Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 994: Great harvest

"So I'm a permission dog now?"

Jiang Heng raised the corners of his mouth slightly, he was naturally in a good mood, it would be much more convenient for him to be here with this true disciple token.

At the same time, Jiang Heng also found three very exquisite storage rings on this true disciple. After a little perception, one is the secret realm of the cave and the other is a storage space with a huge space capacity.

The space in the secret cave is extremely huge. Looking around, there are dozens of planets and stars that are still operating. This is a complete star system.

However, this star is quite weird, Jiang Heng's body stays outside, and a ray of incarnation escapes into it.

The avatar came to the vicinity of the star in a flash in the secret realm, and observed the star up close before discovering the abnormality of this thing.

This is not a star at all, but a red bead. The bead looks like the size of a star, but Li Yiming's memories of this object flooded out the moment he saw it.

This object was originally called Zhenshen Bead, and it is a combination of 24 special beads, which is like a magical weapon.

The only function of this secret cave is to store Li Yiming's treasure.

There are a total of twenty-three formations here, and one star, which is a total of twenty-four god-suppressing beads. According to Li Yiming's memory description, the combination of these treasures forms a powerful formation. It is a sixth-order magic weapon.

It was when his master, the Lord of Time and Space, accepted Li Yiming as an apprentice, he invited a true **** who was at the banquet who was good at refining weapons to refine it.

The rank of each bead may not be high, but the material of each bead is close to the ultimate treasure material.

This Zhenzhu has always been the biggest hole card in Li Yiming's hands. Combined with his formation skills, with this treasure, he once competed with the high-ranking seventh-rank peers in the Zongmen Grand Competition without losing the wind.

This shows the power of this treasure.

This treasure has the effects of trapping, suppressing and killing enemies.

Among them, trapping and suppressing are the most effective.

The biggest feature of this treasure is its thickness. The twenty-four god-suppressing beads come out together like the suppression of twenty-four directional super galaxy clusters.

With this kind of coercion, even a demigod at the peak of the sixth-order physical body will be crushed and collapsed in an instant, and this treasure also has the effect of suppressing and killing the soul, and the collapse of the physical body is equivalent to the annihilation of the soul.

Generally speaking, if the seventh-order demigods don't deploy the God's Domain in advance and are instantly crushed by this thing, they will also suffer a big loss, ranging from serious injuries to death.

Of course, the disadvantage of this treasure is also quite large, because the physical body of this treasure is too large, after sacrifice, this treasure can be reduced to the size of ordinary beads, but each bead is extremely thick, and it is difficult to lift it normally, groping for sacrifices to hurt the enemy .

Therefore, it is extremely terrifying to use this treasure to consume the law and energy.

In my memory, Li Yiming was able to sacrifice twenty-four Zhenshen beads at the same time in his peak period, but he was exhausted after one cast.

That's it, but don't think that the sixth-level peak can control this thing, because Li Yiming is practicing Wuji Daotian, the core skill of Wuji Dao Tianzong. And he has achieved extremely high attainments and cultivated into the body of Wuji.

The so-called Wuji Body of Wuji Dao Tianzong is the most perfect foundation method. Even if you don't practice the physical body, its physical strength is no weaker than that of a martial artist who cultivates the physical body.

Even so, with Li Yiming's cultivation base and Wuji body attainments, he at the peak of the sixth level can barely use his full strength once.

After reviewing Li Yiming's memory of this, Jiang Heng became more interested in this thing.

With Li Yiming's memory, sacrificing this treasure will be much easier. Otherwise, it would take tens of thousands of years to complete the sacrifices one by one with the water mill alone.

Jiang Heng made a little calculation, if he sacrificed all the god-suppressing beads by himself, it would take about a hundred years.

After thinking for a while, although Jiang Heng was not in a hurry to sacrifice, he still started to sacrifice the Zhenshenzhu one by one according to the steps in his memory as his avatar.

The power of this treasure is very powerful, but it does not have to be fully sacrificed to exert its power.

In fact, each of the twenty-four god-suppressing beads can be used independently, and can be sacrificed as a single sixth-order divine weapon.

"My current background is too poor. If I encounter a crisis, I can only use the Brahma Martial Saint Body. It is true that I can walk sideways in the outside world with my fourth-level cultivation base, but in this kind of ruins where there are so many masters, I can only use the Brahma Martial Saint. Only the body has the power to fight. If one or two God-suppressing beads can be sacrificed in advance, it can increase some hole cards."

Jiang Heng didn't forget the strangeness he noticed before, there must be someone who came here first, and he might run into him soon.

