Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 978: draw

Following Qingwu's low growl, he saw tentacles sprang out from the handle of the knife again, but this time the tentacles were like dense spider webs, and these spider webs engulfed Qing Wu's restraint.

Then it drilled into Qingwu's major orifice points and the meridians of the whole body at an extremely fast speed.

As these tentacles entered Qingwu's body, strands of **** blood began to spread all over Qingwu's body.

In an instant, Qingwu's aura surged, and a terrifying force field covered him again. It was still the previous false god's domain, but this time it was a little different.

The monstrous blood mist spewed out from the magic knife in Qingwu's hand, almost filling half of the cave, and the whole world seemed to be trapped in the world of blood mist for a while.

Treacherous and gloomy, trees, flowers and plants withered and decayed at a speed visible to the naked eye in this blood mist, as if being melted by a strong corrosive thing.

But if you look closely, you can find that with the withering of trees and flowers, Qingwu's aura began to rise rapidly.

At the same time, the surviving demigod-level powerhouses also noticed this change, and each of them used their own methods to resist this weird blood mist.

They have known about the competition in the central area for a long time, and the commotion is so huge, but anyone who knows something in their hearts flees away from this place of right and wrong.

This level of battle is almost beyond the imagination of the median level, so it forms a very weird picture, and many survivors have gathered around the edge of the secret realm.

Even Xing Yun and the others encountered some survivors who ran over in a panic. The two sides did not make any moves when they met, as if they were waiting for the end of the peak duel in the central area.

But it didn't take long for everyone to relax before their expressions changed.

"What's going on? My breath!"

Someone uttered an exclamation, and soon the exclamation became one, because everyone's energy was falling rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it should be said that they were forcibly pulled out of their bodies by some kind of force.

"It's this kind of blood mist! It can absorb our energy!"

It is obvious that everyone has noticed this strangeness, and they have held back their breaths and even activated many protective measures in order to resist this strange force.

But the effect was minimal, everyone's spirits were still declining, and some of the weaker realms had already begun to experience a large-scale loss of breath.

"Everyone, I...I can't do it anymore. If this continues, my realm will fall before the game is over."

A low-ranking third-tier demigod yelled wanting to cry, without hesitating for a long time, he crushed the jade slip and left the game.

Compared with advancing to the next round, it is obvious that the most important thing is to ensure that the realm of hard work will not fall.

Seeing Qingwu's aura rising rapidly, Jiang Heng's calm face also showed a gloomy look.

"My own background is still too weak, I'm afraid I will lose this battle!"

Jiang Heng regretted it in his heart, but there was no way to do it. He could never have imagined that he could get to this point.

In fact, the reason why we can get to this step step by step.

The further attempt of Fanwu Eucharist is on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is also because of the role played by Qi Dao in it.

Jiang Heng himself didn't expect this point. At the beginning, Jiang Heng was just thinking about continuously accumulating and inflicting wounds on the opponent when he continuously pumped Qi into the opponent's body, but gradually Jiang Heng discovered that Qi Jin can seal some acupoints.

Block some less critical acupoints, so that even if the other party notices something strange, it will take a certain amount of time.

This is also the reason why Qingwu is obviously a sixth-order peak physical martial arts martial artist, and he fell into a disadvantage in terms of wrestling from the very beginning.

These less critical acupoints may not have much impact on Qingwu's running skills, but the more advanced and powerful martial arts secret art is, the more acupoints in the body are used, which also leads to even some acupoints being blocked. It is also an unacceptable consequence for Qingwu.

It's just that he didn't expect Qingwu to have such a strong background, and after successive setbacks, he would have such a trump card, which Jiang Heng didn't expect.

"Forget it, I have nothing bad to accept."

Jiang Heng sighed softly, how could he not accept this as a mere fourth-order demigod.

The giant palm fell slowly, and at this moment Qingwu drew the saber, holding the handle tightly with both hands. At this moment, it didn't seem like Qingwu was driving the blade, but more like the blade was driving Qingwu.

With scarlet eyes and a ferocious expression, Qingwu stared blankly at Tianji's giant palm, and the blade drove him to slash out.

When the knife falls, everything is silent, and the palm is broken!

A hideous gap was drawn from the middle of the giant palm, and the giant palm froze in mid-air. After a while, it turned into countless starlight spots and was replaced by monstrous blood light.

