Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 997: Creation (Part 1)

"Forcibly casting the Brahma Martial Saint Physique is still too much of a burden on the physical body, far greater than I imagined. If I perform it one or two more times, even if there is life essence in the future, I am afraid that I will not be able to return to the peak strength with the state of my physical body. The road has been cut off."

Wiping off the blood from the corner of his mouth, Jiang Heng spat out a mouthful of blood and sighed.

The destruction of the physical body by the Brahma Martial Saint Physique is too terrifying. If it was used in its heyday, it would be able to withstand it. However, the current physical condition is not as good as before, and the forced use is to speed up death.

"After all my efforts, I killed only one incarnation of this person. It seems that I have to refine a God-suppressing bead as soon as possible."

Jiang Heng secretly calculated that each Zhenshen Pearl is a sixth-order semi-sacred weapon, which not only has great attack power but also has a certain suppression effect on the soul. It can be said to be quite a comprehensive magic weapon.

At the same time, at the same time when Shi Yu's avatar disappeared, about seven or eight hills away from this place, Shi Yu was slightly startled in a certain palace.

He sensed the annihilation of the avatar, so he was naturally quite surprised.

"It's a pity that the incarnation consciousness has not escaped back, otherwise we can see how much this person is following." Shi Yu was a little regretful. Although this is just an incarnation of himself, it is impossible for ordinary people to solve his incarnation. Difficult.

With the degree of difficulty of the Dao of Time, even a sixth-order demigod will find it difficult to encounter it. If one is not careful, there is even a risk of being killed.

"Oh, it's a pity. If the things in the palace here were not too important, maybe I would have gone there in person. Anyway, I don't need to pay attention to this person for the time being."

Shi Yu's eyes fell on the depths of this palace. He has already explored the core area of ​​this Wuji Dao Tianzong. This is the cave residence of an elder of the Dao Tianzong.

There seem to be some extremely powerful puppets and even tomb-slayers inside.

At this time, Yu had already wasted a lot of means, but fortunately, everything went well, and he only needed to deal with the last batch of puppets and killing arrays inside to enter the palace.

Of course, Jiang Heng didn't know at this time that because Shi Yu happened to go deep into the cave at this time, he escaped by luck.

While using the avatar to continue refining the God-Suppressing Bead in his hand, at the same time, the main body took the elixir and slowly recovered the injury and state in the body.

After digesting the potency of the elixir in his body, Jiang Heng's complexion improved slightly.

After calming down, Jiang Heng set his sights on the gate of the palace not far away.

The name of this temple is Daotian Temple. Looking at the name, it should be one of the main halls in the atrium of Wuji Dao Tianzong. The scale of the building complex is also unexpectedly broad and majestic.

Scanning around, Jiang Heng paused for a moment on the two stone statues in front of the palace gate.

These are the statues of two majestic and mighty lions. The two stone lions have different expressions. One seems to be rushing to eat the prey, and the other seems to be roaring to the sky. The expressions are different, but both have great power.

Slightly frowning, Jiang Heng vaguely felt that something was wrong, but he still stepped forward.

He is now maintaining a forward trend with the avatar. A domain master-level avatar has been differentiated in the front, and the main body is behind.

However, the incarnation in front had just stepped out ten steps, before stepping on the steps of the palace, it collapsed immediately, turning into wisps of green smoke and returning to Jiang Heng's body.

Jiang Heng was taken aback for a moment, there was not much clear feedback from the incarnation just now, and everything seemed to be normal.

This is the avatar who died without even noticing something was wrong.

Jiang Heng was very puzzled and let out a soft breath.

"It seems that I still have to try it myself!"

Jiang Heng's eyes flickered slightly, and he slowly gathered his momentum to guard his surroundings. At the same time, the four laws of light wheel appeared behind him, spinning slowly, always guarding against accidents.

But stepping to the limit area reached by the previous incarnation, Mengdi Jiang Heng trembled all over.

Suddenly, a terrifying coercion that only he could perceive and feel swept over.

Trembling all over his body, the whole person felt as if struck by lightning. This was the baptism of an unimaginably terrifying martial arts will. Jiang Heng had never seen such a terrifying martial arts will before.

The whole person staggered back immediately, his figure couldn't stop backing up, his legs were supporting him, but even so, he still felt an unimaginable and terrifying hurricane blowing at him, trying to blow away his soul. .

The phantom of the soul has already partly emerged on the surface of the body, which is the trend of being about to leave the body.

