Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 977: Full combat power level 6

Who is Qingwu who calls himself a peerless genius? In his cognition, he is a unique peerless genius in millions or even tens of millions of years.

"Yes! I am a genius! I am the real and unique genius! I am the strongest. Master has always been optimistic about me and thinks that I have a great probability of stepping into a high position!"

Qingwu murmured in a bewildered state, his eyes were bloodshot and he looked like a crazy person who was paranoid to the extreme.

He is extremely jealous and unwilling, why does this person in front of him have such unique conditions, he has mastered two top laws at the same time, he also cultivates the physical body, and he seems to have two supernatural powers!

Putting any of these on someone else is enough to make that person achieve extraordinary!

At this time, the outside world has recovered from the shock just now, and the scene has become an uproar, with discussions and unbelievable discussions everywhere.

To say that everyone in Qingwu is familiar with him, especially this person is still the closed disciple of Marquis Jiwu, and he is also a sixth-level peak martial arts martial artist. With this status, he has a very strong reputation among all the legions in the southern border, and he is everywhere. There are rumors about his powerful deeds.

However, the scene where such a strong man has such a disgraced face is really very topical.

"How come I don't remember that you have such a capable person under your command?"

In the area where several masters were, looking at the appearance of his beloved apprentice, Marquis Jiwu, he endured for a while and finally spoke in a somewhat yin and yang voice.

"Marquis Jiwu, this man is indeed one of my subordinates, but I didn't know anything about this soldier before. It can be seen from the fact that he is not a high-ranking officer of the legion. He has not shown such ability in the past. Maybe he I didn't know much about it before, but today he can compete with your beloved apprentice, Marquis Jiwu, which is beyond my expectation."

Ji Yinghou looked like stating the facts, but the more this expression and appearance made Ji Wuhou feel very annoyed.

"Jiying! Are you saying that a beloved disciple taught by me is not as powerful as a soldier you casually cultivated?" Marquis Jiwu couldn't hide his words in his heart, and his temper was extremely hot, so he spoke in a bad tone.

Seeing Ji Wuhou's furious appearance about to strike now, Ji Yinghou's expression was as calm as before, but this time he didn't provoke the other party any more, he just secretly said "reckless man!"

The conversation between the two was just a small episode, but at this moment everyone became extremely concerned about this contest.

"Uncle Jihai, what kind of methods do you think this person has mastered?"

His Royal Highness, who has not spoken much, looked at Ji Haihou, who was present with the most experience.

"It's just that the monitoring screen can't perceive the breath and the content of their conversations, but judging from this person's performance, I feel that I have at least mastered the two top avenues of space and time. Some kind of artifact with such top laws.

Just being able to use this method shows that this kid has an extraordinary background, and I am really more and more interested in this little guy. In addition, this son seems to have also cultivated the Tao of the flesh body. His attainments in the Tao of the flesh body are not low, and it is suspected that he has mastered a very powerful supernatural power of the flesh body! "

Ji Haihou stroked his beard and analyzed carefully. He could only analyze the content of the screen. Of course, if he watched the contest closely, he could naturally analyze more content.

"Oh, not only mastering the top laws, but also mastering supernatural powers!"

It was said that His Royal Highness could no longer maintain a calm expression on his face.

There may not be enough information like this, but many things can already be analyzed from it.

For example, this person's identity is definitely not simple. With this kind of opportunity, it is no longer justified to say that he is lucky. Behind it, there must be an extremely talented person who has carefully taught it.

And it is somewhat intriguing that such a descendant who is enough to crush the direct descendants of some powerful forces should be an unknown soldier under the Southern Legion.

Not to mention that the outside world has caused an uproar because of this competition, but the battle in the secret realm is still going on at this moment.

Jiang Heng heard what Qingwu blurted out just now, and he was a little suspicious and puzzled.

Supernatural powers?

I did display my supernatural power just now, but it was the only supernatural power I had mastered.

But what the **** is this superficial?

Jiang Heng knew that what the other party said was not simply referring to the appearance of his three-headed and six-armed Brahma Martial Saint Body aggregate at this time, but a name of a kind of supernatural power.

