Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 955: advance by leaps and bounds

Ten years is a blink of an eye for Jiang Heng, who has absorbed a lot of knowledge in a daze.

Under the constant conversation with Bai Lao, Jiang Heng almost forgot the time, until later when Jiang Heng found that he could sometimes refute some of Bai Lao's remarks, he was surprised that so many years had passed unknowingly.

Bai Lao was also stunned, looking at Jiang Heng with surprise and light in his eyes.

In the past ten years, it can be said that in the first nine years, Jiang Heng asked Bai Lao to talk.

But in the tenth year, it became a back-and-forth between the two sides. Sometimes a question from Jiang Heng can make Bai Lao ponder for a while, and sometimes a question from Bai Lao can make Jiang Heng think for a long time.

Under this kind of mutual discussion, Bai Lao was shocked to find that he had also benefited a lot. With his obsession with practical forging these years, most of his previous theoretical knowledge had been deeply rooted in his bones and he did not need to read it again.

However, after ten years of discussion this time, he discovered that there were still many things he had overlooked in the previous theoretical knowledge.

This is like a person who has graduated for many years and a person who has studied in school. Although the person who has graduated for many years is better than the latter in all aspects, many theoretical knowledge has been returned to the original teacher or books.

For Bai Lao, this exchange seemed like a world away and he was a little amazed.

"Your kid's theoretical knowledge is probably not lower than that of an ordinary sixth-level craftsman, but it doesn't make much sense to continue talking. Next, you can start practicing it, which will help you even more!"

Bai Lao got up and suggested, Jiang Heng nodded, he also had the same intention.

With the continuous learning of theoretical knowledge and talking with Bai Lao, my theoretical knowledge is close to the sixth level, and the combination of many sixth level forging methods and the previous forging methods has added a lot of insights.

As the sentiment is gradually digested, then it is natural to prepare for step-by-step confirmation.

"Didn't you have a blueprint for a set of treasure armor before? I think you can try forging now."

Hearing this, Jiang Heng also took out the blueprint and began to write and draw again. With the improvement of the past ten years, looking at the blueprint again, Jiang Heng found many inadequacies that he hadn't noticed before.

"Then let's start the full upgrade!"

The corner of Jiang Heng's mouth curled up, and he didn't care about Bai Lao beside him, he was already immersed in it.

Bai Lao didn't care about this, but watched Jiang Heng busy with interest.

Jiang Heng scribbled very fast, and it only took a week to move his bones slightly, and the drawings on the table were almost in a perfect state that he could adjust.

"Bai Lao, I have already adjusted it. How about you help me see where there are deficiencies that need to be changed."

"Well, I've been watching while you've been drawing."

Only then did Jiang Heng realize that Bai Lao had been standing behind him.

"I think your set of blueprints is pretty good. It should be regarded as a treasure in the stomach of the fourth-tier armor. Of course, if you can forge it."

Bai Lao looked at Jiang Heng with a smile while talking. He was telling the truth, because Jiang Heng's theoretical knowledge and practical practice were too different.

The blueprint modified by relying on theoretical knowledge is already close to the full set of the fourth-order peak limit, and the forging process involved is also very high.

"Junior, try it first, and then you are the boss! If something goes wrong with the junior, your boss can't just leave it alone!" Jiang Heng joked with a smile.

"You kid really thinks, the old man still wants me to help you out at such a young age." Old Bai blew his beard and stared, but the smile on his face was still full.

"Why do you need the teacher to take action, I can share the teacher's worries!"

Just when Jiang Heng was about to flatter Bai Lao, a strange young voice sounded from the other side.

Only then did Jiang Heng realize that there was actually another person beside him, but he had been paying attention to chatting with Bai Lao just now and didn't notice the other person.

"You are..."

Jiang Heng was suspicious, this person was obviously Bai Lao's registered disciple, as for Jiang Heng's name, he really didn't know, because Bai Lao didn't even bother to introduce the other party's name.

"My servant, Mo Bai! He is Teacher Bai's disciple!" Mo Bai blushed as if he had suffered some kind of humiliation.

He thought that Jiang Heng was deliberately making such a gesture, but he didn't know that his teacher Bai Lao didn't even bother to introduce him.

"The Point Guard Is Here"

"Mobai, remember that you are still only a registered disciple. When you can forge a work that satisfies the old man, will the old man recognize you, and what are you doing here?"

