Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 957: vision

After eighty years of uninterrupted tempering, Jiang Heng felt that his state not only did not decline at all, but became stronger and stronger.

There is a special sense of transparency in the body, spirit, and soul, as if exuding a feeling of flawlessness all the time.

Shenhun's perception of every inch of texture has become extremely keen, and it seems that he can mobilize greater power with a smaller will.

"In the middle-level physical body, every single cell can explode with power comparable to that of a domain master, and a single drop of blood can slaughter hundreds of millions of living beings!"

Jiang Heng murmured to himself, what he was talking about was naturally not the physical quality of a regular demigod, but a martial artist with a physical body!

The physical body is strong as a martial artist. Perhaps many people call him a reckless man with contempt. He only knows how to solve problems with his fists, relying on the strength of the physical body to be unreasonable.

But there is one thing to say, it is true that the means of physical martial arts are single, but the strength of physical martial artists who have stepped into the middle level is far from being comparable to that of low-level fighters.

It is unimaginably difficult for such a large rank to fight across the ranks, except for casual cultivators of course.

Such as Jiang Heng, who originally practiced the Beihe Great Zhoutian Xinggong and the star body, which is an orthodox extreme martial arts that was born out of the Nanhe Dazhoutianxing Shengong. The foundation of its creation is terrifying. Once you step into the middle, the physical body is terrifying. far from being comparable.

It was no less difficult for others to fight Jiang Heng across the ranks than the third rank to challenge the fifth rank.

"Now my physical body can be regarded as stepping into the fourth level in the true sense. Before relying on the golden body pill, it was indeed the fourth level, but the pill was always mixed with a lot of impurities. This time, I kept using the power of the forging hammer to remove these impurities. element."

Considering that there are Bailao and Mobai beside him, Jiang Heng didn't dare to try his current physical strength and strength, and instead looked at the full set of armor stomach excitedly.

This armor has been perfectly forged according to the shape of the large armor on Jiang Heng's design drawings. Except for some complicated patterns on the surface, it has all the structures it should have.

This armor stomach can't be regarded as completely complete, and there is the final inscription of the pattern.

But now that the armor stomach has been shaped, it is not realistic to engrave formation patterns in the shaping stage, but Jiang Heng has already engraved the most basic solidification formation in it during the shaping stage.

It is also by virtue of this little trick that the shape of a stomach is extremely easy.

It can even be called perfect. Originally, it could only be regarded as a good product, but with this hand, it can barely be regarded as a treasure embryo, and the next step is to continue to engrave patterns on it until it is raised to the treasure level.

"That's right, how did you think of engraving the formation pattern in the shaping stage? Although this will waste some nodes needed to engrave the formation pattern later, I have to say that this has indeed improved the quality of a stomach. But you still don't put the cart before the horse, The forging technology itself should be sufficient, so using this little skill to improve the effect will be even better!"

Bai Lao nodded approvingly, but also put forward his own opinion.

Jiang Heng is also aware of this. This technique is only used as a trick when his forging technique is not particularly good. If the forging technique is high enough, then this technique can only be regarded as dispensable, leaving more nodes It can also provide space for the subsequent inscription of large patterns.

"Do you need my help? Do you need me to mark the appropriate nodes for you when you engrave the pattern?"

"Also ask Senior White to help!"

Of course, Jiang Heng himself can mark the nodes, but it is better to have such a master craftsman to help.

The old man's vision is much more vicious than his own, and a master of such a level of refining equipment must have cooperated with formation engraving masters of the same level. It is naturally better to have such a god-level assistant.

"Okay then, get ready and I'll mark it for you!"

After waving his hands, Bai Lao got busy excitedly. Compared to refining weapons for himself, Bai Lao felt that it was quite interesting to cooperate with the formation engraving master occasionally.

It's just that since he came out of the palace, he seldom cooperates with his old buddies, and as he gets older, he doesn't have many opportunities to refine high-level magic weapons, so he is quite motivated to face this long-lost job.

Mo Bai on the side looked envious and jealous, and the teacher even helped him perform the surgery himself.

But what is going on with this man?

What formation is inscribed? Isn't he a refiner?

Mo Bai didn't understand the conversation between the two of them.

But watching Jiang Heng choose from piles of materials very familiarly and quickly form small formations one by one, he feels what is going on in this world?

