Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 952: Which master did it come from?

Alice was very satisfied with this batch of weapons, so she was very generous and sent a large amount of forging materials after the fifth day.

Jiang Heng randomly counted the forging materials equivalent to fifty semi-sacred weapons.

"But it's still a little bit less!"

Jiang Heng rubbed his chin, because the armor he forged for a complete set was not as expensive as ordinary semi-artifacts.

The price of a complete set of Jiawei is often several times or even dozens or even hundreds of times that of ordinary semi-artifacts.

The reason is of course the difficulty of forging, but the most important thing is the huge amount of consumables.

Often a piece of ordinary light armored stomach consumables is equivalent to the sum of the materials of five semi-artifacts.

But what Jiang Heng needs to forge is heavy armor, and it is also heavy armor that is extremely functional and can maximize his own strength and physical strength.

The materials needed for this went to sea.

"The first set of tentative Jiawei needs about 80 copies of materials as a base. As for my bow, it is also relatively large and heavy, and the materials needed are estimated to be 50 copies of materials as a base. After going back and forth, the materials I just earned were gone immediately, and I had to post a lot of them myself.

I'm still too poor! "

Jiang Heng was depressed. He thought that he was arrogant enough to make two consecutive shots, but he was still a poor man in the end.

At the same time, Alice, who got the bone-crushing bow and shadowless cone forged by Jiang Heng, quickly transported these weapons back to the front port.

She was very cautious and almost quietly delivered these weapons to her subordinates.

It stands to reason that she used the weapons made by the legion's resources, but as long as she didn't sell the made weapons to outsiders, or misappropriated them for her own private use, and just distributed them to her subordinates for use, in fact, this was not considered a violation.

But who would have thought that what he asked someone to forge was such a batch of rare magic weapons?

Alice was a little excited, and her hands were shaking when she distributed these magical soldiers to her subordinates.

Because these things are too precious, if any one is released, it will cause countless casual cultivators to loot it.

"Master Centurion, this time we sent new weapons, but our Bone Crusher Bow and Shadowless Cone are still in good condition, so there's no need to change them?"

Some people are suspicious and don't understand why the weapon was suddenly changed.

In fact, for the vast majority of ordinary soldiers, it is good to replace with new weapons, but the Bone Crusher Bow and Shadowless Cone are not disposable consumables like Wan **.

These two kinds of weapons are used by them all the year round, and they are often maintained, and some of them are stored in their own souls. Over time, these standard magic weapons have a lot of spirituality, and their power is much stronger than the new ones.

"That's right, Sir Centurion, we are not used to this new weapon, I think we are still used to the old weapon!"

Many people are complaining.

Seeing this, there was a sneer on Alice's face, and she looked at everyone and snorted softly, "You don't want to change? Well, if you don't want to change, then don't change. Anyone who wants to change, come here!"

Although many people didn't want to change them, there were still many people whose old weapons were severely damaged due to fighting. At this time, these people all leaned towards Alice.

Soon someone received a brand new Bone Crusher Bow and Shadowless Awl.

At first, these people didn't think much of it, and those who didn't change next to them also lacked interest in it.

But a few couldn't stay idle and began to fiddle with the newly acquired weapons, just like children who got new toys.

"Fuck, what the **** is this? Is this the Shadowless Cone? Are you crazy?!"

At this moment, someone couldn't help but exclaimed.

And this attracted everyone's attention, and many people looked at it suspiciously.

I saw that colleague stabbing forward casually, and in an instant, the ordinary stabbing action became ever-changing. It was obviously just a forward stabbing action, but it looked like there were thousands of phantoms of shadowless cones slashing in the air. However, it is dizzying.

Just one glance gave me the illusion that I couldn't escape from this situation.

However, this was just the beginning, and someone on the other side also exclaimed at this time.

"Is this a bone-crushing bow? Is this going to be a small god-killing cannon?"

As soon as this person finished speaking, a meteorite not far from their team's station was blown into powder.

However, everyone could still clearly see a streak of light unabated, still galloping towards the depths of the starry sky in the distance, until everyone completely lost their grasp of the arrow.

This scene was even more shocking than before, and everyone who had never tried it was dumbfounded.

"The bone-crushing bow and shadowless awl have such power? Could it be that the new version of the magic weapon has been replaced by a refiner?"

Some soldiers who had received new weapons began to try them excitedly, and then everyone was shocked by the new weapons in their hands.