Bai Lao looked at the other party coldly and snorted softly: "Didn't I say that? You are not allowed to go to the fifth floor without my permission!"

"But... but teacher, why is he able to come up?" Mo Bai's face flushed even more, and the teacher actually reprimanded himself in front of outsiders.

"Little friend Shen is the old man's friend, so he can be here naturally!"

"But I am your disciple, I...I..."

Mo Bai feels a little wronged, why, he is the teacher's disciple, and he can't even compare to a stranger.

Jiang Heng could tell that Mo Bai was a child who lacked love.

His temperament is relatively lonely, but his teacher doesn't want to see him at all.

It's just that it's not easy for Jiang Heng to intervene in this kind of private matter, so he just watched silently.

"Teacher! This disciple has been your registered disciple for tens of thousands of years. Why... why is the disciple still not recognized by the teacher?"

Mo Bai seems to have revealed some of his true feelings at this meeting.

"The disciple has always worked harder than other craftsmen, several times or even dozens of times harder than them, and the speed of progress is the fastest among all. Disciple.... The disciple has never heard from the teacher when he joined the teacher's door. Not even a compliment.

In fact, it is understandable for these disciples, because the teacher has high requirements, which means that the teaching that the disciples can get from the teacher will also be stricter.

It's just that the disciples just want to go to the fifth floor to be closer to the teacher, even if it's just a few times! "

Speaking of Mobai, the child's eyes turned red.

Listening to this eloquent and eloquent speech, Bai Lao's expression was still stern, but there was still a little slack in his expression.

He sighed for a while.

"Forget it, you just stay here, but take a good look at it. You can watch and learn Shen Xiaoyou's skills, but don't talk!"

Bai Lao finally agreed to the request of his named disciple Mo Bai.

Hearing this, although Mobai was still a little unhappy in his heart, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Involuntarily, he glared at Jiang Heng with very cryptic eyes, which seemed to say, the teacher is mine, and no one can take it away!

Jiang Heng shook his head secretly in his heart, and started the pre-forging work on his own without saying much.

The materials here are very complete. Every month, the person in charge of the legion will replenish all the materials and materials on each floor of this building, so there is no possibility of lack of materials.

If some rare and special materials are needed, ordinary refiners can write an application and submit it to Bai Lao.

If Bai Lao agrees, it will be submitted to the legion, and the legion will always give no effort to satisfy.

The treasure armor that Jiang Heng needs to forge this time does not require any precious materials. He only needs the ordinary fourth-tier refining materials. Occasionally, there are a few rare materials on the fifth-tier side that are enough for use.

On the contrary, the amount of ordinary fourth-order materials required by Baojia is relatively large, but fortunately, there are sufficient preparations here, so Jiang Heng doesn't need to worry about it.

After some busy work, the materials were soon ready.

Seeing this scene, Mo Bai on the side laughed secretly.

He has been here for a while, and his eyes have already seen the drawings on the table.

"Huh! A full set of armor stomach forging, the difficulty of this full set of forging is infinitely close to that of an ordinary fifth-order magic weapon, and there are many processes, and a little carelessness will cause the whole system to collapse. I want to see what kind of ability this person has. Let the teacher value it so much."

Mo Bai sneered secretly in his heart, he had already made up his mind, if this hateful guy made a mistake, he would criticize it, and then ask the teacher to let him take over and continue to try.

Mobai is somewhat confident about this.

Just thousands of years ago, in order to improve his skills, he also tried the more difficult forging of a stomach of the same class.

For this reason, he failed no less than ten times during the period, and thanks to his backing of the Legion, he managed enough resources here.

Of course, what he was refining at that time was only a second-tier treasure armor, so even if it failed, the waste of materials could be minimized.

In the end, it was naturally successful. Although it was more thrilling, the quality of the final product could only be regarded as barely usable, but it was enough.

With the first successful experience, with the level and vision of his fourth-level forging master, the success rate of forging again will inevitably increase again.

As for the person in front of him forging a Tier 4 treasure armor, Mo Bai was not worried about it at all.

With his current level and vision, he feels that he is 50% sure that he can barely forge the armor.

Of course, the quality cannot be guaranteed, but it doesn't matter, as long as it is better than the other party.

