Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 998: good fortune (medium)

Soon someone stood up and saluted: "Elder Chi Huo, this disciple has mastered the fire movement."

"Okay! Remember this spell!"

Elder Chihuo didn't hesitate at all, just a little more emptiness, and a golden light entered the disciple's brow.

Jiang Heng knew that this should be some kind of short-term method of imparting the method, and it would cause a lot of damage to the imparter.

The disciple who was taught closed his eyes as if he was comprehending the mystery of this method, and he opened his eyes after a while.

"Do you know the secret of this spell?" Elder Chi Huo asked leisurely.

"The disciple knows."

"Practice one or two here!"

Hearing that this disciple bowed to promise, he immediately got up and walked to the center of the main hall, looked at his fellow disciples around him, took a deep breath and quickly uttered a very obscure word.

After the words were finished, the person took a deep breath, opened his mouth and let it out violently. In an instant, a monstrous flame gushed out from his mouth, and a terrifying heat wave almost swept across the entire hall.

Fortunately, around the main hall and even under the futons of the disciples, bursts of green formation ripples poured out to isolate it, but the disciples under the protection of the formation still felt extremely burning skin under the scorching flames , all of them turned red all over.

Some of the disciples who were close to each other even showed faint traces of being burned on their skin.

After the flames gradually subsided, everyone still fell into a daze, and after a long time, there were bursts of noise.

"How is this possible? Isn't Junior Brother Han only at the third level of cultivation? The flames are probably at the sixth level, and the ordinary fifth level may easily be burned to ashes!"

"This is already comparable to supernatural powers, no! It's even more powerful than supernatural powers!"

A crowd of people was discussing, after all, this power is too appalling, I have seen those who leapfrogged to fight, but never seen so many leapfrogged.


Elder Chihuo asked.

"Elder, this method is comparable to supernatural powers, no! It is far superior to supernatural powers!" A true disciple said excitedly.

"No, no! Spells are nothing more than a means to tap our own limits. Let's see how your Junior Brother Han is doing!"

Listening to Elder Chi Huo's words, everyone turned their attention to Junior Brother Han who cast the spell earlier.

It was only then that everyone realized that Junior Brother Han's complexion was as pale as paper, and he was staggering with little breath. This was obviously caused by the extreme lack of energy and spirit!

"The power of the spell is fixed. For example, this spell was constructed by the old man when he was at the sixth level, so it belongs to the sixth-level spell. If you build a spell for others to use, its power is also fixed, but the construction The upper limit of the reader determines the upper limit of your spells."

Elder Chihuo explained with a smile that he was also explaining the advantages of spells.

The advantage is naturally that it adds some means of fighting against the enemy. There are many spells in the Tianzong of Wuji Dao, and there are also many high-level ones built by elders like them.

Once these disciples learn the spells constructed by their elders, it is equivalent to mastering a very powerful supernatural power out of thin air. Although it is far less flexible than supernatural powers, it is superior in its great power.

The disadvantages are also quite obvious. After all, spells are constructed according to the strength of the creator's law.

And these builders are all elders, and their cultivation base is above the seventh level. For spells of this level, the disciples at the bottom often spend all their energy and energy to successfully cast them.

And it may be powerless to continue after one use.

At this time, Jiang Heng was also paying attention to the incantation of Wuji Dao Tianzong, and found that this incantation was really an astonishing creation, and it definitely turned the killer's trump card into water.

As long as one masters a high-level spell, it is equivalent to mastering a powerful hole card that can be used to fight against high-ranking powerhouses.

Jiang Heng began to think carefully about the content of the incantation described by Junior Brother Han before, because it was relatively obscure and it was spoken in ancient times, Jiang Heng's parting was not very smooth.

Fortunately, Elder Chihuo began to talk about the importance of spells and some related theories at this time. Jiang Heng listened with great interest, as if he had already integrated into the academic atmosphere of this ancient era.

And after that, Elder Chi Huo also dictated a physical Tao spell, which is said to be based on the moves of the physical Tao reckless gods of the All Things Return to the Source Association, and then transformed into a spell.

There are also quite a few practitioners of the Body Dao in the Wuji Dao Tianzong, not to mention that many of them practice the Wuji Duotian Good Fortune Kung Fu, which is equivalent to the dual practice of Dharma and Body.