The name of this supernatural power is three heads and six arms. It is said that a peerless genius created a supernatural power after observing the remains of an ancient **** at the beginning of the establishment of the Old Great Zhou Dynasty.

Because the remains of the ancient **** had three heads and six arms, it was named here.

Three heads and six arms, like the star picker, are also supernatural powers of the physical body. Different from the treacherous and changeable star picker, the three heads and six arms are a kind of gain-like supernatural power that comprehensively increases the physical strength and combat ability.

Specifically, Jiang Heng is not very familiar with this. Could it be that his Brahma Martial Saint Body has misunderstood the other party as superhuman?

It's just that when his thoughts wanted to continue thinking, Jiang Heng felt a sweetness in his throat, and a mouthful of golden blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth. Jiang Heng staggered and almost lost his footing.

"Supernatural powers come back! It turns out that you haven't cultivated these supernatural powers, no, it should be said that even if you have cultivated supernatural powers, with your physical strength that has not stepped into a high position, it is already the limit to perform one kind of supernatural power. If you continue to use your physical body, you will not be able to hold it! Forcibly You won't be able to use the method just now!"

Jiang Heng's reaction was seen by Qingwu, seeing this immediately made Qingwu let out a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but chuckled and muttered.

"It's true that the backlash is huge, but as long as I deal with you again, you can only be forced to leave this world. This battle is still won by me!" Jiang Heng's third eye at the center of his eyebrows has always maintained a sacred and indifferent mood, It seemed to be just staring at a corpse.

As soon as the words fell, the countless inscriptions on Jiang Heng's body began to quickly burst out dense golden streamers. The streamers were like countless intertwined nets, and several brilliances were quickly transformed into the sky above Jiang Heng's head. , Waiting for several phantoms of giant beasts.

As soon as several phantoms took shape, they slowly rotated around Jiang Heng above, and the radiance seemed to be gestating the precursor of great terror.

As these phantoms let out different roars from their mouths, these phantoms flickered, and the next moment they turned into streamers of light again and penetrated into Jiang Heng's body.

Almost at the moment when the phantom entered his body, Jiang Heng's expression was filled with pain, and he couldn't help but let out a low cry of pain. The blue veins are swimming quickly on the body surface, like green snakes hidden under the skin, swimming wantonly.

Before Jiang Heng had time to think about it, he gritted his teeth, and many mysteries of the physical body, such as the Beihe Great Zhou Tianxing Magic Art and the Astral Body, were displayed one after another, as if fantasies were superimposed and intertwined.

The fleshy body, which had already been burdened heavily under the heavy overlapping, felt like it was pulling quickly on the surface, and the skin began to crack inch by inch, revealing the scarlet muscle texture inside. The muscles were wriggling very actively, looking ferocious and **** and terrifying.

A wave of heat rose on the body surface, and the terrifying high temperature directly vaporized the torn skin. At the same time, under the high temperature, Jiang Heng's place became dense, and the space seemed to be distorted. Very unreal.

If it was said that Jiang Heng still looked very sacred when he used the Sanskrit Physique because of his third eye before, but with the tearing of the skin, this camouflage was completely torn.

This is not a holy Buddha at all, but a hellish Abi Dao Shura!

With the large armor on his body, Jiang Heng is like a general among evil spirits and a reaper of the undead. A thick, fierce and powerful aura emanated from it, as if a fierce **** was gradually waking up!

"Two supernatural powers are not enough! You still want to continue to use other flesh body secret arts, so many overlapping, you have not killed me, I am afraid that you will explode and die first!"

Seeing that Jiang Heng was so crazy, Qing Wu's heart sank and he was even more horrified. He couldn't help blurting out the words out of desperation. There was no jealousy and resentment on his face, replaced by fear and the expression of hell.

"Even if you explode and die, you have to catch my move first!"

Jiang Heng, who was three-headed and six-armed and covered in red armor, didn't care about Qingwu's words at all. The third eye at the center of his brow no longer shone with divine light, but instead, there was a monstrous evil spirit, more like a kind of magic! In a flash, the breath in his body suddenly rose, and the six arms suddenly raised together, and immediately slapped towards Qingwu's place in unison.

In an instant, the world seemed to be shrouded in a shadow, and the six arms, palms, and hands shone with starlight brilliance, as if the whole body was forged by the energy of stars. The six arms flickered, and suddenly appeared above Qingwu's head as if they were traveling through space.

