Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 956: this guy is faking

As for Hammer Mobai, a fourth-tier craftsman who did not know how many times he practiced crafting crafts, he didn't know how many hammers he broke.

Never seen such rapid progress.

"Impossible! I must be wrong, it's just good luck! Yes, it's good luck!"

He was so determined in his heart, but Jiang Heng's performance in the next step made him affirm this determination.

The opponent's hammering technique became very unfamiliar again, almost like a novice.

"These are void gold, and the wave-stacking wind hammer method can indeed continuously increase the force to polish an extremely hard material such as void gold. However, it is not enough, and it is replaced by the sea-overturning hammer method to borrow the force of the water shape in the hammer method. Forging, so as to maximize the polishing of void gold, but also add a little softness to such a strong material."

Bai Lao's reminder sounded again, and Jiang Heng was like an extension of Bai Lao's arm, and he completed the transformation of hammering the moment he heard the instruction.

This once again made Mo Bai jealous, why did the teacher guide him so meticulously?

"But what's the matter with this guy's sea hammer method?"

With the passage of time, Mo Bai discovered that the previous feeling was not an illusion, because although the other party said that each time he changed the hammering method, he was relatively unfamiliar, but with the continuous beating, this strangeness quickly disappeared, replaced by Proficiency, until it becomes extremely clear in the heart, as if there is great confidence before every hammer.

Same as Mo Bai was shocked, there was Bai Lao.

Bai Lao was standing beside Jiang Heng, and he had long noticed Jiang Heng's change from unfamiliar to familiar to near-perfect after each switch of hammering technique.

"Great talent! A great talent for making weapons!"

Bai Lao was extremely shocked in his heart, and he couldn't hide the joy on his face.

"Even I couldn't master it so quickly back then, this kid will definitely surpass me in future achievements!"

Bai Lao felt extremely emotional in his heart, he had mastered one hammer technique in one month, and he had already been hailed as a monstrous level weapon refiner by his teacher back then.

Afterwards, his development was also as the teacher said, stepping over the threshold of the sixth-level refining master step by step, and stepping into the threshold of the seventh-level refining master.

The forging of sixth- and seventh-order divine weapons is a kind of gap between heaven and earth.

A sixth-level refiner can be called a guest of honor in many large and medium-sized forces, but only a seventh-level refiner can be a guest of honor no matter where he goes.

A seventh-level refining master means someone who can refine high-level magical weapons.

The power of the seventh-tier magic weapon is far from comparable to that of the sixth-tier, and the meaning of it is naturally self-evident.

"It's a pity, I'm too old now, and I can't bear the high-intensity work of forging a seventh-level magic weapon. Otherwise, if I can forge another seventh-level magic weapon in this life, I will die without regret!"

Bai Lao sighed, and then his eyes fell on Jiang Heng who was immersed in forging again.

He felt that he saw a light in the man in front of him.

Jiang Heng is completely immersed in it at this time, if he looks back now, he can see two kinds of eyes.

One is a look like looking at a rare treasure, and the other is a look of shock and disbelief.

The fifth floor was terribly quiet, only the sound of dense hammering resounded through.

Unknowingly, the time has come fifteen years later, and the time it takes to forge a complete armor stomach is far from comparable to that of a magic weapon.

It often takes decades or even nearly a hundred years to forge a set of armored stomach.

Of course, this kind of movement of using the whole body's strength to swing the sledgehammer continuously for a long time cannot be maintained consistently.

Therefore, many refiners often contact other friends or colleagues to replace each other when forging such a time-consuming and laborious thing as a stomach, so that the forging of a stomach can always continue.

After all, once the forging is interrupted for a long time in the middle, it is easy to fail the forging.

For example, the greater the difference between the level of Jiawei and the realm of the forger itself, the greater the consumption of the forger himself,

Forging a middle-ranked fourth-rank full body armor with a low-ranked second-rank forging like Jiang Heng, this kind of operation is almost unimaginable.

"How is this possible? Why doesn't he need to rest?"

Mo Bai, who had stood watching for fifteen years, was already tired, but this guy in front of him hadn't taken a break in fifteen years.

"Impossible! When I forged the Tier 2 armor stomach, I also asked other people to help me change hands. How could he not be tired at all?"

Mo Bai was a little skeptical about life.

He himself is a low-ranking third-tier man. When forging a second-tier armor stomach, he also took a rest every five years, otherwise he would be exhausted and exhausted no matter how long it took.

