Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 975: Concoct Tier 6 Peak

Time passed little by little, and at the same time Qingwu's figure had already come to the sky. He glanced at Xingyun and the others, and his intuition told him that it wasn't any of them who used the law of time to attack him just now.

"Tell me, who made the move just now. As long as you speak, I don't mind letting all of you advance." Qingwu said lightly, and his words were not deceiving, it was just a gesture to him. It's just a matter of hands.

"Let's fight! We haven't enjoyed the game just now!"

Xing Yun grinned, feeling bitter for a while, and said to the apprentice, you should hurry up, it's really late to collect the body for the master.

"I understand!"

Seeing this, Qingwu understood clearly, before he could say a word, he punched out suddenly, the speed was as fast as a blink of an eye.

The operation principle of the battle formation is to gather the power of all people and circulate them at will, so as to maximize the ability of everyone.

However, Qingwu's speed was so fast that the battle formation had no time to react, and it was impossible to instantly mobilize everyone's strength to resist this sudden punch.


The battle formation shattered, and everyone vomited blood. A few weaker people still passed out after tilting their heads, and at the same time, a vortex quickly shrouded their bodies.

This means that the bodies of these people have entered an endangered state, and Yu Jian automatically sensed and eliminated these people by themselves.

Xing Yun and a small number of two or three people still retain a sliver of consciousness, but they have no power to fight anymore.

Just when everyone looked at Qingwu with despair, suddenly the sky in the distance suddenly changed, and countless energies began to gather towards that area like crazy.

Seeing this scene, a smile appeared on Qingwu's face.

"Got you!"

Qingwu directly abandoned Xingyun and the others and galloped towards that side.

Jiang Heng is really unexpected now, because after swallowing a large amount of elixir, vitality and energy in his body, the pure spirit and power of the law fed back by the compass directly made his realm jump into four class level.

In other words, the three avenues have all entered the fourth-tier middle class.

And this directly led to irresistible changes in the celestial phenomena, the energy tide began to gather continuously, and the vitality in the entire cave seemed to be withering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With Jiang Heng as the center, it was like a wave of influence began to spread in all directions. Wherever it passed, the flowers, plants and trees all withered and withered.

This is the result of excessive absorption of the surrounding free energy by Jiang Heng, because the free energy was evacuated, and the suction force generated during the breakthrough irresistibly began to absorb energy from the surrounding environment.

Even the power of space in this Fangdongtian secret realm is beginning to weaken.

If Ji Haihou was good at the laws of space, he would definitely feel distressed at this time.

Because his secret cave is much weaker than it was at the beginning.

Previously, the spatial barriers of his secret cave were strong enough to defend against ordinary middle-ranked demigods, and could withstand the disturbances of most demigods below the high ranks.

However, this is not the case at this time, the power of space has been extracted, and the irresistible barriers of space have also been greatly weakened.

"Who the **** are you? I didn't expect there to be a master like you in the army!"

Qing Wu Kankan appeared in the sky, looking down at the figure sitting cross-legged on a peak below and shouted in a deep voice.

Although the aura and realm displayed by the other party are only at the median fourth-order level, Qingwu dare not underestimate him based on the previous ability of the other party alone.

"If you want to fight, you can fight, why do you need to ask who it is? Is this important?"

Jiang Heng responded, while slowly raising his head to reveal his current face.

Seeing Jiang Heng's face, Qingwu frowned slightly, he had no impression of this face at all.

But this is also normal, there are so many contestants, he usually doesn't bother to pay attention to the appearance of some lower demigods, even he is too lazy to take a look at the middle demigods.

It's just that he didn't know him, but many people who were paying attention to the situation in the secret realm recognized this face.

The main reason is that many people from the Jiying Legion made comments.

"Isn't this Yuan Ming?"

"This kid actually made a breakthrough in front of the battle and stepped into the middle level of the fourth rank."

"But he is too unlucky, so he met Qingwu?"

Many of Yuan Ming's acquaintances recognized this face, for a while there were some sighs and some surprises.

But there is still more confusion, because the transmitted picture has no sound, and everyone can only see the people in the picture opening their mouths and fighting, but they don't know what they said.

