me can deal with them by relying on the power of Nei Jingtian, and we can still maintain our resilience to some extent without being killed by a powerful enemy. "

Listening to the description of the Lord of Time and Space, Jiang Heng thought back to the corpses he had seen along the way. It was true.

Before, I also guessed whether the other side of the battle had extremely strong means of killing souls, so they could use such clean means.

After listening to the words of the Lord of Time and Space, it is considered that the previous doubts have been resolved.

To put it simply, this is a war where both sides are real swords and guns. No matter who is injured on both sides, it is really injured. To be decapitated is to truly fall.

Except for the few strong ones like Nei Jingtian.

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