Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 974: His Majesty's astonishment

That being the case, his reaction to Marquis Ji Wu's almost derogatory and secretly exaggerated words just now was very flat.

But at this moment, the situation on the screen suddenly took a turn for the worse.

Seeing that Qingwu and his surroundings fell into a state of stillness for a while, everyone thought it was a problem with the projection of the screen at first, but after Xing Yun and the others turned their heads and ran wildly, they realized it.



! "

The first one to appear unsteady was His Royal Highness, he stood up and stared at everything in the picture with serious eyes, as if there was a rare treasure waiting for him to dig.

Also uncertain are several Marquises, as well as a group of legion commanders and many soldiers who were belatedly aware of it.

No one expected this kind of thing to happen, and the top law would appear in such a military competition.

"There is nothing wrong with this, the law of time, I never thought that there would be such a hidden genius in the army, who is this person, Ji Haihou, do you know who this person is under his command?"

Ji Wuhou spoke first, and looked at Ji Haihou, as if the other party would directly attack if he didn't say anything.

Marquis Ji Hai was not in a hurry, stroked his beard and said in a calm manner: "Who is this person and how do I know, I can set up a total of five swimming observation formations in the secret realm. Right now I Show them all to everyone, and you will identify them one by one to see who might be the genius!"

Ji Haihou also simply let go of the authority, and with a big wave of his hand, the screen was divided into five parts, each of which was five different screens monitoring other players.

It's just that although the five people in these pictures are the pictures of the players who have not been eliminated in the secret realm at the moment, none of them seem to be using the power of law.

Moreover, the picture is just a picture after all, and it cannot directly convey the fluctuation of the law's aura. It can be said that as long as the people inside use the power of the law in a subtle way, people outside will not be able to distinguish it.

But right now this seems to be the best way, it is impossible for them to go in and stop the game now.

The screen turned to the other five people again, and like this, Ji Haihou showed all the surviving players one by one, but everyone got nothing.

During the period, it was transferred to Jiang Heng, but everyone only saw this young man running wildly as if trying to avoid the area where the promotion order was located.

It's just that everyone didn't know that when turning to Jiang Heng, Ji Yinghou's eyes looked very serious, but because he couldn't detect his breath, he just frowned and didn't notice anything.

"How? I think this little guy is a bit clever, and he knows the truth of the crime of being pregnant. Otherwise, he will show the top law talent in a weak way, but he will not be recruited by the big forces, but will be taken by some people with ulterior motives." The law is sold at a high price!" Seeing this scene, Ji Haihou also quite agrees with this mysterious genius, and his views on this are very favorable.

"Ji Hai, what do you mean? Could it be that you are turning a corner and saying that this Marquis has ulterior motives?" Marquis Ji Wu has a personality of saying what is on his mind.

Of course, this is also because he is powerful right now, and there are not many people in the world who can make him worry, so he dares to be so unscrupulous.

"Of course I didn't mean Marquis Jiwu. Marquis Jiwu, I know you don't want to see your disciples get frustrated, but it's not good for young people to go smoothly all the time. You still have to experience a lot of setbacks!"

Ji Haihou said with a smile, not at all used to Ji Wuhou.

"What did you say?!"

Hearing this, Ji Wuhou was furious, and a terrifying martial arts will burst out from him, directly crushing towards Ji Haihou.

Almost instantly, Ji Haihou also burst out his own martial arts will, but the aged Ji Haihou's martial arts will has long since declined a lot, and how could he be the opponent of Ji Wuhou in his prime, his face immediately turned pale, but he still held on With a wave of his hand, this martial arts will was blocked.

"Hmph! I respect you as an old man, but you'd better think clearly before speaking!"

Ji Wuhou is unreasonable and wants to use martial arts will to further crush Ji Haihou.

"Okay! Both of you are junior elders. Under such a grand event, I hope that the two uncles will give me a little face for this junior!"

Fortunately, at this time, His Royal Highness Shizi finally spoke. He bowed slightly to the two Hou Ye before bowing.

Seeing His Royal Highness speak, Marquis Ji Wu didn't dare to go too far, and sat back on his seat once again.

"I can't help it when I'm old!" Ji Haihou sighed, then cupped his hands and smiled at the son: "Thank you, Your Highness, for speaking."

"Both of you are my uncles. They are both for the sake of peaceful coexistence in the southern border. If my royal father sees this, I might laugh at you!" His Royal Highness seemed to be joking, but the two Hou Ye knew it well.