In addition, Elder Chi Huo began to chatter about many syllables and points of spells.

Jiang Heng listened very carefully, trying to firmly remember every syllable that Elder Chihuo said.

But after the voice narrated, the whole picture was shattered like flowers in a mirror and moon in water, all the previous pictures dissipated, and what came into view again was the previous appearance that was already full of dust.

Jiang Heng looked at the quiet hall and fell into deep thought.

Thinking carefully about every syllable he heard before, Jiang Heng began to try to reproduce it in words.

Some of them are not proficient in chanting a relatively ancient word. This is a special vocabulary specially used for sacrifices in ancient times. The vocabulary is not too large, and it belongs to a font language that is rarer than ordinary ancient characters.

Roughly translated into the current literal meaning.

"Heavenly Luo Weiwang, Earth Yan Moluo; Wisdom Sword unsheathed, slays demons and fine spirits; all disasters turn into dust. Taiyi Tianzun, hurry like a law!"

This is a kind of weapon law spell described by Elder Chi Huo, which often has miraculous effects when driving weapons.

It's just that Jiang Heng's words also mean that the spell has been cast, but everything around is calm.

Jiang Heng was slightly taken aback, and thought for a while to take out the original Beauty Saber from the Zhanshen Gourd.

As soon as the knife came out, it spun around Jiang Heng as if very happy.

Jiang Heng knew that the mother sword must have been imprisoned for a long time, so he was very restless.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng had no choice but to tell her to be more honest. Seeing that the other party gradually regained his composure, Jiang Heng inserted the other party into the ground.

The sword body was submerged in the ground, Jiang Heng closed his eyes and began to cultivate his energy to the peak.

Casting spells often requires a high degree of concentration, otherwise the failure rate will be extremely high.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Heng dictated again in extremely slow words according to the previous words.

"Heavenly Luo Weiwang, Earth Yan Moluo; Wisdom Sword unsheathed, slays demons and fine spirits; all disasters turn into dust. Taiyi Tianzun, hurry like a law!"

As soon as the words fell, the Hongyan Dao on the ground was no longer indifferent this time.

The Hongyan knife kept trembling on the ground, and in the next moment it turned into a ray of light that soared into the sky, and a sonic boom and a ray of light like chasing the light and chasing the moon could be vaguely heard.

Looking up at this scene, Jiang Heng was a little dazed.

This spell evolved according to the weapon law of the master of the weapon law.

And this spell is used to protect objects and chase nearby enemies.

The spell level of the spell mentioned by Elder Chi Huo is at the sixth level.

This also means that this spell is comparable to a full blow from a sixth-order powerhouse.

However, Jiang Heng thought quite well, but the next change really caught him off guard.

At this moment, his storage ring and the secret cave opened, and a pair of sword blades flew out of the storage space at high speed.

Not only that, the nine-handed divine weapons contained in the god-slaying gourd also soared into the sky.

The weapons Jiang Heng has collected over the years are so terrifying, even if there are only sword blades and blades flying out of them, it is unimaginably terrifying.

There are tens of thousands of swords.

The reason why there are so many is also easy to understand. The many hegemonic battlefields occupied a small part before, and the spoils of subsequent battles occupy a part. In addition, the inventory of Bai Lao, the master craftsman, occupies a large part.

These can completely assemble the main battle blade of an army.

On the contrary, each of the many weapons scraped from the Wuji Dao Tianzong ruins was put to use, as if the spells translated by Jiang Heng were not suitable for ancient weapons, but more suitable for current swords .

You must know that there were no swords in ancient times, only weapons similar to swords, but those were not called swords.

The first person to develop the way of the sword was Jian Wushen hundreds of thousands of years ago, who developed the way of the sword earlier but not in ancient times.

"Why is this? Could it be that after so many years, this spell can no longer control the weapons of ancient times? It can only control swords? And the power seems to be much stronger."

Jiang Heng found that a single sword blade can be used by a sixth-order demigod to attack with all its strength, but now tens of thousands of swords mean that tens of thousands of sixth-order powerhouses can strike with all their strength, and the power is comparable to that of an army. .

Facing an all-out attack from an entire legion, even a seventh-ranked demigod needs to avoid it for a short time, right?

Jiang Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, and the great light in the sky converged into a bright galaxy, which soon dispersed into two parts after a slight pause, one east and one west, respectively, and headed towards these two overwhelming places.