Therefore, this scene is a bit confusing. Why would Qing Wu, a sixth-level demigod, suddenly find trouble with a guy who just broke through the fourth level?

This... more or less overkill.

But inside it was a different scene.

"Not bad! What you said is not bad, happy, I just hope you can make me happy next time!"

Qingwu grinned coldly, and as soon as he finished speaking, his figure suddenly swooped down like a gust of evil wind, and his physical fists flickered and waved rapidly. In just a moment, there were millions of fist shadows swung out, covering almost every corner of Jiang Heng's body.

Moreover, these fist shadows are extremely precise, completely aiming at the various acupoints around Jiang Heng's body.

If all of this is true, Jiang Heng will lose his ability to act and counterattack in an instant.

Although this is only forged to cause physical stiffness, for a fighting master like Qingwu, the balance of victory in this battle is tilted towards him.

It was too late to say it, and at that moment, Jiang Heng's figure suddenly disappeared in a flash.

Qingwu was taken aback by this sudden scene, it was too unexpected.

If it is said that the way of time has already made him wary of the opponent in front of him, but the way of space is completely within his expectations.


! "

Simultaneously grasping two top avenues, this made Qingwu instantly feel in his mind that he was dazzled or that this guy in front of him had some tricks to simulate a similar effect.

But with this dazed effort, he felt that his ability to act became extremely slow.


It should be said that my own time has been slowed down, slowed down many times.

not good!

I was terrified in my heart, but at this moment, the attack came suddenly, and the intensive attack methods bombarded me.

Countless fist shadows blasted towards Qingwu's acupoints all over his body.

The frequency is so fast and the strength is so strong that Qingwu is shocked.

It's not that his dignified sixth-order peak physical body is afraid of the methods of a mere fourth-order demigod. If it's an ordinary fourth-order demigod, Qingwu is confident that if the opponent beats him forever, he won't even think about hurting him at all.

But this guy in front of him is really weird, his attack power is usually second to none, the key is that every time he is hit by the opponent's fist, a strange air will flow into his body from the opponent's fist.

This kind of airflow converged into a very dense bundle, and after pouring into Qingwu's body, it was like countless fine and sharp needles, making Qingwu couldn't help frowning.

Not a lot of damage, but a lot of pain.

"Not good! I was almost deceived. This person's methods of killing seem to be insufficient, but they can continue to be gradual. The continuous influx of this strange air will eventually cause great trauma to my body."

Qingwu soon realized that something was wrong. He practiced the orthodox physical Tao system of the universe, and he was completely unfamiliar with Qi Jin. Never seen this method.

What's more, Qi Dao is still in the hands of Jiang Heng alone, which can be said to be unique.

But Qingwu was anxious, but he could only stare blankly. The power of time continued to affect him, making it difficult for him to fight back effectively. He could only watch Jiang Heng strike at an extremely fast speed.

Just when Qingwu was thinking about the countermeasures, out of the corner of his eye he saw that the opponent in front of him made another attack, but it was not a boxing technique, but suddenly spread his hands in the posture of palming a knife, and he couldn't help but say that he was slashing with a knife.

The moment the knife fell, Qingwu was puzzled, but soon he knew what happened.


With the sound of a sharp object entering his body, a hideous gap several meters in length suddenly broke through Qingwu's chest.

It's just that Qingwu was shocked.

"how come?!"

The realm of the person in front of him is only at the fourth-order level. Even if his strength is enough to surpass the fifth-order, it seems magical to want to cut through his body at the peak of the sixth-order physical body.

It's unreal, and Qingwu thinks it's extremely impossible!

"Could it be that this person owns a seventh-order high-ranking semi-artifact?"

As soon as he had this idea, Qingwu vetoed it, because he clearly didn't feel any fluctuations of the artifact just now, and he didn't even notice that something cut his body open.

Qingwu was surprised, and Jiang Heng was equally surprised.

"Is it still a little bit reluctant for a fourth-level spatial cutting to cut open the physical body of a sixth-level peak powerhouse?"

It is true that the space cut only cut the skin of Qingwu's chest, and even penetrated into the muscle to a depth of a few centimeters, and then returned to normal in a blink of an eye.