This is His Royal Highness taking Nan Wang to oppress them, but they dare not say anything.

Not to mention that they were loyal to King Nan, even if they had two hearts, they still had to consider King Nan's strength.

Don't say it's Nan Wang, first of all they have to weigh whether they can't withstand Ji Yuanhou's blow.

"Your Highness is right, I'll continue to watch the game. No matter what this time, it's a blessing for us to have such a genius in the army!" Ji Haihou smiled to resolve the embarrassment just now.

At this time, everyone's thoughts fell into the picture again.

At this time, Qingwu was once again restrained by the power of time, and the restraint became more secure.

It's just that compared to the shock of seeing the power of time here, Fu Gang, who is far behind in the main altar of the Eye of the Heavenly Territory, knows it clearly.

He could see that this was the work of his teammate, Lao Shen.

It's just that knowing this kind of inside story but not being able to tell the outside world, I have to say that this is a very uncomfortable feeling.

At least right now, Fu Gang is feeling very uncomfortable.

"Captain, do you know who cast the law of time?"

As if sensing Fu Gang's strange expression, Ke Mei turned her eyes and said curiously.

Liu Que also looked at Fu Gang when she heard the words, raised her eyebrows suspiciously and said, "Captain? Do you still know such a genius?"

"Time is good, this is one of the top avenues in the universe!"

"What's the matter, you captain, you don't know yet, how can I know such a big man." Fu Gang kept shaking his head in denial.

"Let me just say, this is the top road!" Liu Que laughed when he heard this.

Ke echoed with a smile, but when the pretty face turned around, it was dignified and determined.

I thought to myself.

"This Fu Gang should know something. He was clearly lying just now. Among all the contestants, he only knew the team member Lao Shen, so this old Shen is the mysterious genius who masters the way of time?"

Ke has her own considerations in her heart. She believes in the Eye of Reality that her father gave her back then. It is said that her father specially sent someone to kill a mid-level starry sky monster that is good at destroying delusion. It is refined by gouging out its eyeballs.

Now this eye has been perfectly fused with his right eye, he can see through the opponent's realm, and even vaguely discern the power of laws in the body, but now his strength is limited, and he can only judge how many laws there are in the opponent's body.

Just like when she saw Shen Mo for the first time before, she was shocked to find that she had sneaked into the Eye of the Tianyu team in the southern border in disguise, and there was such a monster hidden among her team members.

The bright road of the four laws is naturally invisible to others, but it is very real in Ke's eyes.

I am my father's most beloved daughter, and I have followed my father to see many strong men and many arrogance. Looking at the entire universe, those who master the four Dao laws at the same time are probably rare in the entire universe.

It was also because of that time that Ke became more curious about Jiang Heng.

Whenever it comes to the news of this silent team member, she will be particularly interested.

For this reason, she secretly used her father's intelligence capabilities in the southern border to collect all the news about this silent man.

She was just taken aback by the feedback she got.

Although there is a detailed introduction to Shen Mo's background and past experience in the intelligence.

But this is very strange, because the past experience before Silence entered Tianyu is extremely ordinary, and it does not match the identity of the controller of the four laws at all.

This is very strange, because mastering four laws at the same time, how could it be possible to reveal the slightest before that.

And Ke is very clear that such a genius can never be cultivated by self-cultivation in obscurity.

Then this is very simple, Shen Mo's past information is false, it should be said that someone forcibly used other people's information to disguise Shen Mo.

Ke can only think of one person who has this kind of authority in the Southern Territory and can manipulate the Eye of Tianyu, the King of the South!

"So who is he? Could it be Nanwang's illegitimate son who can make Nanwang pay so much attention to him?"

Although Ke thought a lot, he borrowed his intelligence ability to investigate more clearly than Fu Gang.

But in the end, her and Fu Gang's brain circuits finally matched each other.

Because after thinking about the setting that Mo Mo is the illegitimate son of the Southern King, everything seemed extremely reasonable.

It may also be difficult for the crown prince to cultivate such a genius, but there is already a great possibility.

Four heavenly pride!

"The possibility of this is really high. My uncle really gave me a big surprise for this junior."

Ke secretly sighed in his heart.

After thinking about it, she quickly moved some cumbersome hand movements with her fingers in the blind area of ​​Fu Gang and others' vision, and soon a ray of information was transmitted to an unknown area with a very special frequency.


"What should I do next?"

At this time, Xing Yun, who was running wildly, quickly transmitted the sound to Jiang Heng.