And this is a Tier 4 Stomach in front of you!

Mo Bai reckoned that even if he was in the third-order state, he would have to change someone to take over after one year of uninterrupted forging.

The fourth-order forging is more intense, and consumes more energy and energy.

"My friend, do you need to take a break? I can help you take over. The craftsman doesn't have to complete the whole process alone, so you can keep enough energy so that you don't go wrong!"

At this time, Bai Lao kindly reminded him.

This is the common sense that everyone in the crafting world must know, otherwise, the overworked forging will cause the magic weapon to collapse, or the magic weapon will explode before it can escape in time, and it will be affected and cause serious injury.

The explosion caused by refining the weapon depends on the situation. If it is smaller, it may be just a crack in the magic weapon. If it is heavier, it will be a world-shattering explosion, which is equivalent to self-destructing a semi-magic weapon.

"It's okay, Senior White, I'm not tired, this junior cultivates the way of the physical body, and the bones of this body are still sharp!"

Jiang Heng waved the sledgehammer easily while speaking.

Seeing Jiang Heng's muscular body and energetic eyes, Bai Lao knew it and didn't persuade him much, and looked at Jiang Heng more appreciatively.

"Not bad!"

Not only has a strong talent for refining weapons, but also meets the physical fitness necessary for a high-level weapon refining master.

Old Bai had a deep understanding of this, and inexplicably looked at Mo Bai on one side.

Seeing the other party's thin body, I don't know why I always feel a little disgusted.

In fact, Mo Bai's physique is quite satisfactory, but standing in front of Jiang Heng and Bai Lao, he is indeed like a small bamboo pole.

Feeling the sudden disgust in his teacher's eyes, Mo Bai was a little confused.

It seems that I didn't provoke the teacher much just now, so why did I look disgusted?

Mo Bai felt very bitter and wanted to cry.

Forging still goes on, and time goes on.

In the refining room, besides the sound of beating, there would occasionally be Bai Lao's pointers.

Bai Lao is worthy of being a master craftsman, his vision is extremely vicious, and every time he gives pointers, he points directly at the vital point.

However, Jiang Heng is like a roundworm in his stomach, every time he gives instructions, he can always execute them perfectly, even if he is relatively unfamiliar at the beginning, he will become very sophisticated after a while.

This made Mo Bai, who was watching on the sidelines, even more sad.

How do you feel that the two of you are real mentors and apprentices? I became an outsider instead?

At this time, all the refining masters below were a little confused, why didn't the big boss and the small boss come to check and accept it after more than ten years.

"Hey, do you know what's going on? It's been more than ten years. We have refined several batches of finished products, and people from the Legion have come to pick up the goods. But without the boss's inspection and opening, we can't put Give these things to them!"

An older middle-aged refiner frowned and said with a sad face.

At this time, several of their older third-tier refiners gathered together to discuss, while the leader of the legion looked anxiously at them not far away.

"But now we have nothing to do. The fifth floor is a forbidden area. The boss has ordered that none of us can go up without his old man's permission."

Some people are helpless, which is a very distressing thing.

Originally, it was not uncommon for Bai Lao to often close the refining machine, and it was normal for decades or hundreds of years, but on weekdays, there was still a small boss named Mo Bai who was in charge of adjustment, so that they would not delay the operation of the lower floors.

"How about we send a representative up to ask about one or two?"

"That's all right, but who to send?"

This is a difficult problem, and several people are a little silent.

Bai Lao is notoriously strict, if he hastily climbed to the fifth floor without his old man's permission, who can imagine the consequences?

Maybe the leisurely days here are probably gone.

No one wanted to lose the good days here easily, so the hesitation and hesitation of the few people passed for several hours, until their eyes fell on the legion docking person in the distance.

"This... Alice Centurion, Bailao is on the fifth floor now, why don't you go and have a look? We can't deliver these finished products to the legion without Bailao's consent!"

The person in charge of the docking is none other than Alice Centurion.

It stands to reason that Alice Centurion is in the limelight now, and this kind of work has nothing to do with her.

But when she heard that Master Shen from the rear base was now in the military factory of her army, she happily snatched up this drudgery.

It's just that I didn't expect this to be a hard job. The frontline wars are constant, and the replacement rate of magic soldiers is extremely high. However, there has been no movement in the military factory for many years. Many magic soldiers can only issue tasks to the rear base to meet the demand.

