Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 992: Ragnarok (Part 1)

Zan Lao was very happy in his heart, he greeted everyone and went to the stairs.

It's just that not long after stepping on the stairs, they didn't notice much abnormality.

On the contrary, the group of the Great Zhou Empire, who took a step back, was a little anxious at first. After all, this person who buried the old man was considered to be a seventh-level person. Such a high-level powerhouse is here to kill all kinds of forbidden areas. It is not just casually, this is not the core relic of the mother god. area.

It's just that they didn't expect that after Zan Lao and others stepped into the stone steps...

Then they saw Zan Lao and the others standing still, er, maintaining a very strange movement of raising their feet and stepping forward, and the movements were very consistent.

"No, there is something weird here!"

"This is a problem with the time here!"

After looking at it, I found that this is indeed the case. The old funeral and his party have already fallen into the time trap without knowing it.

Luofeng, a burly man with azure blue skin, looked around, focusing on the stairs.

"The time here is weird, if you go directly, I'm afraid it will delay too much time."

Luo Feng didn't want to waste so much time here.

"You still have the space-moving talismans and seals before. We just moved up the mountain directly. Such a large-scale method that lasts for such a long time will definitely not be able to radiate the entire sect."

Luo Feng's idea is very simple, that is to move directly up the mountain.

Hearing the words, a group of people took action one after another. They were actually part of the Central Dynasty of the Great Zhou Empire.

"You go and try it first!" Luo Feng casually pointed to the unlucky guy who was only at the fourth level at the last border of the team.

The fourth-order demigod who was pointed at suddenly felt a thump in his heart, but he had no choice but to follow orders.

This kind of pathfinding thing always needs some unlucky people to go.

This person simply took out a bunch of protective talisman array disks from the storage space and put them on his body. After making a lot of preparations, he took out a moving jade slip, squeezed it lightly, and his figure was quickly sucked by the space vortex And he disappeared into the sight of everyone.

Just when everyone thought that the other party would appear at the end of the stairs in an instant, a scream resounded from the top of the mountain, and then a lawful firework rose up, and this fourth-order demigod fell.

Everyone saw clearly that this guy was strangled by a strange and powerful spatial turbulence when he moved.

It can be said that there is no residue left.

This scream was not insignificant, let alone the entire group of the Great Zhou Empire, even Jiang Heng, who had entered the front hall of the sect for a long time, heard the scream, and looked back at the wave of laws rising above.

"Someone is coming again? Looks like I have to speed up!"

Jiang Heng couldn't help becoming anxious. Before that, Shi Yu, who was faster, was at the front, and now he didn't know how many groups of people came behind him. His current situation is not very good.

Shi Yu also had the same thoughts as Jiang Heng, cursed secretly, and Shi Yu also accelerated his search.

"My lord, what should we do now?" Seeing that his colleagues were directly strangled by the strange spatial turbulence here, someone said a little depressed.

Luo Feng is also depressed now, wondering why this place is so evil, there is not only time but also space behind him.

If it wasn't for the fact that the killing array here wasn't strong enough, Luo Feng would have thought that this place was the core of the Mother Goddess.

"Let's rest here first, and then contact His Highness. I suspect that the importance of this place is not inferior to the core of the Mother Goddess Ruins."

Luo Feng frowned and ordered solemnly, he must report truthfully, the two top laws of space, time, and Tao appeared here, which also means that the importance of this place is by no means comparable to that of ordinary relics.

Hearing this, the confidant at the side quickly took out a compass-like communication array from the storage ring.

I saw this person connecting dots in the void on the compass, and one message after another began to be sent out quickly.

Such things may not seem advanced, but stability and reliability is the most important thing in a special environment like the ruins. The integrity and authenticity of messaging must be ensured.

Soon, at the same time, in a suspended palace not far from the core area of ​​the Mother Goddess Ruins.

Of course, there is no such brand-new and luxurious hanging palace in the ruins. The reason why it appears is because this is the palace of the imperial family members.

Small flying shuttles patrolled the temple.

At a glance, it looks like a military fortress suspended in the air, surrounded by military forces.

"This time the central royal family attaches great importance to the relics. It can be seen that a Highness sent to this neutral place."

Hogg was thinking silently, at this moment he seemed to feel something, and quickly took out a small disc from the storage ring, and his face changed slightly after sweeping it slightly.