For a while, the word 'involution' popped up in his mind for the first time.

It seems that this time it is very appropriate to use here.

You, a craftsman, even concurrently practiced the work of someone else's formation engraving master, does this still make people live?

Mo Bai felt bitter in his heart, but neither of the two who were busy at this time cared about him.

Bai Lao's vision and experience are indeed extremely vicious, and he quickly found many hidden nodes that Jiang Heng, the forger, hadn't found.

Just one arm guard can find 200 nodes, and Jiang Heng himself estimated that he can find 100 nodes.

"Finally, I'm done. Do you see if these nodes are enough? Although I haven't done this kind of thing for a long time, I still remember some previous operations."

The old man said so, but he couldn't hide the pride on his face.

Jiang Heng silently looked at the nodes above, and simply called the boss.

Originally, finding 1,000 nodes with my own eyes was the best result, but I didn't expect the old man to find more than 2,000 nodes in one go.

In this way, the number of patterns that can be engraved will be greatly increased, and it may even reach the peak level of treasures.

"Senior Bai, if you say that, I feel that I still have a long, long way to go." Jiang Heng sighed with emotion, which once again made Bai Lao pluck his beard and smile complacently.

If it was Mobai's flattery to Bailao, Bailao didn't feel much, but Jiang Heng's praise of Bailao was very useful.

"Then Bai Lao, help me to watch, the junior has begun to engrave it, if something happens, I hope the senior will remind me."


Bai Lao put away his smile and nodded solemnly.

Formation inscriptions cannot be sloppy, especially Jiang Heng needs to engrave a lot of formation patterns, and they are all miniature formation patterns.


This time, Jiang Heng decided to engrave the micro-array pattern with the advanced array technique that he is not very proficient in. In this way, the number of array patterns that can be inscribed will naturally increase greatly, but the corresponding failure rate is also extremely high, and the difficulty is straight up. It is far from being comparable to engraving twenty formation patterns on the Bone Crushing Bow before.

So Bai Lao held his breath and Jiang Heng began to inscribe.

Time passed again unknowingly. Jiang Heng was still cautious at the beginning, but as more and more inscriptions were made, this proficiency was also improving. With the first one hundred giant miniature formations successfully inscribed, Jiang Heng Can't help but let out a long breath.

Not to mention him, even Bai Lao who was watching him breathed a sigh of relief.

He was also sweating for Jiang Heng. Although he didn't know how to engrave formations, he had seen his friends engrave formations many times, so he still knew how dangerous Jiang Heng's every step was.

All the hard work that was done before was a mistake.

"That...Little friend Shen, why don't you take a break first, you just finished forging your stomach, you still need to recover and replenish your energy, it's better to be steady!"

Bai Lao remonstrated with some worry, he was really worried that Jiang Heng would be ruined by this accident.

Although in his opinion this is just a Tier 4 armored stomach, it is not easy to forge a full set of armored armored armor, not to mention that this is a superior armored stomach that is almost a treasure. It is still distressing how much it has been ruined. .

"Senior White, I'm fine. I'm in good shape now, but my hands were a little raw just now. Just give it a try."

Jiang Heng smiled and shook his head, how could he stop now.

Bai Lao was speechless, thinking that this kid was too brave.

It can be seen that Jiang Heng was immersed in it again, and he couldn't interrupt the other party, so he had to keep watching in silence.

Mo Bai on the side has completely become a little transparent. He feels that as long as he doesn't make a lot of noise, he can just walk by the teacher here, and even a precious teacher won't notice.

This discriminatory treatment is too obvious.

Time passed by little by little, and ten years passed without knowing it. Many unknown and cumbersome patterns have appeared on the stomach. Of course, these patterns are not as simple as patterns, but natural phenomena left after many pattern patterns have been successfully engraved. See It looks like a very cumbersome and unique pattern.

It looks exquisite and noble, but Jiang Heng's inscription is not over, it is still going on step by step.

"It's already the ninth giant pattern, where is the limit of this kid?"

Looking at all this, Bai Lao's beard almost broke due to surprise.

I thought it would be good for Jiang Heng to engrave three giant formation patterns, but this kid actually inscribed three formation patterns and then started to superimpose inscriptions on some reusable nodes.

