Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 976: AMAZING TOWERS

"Forget it, even so, you won't be able to trap me for long. Your realm is only at the fourth level. It must be very exhausting for you to trap me, a sixth-level peak body, right?"

Qingwu glanced at Jiang Heng, the power of the physical body in his body was constantly churning, and the projection of the avenue in the sky was also continuously wrestling with the power of time bound to him.

Jiang Heng grinned, what Qingwu said was true, he really couldn't restrain him for a long time, under the opponent's full resistance, it would be considered good if he could restrain the opponent for about five breaths.

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng just flexed his fingers, and the power of time bound to Qingwu was pulled away from most of it.

In this way, Qingwu's body suddenly lightened, and most of the restraint force dissipated. He was already able to move freely, but after a little movement, he laughed.

"It's pretty smart. I know the truth that blocking is worse than slackening. I plan to use a small amount of time to weaken my escape speed. In this way, do you think you can escape in my hands? Or do you think you have a chance to touch me?"

Qingwu looked at Jiang Heng, he really didn't know what Jiang Heng wanted to do, but no matter what Jiang Heng wanted, he just had to break it with his strength!

"Whether you can escape or not, you have to fight before you know!"

Jiang Heng shrugged, his muscles tensed up, he really didn't intend to escape, at least not now!

Hearing this, Qingwu's eyes, which were originally still gentle, flashed fiercely, and he suddenly probed the void with his big hand, and pulled out a slender and thick long stick from it. Crushing the surrounding space, it can be seen that this thing must be an extremely heavy magic weapon.

Without saying a word, he shot Jiang Heng in the air!


The countless cumbersome inscriptions on the surface of the stick shone with brilliance, and in an instant five rays of light shot out from the surface of the stick, like five colorful clouds covering the sky and covering the earth, like five overlapping thick mountains, heading straight to Jiang Heng with a menacing aura that was suddenly suppressed .

On the other side of Qingwu, he stretched his five fingers and then squeezed them violently. The five fingers formed a fist, and the punch was blasted towards Jiang Heng's place in the air!

No sound came out, as if the punch had no strength at all.

But seeing this situation, Jiang Heng's eyes suddenly focused, and he no longer hesitated. He patted the simple belt around his waist with his big hand, and countless dense rays of light quickly spread out from the surface of the belt.

The light outlined a set of ferocious and mighty armor, the armor quickly covered the whole body, and the power of the amplification was fully activated.

At the same time, he slapped the gourd on his waist again, several flying knives rushed out, nine flying knives flew out and formed a line, like an extremely sharp arrow towards the colorful clouds that were pressed down like a mountain. Yun rushed to kill.

The right hand is a palm, with the palm facing the fist, and slaps away vigorously with one palm.

But the surface of the right hand was quickly covered with a layer of fine scales in the middle of the swing, and the structure of the palm seemed to have become the claw of some ferocious giant beast.

There is a golden light flowing endlessly in the scales on the surface of the palm. If you look closely, you can find that there seem to be densely packed cumbersome inscriptions in each tiny scale.

It is a manifestation of the Brahma Martial Holy Body and the astral body running to the limit.

The moment the letter chain nine flying knives came into contact with the colorful clouds, there was a dense crackling sound. The cold light of the blade and the multicolored glow converged and intertwined, and the collision of forces erupted between the two, as if countless dense fireworks were formed above, extremely gorgeous.

And in another area near here, suddenly a loud bang resounded through the whole world like a sky-shattering earth-shattering rock-shattering sound.

Qingwu's big fist and a ferocious beast's palm blasted out abruptly at a speed that ordinary people couldn't understand at all. Neither of them had any dodge and staggered, and they collided directly.

In an instant, a wave of air that shot straight into the sky flew to the sky, forming a wave of sound that could pierce eardrums in the sky, and then swept away in all directions.

Where the sound waves and shock waves pass, the space trembles, the wind and clouds change color, and the earth trembles.

On the other hand, Jiang Heng and Qing Wu both trembled violently, and immediately retreated a few steps uncontrollably.

Seeing this, Qingwu frowned slightly, for that punch just now, Qingwu had the upper hand. But he was not satisfied.

After all, he is a sixth-order peak powerhouse in physical body, and he is best at fighting head-on. Wrestling with Tier 1 and Tier 4 demigods today turned into a stalemate.

Of course, I only used 80% of my strength in this punch as a test. But I didn't expect the guy in front of me to be able to carry it.