It's not a good thing to meet other people in this kind of place, maybe you will have to fight for life and death.

While using the avatar to sacrifice him, Jiang Heng's body began to scan Li Yiming's other two rings at the same time.

Seeing this made Jiang Heng overjoyed. This Li Yiming is worthy of being a true disciple of the Wuji Dao Tianzong, who has been passed down for countless billions of years and is ruled by a true god.

Its background is really terrifying. If it is said that the treasures that have been collected from the storage spaces of many demigods in the hegemony before have surprised Jiang Heng enough.

The things here are tens of thousands of times the sum of those people's treasures.

right! It's that scary.

Jiang Heng feels that the value of the things inside is roughly estimated at least tens of billions of imperial coins, and this is only the result of a rough estimate, and there are many treasures that Jiang Heng does not know.

At the same time, in one of the rings, Jiang Heng also saw some jade slips from the collection of books. The good guys are all some ancient martial arts secrets in Li Yiming's private collection. There are tens of thousands of ordinary martial arts in the divine realm. At the same time, there is a supernatural power!

right! It is supernatural powers.

The moment Jiang Heng saw the supernatural power, his heart beat suddenly accelerated.

With a thought, he directly took the golden page with supernatural powers into his hand.

This is a supernatural power called 'Hum Ha'


Jiang Heng was taken aback for a moment, and the moment he saw the name, he thought he had misunderstood the meaning of the ancients.

After thinking about it, he directly stuck the golden page on his forehead and began to carefully watch the details of this supernatural power.

As the golden page was pasted on the forehead, in an instant, the contents covered and explained by countless figures appeared in the depths of Jiang Heng's brain with an illusory feeling, and were imprinted in his mind.

In fact, the so-called Hum Ha, its full name should be Hum Ha Er Qi.

It is a supernatural technique specifically aimed at the soul.

It hums like a bell, and emits two white lights, which can absorb people's souls; exhale like a mist, and the souls will disperse when they see it.

According to the description of this supernatural power, the premise of this technique is that the soul must be strong and tenacious, otherwise the opponent's strength is too strong when meeting the enemy, and the release of the two qi will not only fail to kill and injure the enemy, but also easily damage the soul.

At the same time, this method is also extremely depleting of the spirit power of the soul. Using two hums and two qis in a fight is the limit, and multiple uses will damage the foundation of the soul.

Moreover, this method is extremely difficult to cultivate. You must carefully understand the power of the soul, and gradually temper the power of the soul into two kinds of substantial light and matter with a special tempering method, and then release it in the form of sound transmission from the soul to shock the soul .

Often when he makes a move with two breaths, the first thing to do is the sound of the soul, which intimidates the opponent's soul, causing the opponent's soul to stagnate for a short time, and then spits out two beams of light at an extremely fast speed. It can hook the soul out of the body, and then use the extremely lethal mist to kill the soul for the final time.

Once such supernatural powers are practiced successfully, they will have miraculous effects. In particular, no one would have thought that there would be such a strange method of killing in the soul.

With a snort, the opponent is caught off guard, and even a powerhouse with a higher rank than himself will be caught. If he is not careful, he will be completely wiped out and destroy the enemy with one move.

In Li Yiming's memory, this method was created by two extremely powerful walking gods in the court.

These two walkers are brothers of the same mother. Because it is too difficult to practice this method, of the two brothers, one has practiced hum and the other has practiced ha.

With the cooperation, no less than five gods died in the hands of these two brothers in the second battle of the gods. And they are all one-hit kills.

But later, after this method became familiar to others, it was easy for others to deal with it. They only needed to use the protection of the soul to avoid the first wave of sonic attacks, and then they could withstand the subsequent two waves.

It was also because of this that the two brothers were targeted by hostile forces and died at the end of the Second War of the Gods.

Master Li Yiming made good friends with these two practitioners, and Li Yiming called them Shibo, and he was given a copy of this supernatural power.

It's just that Li Yiming has also mastered the half move of humming, which is enough in his memory, and it can often deter the opponent. Although he can't wipe out the opponent's spirit with one blow, he can quickly gain the upper hand.

"It's a worthwhile trip!"

Jiang Heng sighed softly, he understood why so many people are so eager to explore the ruins.

It's just a wave of riches.

Although he wanted to learn this supernatural power right away, Jiang Heng also knew that it was difficult to practice this method, so he could only put it in the storage space temporarily, and then study it slowly when he went out later when he had time.

Just thinking of this, Jiang Heng inevitably felt a little sentimental.