This terrifying martial arts will hit Jiang Heng like countless small sharp knives.

However, Jiang Heng is most fortunate that his martial arts will is firm enough. Under such a huge gap between the terrifying ants and the vast galaxy, his martial arts will still persist, even if it is crumbling, he is still tenacious.

Like a candle flickering in a hurricane, it still persists despite being ravaged by the strong wind, as if supported by a belief.

Impacted by this will of martial arts like the power of the sky, Jiang Heng instantly thought of a certain existence, the master of time and space here.

Perhaps this is just a very weak wisp of martial arts will left behind by the master of time and space. It's just to test the disposition of the disciples.

In fact, this is indeed the case, the two stone lions are called Wangtian lions, and they are the stones of the Wuji Dao Tianzong to test the disciples.

There is the martial arts will of the master of time and space in it, and it will carry out coercion and baptism according to the identity of entering this place.

If it is the outer disciples, the coercion is minimal, but the outer disciples still feel a lot of pressure. If it is an inner disciple, the power will be even stronger.

If Jiang Heng is a true disciple, the coercion he will erupt will be extremely terrifying, just like what he is doing now.

When Jiang Heng was almost suffocated by this majestic and terrifying coercion, his mind was startled.

This may be an opportunity to become stronger!

Jiang Heng suddenly came to his senses.

Warriors practice martial arts, secret techniques, and supernatural powers, all of which are nothing more than based on the realm of cultivation. And the most important thing to improve the realm of cultivation is the tempering of martial arts will.

Whether it is an advanced demigod, or a follow-up promotion from a low position to a middle position, the middle position steps into a high position, the requirements for martial arts will are a huge leap forward.

It can be said that every promotion to a high rank is a screening of the strong by the universe, and the chances of being strong enough will be greatly increased. Otherwise, there is no way to go further if you are not confident enough.

As time passed, Jiang Heng gritted his teeth and roared silently in his heart. He didn't know how long it had passed. Jiang Heng felt as if his consciousness had been washed away, and his whole body was as dizzy as a vast ocean. The small flat boat is inconspicuous and can only drift with the tide.

Suddenly, Jiang Heng felt a warm current emerge from the periphery of his consciousness, and the warm current wrapped his entire consciousness, making Jiang Heng's soul as comfortable and warm as if it was conceived in a mother's womb.

The soul began to grow unconsciously in Jiang Heng's mind, and the soul that originally needed to open the heart opening of the fourth level to be comparable to the fifth level has now completely passed the hurdle of the fifth level. And still growing rapidly.

Jiang Heng's talent for the soul may be far inferior to the talent for the physical body, but the greatest advantage of the soul is the incomparably terrifying toughness, which Xing Yun and even Tong Tianhou have seen with their own eyes before.

At this time, the two stone lions no longer released the majestic will of martial arts, but recovered as before, and a voice sounded in the depths of Jiang Heng's consciousness.

"The talent of will is acceptable, and it barely meets the status of a true disciple. Let's get in!"

However, Jiang Heng, who was already unconscious, didn't hear it at all, and he didn't know how long it took Jiang Heng to wake up.

Sitting up in a daze, looking at the two stone statues at the door, Jiang Heng had a sudden feeling in his heart for no reason, but he soon noticed that there was a strange state of mind in his body at this time.

"The spirit is so powerful?"

Jiang Heng couldn't help feeling that his spirit had reached the peak of the fifth level at this time, only one step away from the sixth level. Once he opened his heart aperture, he might be able to match the strength of the sixth level.

"Has this passed the test?"

Jiang Heng was suspicious, and tried to step forward, but after stepping on the stairs, he did not encounter the baptism of martial arts will again.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng felt a little disappointed, after all, this kind of opportunity is rare.

I am not the true descendant of that kind of famous school and powerful force, so naturally there is no high-ranking powerhouse who expends martial arts will to help him cultivate his soul.

Shaking his head, Jiang Heng restrained his mind and continued to walk inward.

Stepping up the stairs, one can see a huge hall. The hall is very empty. It should be the place where Tianzong of Wuji Dao used to discuss important matters.

There is a giant gossip projection on the zenith in the middle, and there are many navy blue futons around the main hall.

Looking around, it looks like a giant conference hall. Behind a few rather special navy blue futons, there are densely packed futons, which should be heard by inner disciples or even true disciples.

As for the innermost one under the cosmic star map, there is an ordinary gray-blue futon, so... Jiang Heng guessed that it should be the position of some elders and seniors of the Tianzong of Wuji Dao.