"It's a very powerful method. I didn't understand the method just now, but now I know it is space! You have mastered the law of space. This should be the famous space cutting, right?"

Qingwu said through sound transmission.

Space cutting Because the space dao itself is one of the top avenues, most of the universe is very familiar with this trick.

It is said that at the same level, the ability of space cutting to break defense is enough to rule the roost!

In fact, if Qingwu hadn't been a peak-sixth-rank martial artist in the physical body, if he had been a peak-sixth-rank man in the temple system, this slash would have split the opponent in two.

"It doesn't matter, your talent is indeed enviable, even enviable! It's useless! No matter what your background is not enough, you can't help me!"

Qingwu sneered, he wanted to stimulate the opponent in front of him with words, otherwise being bound by the power of time would not be a solution.

However, Jiang Heng's expression did not change at all from the beginning to the end.

It's even scary to say that it's cold!

Seeing this, Qingwu stopped provoking Jiang Heng with provocative words, instead he said with a faint smile via voice transmission: "Boy, do you think that the demigod at the top of the sixth level really only has this method?"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Heng was startled in an instant.

A terrible power fluctuation suddenly erupted from Qingwu in front of him. Under the wrestling with the power of time, his body trembled, and suddenly he punched out, as if breaking the invisible barrier of mud, Qingwu broke free directly. time bound.

how come? !

Jiang Heng couldn't figure it out, his mind was a little confused, he didn't expect that the other party could be restrained by him before, how could the situation reverse in a blink of an eye.

"What the **** is going wrong?"

Jiang Heng thought quickly in his mind, but as soon as Qingwu broke free, he was like a tiger out of the cage, his figure flickered and moved quickly, and the speed of short-distance culling of the sixth-order peak powerhouse in the physical body was undoubtedly explosive.

Generally speaking, although physical martial arts fighters were once far behind by other avenues in long-distance raids, in short-distance raids, physical martial arts fighters often try their best to make up for the gap in speed, and even do not hesitate to practice multiple short-distance high-burst The speed of escape is to be able to capture and attack the enemy in a short time!

Just as Jiang Heng wanted to move to open the distance, he was suddenly pinched by a big steel hand defenselessly by the neck, and if he wanted to make a move, the opponent's fist would be a head-on punch.

With such a powerful blow, Jiang Heng felt as if he was hit head-on by a super giant planet.

The huge force made Jiang Heng dizzy for a while, and the thoughts in his brain seemed to be plunged into a lake of slurry.

The thoughts in the brain seemed to be interrupted by this brute force.

"how come?"

"how come?"

In Jiang Heng's mind, there is only Many thoughts cannot be gathered, and the brain seems to be shaken and many thoughts cannot be concentrated.


Suddenly, Jiang Heng vaguely felt a glimmer of spiritual light, and the next moment, the Beihe Dazhou Tianxing magical power in his body was fully activated, the heart orifice began to operate at full speed, and the power of the soul rose sharply. state.

Following a series of quick responses, the big hand that was pinching his neck disappeared in an instant, and Qingwu's ferocious appearance also dissipated like a torn scroll.

Everything around seemed to dissipate like waves of water, and another picture came into view again.

Qingwu was still restrained in place, but at this moment he was slowly trying to break free, and his body had roughly recovered some mobility.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Heng squeezed his big hand suddenly, and the power of time started to work again, continuing the power of time that had just been cut off.

"Psychic illusion!"

Jiang Heng sighed lightly, he was almost caught just now, if it wasn't for the power of time, he could still trap the opponent temporarily, once the opponent's physical body fully recovers its mobility, the consequences would be disastrous.

Facing a sixth-level peak master like Qingwu, any mistake would be caught by the opponent.

With the ability of a physical Taoist to block the acupoints, Jiang Heng believed that as long as he gave the opponent a chance, he would be a target, and he would have no ability to fight back.

At that time, everything will be lost, even if you have multiple laws, and even master the two top laws of time and space, you will only be stuck because you have no chance to make a move.

"It's a pity! I didn't expect you to also practice the mystic arts of the soul. The sudden increase in the power of the soul can get rid of my Rosen illusion, right?"

There was some regret in Qingwu's eyes, illusion was his trump card that he had never shown to the outside world.

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