Immediately, he turned around and went directly into the palace, walked through the long corridor in the palace to the apse, and through the curtain, he could faintly see a hazy figure sitting on a chair and flipping through books.

"What happened to Hogg?"

From inside came a female voice as crisp as an oriole, very young, noble and at the same time revealing a girly crispness that was very pleasant.

"Your Highness, it's the news from Luo Feng's team!"


"I found another relic that seems to be suspected. According to Luo Feng's description, its value is not inferior to the core area of ​​the Mother Goddess!"

"Oh? Tell me carefully." The crisp female voice didn't seem too surprised, and she was still flipping through the books calmly.

So Hogg recounted the information he had received earlier in detail.

"Does time and space co-exist? It seems so extraordinary. These two laws appeared in an ancient sect at the same time, and the resident of this sect is still in a certain space gap in the mother god's ruins. Interesting!"

At this moment, the woman became interested. She put down the book and stretched slowly to show her delicate figure to the fullest.

Hogg hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to look.

"It's not bad. Now that the killing formation in the core area of ​​the Mother Goddess has just been broken, the internal crisis is even more unimaginable, and there are too many forces gathered here. Instead of this, it's better to let them fight first. What's more, I I don't believe they can enter the depths of the ruins so quickly."

The woman said calmly, she was not particularly interested in the Mother Goddess Ruins this time.

After all, it has been hundreds of years since I arrived here, but there are more and more people gathered around. There are many proud students sent by high-ranking powerhouses alone, and there are also competitions from various forces.

And there are also some heterogeneous ones like the buried old ones.

Although the space of the Mother Goddess Ruins is not stable enough to accommodate high-level powerhouses, such high-level powerhouses whose realm is close to falling are actually a little bit stronger than ordinary sixth-order peaks. This also meets the requirements for entering the ruins.

Of course, there are also some high-ranking powerhouses who also descended from their deities, but they are not their bodies, but incarnations.

The best example is Shi Yu who is now deeply involved in the Tianzong of Wuji Dao.

"What Your Highness said is very true. Now there are no less than tens of thousands of people gathered here. With so many people entering the ruins, it must be a very chaotic situation. The hidden ruins may be more suitable for us than this hidden ruins!" Hogg quickly echoed. Compliments.

"Of course I didn't say I would give up the Mother Goddess's ruins!" The woman waved her hand and chuckled.

"How about this, Hoge, you and my maid will join me with Luo Feng, and this place will be handed over to Manager Zhao."

"Your Highness, will there be too few people in this way? Your safety is the most important thing." Hearing this, Hogg couldn't help but feel a little worried.

His Highness's maids brought a total of four people this time, and he was only five. Even if they could join Luo Feng's team later, it would be too dangerous.

Hogg didn't dare to be careless. This is His Majesty's most beloved youngest daughter, a noble nobleman of the royal family. If there is any mistake in this one, the whole Hogg family will have to be buried with her.

"It's okay, I trust you. And if Hogg is in danger, will you ignore it?" The woman asked with a smile.

"Of course not, even if this subordinate dies, His Highness cannot be missed at all!" Hogg said hastily.

"That's fine, Hogg, you are also the commander-in-chief of the Forbidden Army, you must have confidence in your own strength."

Hearing this, Hogg could only smile wryly and nod.

Soon, somewhere in the palace, a group of people in casual clothes quickly left the team and galloped towards a certain place in the ruins.

At the same time, Jiang Heng is still advancing. The size of this sect is beyond his imagination. He thought there were only a dozen hills, but he can use his spiritual sense to find out that there are endless mountains inside. There are temples on the top of the mountain.

"It looks like there should be more than one intruder here!"

Looking at the corpse on the ground, Jiang Heng frowned slightly.

Most of the corpses found in this palace were mutilated and should have been forcibly destroyed by the enemy.

"The palm technique is still the boxing technique. If you are really overbearing, you will be killed in one blow, even the soul will be shaken away."

Jiang Heng was secretly stunned. The occurrence of this phenomenon shows that the martial arts in ancient times were very specific to the soul, and one-hit kills were far more domineering than the current martial arts.

Scanning around also didn't find many valuable things, but there was a picture scroll that attracted Jiang Heng's attention.

This place should be a private cave of some high-level sect. The building is not as large and grand as the previous front hall, but relatively more elegant and refined. It should be a private residence.