After the knife fell, the sky was nothingness, the space was torn a huge gap that could not be closed for a long time, and the original giant palm and Jiang Heng's figure in the sky disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the **** light in Qingwu's eyes faded away quickly, and the whole person staggered and leaned on the handle of the knife with both hands so as not to fall headlong to the ground.

At the same time, when the outside world saw this result, they were all breathless, their eyes widened and they were speechless for a long time.

"Win? Did Qingwu win?"

Someone looked uncertainly at the surrounding companions and asked.

"Yes, it seems so."

Everyone was not too convinced, after all, Jiang Heng's previous performance was too strong, and it was a bit unexpected to decide the outcome.

"No! No! Take a look!"

Someone suddenly pointed at the screen and shouted.

Only then did everyone realize that the screen turned and they came to another area, where the trees and flowers were withered, but looking at the surrounding environment, it seemed to be the edge area of ​​the game secret.

And in the picture, a figure appeared without warning, and as soon as it appeared, it staggered and fell to the ground. The six arms on its body began to recede, and the third eye at the center of the brow also closed and disappeared.

It was Jiang Heng who was still fighting Qingwu just now.

At this moment, he looked extremely embarrassed, his left arm was broken, and blood spurted out from the wound. Holding a broken left arm with his right hand, he tried hard to stand up, but he couldn't do it for a long time, and finally he could only turn over and lie on his back on the dry grass.

His chest heaved violently and he gasped for breath, his complexion was as pale as snow, like a piece of white paper.

Not only that, the wound on the left arm seemed to have no signs of healing, and blood was still flowing, even though the flow was not so fast, it was still bleeding continuously.

Jiang Heng gritted his teeth and sighed secretly that this was a big loss.

That knife is not simple, there is no way to hide, this is also Jiang Heng's ability to move in space, even so, his left arm is still cut by the knife energy.

This cut is not only the physical body, but also the Dao.

"It's actually able to cut the Dao, my physical Dao is broken, I'm afraid it won't be so easy for this arm to recover in a short time!"

Jiang Heng gritted his teeth to bear the pain brought by the **** saber energy, which seemed to penetrate deep into the bone marrow and soul.

The right hand holding the left arm was trembling with pain, but still gasping for breath, he forcibly connected the left arm to the broken part.

If it is normal, as long as the arm is connected, it can be restored instantly.

But this time it couldn't be done, only a few shreds of flesh were wriggling at the broken arm, trying to connect, but soon a blood mist spewed out from the wound, and the blood mist quickly corroded the granulation that represented vitality.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng reached out with his right hand, grabbed a few pills from the storage space, squeezed them with his fingers, and the pills turned into powder and applied directly to the wound.

However, the effect is still not great, and it seems extremely difficult to continue with the left arm.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Heng didn't wait any longer, and threw the broken left arm into the storage space, and at the same time wrapped up the left shoulder with a bandage to prevent excessive blood flow as much as possible.

After doing all this, Jiang Heng was slightly relieved.

"The injury is too serious, and the avenue is damaged. I'm afraid it will take a while to recover from my injury!" Jiang Heng sighed softly.

I thought this was just the first round, and it wouldn't be too difficult with my own strength, who would have thought that accidents would happen frequently.

Looking at his broken arm, Jiang Heng thought for a while, and sighed secretly: "I'm afraid it's not easy to be fooled when I go out with this appearance."

Jiang Heng still remembers that he is still standing up to others, and if he goes out now, it will be exposed in an instant.

The peripheral vision of his eyes quickly scanned, and his eyes quickly locked on the twinkling stars somewhere in the void.

There are no stars in this side of the world, only a scorching sun, and Jiang Heng knows what these sporadic stars are flickering in the sky.

Seeing the star above his head, Jiang Heng had no choice but to run the law of space again, and his figure quickly disappeared in place.

After about a while, when Jiang Heng reappeared in another area, his face had changed, and even the clothes on his body and the broken arm had returned to normal.

Naturally, the arm cannot be recovered so easily. Jiang Heng just used a puppet arm stored in the storage space in the past. This kind of puppet prosthesis looks as real as a real person on the surface, and there is no covering it with clothes outside. No difference.

