Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 993: Ragnarok (Part 2)

In Li Yiming's memory, these four factions also formed huge organizations.

For example, the primordial faction composed of primordial gods formed the Council of the Elders.

Another example is that the new generation of gods formed the Temple of Stars.

It is also like the meeting of the return of all things to the source.

And the God Court where the Mother Goddess and the Lord of Time and Space reside.

Among the four major forces, the council of the ancients only accepts the original gods. They are most unhappy with the Temple of the Stars, and they are not too cold about the Return of All Things composed of those physical gods and gods.

Moreover, these original gods are extremely powerful. In Li Yiming's memory, the most powerful force at the beginning was the Council of the Elders.

The second is the Guild of All Things Returning to the Source. This force is composed of physical Tao gods and spirits, especially the original physical Tao spirits in it are so powerful that they once suffocated the gods.

In Li Yiming's memory, he has never seen the original gods of the Return of All Things Association, but only heard the description of his master, the Master of Time and Space.

Often, an original physical **** would need four or even five new gods from the Temple of Stars to parry.

Furthermore, it should be the court of God.

In Jiang Heng's view, this organization is quite interesting. Its idea is to create a regular **** organization, similar to the ordinary court, or today's Great Zhou Empire.

There are Emperor Zun, Sifang Venerable, God General, Walker and other positions in the divine court.

Emperor Zun holds the greatest power in the court like an emperor, Sifang Zun is similar to a prince, and also has a lot of power, followed by the gods who are mainly responsible for foreign wars, and the second is the walker composed of ordinary gods.

According to what Li Yiming and his master told him, the purpose of the establishment of the Shenting was to protect the safety of its followers and sects, not for foreign wars but for protection.

This is indeed the case. Organizations such as the Council of the Ancients, the Society for the Return of All Things, and the Temple of Stars are mostly aggressive. The gods of these organizations have a strong willful temper and treat creatures like ants with indifference.

Sometimes boredom will even make a boring move of blowing up dozens of galaxies in one go.

Sometimes they would fight with other gods because of their bravery for a while, and dozens of super galaxy clusters or even more would be affected by the fight, resulting in the annihilation of countless lives.

Therefore, in Jiang Heng's view, the gods of these three organizations should belong to the camp of lawful chaos. The Divine Court is more like a lawful and orderly camp.

For this reason, Emperor Shenting attracted many like-minded gods after the establishment of Shenting. For example, the mother goddess, the original god, was absorbed into it and became one of the four venerables of Shenting, and the master of time and space who was named one of the four great generals. host.

Because of this concept, Shenting has taken many positive measures, such as arresting some gods who committed crimes and wantonly slaughtered living beings.

For this reason, Shenting almost offended the other three major organizations.

Everyone has a willful and reckless character, so it's natural that such a well-behaved person suddenly appears.

According to Li Yiming's memory description, the War of the Gods broke out on a small scale as early as the middle of ancient times, and that time was also called the first battle of the Gods.

It was the Guild of All Things Returning to the Source that first provoked the war. This group of brawny guys felt that some fellows in the Council of the Ancients were as superior as they were.

Now I have to talk about the temperament of these two organizations, both of which belong to the supercilious existence.

The former considers himself the son of the Creator God, while the latter considers himself the darling of heaven and earth.

It has been a long time since the two sides have disliked each other.

Of course, if this conflict breaks out like this, it won’t be so fast. After all, the friction between the two parties has been going on for a long time. What really exploded was when a member of the Council of the Ancients was attending a friend’s birthday because he was too airy and was returned to the source by the same banquet. Will give a call.

Just hit it, but you also got a Dao injury, and your realm fell.

That's all, but it's still under the watchful eyes of the public.

As a result, a small-scale conflict broke out between the two sides, but the two sides had disliked it for many years, and the conflict became out of control.

With the war between these two major forces, other people also had an optimistic attitude at the beginning.

But I don't know if the Temple of the Stars has a brain twitch. They have also been unhappy with the Council of the Elders for many years, so how can they not miss the opportunity to add insult to injury.

So he led a group of gods to a sneak attack.

However, the strength of the Temple of the Stars is the worst, and the sneak attack has not defeated the Council of the Elders for a while, but has been entangled in the battlefield.

And the group of reckless people who will return to the source of everything don't care, so they clean up together.