The power of each of the six arms waving out is not less than the majestic power of the previous ones, and the moment the six arms are staggered together, for a while, these arms seem to overlap together, turning into a nearly The monstrous giant palm spanning the entire secret cave, like a plane falling straight down, comes crushed with a billowing coercion, creating a strong oppressive force on the mind.

There was no sound when the giant palm fell, but the visual impact of this palm was already terrifying enough, as if it spanned the coverage area of ​​a sky, there was no way to hide from this palm, but to resist it!

"How could I be eliminated so easily! I am Qingwu! Marquis Jiwu's most proud disciple is also a peerless genius who will not appear in thousands of years!"

Qingwu was frightened and angry, roared wildly, and his face showed hysterical madness. He poked his hands left and right, directly into the storage space of his pocket, and pulled again, and in an instant, countless light clusters flickered and shot out. out.

It is a piece of semi-artifact exuding precious light. The number of them is unknown, and they are all treasures collected by Qingwu over the years. At this time, he didn't care about other things, and his big hands shot all these treasures to the giant palm above his head.

Qingwu was obviously in a hurry, and he didn't care about other things at this time. He pulled out from the void again with one hand. This time he pulled out a blood-colored long knife from it. The whole body of the knife was blood-red. like living things.

As soon as the blade touched Qing Wu's eyes, his eyes became blood red, the veins all over his body began to become abnormally raised, and his skin also began to become hot and red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene, Marquis Jiwu outside the secret realm suddenly became serious, frowned and said in a deep voice, "Even sacrificed the magic sword! Do you think such a consequence is worth it?"

Marquis Ji Wu murmured, with some regret and sighs in his eyes, he never thought that such a competition where his apprentice was bound to win the leader would end up with frequent accidents, and such a change would happen in the end.

Qingwu flicked his wrists and waved his arms, and an extremely strange blood light split out from the blade in an instant. The blood light flashed towards the giant palm above his head, and other half-divine weapons and other treasures took the lead in cutting to the giant palm that covered the sky. palm.

There was a crisp sound of gold and iron clashing, followed by dense sparks appearing on the palm, and soon there was a popping sound.

I saw a hideous gap in the palm of the giant palm, but that's all.

But at this moment, the densely packed treasures and soldiers also hit the palm of the giant palm, and with Qingwu's big hand, these treasures and soldiers exploded one after another, and a dazzling white light erupted in this area instantly open.

Terrifying light and heat instantly filled the entire space, and the surrounding clouds were also instantly cleared.

The power caused by the self-explosion of any semi-artifact is far from that of a supernova explosion, and the power of such a large number of treasures and semi-artifacts self-destructing is even more conceivable. The terrifying light and heat also drowned the huge giant palm.

Seeing this situation, Qingwu still didn't dare to be careless. At this moment, he felt that what he was facing was not a fourth-order demigod, but a high-ranking seventh-order just like his master usually Li personally guides himself.

Without the slightest hesitation, Qingwu waved the blood knife wildly, and **** tentacles jumped out from the handle of the knife and penetrated directly into Qingwu's arms, as if they were absorbing the essence of Qingwu's life.

And as the blade was completely connected with Qingwu, the blood knife became even more powerful, and every time it was swung, it seemed to carry an endless storm of knife energy and crazily blast upwards!

The saber energy that was swung out was like a raging rain, and it crazily bombarded the white expanse above. And accompanied by continuous explosions and roars. It resounded and shook the whole world.

With such frequent and high-explosive bombardments, Qingwu's energy and energy were declining at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But he didn't have the slightest intention to stop. Instead, he resisted the deficit in his body and swung the knife one after another.

Just because the light dissipated, the giant palm above the head remained the same. Under such dense and terrifying explosions and bombardments, the giant palm only trembled for a moment, and then fell slowly again, and the more it did so, the more It is to give people greater psychological oppression!

Seeing this, Qingwu's face showed shock and disbelief, but it quickly turned into determination.


Qingwu with scarlet eyes let out a low growl like a beast. He held the blood knife tightly with both hands and stood on the ground, like a beast that was still struggling to resist.

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