So he watched it very seriously, every step from Jiang Heng's beginning.

Every little detail was spared, every time he saw Jiang Heng's slightly jerky movements, he couldn't help secretly slandering and contemptuously.

I can't help but also dripping in my heart.

"Although this guy has some crafting skills, he obviously doesn't have the experience of forging a Tier 4 armor stomach, and he doesn't even have experience in forging an armor stomach. Why does the teacher value him so much?"

Mo Bai was puzzled by this.

However, as time went by, Mo Bai gradually discovered a magical place.

Although the opponent's movements were a little clumsy and jerky, he found that the opponent's every step was correct, maybe a little slower, but they were all perfect.

It's as if every refining step is at the textbook level, if you ignore the opponent's clumsy movements.

Mo Bai is getting more and more strange the more he looks at it. How does Xindao manage to do his movements so jerky, but he always manages to be perfect in the end?

Of course he didn't know that Jiang Heng's theoretical knowledge was far superior to practical practice.

Generally, most people are more practical than theoretical accumulation, but Jiang Heng is different, he has too many hands and too many brains.

With the passage of time, Jiang Heng's forging process has finally completed the most basic part before the forging of a stomach.

The basics are Jiang Heng's strong point.

The reason is also very simple. Jiang Heng first came into contact with theory, and only after reading the theory well did he get into practice.

This is like practicing martial arts. If you practice before you understand it, the longer you practice, the more mistakes you will make.

In fact, Ru Mobai is a typical example. In his early years, he didn't understand the theory, and he didn't have a famous teacher to guide him. He practiced there alone, and then he practiced a lot of stinky problems.

However, these stinky problems have been developed at the beginning, and then they can't be corrected and have formed body memory.

This is also the point that Bai Lao is most upset about this named disciple.

The previous path has gone astray, and it will be too late to modify it later and try to remedy it.

But Jiang Heng is different. In Bai Lao's view, Jiang Heng is like a piece of jade that was almost perfect when it was first formed.

The foundation is almost perfect, so Bai Lao feels that as long as he is not stupid and does not lead people astray, then Jiang Heng's future achievements will not be at his peak.

It's just that as Jiang Heng's forging continued to deepen, his disadvantages also appeared.

That is, he has no forging experience at the middle level, not to mention a stomach, and he has not even forged the most basic fourth-tier magic weapon.

As a result, Jiang Heng's movements and forging were obviously deformed and weird.

It's like being an excellent student one second, and a poor student the next.

"Hmph! This guy has really shown his true colors. I want to see how long you can last."

All these fell into Mobai's eyes. Seeing Jiang Heng's frequent forging, he could even think about how soon this armor stomach would collapse when it was half-finished.

"Teacher, why don't I come here? I have forged a stomach before, and I still have some experience in this."

Mo Bai couldn't hold back and suggested.

However, Bai Lao glared at him viciously, and said in a low voice: "Shut up! No one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak!"

After smacking Mo Bai, Elder Bai immediately said in a warmer voice: "Little friend Shen, pay attention to this step using the swinging hammer method of random stars, to deal with this kind of fourth-order iron accumulation that needs to stimulate internal characteristics, disorderly The hammer method is more able to stimulate the properties of the material, and is often more effective than some conventional hammer methods."

Hearing Bai Lao's advice, Jiang Heng's heart skipped a beat.

"Yes! This is accumulated iron, which is a recessive material. It needs to be forged in disorder to make it reveal the inner metal properties!"

With this in mind, Jiang Heng's movement of waving the forging hammer in his hand was almost as smooth as silk. Smashed it.

The sound of ping-pong is endless and pleasant, and the dense beating sound is like a wonderful movement.

Seeing this scene, Mo Bai felt very uncomfortable.

"Why does the teacher take such good care of him? If there is no teacher's guidance, these uninspired materials will be integrated into the stomach, and I'm afraid it will be instantaneous..."

Mo Bai clenched his fists, feeling very uncomfortable, a thing called jealousy burned wildly in his heart.

With the continuous knocking of the Chaos Star Rotating Hammer, these materials finally stimulated all the materials inside.

At this moment, Mo Bai couldn't help frowning slightly.

"What's going on? This guy obviously didn't know how to use hammering at the beginning, but why did he feel like a teacher in the end?"

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