Going back and forth like this, whenever Bai Lao thinks this is the limit, Jiang Heng can always break the impossible.

Although Jiang Heng used advanced miniature techniques, he did not use some advanced high-level inscription techniques, which is equivalent to using advanced basic techniques.

After many times of previous practice, Jiang Heng has gradually become proficient.

"Fortunately, this is only the basic application of high-level formation patterns. If it is a high-level formation pattern with relatively high difficulty, it will be difficult for me to quickly master it in a short time."

Jiang Heng was secretly lucky in his heart, and gradually reached the final inscription of the tenth giant pattern.

Just like the previous hammering techniques, Jiang Heng used many hammering techniques for the first time. After a period of proficiency, it will soon be used until it is perfectly used.

This is not because Jiang Heng has abnormal practice ability, but because he is too proficient in the previous theoretical knowledge and he has been communicating with Bai Lao, the master craftsman.

After finishing the last stroke, I was surprised for some reason.

"What's going on here? Why do I have a feeling of heart season?"

And at this moment, many people seemed to notice that apart from Jiang Heng himself, the first one to notice was Ji Yinghou who was stationed at the port.

"High-energy reaction, is this someone crossing the catastrophe or is someone invading?"

Ji Yinghou stared out of the window, as if he could see through the window everything beyond the secret realm of the cave.

"It's the direction of the arsenal, could it be Bai Lao?!"

Suddenly his eyes sparkled.

In a flash, he appeared directly above the arsenal. Looking up at the void of the universe above, he saw countless energy tides forming a huge spiral vortex swallowing the free energy within hundreds of light years nearby.

"Master Hou, this is it?"

At this moment, all the chiefs also noticed the anomaly and rushed over.

Looking at the energy vortex above, they all showed surprise and uncertainty.

"There is a magic weapon above the treasure level, let everyone be on alert, and at the same time the garrison enters a state of hiding, be careful of the locked-in long-range strikes of the super-dimensional kingdom of God!"

Ji Yinghou quickly issued a series of instructions.

Soon orders were issued layer by layer, and the entire space station began to resound with piercing alarm bells, accompanied by bursts of huge buzzing, and after about tens of breaths, densely packed jets appeared below the entire space port, spitting out dazzling Thick azure blue tail flame.

Driven by powerful kinetic energy, the port began to slowly accelerate with a humming sound.

This is not only a space port station, but also a super giant mobile space fortress.

The speed is getting faster and faster, perhaps because the size is too large, it took this super giant space fortress nearly a minute or so to increase the speed to the normal speed of an ordinary warship.

When sailing to nearly a hundred light-years away from the original area, everyone in the entire port station saw a burst of terrifying light erupting from the previous station stay area.

It's like a hot supernova explosion venting its light and heat.

The explosion spread tens of light-years, and it seemed to be just a signal.

As the ray of light exploded, it was only a short breath away, followed by thousands of dense explosions in that area. The dense explosion made the sound wave even more terrifying and spread hundreds of times. shine.

Fortunately, at this time, this huge space fortress had almost avoided the impact before the explosion shock wave spread over.

Everyone was shocked by the sudden attack.

Alice was directing her subordinates to carry out basic patrols around the fortress at this time, and she couldn't help muttering when she saw this scene.

"It's no wonder that the location of the port station cannot be easily exposed and the location must be relocated every ten years."

It is the first time for regular legions like them to see the horror of long-range precision strikes. This is also the first time that the super-dimensional kingdom of God has used this method on the main universe plane. It is impossible for ordinary soldiers and officers such as Alice to be shocked. imagination.

And everyone also discovered that the fortress is like a giant searchlight at this time, and the area that the fortress sailed through before will experience a violent long-range blow every once in a while.

Such a blow made people have no doubt that even the dense shield barrier of the fortress would be easily torn to pieces.

Each round is equivalent to a volley of hundreds of god-killing bullets, and the power is extremely terrifying.

If Jiang Heng knew this phenomenon now, he would definitely say that this is the confrontation between the mode of modern warfare and the mode of modern information warfare.

At this time, everyone in the arsenal also felt the majestic energy tide condensed above.

"Haha, above the treasure level, once Shen Xiaoyou's precious armor is successful, it will be a real fourth-tier armor, and its value is more precious than many fifth-tier full-body armors!"

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