This apprentice can always surprise him, and this time he didn't care about being surprised.

"I'll trap him first, you guys run away first, get out of the promotion order's perception range and then quickly hold back your breath!"

"No! I know Qingwu's personality. This person likes to fight against strong enemies the most. Now you have successfully aroused his interest!"

Hearing his master's words, Jiang Heng simply opened his mouth.

Seeing that Jiang Heng didn't respond for a while, Xingyun said again: "Where are you, let's meet first, and then discuss countermeasures together."

Jiang Heng thought about it for a while and quickly passed on his current location without hesitation.

After about three breaths, Jiang Heng joined the champion's three teams.

The members of the team were taken aback when they saw Jiang Heng, a stranger, because now the command of the team was handed over to Xingyun, and everyone subconsciously looked at Xingyun.

"This is a friend I made before, my own!"

A perfunctory sentence, how can Xingyun have time to explain so much now, and Jiang Heng said via voice transmission: "If you can rise to the fifth level in a short period of time, is it possible for you to deal with Qingwu?"

Jiang Heng was stumped when he opened his mouth.

Jiang Heng frowned and replied very sincerely through the sound transmission: "I'm not sure, I don't have a clear definition of how strong the sixth order is."

"There is no other way now. This is the mantra of our champion team's small-scale combined attack formation. You can simply learn it. As long as you can arouse the resonance of the law, you can borrow the power of the team in a short time."

While listening to Xingyun's words, Jiang Heng felt a short formula emerge in his mind.

Because it's just a temporary formula, it's not difficult. Jiang Heng glanced at it and ran it through his body to remember it.

"Now if there is any problem to raise in time, we can only bite the bullet when Qingwu comes over." Xing Yun was a little worried.

"Master, do you have a pill!"

"What pill?"

"All kinds of great tonic pills are fine, as many as you want!"

Hearing this, Xingyun was stunned, but he still put all the pills in his inventory into a storage ring and handed them over. After thinking about it, he was still not at ease, and asked himself that his teammates had asked for a lot and handed them all over. .

During the period, the members of the champion team were hesitant to speak, but they couldn't do much about it because of the emergency.

Anyway, Jiang Heng never refuses anyone who comes, and after putting his mind away, he pondered for a while and then transmitted the voice: "Master, please draw Qingwu's attention for a moment, I will now withdraw the power of law to adjust my state, after three breaths will come!"

As soon as the words were finished, Jiang Heng's figure quickly disappeared without waiting for Xingyun to agree.

Seeing this scene, this time it was Xing Yun's turn to say shit.

You really are a lover, haven't you seen that your master's physical body is about to collapse now?

Just grab something and run, okay?

He lamented in his heart, but there was no other way, he quickly looked at his team members and set them At this time, Qingwu finally regained his mobility.

After slightly moving his hands and feet, he was a little confused, because he could feel that the other party clearly still had some strength left, so it was a bit strange to stop his hand suddenly.

"Hmph! No matter how scheming you are, I'm going to see what the top road is today!"

In an instant, Qingwu's figure galloped towards Xingyun and others in the distance.

At the same time, Jiang Heng found a mountain and floated on it, sitting cross-legged and falling into a state of meditation.

Almost instantly, countless black shadows rushed towards Jiang Heng's body and merged with him.

All the clones outside returned to the main body, and at the same time, pills were swallowed directly into the stomach.

It is naturally possible to wait for the elixir to slowly dissolve in the body, but the time is limited, and the mind directly touches the compass in the dantian.

It wasn't long before Compass fell into a deep sleep last time, but this time he was woken up again and seemed extremely angry, and a terrifying suction force swept across his body immediately.

The elixir that had just been swallowed in his stomach would dry up in an instant. Jiang Heng had expected that he stuffed a handful of elixirs into his mouth with one claw, and swallowed them all at once without chewing.

Like a mud cow entering the sea, it is completely absorbed by the compass without causing the slightest wave.

After going back and forth like this, seeing that his stock of elixir was rapidly depleted, he even took most of the elixir he asked for just now.

"Not enough is not enough!"

Having experienced it a few times before, Jiang Heng was very aware of Luo Pan's appetite, so he didn't dare to neglect him at all. He began to pour the elixir into his mouth like drinking water.

Although Nebula said that they can borrow their power, not to mention their current state is not good. Even in their heyday, Jiang Heng didn't feel that borrowing their power could compete with a sixth-order demigod.

Only one's own power can be used 100% or even 31000%!

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