But it won't work if this continues. The damage rate of the magic soldiers in the legion is extremely high, and if they don't get replaced on a large scale, it will be a terrible thing if there is an emergency situation.

"Go to the fifth floor? Masters, you are the craftsmen here, it would be better if you go, I'm just an outsider." Alice frowned and vaguely felt that something was wrong.

"Your Excellency the Centurion, you have also seen this. We have work in our hands now. It's the same if you go up to urge it. Maybe Bai Lao is just researching something new on it. You go over and remind him in case he forgets."

Hearing this, Alice took a look at how these people gathered together, and thought to herself, how can you be busy?

But considering the time constraints, she didn't care about other things. She nodded and followed the stairs all the way through the fourth floor to the fifth floor.

Before stepping into the fifth floor, Alice heard the deafening sound of gold and iron colliding like thunder.

The terrifying sound seemed to shake the soul out.

This means that the super-strong isolation pattern is arranged on the fifth floor, otherwise, if this kind of sound wave is allowed to spread wantonly, it may spread throughout the entire port station in an instant.

After stepping into the fifth floor, a scene that surprised Alice appeared before her eyes.

One old and one young were watching the other person beating something, and seeing that person's side face, Alice was a little happy in her heart. This person was obviously Master Shen who hadn't seen him for a long time.

"The rumors are indeed true. Master Shen was recruited by the Legion."

Looking at this Master Shen, Alice inexplicably felt a little kind.

Quietly stopped and looked from a distance, she actually didn't know how to refine weapons, but watching Bai Lao in the military factory so seriously watched, she felt that Master Shen even paid so much attention to Bai Lao.

Fortunately, Mo Bai didn't focus all his attention on Jiang Heng. He felt that an outsider was coming up. He saw Alice in the uniform of a legion officer, and he understood what was going on after a little thought.

He beckoned and hurriedly walked towards the stairs, while transmitting a voice transmission: "Is it the magic soldier delivered? Come down with me, and I will deal with it for you!"

After everything was handed over, and on the way back after packing up these batches of delayed magic soldiers, Alice still felt particularly overwhelmed.

But what she didn't know was that Mo Bai felt as if he had eaten Xiang.

"Damn it! What do you mean there are master Shen's works in these batches of magic weapons? Is it not enough for me to have my works?"

Mo Bai was so angry, thinking about the conversation between the woman and him just now, he felt a little chilly.

But after he got angry, he couldn't help being silent, because this new guy really has some skills, not to mention.

From looking jerky at the beginning, to now I am very familiar with various hammering techniques.

It seems that as long as the hammering method is reminded by his teacher, the newcomer can always master it at an extremely fast speed, and he will perform well when this happens can even be called perfect.

The inexplicable Mo Bai became a little flustered.

"This guy isn't pretending all the time, is he?"

Mo Bai gritted his teeth and went up to the fifth floor again. Time passed so quickly, and the guess in Mo Bai's heart was further confirmed.

If at the beginning he thought that Jiang Heng wanted to forge a complete fourth-order armor stomach, it was a fool's dream.

But until now, he has personally witnessed how Jiang Heng forged a stomach from very unskilled to very skilled.

"God Comes"

After eighty years, this complete set of armor stomach has been forged.

What shocked both Bai Lao and Mo Bai was that Jiang Heng never took a break during the period, just like a starry sky behemoth that is completely tireless.

The hammer broke three handles, but Jiang Heng didn't do anything wrong, instead...

It looked like he was getting more and more excited.

Indeed, the current Jiang Heng is extremely excited both physically and mentally.

"I didn't expect that the refining tool can temper the body, and in addition to tempering the body, it can also temper the soul!"

Jiang Heng was happy in his heart, who would have thought that continuous tempering would have such a miraculous effect on the body and soul.

In fact, I didn’t feel anything at all in the past few years, but as time went by, Jiang Heng gradually started to use some force techniques that are more suitable for each hammering method in order to relieve physical fatigue, which is equivalent to deducing a set of simple and suitable force by himself. Skill, not just brute force.

With these slight improvements, Jiang Heng found that he could use the vibrating force generated when the hammer collided with the material to temper his body. At the beginning, he could only temper his body, but as he continued to ponder and feel, Jiang Heng discovered that these The power of the shock is transmitted to the soul.

Although it will make the spirit a little uncomfortable, but in the long run, the advantages will definitely outweigh the disadvantages.

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