Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 953: Bai Lao's invitation

" about Master Hou, humble job to invite this master in person? It is natural to see the outcome if you invite this master, even if it is not a master in the palace, it would be better. If Master Hou can take him under his command Wouldn't it be..." Chief Wan cupped his hands in a bow and suggested.

"It makes sense! If you really are not a master of the palace, it would be a good thing to find such a master and earn it under his command. But when you go to invite him, you must be courteous and don't neglect at all!"

Ji Yinghou nodded, this is indeed a good idea.

"Master Hou, why don't you go with the little old man. I also want to see who this is. If it is an old man, I don't know him. I also want to meet this master. His foundation is very solid, at least he is not a waste. The one who deserves a false name!"

"It would be great to have Lao Bai go there. How about this, Xiao Liu, when you go, bring more subordinates, and make sure to ensure the safety of Master Bai."

Ji Yinghou ordered, he knew that Bai Lao likes to make friends with some capable people in the same way, and moreover, if Bai Lao came out, the probability of the other party coming to his side would increase a lot under Bai Lao's persuasion.

As for the other party being the person of the Eye of Tianyu, Ji Yinghou didn't care about that, he, a Marquis, could still do it if he asked the Eye of Tianyu for someone, unless the old man Tianji strongly protested.

Ji Yinghou didn't think that the other party would do this. Such a master could appear as an instructor in the rear base, which meant that the old man Tianji didn't know that there was such a master hidden under his command.

It can only be said that this master may really be a member of the palace, or he may be a master who hides his true ability to play games in the world all the year round.

In short, no matter what, it is a wise move for Bai Lao to meet the other party.

Soon, Bai Lao followed the commander named Liulang to the rear base. According to Alice, they quickly found out the residence of this instructor named Silent Formation, but they found that the silent master had actually not at home.


"Will it be in the teaching area?" Mr. Liu Lang asked with a frown.

"Isn't today a rest period for the teaching area?" Old Bai stroking his beard pondered, but soon laughed and said, "I know where he went!"

"Oh, Master knows where he is?"

"Such a master who has the ability to devote himself to research must be in the refining room!"

In fact, what Bai Lao said is true, Jiang Heng is really in the refining room, thinking about how to forge his treasure armor.

For this reason, he has been discussing with all the incarnations in the refining room for a full month, the purpose of which is to determine the design plan for the matching treasure armor.

During this period, I thought about countless kinds of formulas, such as various ancient armor stomach styles in the previous life, and also thought about many armor stomach styles in the world today.

It was not until the end that it was decided to use the prototype of the island nation of the previous life as the keynote.

To be honest, the reason why this armor was chosen is not because of how strong and tight the armor style is.

In fact, there are not many armors in the island country that are well-prepared and strong in defense. At least compared to Tang Kai, Ming Kai, Song Kai and many other dynasties in ancient Huaguo, Jiawei is more than one or two grades worse.

The reason why the large armor shape of the island country is chosen is for no other reason than to have a deterrent effect on the shape.

Among other things, the big armor of deterrence is still very good.

As for the defensive power, this is no longer what Jiang Heng needs for this set of armor, because what Jiang Heng needs is not a simple defensive equipment, but a powerful augmentation equipment.


Jiang Heng's definition of this set of armor is the increase!

"I am a body martial artist myself, and now the strength of my physical body is comparable to that of a fourth-level physical body powerhouse. In fact, I am not particularly lacking in defense alone. Besides, the defense of some key points is still very sufficient, and the defense of some joints is very strong. It can be discarded. On the contrary, the increase is what I lack the most.

Attack is the kingly way. If my own lethality is not strong enough, no matter how strong the defense is, it is just a target to be beaten. As long as the opponent traps me, I will always be consumed to death.

Before the killer mace of Zhanshen Gourd has been completely updated and iterated, what I need to make up for most is the lethality. "

Jiang Heng already has a complete definition of this, that is, to abandon some secondary defenses, all for the purpose of increasing his own strength.