So one party fighting turned into a three party shopping.

In the first battle of the gods, Shenting did not take part in the battle, but took this opportunity to arrest some extremely evil gods who slaughtered a lot of living beings.

But this also laid a hidden danger for the second battle of the gods.

After the first battle of the gods ended, hundreds of millions of years of self-cultivation had passed, during which the strength of the Council of the Ancients and the Return of All Things to the Source were further weakened.

The former only accepts the original gods, while the latter only accepts the physical gods.

There are no members to supplement the two at all, so it is impossible to talk about restoring strength, and the strength will only become weaker and weaker after the battle.

On the contrary, the Temple of the Stars became stronger and stronger, and the same period of time was the Divine Court.

But the former is very loose and unrestrained, and is more favored by the gods, so the Temple of Stars dominates during this period.

But the peace didn't last long, less than a billion years later, the second battle of the gods broke out.

This time, it was the Temple of the Stars who took the lead in challenging the Council of the Ancients in an attempt to overthrow these old antiques.

At the beginning of the war, it was natural to advance rapidly. The original **** of the council of the ancients was extremely powerful, but there were many gods in the temple of stars.

But how could the Council of the Ancients stand by and wait for death, so they joined forces and mobilized the Council of Returning to the Origin of Everything.

The two families were enemies in the first battle of the gods, but this time they feel a bit bitter.

As a result, the Return of Everything entered the arena, and the situation began to fall into a state of confrontation.

At this time, Shenting was still watching from the sidelines, until the Temple of Stars didn't know which muscle had answered wrongly, and asked Shenting to release the previously arrested members of the temple.

So Shenting also entered the arena, and the Star Temple was outnumbered in this battle, and it was almost on the verge of destruction in the end.

So far, Li Yiming's memory is very normal.

Until the third and last battle of the gods, Li Yiming's memory made Jiang Heng somewhat confused.

In my memory, this battle took place two billion years after the second war. At that time, the four major **** factions had recovered some vitality, except for the Council of the Ancients and the Return of All Things, which were still weaker and weaker. outside.

But in Li Yiming's memory, the four major forces also seemed to know the dangers of war during this period.

We are all a group of gods with eternal life and longevity, so why kill each other and fall to the ground like this.

It stands to reason that with such a tacit understanding, at least the third battle of the gods will not break out in a short time.

After all, in the eyes of the gods, two billion years seems to be just a snap of the fingers.

Even in memory, the Tianzong of Wuji Dao under the command of the Lord of Time and Space has sent envoys many times to participate in the private banquets of the gods of other major organizations.

There are also many treasure exchange meetings among the major forces during this time period.

But the third battle of the gods broke out without warning.

At the beginning, people under the command of various walkers in the court of God kept disappearing, and then there were disappearances under the command of the **** generals and even the four venerables.

I thought it was someone from another organization, but the Temple of Stars took the lead, claiming that its members had disappeared one after another.

Immediately afterwards, the other two also said that someone on their side was missing, anyway, everything was weird.

For this reason, the court of God started martial law, and many gods began to restrain the disciples as much as possible not to go out.

But this still did not curb this phenomenon, the disciples did not disappear, but the gods and the entire Kingdom of God disappeared together.

According to a high-level meeting in the sect that Li Yiming attended, it was heard that many gods with the position of walkers disappeared in the Shenting. Not only the gods disappeared, but also the entire kingdom of God and affiliated forces disappeared together.

The master of time and space, as a **** general, once went to the scene to investigate in person, but in Li Yiming's memory, the master of time and space only said that the catastrophe was coming, and no one could avoid related words.

Since then, Li Yiming has rarely seen the master, and most of the time the master of time and space is retreating in the door.

Until the catastrophe came, Jiang Heng saw countless screams in his memory, and a huge hole appeared in the sky.

This is the secret realm of the sect being forcibly broken open from the outside.

This is impossible in Li Yiming's memory, because of the excellent relationship between his master and the mother god, in order to deal with these weird situations, both the kingdom of God and the sect of the two carried out space fusion and other operations.

It can be said that if you want to break the space barrier of Wuji Dao Tianzong, you must first break the space barrier of the Mother God God Kingdom.

Even so, it is extremely difficult to break the space barrier of Wuji Dao Tianzong, because there is a **** of time and space sitting here.