There are also very few corpses here, only fifteen corpses, twelve of which should have practiced some kind of joint attack technique in front of them.

The reason for this judgment is that the positions where the twelve people were lying when they all fell seemed to be a bit particular, and the appearance of the twelve people is very similar, so they should be blood relatives.

In addition, a dead bone sitting on a chair was also found in the main room of this cave.

"Only this body has become a skeleton!"

Glancing at the clothes on this person, it is different from ordinary disciple clothes. This person is wearing a black robe of ordinary clothes. He should have worn a feather crown on his head before, but because it turned into dry bones, his hair and feather crown fell to the ground .

Seeing this, Jiang Heng got a little closer, and at the same time, his spiritual thoughts were highly concentrated and the focus was unexpected.

When he was three steps away from the opponent, just as he was about to move forward again, Jiang Heng suddenly paused.

At this moment, a puff of black smoke suddenly shot out from the dry bones, like a sharp arrow, directly towards Jiang Heng.

He was already highly concentrated, seeing this situation, Jiang Heng was terrified and at the same time quickly activated his mind, and the treasure of soul and soul emerged to respond quickly.

However, in the face of this black smoke, all this seems to be in vain.

Soon black smoke penetrated into the center of Jiang Heng's eyebrows, and Jiang Heng secretly said "Oops", and after a while, he staggered and fell to the ground, his eyes were dark and he couldn't understand.

I don't know how long it has passed, but when Jiang Heng woke up leisurely again, he only felt throbbing pain in his head.

Immediately afterwards, a surge of majestic memories emerged. This is a person's life, and the time span is terrifying. The huge amount of memories almost burst Jiang Heng's spirit.

The other party seemed to be just memory fragments, and when Jiang Heng's seven orifices bled and couldn't bear it, the memory shock gradually faded.

Even so, Jiang Heng was still panting violently, slumped on the ground for a long time without recovering, and was still trying to digest these memories.

Just now it was not a seizure, and it is normal to think about it carefully. After all, it is a fragment of memory from ancient times. If it is intact and has the treasures of the soul, then this is really a seizure.

In this majestic memory, Jiang Heng learned the identity of this person.

Li Yiming, the true disciple of Tianzong of Wuji Dao!

A demigod who has reached the peak of the sixth level of cultivation, stepped into this realm at the age of less than three million years.

With such an age and cultivation base, he might not be considered a particularly monstrous genius nowadays.

But this is the Tianzong of Wuji Dao in ancient times. According to the description in memory, the basic method of Tianzong of Wuji Dao is the slowest in the universe, and it is also the most solid foundation.

After all, Li Yiming is the true descendant of the head teacher, a genius who has inherited the mantle of the real fairyland head teacher.

According to what his master said to him, if you are not my disciple, I am afraid that you are already in the realm of the gods.

At this time, Jiang Heng also understood the division of realms by Tianzong of Wuji Dao.

Wuji Dao Tianzong's realm of enlightenment is actually a high-level demigod realm, while the real fairyland is the realm of true gods.

"So this head teacher is a true god, a **** from ancient times? The master of time and space?"

As he gradually read the memories of this Li Yiming, Jiang Heng's shock gradually Li Yiming's memory, his master was honored as the master of time and space, known as the master of time and space , a powerful **** who masters the double law.

In fact, this is indeed the case. This master of time and space is said to be a genius of the double law who was cultivated the day after tomorrow. He became famous in the middle of ancient times and fell in the end of ancient times.

It is an alliance with the gods of the Mother of Life faction.

In Li Yiming's memory, Jiang Heng gradually learned some ancient secrets.

For example, the Twilight of the Gods at the end of ancient times is mainly divided into four major factions, one of which is the group of ancient gods whose members are all original gods, and a strategic alliance formed by these old antiques.

The second is based on some newborn true gods who were born in the middle and late ancient times. These people came by practicing hard. This is a faction.

The third is a group of gods who mainly cultivate in the physical body. Some of these are the original gods with flesh bodies conceived by the flesh and blood of some powerful people when the world was created, and some are the ancient gods with physical bodies who cultivated in the day after tomorrow.

The ideas of these people are somewhat unusual. They have an attitude of contempt for other laws and gods. They regard themselves as the direct descendants of the creation gods, and they think that they are the masters of this world. thief.

The fourth is the Divine Court faction composed of gods such as the Mother Goddess of Life and the Lord of Time and Space.

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