And his appearance at this time was impressively the same as the initial silent appearance. After straightening his clothes, Jiang Heng sat on the ground with a normal expression, and the complexion on his face began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It's not that the injury has recovered as before, but it's just a little camouflage, which is not difficult for a physical martial artist.

At the same time, the outside world has a lot of discussion about the young strong man who suddenly disappeared. The sudden disappearance of Jiang Heng's figure in the screen makes everyone want to see Jiang Heng's current situation again.

Soon the screen was re-searched for related screens, but this time it was the real Yuan Ming.

Jiang Heng used Yuan Ming's appearance to suppress Qing Wu before, but now the scene turned to the real Yuan Ming, and everyone found that Yuan Ming was gathering with several other people.

It's just that everyone didn't know why, looking at Yuan Ming who was intact as before, they all murmured in their hearts.

Could it be that this young master's recovery ability is so terrifying? In the blink of an eye, the injury not only recovered, but also calmly chatted with others?

It was really unbearable for everyone to be suspicious. After all, Yuan Ming was still in a dying state with a broken arm just a second ago, and it looked like he was dying.

But right now Yuan Ming is obviously full of energy!

But there is no reason to think about it, after all, the face is this face.

In addition, everyone is a demigod-level powerhouse, and they also know many unheard of magical methods. Maybe this Yuan Ming has some extremely powerful recovery treasures, or the essence of the law of life may not necessarily be.

At this time, Yuan Ming and the others were indeed talking, and the content of their conversation was still Jiang Heng.

"Where did you say Master Shen went? There is so much movement in the competition over there, so he won't be eliminated?" A member of the Jiying team couldn't hide his worry.

"I don't think it's far from ten. We almost couldn't resist just now. We all hid so well that we almost couldn't hold back the aftermath alone. I think Master Shen is terrible!"

Some people sighed, although they didn't get along with Master Shen for long, they still had a good impression of this master craftsman in the legion.

In addition, the generous behavior of silence at the beginning is really not bad.

"You guys should stop thinking about it. Master Shen is auspicious and has his own nature. Let's think about how to advance to the next round. Now the crisis in the secret territory is getting bigger and bigger."

Yuan Ming opened his mouth, and he also wondered why Master Shen didn't leave together, but after thinking about it, he still felt that promotion was more important, so he could only comfort everyone.

"How many!"

While everyone was discussing and talking, a figure came out from the dead woods behind.

Everyone looked around and saw that the person who came was not Master Shen, who else could it be.

"Master Shen!"

"Master Shen, are you alright? Great!"

Seeing Jiang Heng, everyone seemed very happy. After all, they are a group of difficult brothers and sisters. It is a miracle in itself that these low-ranking third-level existences can survive until now.

Seeing Jiang Heng, everyone felt like brothers in trouble reunited.

"Master Shen, are you okay?" Yuan Ming hurried up to meet him.

"It's okay, I just suffered some injuries due to the impact of the aftermath!"

Jiang Heng waved his hand, this is not a lie, he was indeed injured, but the injury was so severe that Jiang Heng could barely keep walking normally.

"Anyway, it's good if you haven't been eliminated. I've heard that. This time, if we advance to the next round of Legion Commander, we will all be rewarded."

Yuan Ming He came here this time to get the reward from the army commander, and he knew very well that his chances of winning the championship were almost zero.

"Now the number of people should have almost reached the requirements for advancing to the next round. As long as we persist for a while, we will automatically advance!"

According to the rules, seventy-six people will be eliminated in the first round, leaving only twenty-four people to advance to the next round.

This elimination rate is quite cruel.

But by this time, the number of people on the field is now less than thirty-five.

Jiang Heng looked at the number of people reported by the jade slips at this time, and there were a total of 32 people left.

Next, we will see which unlucky ones will be discovered and eliminated by the strong.

As time passed, Jiang Heng and the others simply held back their breath and hid.

It was still the original strategy, but Jiang Heng didn't need to hold his breath anymore, his breath was sluggish like this, there was no difference between holding his breath and not holding his breath. As long as he is not particularly good at perception, Jiang Heng is as if he is invisible.

Yuan Ming was more ruthless, and directly cut a big hole in the ground, and a group of people hid directly in it.

After another two hours, the number finally reached twenty-four.

However, the game was not over yet, because five players with promotion orders had to be eliminated, so only nineteen players were left in the field.

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