Whoosh whoosh!

The dense sound of piercing the sky can be heard endlessly, and the light of the flight trajectory of tens of thousands of swords is like two meteors falling to the ground.

Jiang Heng didn't know where these swords were rushing to, he just felt the sound of swords and knives in his ears.

This kind of scene is so spectacular, but Jiang Heng couldn't help but change his face after a burst of emotional agitation.

The reserves of the four laws in the body began to plummet rapidly, as if a flood had opened its floodgates, no matter how much it could be stopped, it couldn't be stopped.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng hurriedly took out a large handful of pills from the storage space and swallowed them into his stomach without any explanation, without chewing, and swallowed them mouthful after mouthful.

Even so, the vitality and many laws in the body are still declining rapidly.

This is equivalent to controlling tens of thousands of swords at the same time, and all of them burst out with power comparable to the sixth-level combat power. Even Jiang Heng's foundation is extremely strong and cannot withstand such extraction.

Soon he staggered and sat on the ground, but had no choice but to continue to swallow the elixir.

At this time, the vision in the sky also attracted the attention of a group of people from the Great Zhou Empire who had already ascended the first mountain.

"Hey! What is this?"

Luo Feng raised his head suspiciously, and looked at the flying light in the distant sky with some puzzlement. It was as beautiful as a shooting star, and he was not very prepared for a while.

But soon his complexion changed wildly.

"Assault! Assault! This is an attack!"

"What the **** is this? Don't we know when the killing formation here was triggered?"

When nearly five thousand swords approached, everyone finally realized the terrifying power attached to each sword. Each sword can easily kill a fifth-order peak demigod.

Not to mention Luo Feng at this moment, even Hogg and the beautiful face of the woman in white clothes hidden under the veil widened their beautiful eyes.

This is equivalent to a small team suddenly bumping into a regular legion to attack with all their strength. They were caught off guard, and it was impossible to imagine that they would encounter such a method of mass destruction in the ruins.


The woman in palace attire hurriedly cooed, and all of a sudden the four maids sacrificed their treasures one after another, and at the same time they stood in unison to form a small protective formation, tightly protecting the woman in white palace attire in the center of the formation.

"Not enough! If this continues, we will all die!"

Hogg gritted his teeth, he felt that if he did not deal with it this time, he would definitely die!

The brain thought quickly, and soon came up with a countermeasure.

He quickly took out many jade bottles with zombie torsos that had previously been sealed, tore off the seals of these jade bottles one after another, and at the same time scattered these refined corpses all at once.

Losing restraint, these corpses began to try to combine and recover after a while of squirming flesh. In just a moment, they recovered like physical martial arts.

After recovering, they were slightly dazed and confused, and soon their eyes were blood red again, and they were about to kill the living things in front of them.

However, only halfway through the leap, a beam of sword light suddenly fell and collided with it.


The sound of gold and iron clashing resounded, and the body of the refined corpse staggered, with a hideous **** mouth appearing on its surface.

Slightly stunned, but soon the dense sound of swords and knives came quickly, pouring down like a violent storm.

The refined corpse was only held in mid-air for a moment before it was chopped off by dozens of swords, and the corpse had been torn into hundreds of pieces.

The same scene is still happening on the other corpses around, they are like fish on a eucalyptus board, they can only be pierced and divided by the overwhelming Their strong physique doesn't give them much protection, they can resist a few times They could still keep it the same, but in the face of such a massive and terrifying attack, their defense was as fragile as a paper lake.

At the same time, wailing sounds resounded, except for Luo Feng, all the team members under his command were dismembered into pieces without exception.

Even for him, after resisting more than a dozen sword attacks with the physical body secret technique, the light of law all over his body was extremely dim, and then his body began to be filled with blades and blades.

At first he tried to stand up, but soon a blade pierced his spine.

He still wanted to persevere, but another sword blade nailed his hands to the ground, especially his legs, and his head was sliced ​​in half by the falling force of a big knife.

Even so, relying on the strong resilience of the martial artist in the physical body, he is still encouraging and persevering.

At the same time, after Hogg saw the massive amount of sword blades, his gaze was restrained for a short while, but then his eyes widened, and a terrifying will to martial arts erupted. The sound of unsheathing resounded.

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