"Now I'm still suffering from Dao wounds, so what's the use of these supernatural treasures no matter how good they are?"

Jiang Heng felt a little regretful, when he thought of this, the good mood of getting the baby suddenly faded a lot.

Shaking his head, Jiang Heng glanced around the storage ring again, and found that all kinds of precious medicinal materials were piled up like a mountain. Because he also had a superficial dabble in alchemy, Jiang Heng still recognized a lot of medicinal materials here.

There are many ancient medicinal materials that are now extinct, and there are even many rare medicinal materials that are unknown.

Moreover, the medicinal materials here are all hundreds of millions of years old, and the medicinal power is terrifying.

It can be said that any medicinal herb here can easily be auctioned for millions of dollars by the outside world.

Some precious medicinal materials used to refine high-level elixir are even more expensive and have no market.

"It's a pity that there is no life essence."

Jiang Heng looked around and sighed with some regret.

There is no life essence in Li Yiming's storage space.

After looking around again, Jiang Heng left the investigation after feeling that there was nothing to gain.

His eyes immediately fell on Li Yiming's body again.

In addition to the token, Li Yiming's body also seemed to be wearing a robe that was not simple, and because the other party had not been attacked, but died of distortion, the clothes were still well preserved.

Putting the clothes into his hands, Jiang Heng found that the quality of this black and white Taoist robe was indeed a sixth-order buff-like treasure.

It is a treasure that greatly benefits space, which can greatly increase its perception and harmony of space, and its ability to use space can be multiplied into effects.

"Li Yiming has inherited the master of time and space's knowledge of space and Tao. This kind of space treasure is really rare."

Jiang Heng was a little emotional, space treasures have always been extremely rare in the outside world, such as the secret caves that can be easily created in the eyes of space demigods, in fact, each of them is a valuable thing.

This is also the reason why many poor demigod-level powerhouses often only have some storage rings, not everyone can use the cave.

For example, this kind of protective equipment for space magic weapons is extremely rare, and Jiang Heng can be sure that there are not many such items in the entire Great Zhou Empire.

"And his saber is also a good thing!"

With Li Yiming's memory, Jiang Heng took the opponent's saber into his hand without any psychological barriers.

This is also a magic weapon of space, and it is also a magic weapon of the sixth rank.

Jiang Heng experienced the space law and formation above and was very satisfied.

With this thing, his God Slashing Gourd will once again have extremely strong lethality.

In the past, the Zhanshen Gourd was a magic tool for abusing vegetables, but later because the level of magic weapons in the gourd gradually fell behind, the Zhanshen Gourd was also sealed by Jiang Heng.

Now that he has this high-grade space sword, Jiang Heng reckons that the demigod of the sixth rank will be decapitated if caught off guard.

It's just that Li Yiming was completely shaved off in this way.

Seeing the true biography of Wuji Dao Tianzong who was gliding all over his body, Jiang Heng felt a little ashamed. After thinking for a while, he took out an ordinary Taoist robe from his storage space, and put it on for the other party with a wave of his hand. At the same time, he took a domain master-level long sword and put it beside the opponent.

He looked again, thought for a while and took three decorative ordinary rings for the other party to wear.

Only now Jiang Heng nodded in satisfaction.

Next, Jiang Heng walked around the mansion of this true disciple. The cave of the true disciple is still very large, and the palace stretches like a small group of palaces.

Almost all of this hilltop is the property of this true biography. Jiang Heng also discovered that there are patches of herbal spiritual fields near the mountainside, as well as supporting martial arts platforms, forging rooms, alchemy rooms, etc.

It can be said that such a true biography has a very complete team.

Jiang Heng wandered casually in Li Yiming's as if he was at his own home.

This is because he has inherited the other party's memory, knows how to avoid some killing formations, and has the other party's identity token so that he can feel like a fish in water here,

If an outsider enters this place, I'm afraid they will suffer a lot.

What makes Jiang Heng quite regretful is that there are traces of battles in many parts of the spiritual fields in the cave, and there are many damaged places, and some palaces are also damaged and collapsed.

However, Jiang Heng still maintained the principle of not being empty-handed, and almost robbed everything that could be robbed.

When there were almost no more valuable treasures in the cave, Jiang Heng went to the next mountain with peace of mind.

at the same time-

A group of several people had already entered this ruins, and they came to Luo Feng and the others lightly and landed not far away.

The people who came were five women and a middle-aged heroic man. This group of people was His Highness, his four maids, and Hogg, a laborer.

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