As soon as he stepped inside, Jiang Heng was already fully alert, but he was still pulled into a fantasy.

The field of vision in front of him changed, and the voice of Xixi began to appear in his ears. Even people came in from behind him from time to time, all of them were figures in gray and white Taoist robes. These people were talking to each other about some cultivation experience. They will respectfully address them as Senior Brother, and when they see some figures in navy blue Taoist robes, they will respectfully address them as True Senior Brother.

These people found seats and sat down in an orderly manner, and sat down according to color.

After everyone was seated, everyone saw that there was no one above the first seat and they were still talking.

After about a while, the cosmic star map was distorted for a while, and a figure stepped out slowly from it. His figure lightly landed on the futon, and he was very conspicuous in a crimson Taoist robe.

This person was slightly bald on the top of his head, and his temples were reddish-red. He was approaching middle age with a peaceful expression. He had a red beard and red eyebrows and looked at the disciples with warm smiles.

"I've seen Elder Chi Huo!"

Seeing the visitor, all the disciples stood up and saluted as disciples.


Elder Chihuo said.

A group of disciples made promises one after another.

The movements are very neat, as if they have been rehearsed countless times.

Jiang Heng was very surprised when he saw all this. There are probably 100,000 disciples present, and the aura of each of them seems to be not weak. , It is not like what ordinary demigods can compare with now.

If he had to insist, Jiang Heng felt that these disciples were more powerful than the elites in some imperial regiments today, and their background was terrifying.

Jiang Heng weighed it up and felt that he might be stronger than these people at the same level, but if he compared with those true biography wearing navy blue, he was obviously far behind.

Not to mention the full breath of those true disciples, their energy and spirit are close to the perfect state of this realm, and their spirits are extremely strong. No matter how restrained the divine light in the eyes was, it was still very sharp and deep.

Jiang Heng reckoned that if he faced such a true biography of Wuji Dao Tianzong, even in his peak period, he would mostly lose in the same realm.

"Today, I won't talk about cultivation matters. I'll talk about talismans and spells." Although the elder Chihuo's name sounds hot, he is actually an extremely gentle elder. When talking, if you just listen to the other party's voice, you will think it is a gentle and elegant Confucian scholar.

"There are many mantras created by our sect, such as "Mouth Purification Mantra", "Body Purification Mantra", "Heaven and Earth Mantra", "Requieming Soul Curse", "Sit Alchemy Mantra", etc. It is useful to expel evil spirits, such as "* * Curse", "Servant Curse", "Spells for Removing Children and Misfortunes", etc. Those that are useful for thunder, such as "Curse of Wind", "Curse of Clouds", "Curse of Rain", "Curse of Thunder", etc...

Spells are the method of my Wuji Dao Tianzong to communicate the rules of all things with words. If you practice the relevant laws and spells that you are good at, you can greatly increase the speed of casting methods.

Most of its language forms are three-character, four-character, five-character, and seven-character rhyme (with four-character being the most), and a few are non-rhyme words of varying lengths. "

What Elder Chi Huo said made Jiang Heng a little confused. Of course he knew the talisman. The talisman was written on some special paper in the way of inscription. If it is written completely, it is equivalent to a small formation that can retain its magical effect for a long time. endless.

As for the spell that the other party said seems to be a kind of verbal talisman, can the formation be cast even by speaking?

Just when Jiang Heng was At this moment, a disciple of the Taoist Heavenly Sect spoke up.

"Elder, what is the relationship between this spell and the use of laws? We can use the laws and spells as we like. As long as we use our own laws, we can naturally cast them instantly with a thought. Why do we need spells?"

The speaker should be a true biography, wearing a navy blue Taoist robe, and bowed to Elder Chihuo after speaking.

"That's a good question. Incantations are only spread in our Wuji Dao Tianzong. What you said is not unreasonable. Compared with the incantations, they are a bit more troublesome, and they need the rules of verbal communication, not to mention their slowness.

But the greatest beauty of spells is that they can maximize the use of your own laws. Such as the "Heavenly Fire Curse!" created by the old man! "

This spell may be unremarkable if cast by the old man, but if it is cast by you, it will explode with power comparable to secret arts or even supernatural powers! "

"Do you know who is the law of fire?"

Elder Chi Huo said loudly, Wuji Dao Tianzong has teachings without discrimination, and it doesn't only accept disciples of the laws of time and space, people with other laws can also worship into the mountain gate.

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