It can be said that looking at the universe at that time, Li Yiming did not believe that anyone else could directly break through the space barrier of their Wuji Dao Tianzong.

Therefore, when the space was broken, Li Yiming was shocked and unbelievable.

At that moment, he saw a giant scarlet eye protruding from the hole in space, and Li Yiming screamed the moment he looked into that eye.

His physical body is undergoing irresistible distortion. At this moment, in the memory of Li Yiming inherited by Jiang Heng, the memory of the other party is extremely chaotic and incomplete.

From Li Yiming's emotional feedback at the time, Jiang Heng felt countless fears and powerful fear and anxiety.

Being able to make a powerful sixth-order peak demigod tremble like a cub, Jiang Heng can deeply appreciate how terrifying that giant eye is.

"What is this? The source of the destruction of the Wuji Dao Tianzong? Or the source of the destruction of the entire ancient gods?"

At this moment, Jiang Heng was full of doubts.

Next, Li Yiming's memory was all kinds of chaos. He seemed to see all kinds of chaotic pictures in his vision, with all kinds of distorted things, all kinds of chaotic and complicated messages, and distorted thinking.

Aware of this, Jiang Heng quickly withdrew from the retrieval of this memory. When he lost his consciousness, he looked down and saw that cold sweat had already rolled down his head.

My palms, arms, and even my whole body unexpectedly showed many distortions, and some eyeballs popped out from the skin, staring at Jiang Heng as if they had self-awareness.

After calming down, Jiang Heng was shocked to find that the distortion on his body still hadn't dissipated.

Generally speaking, as long as the distortion is not too serious, as long as the mental balance is maintained for a certain period of time, it can be restored to its original state.

But right now it doesn't apply.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng began to cut his own consciousness directly with his soul, and forcibly cut the previous memory out of his mind.

At the same time, wrap it with the soul and directly destroy it with powerful soul power.

It wasn't until this that the distortions on his body began to gradually recede.

Hoo hoo!

Jiang Heng couldn't help panting heavily, the cold sweat on his body had soaked his clothes unconsciously.

The faint pain in the soul is the effect of forcibly cutting up the memory.

"Damn it, what kind of existence is this? It's the first time in so many years that you can produce such a terrifying distorted reaction with just a few fragments in the other party's memory."

Jiang Heng couldn't imagine what kind of pain Li Yiming was going through when he was facing the opponent.

Just looking at each other has already fallen into complete distortion and confusion at the level of soul consciousness.

"It seems that the twilight of the gods is not as simple as the outside rumors. These gods are not fools. They cherish their lives, far more than ordinary people."

Judging from today's memory, Jiang Heng vaguely felt that there was a big secret hidden in ancient times, perhaps the secret that led to the end of the gods.

Sit down for a while to calm down the huge information he saw in his memory, and when his mind gradually calmed down, Jiang Heng then set his eyes on the dead bones of the other party.

This time, apart from knowing some ancient secrets, the harvest is also huge, because of Li Yiming's memory, Jiang Heng knows many secrets of the Tianzong of Wuji Dao.

For example, he now knows how to open and close many treasures and formations in the Wuji Dao The most important thing is the identity token on the other party.

Jiang Heng directly took the token from the opponent's waist into his hand, and did not dare to touch the opponent's body anymore.

The Li Yiming in memory should have died of distortion, and no one can guarantee whether there is any distortion left on the other party.

To start with the token, this thing is a good thing, it is a kind of access control facility.

With this thing, Jiang Heng can walk along the Tianzong of Wuji Dao. As long as it is not the private cave of some elders or the private place of the head teacher, Jiang Heng can use this token to travel unimpeded, and there will be no formation restrictions along the way.

The key is the memory in the mind, but it is a pity that the detailed content about the many secret arts and supernatural powers of Wuji Dao Tianzong no longer exists in the memory.

"These martial arts-related memories should have been prepared at the beginning to prevent leakage."

Jiang Heng knew these methods. When some big powers taught their own secret arts and supernatural powers, they would seal or self-destruct this memory in the depths of the younger disciples' souls to prevent it from being leaked.

Jiang Heng didn't care about this at all, Li Yiming did remember the location of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion.

With the identity token, Jiang Heng can browse through almost all the books regardless of the restrictions of most formations in the Sutra Pavilion.

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