However, seeing this situation, Jiang Heng not only didn't feel disappointed, but showed a look of confidence on his face. With a firm mind, he let out a low drink, and the muscles all over his body began to squirm quickly, and the surface of the skin was quickly covered with a layer of fine scales.

Seeing Jiang Heng's move, Qingwu took it very seriously this time.

"What kind of body training technique is this? Could it be that this secret technique gave him the ability to rival me?"

In just a moment, Jiang Heng transformed into a ferocious monster with three heads, eight arms, scales and many barbs. At the same time, he was wearing a rather mighty armor, which made him look like a ghost in the underworld, making people daunting.

Without the slightest hesitation, Jiang Heng stepped forward again, and slapped again.

Seeing this situation, Qingwu was suspicious, but he still went forward!

There was a "bang".

It was the same situation as before, but this time Qingwu frowned a little deeper.

"The power is stronger than before!"

Qingwu felt something was wrong in his heart. This time, he felt that he didn't have the upper hand at all, and the opponent became more and more courageous? !

"No! There must be something wrong!"

Qingwu was terrified. If he said that he was restrained by Jiang Heng before, it could be because the level of laws he mastered was too high, but this kind of power struggle is nothing more than physical strength.

In terms of the Dao of the physical body, Qingwu didn't think that the opponent's first and fourth-order demigods could compete head-to-head with his sixth-order peak power.

Normally speaking, shouldn't the opponent be broken at the first touch?

However, after several consecutive duels, Qingwu found that the situation was getting worse.

The strength of this guy in front of him is getting stronger every time, as if the opponent can absorb part of his strength every time he hits.

"very good!"

Seeing that Qingwu had entered his own rhythm, Jiang Heng heaved a sigh of relief.

However, at the next moment, Qingwu let out a low growl, and suddenly there was a lion's head baring its teeth and claws growling and roaring, and then his body rapidly expanded into a hideous phantom of a lion's head with a human body billions of feet high.

Its huge physique seemed to cover the sky and the sun, and this sudden change made Jiang Heng somewhat astonished.

What followed was an inexplicable oppressive force, the surrounding air seemed to become viscous, and the limbs seemed to be poured with countless gravity, which made Jiang Heng's mobility rapidly decrease, as if he was under infinite pressure.

"Gravity? Domain?"

Almost instantly, Jiang Heng felt that this vaguely resembled the power of the domain that domain masters often like to use, but this method is rarely used by demigods.

Because below the high position, before the domain has sharpened into the domain of gods, the power of the domain is not as real as the coercion of martial arts will, so using the domain seems very tasteless.

Just what the **** is this gravitational field?

Feeling this terrible gravitational field, Jiang Heng thinks this is God's Domain, right?

There was a crackling sound from the bones, as if there were bursts of screams of being overwhelmed.

"How's the taste of Pseudo-Divine Realm?"

Seeing Jiang Heng's complexion change wildly, an uncontrollable smile appeared on Qingwu's face.

He has an unimaginable enthusiasm for fighting, but in fact he just enjoys the spiritual pleasure after victory.

In order to win, he doesn't care about other things at the moment, facing a fourth-order demigod, even if he uses the false **** domain, he will not hesitate.

Pseudo God Realm?

Hearing what Qingwu said, Jiang Heng was startled, and scolded this guy in his heart for being shameless now.

Originally, the realm was suppressed, but now it is like this, Qingwu really decided to come for it.

As soon as the words fell, Qingwu culled again, and the giant shadow that covered the sky directly punched Jiang Heng hard.

Faced with such a blow, Jiang Heng remained expressionless, but saw a golden light beam shooting up into the sky from behind him, and several hideous phantom giant beasts faintly emerged in the light beam.

There is the heavy water turtle, the sky-supporting ape, the giant earth-moving beast, and the phantom of the giant fighting beast. All the changes of the Brahma Martial Saint Physique have emerged.

Counting to the phantom hovering above Jiang Heng's head, the speed became faster and faster, Jiang Heng pointed a little.

Several phantoms turned into a pitch-black dot in an instant, and the dot quickly fell to the top of Jiang Heng's head, sinking into it.

With a bang, a dazzling golden light exploded, and when he looked again, Jiang Heng had turned into a three-headed and six-armed figure covered with inscriptions on the surface of the golden glazed light that was erratic.

His appearance has not changed into a beast, but a face transformed from that mask, and his body is also a human body.

This is the aggregate form of the Brahma Martial Saint Body, with three heads and six arms and the third eye of the sky.