It turned out that what those two people showed just now was only the tip of the iceberg of these two weapons.

As more and more people try, they also gradually discover the huge gap between the new version and the old version, which are completely two species.

"It's too powerful. I think the piercing power of the newly purchased Shadowless Cone is almost equal to the peak of the third level! The bone-breaking bow is even more abnormal. It can reach the fourth level of destructive power under normal strength. It also has a special state. It can reach four levels with one arrow. The destructive power of the peak level!"

Some people who are more accurate in power calculations quickly come to the above conclusions.

The remarks of these people completely shocked the soldiers who were still holding old weapons.

Do not believe, question, doubt, hesitate, shock, acid! envious! envy!

This is the psychological reaction of these people, which is amazing and realistic.

At this time, who still clings to the old weapon, isn't the new weapon fragrant?

So these people cried and begged their centurion to let them change their weapons.

Naturally, Alice wouldn't really refuse to change these people, they were all soldiers in her own hands, wouldn't it be cheaper for others if she didn't change them?

With this ring, Alice's team also ushered in several encounters and guerrilla warfare.

Then they're completely numb!

It's killing hemp! And the drag racing is crazy!

In previous wars, as the omnic legion continued to make targeted responses, their battlefield performance of the extreme shadow legion began to plummet.

This is the case with the Jiying Legion. Once the opponent gets used to their fighting style, the record will plummet, and on the contrary, the battle loss rate will skyrocket.

With the continuous updating of weapons, the previous measures against the Extreme Shadow Legion completely disappeared when facing the Alice team.

Often a confrontation.

Alice's team turned on their horsepower at full speed, and the speed slowly soared, Wan ** cleared the way.

When the speed soared to the limit, the Bone Crushing Bow was ready, like a horse racing circle, constantly surrounding the enemy for long-distance and precise strikes.

How powerful is the updated Bone Crusher Bow!

Under the volley of a hundred people, even if there are several fourth-tier apostles in the opponent's camp, they can only be reduced to standing still.

So the fourth-order apostle soldiers were shot through, and the formation of the omnic legion was also penetrated by Alice's team.

When the opponent's formation is pierced, that is when Alice's team can attack freely. At this time, the role of the shadowless cone will be brought into play.

One by one, the soldiers walked around some scattered enemies at high speed with extremely high mobility.

Then there is the shadowless cone long spear form, the phantom array is activated, and one shot is handed out. Relying on the kinetic energy brought by the high speed and the armor-piercing ability of the shadowless cone, it is almost a one-shot death.

So Alice's hundred-man battle formation became well-known in the Jiying Legion.

The terrifying military exploits of twenty fourth-tier apostolic soldiers, two hundred third-tier apostolic soldiers, and 1,000 and 5,000 second-tier first-tier apostolic soldiers in ten years made this troop popular throughout the entire army. The Extreme Shadow Legion was a complete sensation.

This kind of record is already equal to the total record of the entire Extreme Shadow Legion for ten years.

Of course, the record of that Jiyinghou is excluded, and Jiyinghou's real high-end combat power is often only used for battlefield deterrence. Unless the enemy's god-level combat power makes a move, these Marquis on the battlefield will only sit in the rear.

But his not taking action doesn't mean he doesn't know the situation under his command.

"Is this the magical soldier that Alice Centurion has replaced during this time?"

Ji Yinghou sat in a large palace, and he could see the clouds and mist outside through the window.

This is not the space port where the Jiying Legion is stationed, but the secret cave of Jiying Hou.

At this time, there are three things placed on his eucalyptus table, namely a slightly grooved ten thousand gun, and a well-preserved bone-crushing bow and shadowless awl.

"Yes! These are the three magical weapons presented by Centurion Alice just now. According to her own description, they were forged by a master craftsman at the rear base. I looked at them, except Wan **, the rest Both of them are engraved with more than 20 array patterns, and they are indeed considered as treasure-level magic weapons, which is very impressive."

The person reporting below is a middle-aged square-faced man wearing the uniform of a general with the rank of ten thousand husbands.

"Oh?! There is such a master craftsman in the rear base? And he also practiced formation engraving. Why don't I remember that there is such a master in the rear base?" It was as if they were in the shadows, but his tone was still slightly surprised.

"This subordinate doesn't know, but according to Alice Centurion's description, it was indeed made by a master. This master's name is Silence. It seems to be the formation instructor of the base."