Jiang Heng likes to use this form as early as the beginning of the cultivation of the Brahma Holy Physique, but sometimes it requires a unilateral change ability during battles. Two changes.

The subsequent two transformations of giant beasts were deduced by Jiang Heng himself. Although he can still exert the power of transformation, it is somewhat difficult to display the aggregate form of the Brahma Martial Saint Body.

After all, the creators of the previous and subsequent exercises are different, and there is no guarantee that any accident will happen if they are merged hastily.

However, Jiang Heng didn't care about other things at the moment, and directly displayed the immature Brahma Martial Saint Body aggregation form with all his heart.

At this moment, Jiang Heng's body was full of golden light, every inch of his skin was like a finely crafted work of art, and the inscription on the surface was more like an extremely subtle embellishment.

A head of black hair turned into silver threads at this time, and a white light between the brows exuded a pale golden light with sacred brilliance, giving off a sinister and sacred feeling.

When Jiang Heng raised his head and glanced at Qingwu, his eyes were indifferent, but the third holy eye between his brows was completely silent without any expression, but there seemed to be a ray of naked eyes in the flickering of this eye. An imperceptible white light flew out and disappeared in a flash.

However, Qingwu's eyes only met the third eye for a moment, and suddenly felt a kind of needle-like stinging pain transmitted from the eyes to the center of the brain.

Terrified in my heart, I subconsciously closed my eyes tightly.

And almost at the same time, Jiang Heng, who was covered in golden light, lightly raised his right hand, and immediately probed lightly towards the nothingness.

The hand spanned an extremely long distance, and suddenly appeared on Qingwu's chest in an unbelievable and strange situation, and he pressed it immediately.

In an instant, Qingwu felt a terrible distance erupting from his chest. The terrifying power that was almost boiling was like a supernova erupting, and the boundless power that was engulfed directly hit his chest.


With a muffled groan, Qingwu spat out blood, and severe pain came from his chest.

When he looked at Jiang Heng again, a look of shock and disbelief appeared on his face.

He could no longer see through this method. It should be said that Qingwu felt that he had been calculated from the beginning to the end since he fought against the person in front of him.

Obviously everything looks normal, but there is a feeling of being calculated.

Without waiting for Qingwu's reaction, Jiang Heng raised his hand again, and this time he also slapped his palm towards the void, obviously separated by a very long distance, the moment his palm protruded, he was already approaching Qingwu.

Seeing this, Qingwu's tightly wrinkled eyes suddenly became extremely firm and fierce, full of horror and determination, and finally converged into fierceness and determination, with a low growl like a wild beast.

However, Qingwu stepped left and right with both feet, stepped on the ground with both legs, and after stomping his legs deep into the ground, he suddenly clenched his hands and five fingers into a fist, and punched out both fists to face the seemingly light A palm blasted past.

A ray of blood-colored light flashed away, and Qingwu's arms swelled several times as quickly as if he had blown out air, and immediately hit his palms fiercely in a spiral posture.


The momentum was as heavy as the dull sound of the impact of a warhammer, and the phantom of the lion's head and man's body transformed by Qingwu dissipated and shattered like an exploding blood mist.

Qingwu trembled all over his body, and the phantom of the giant lion-headed human body began to collapse inch by At the same time, the body flew out like a sack.

After gliding for thousands of meters in the jungle, he barely stabilized his figure by pinching his legs and hands to the ground.

But at this moment, Qingwu's stern face was already flushed, the veins on his forehead and neck were bulging, his lips trembled for a moment, and he couldn't hold back a mouthful of golden blood spurting out.

At this time, the outside world has long been in an uproar when they saw this scene, no! The uproar has long passed, and now there are only scenes of stunned and silent.

Everyone opened their mouths wide open. No one expected that things would turn out like this. Qing Wu, who was originally the strongest and considered the absolute number one by everyone, was beaten violently at this time, and his strength seemed to be extremely disparate!

Especially the guy with the face of an unknown person, the seemingly understated blow just now seemed to have the terrifying power of picking up the stars and taking the moon to turn the world upside down. With just two palms, Qingwu, a sixth-order peak, was strong. Those who were wounded.

"Star Picker! Still have three heads and six arms?! Impossible, it's not a high position who can master two supreme supernatural powers at the same time!" Qingwu didn't care to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth at this time, his eyes widened, watching Jiang Heng use a long-lasting Seeing his eyes and tone of voice, he shouted sharply.

All kinds of complex emotions can't help but emerge in my heart, but the most is jealousy, a kind of jealousy that makes Qingwu almost crazy grows like weeds in my heart!

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