"The formation instructor at the base? That's the people from the Eye of Tianyu, when did they have such a person there?" Ji Yinghou's tone became more puzzled.

"But... it may be a fake identity. You know, all the masters in our southern border who are good at refining weapons and proficient in engraving formations are those masters in the prince's mansion. Maybe some of the masters came out for a walk when they were bored. ...That's not sure." General Wanfu said with some embarrassment.

He doesn't know what's going on, and he doesn't know things that his own lord doesn't know, especially these master craftsmen are all accessible only to princes.

"It makes sense for you to say that, Mr. Bai, are you free?"

Jiying Hou suddenly seemed to be talking to himself in the air, and after a while he seemed to get a response and nodded.

"Well, if you are free, then you would like to come to my place, I may need you to appraise it!"

After finishing speaking, Jiying Hou said to Wanfu Boss: "Lao Bai will come over later. He was also a master craftsman in the palace in his early years. With his eyes, he should be able to tell which old friend this is. handwriting."

Bai Lao?

Hearing what his Lord Hou said, Mrs. Wan was instantly excited.

Bai Lao is the exclusive refining master of their Marquis, and the sabers and swords similar to their high-ranking officers are all from the hands of Bai Lao.

Usually, almost all of them are Tier 6 magical weapons, and some of the highest quality can barely reach the level of Tier 7.

And in the memory of Mr. Wan, for this old man, his Lord Hou also respected him very much. After all, there are too few such talents.

About a quarter of an hour later, an old man in a capable short hexagram, full of tendons and white hair but hale and hearty, strode in.

Perhaps because of wielding forging hammers all the year round, this white old man's muscle mass is no less than that of a martial artist with a physical body.

And because all the magic weapons forged are mid-rank and above, the old man's realm is also at the peak level of the fifth rank, which is very good.

"I met Lord Hou, Lord Hou, you said that there is something for me to appraise. I don't know what kind of treasure needs to be appraised?"

Bai Lao is more capable in his work, and he speaks straightforwardly, but he just cupped his hands at Ji Yinghou and asked questions in a hurry.

Ji Yinghou is also used to this, he smiled and pointed to the three magical weapons on the **** platform and said with a smile: "It's these three..."

Before he could finish speaking, the gray-haired old Bai rushed forward, and with the agility comparable to that of a martial artist in the physical body, he quickly rushed to the edge of the table, picked up the ten thousand guns, and looked at it.

However, after only watching for two or three breaths, he dismissed it aside with disdain, and still muttered.

"What kind of junk, this novice made it, a lot of nodes were wasted, the crafting technique is very superficial, and the engraving of the formation is not good, but the stability is not bad."

Speaking of which, he had already picked up the broken bone bow on one side, but this time he looked at the time of the half stick of incense.

"This one is a bit interesting. The refining technique is not to say very powerful, but the basic skills are extremely solid, and every node is just right. However, it is a basic refining technique. Does this person disdain to use advanced techniques? It is specially used to practice basic skills of?

And this formation method engraving, why is it also a basic inscription technique? But this basic skill is also very solid, but why not inscribe it with a high-level miniature Isn't it possible to engrave more formations? do not understand! do not understand! "

The old man frowned and shook his head as he spoke.

"Bai Lao can see that this is the hand of which master in the palace?" Seeing this, Ji Yinghou asked quickly.

"Is this thing made by the palace?" Hearing this, Bai Lao was surprised, but it seemed that he could not understand it. Needless to say, the former was made by a novice, but the latter was hard to say.

"I can't be sure, so I need you, Bai Lao, to appraise and see which member of the palace is the one who made the move." After thinking for a while, Ji Yinghou recounted the recent situation of the Alice Centuries under his command to Bai Lao.

"So, Lord Hou, you want to know which master this is, and then thank you personally?"

"Not bad! By the way, I would also like to ask this master to continue to help our legion engrave a lot of patterns. Of course, I will give you a generous gift."

"I don't know much about formation engraving, but I still have good eyesight, old man. I can see that this bone-breaking bow is extremely solid in terms of forging skills and inscription skills. As for which master it is, I don't know." Yes, because it’s hard to tell what style there is only with basic skills.”

Bai Lao shook his head, it was like doing a basic arithmetic problem, the master and the primary school student both had the same answer, and there was no difference.

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