For this reason, he has already started to design the idea of ​​​​the engraving formation needed, and he wants to build a set of armor stomachs that are all used to increase the destructive and penetrating power of the physical body.

On the surface, it looks like a armor stomach, but it is actually a hidden weapon.

For the related formations, Jiang Heng made up various buff formations, and now he finally has a certain idea.

"First of all, we need to set up a large-scale energy-gathering array to ensure that the armor can absorb free energy continuously even without my input power. Next, we need to arrange the array of anger, energy-absorbing anti-shock array, and..."

Just when Jiang Heng was thinking and writing and drawing.

There was a slight beep in the refining room, which was the first time Jiang Heng heard this sound, which meant that there was a visitor from outside.

It is equivalent to a doorbell, because outsiders are not allowed to easily enter the refining room to prevent outsiders from disturbing the refiner's forging, so the function of the doorbell is set.

Someone looking for me?

Jiang Heng raised his eyebrows. He had never encountered this before. After thinking about it, he waved his hand and all the avatars quickly returned to the original body.

When the door opened, two strangers who had never seen each other came into view.

"Are you two?"

"Master Shen?"

The devilish muscular old man in front of him spoke first. He looked Jiang Heng up and down with curiosity and astonishment on his face.

"I am silent, the master can't talk about it." Regarding such an old man, Jiang Heng was still humble.

The main reason is that the strength of the two people in front of them is not average, one is suspected to be at the sixth level, and the other is at the fifth level.

The middle-aged man was still wearing the uniform of an officer at the level of a captain, so Jiang Heng had to be cautious when two big men approached him.

"Oh, we are members of the Jiying Legion. Next is Liulang, the head of the Jiying Legion. This is Bai Lao, a good friend of our Lord Hou, and the chief craftsman of our army."

The middle-aged chief ten thousand named Liu Lang bowed respectfully and then said politely.

Extreme Shadow Legion? Master Wan? Refining master?

Jiang Heng was dumbfounded, and then looked at the other party's polite and respectful attitude.

After a lot of running in my mind, I roughly understood the other party's intention after some contact.

It should be attracted by refining the divine weapons one after another.

It's just what is the other party doing?

"I don't know what you two are doing? If you want to refine weapons, I'm sorry, I'm busy with personal affairs recently..."

Jiang Heng was explaining here, but the old man named Bai Lao had very sharp eyes, as if he saw the things in the room and slipped in.

This made Jiang Heng a little unprepared, and he was also careless that he hadn't put away those blueprints.

He hurried in and was about to explain something, the old man was already watching with relish.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng didn't want to disturb him, but frowned slightly, thinking about what the group of uninvited guests were going to do.

Do you want to force yourself to help them refine magic weapons?

If this is the case, I'm afraid that I really can't refuse because of the other party's background.

Under such a disturbed mood, after about half an hour, the Bai Lao opened his mouth endlessly.

"Not bad! Not bad! With this blueprint, you want to design a set of armor stomachs. The shape looks pretty good, but you should design a set of armor stomachs that are not mainly used for pure defense. I see these formation notes. Are you going to Make a set of buff-type armor?"

"Um, yes!" Jiang Heng was a little speechless, this old man is really familiar.

"That's a good idea. Who said that a stomach is used for defense? Your idea is very interesting, but I think you haven't finished it yet? If you use such a complete set of stomach, you can engrave nearly hundreds of large formations, but You only wrote a few ideas for pattern engraving.

How about the old man give you some advice? "

Hundreds of large formations?

Hearing this, Jiang Heng was startled. According to his original idea, engraving a hundred large formation patterns would be considered good.

A hundred large formations are already equivalent to hundreds of small formations.

Aren't these hundreds of large formations just more than a thousand small formations?

Jiang Heng felt that he could not do this.

"Also, I think you are a little too conservative in the formation patterns above. Although the old man is not engaged in formation engraving, he also has some friends who specialize in formation engraving, and one of them likes some bold designs.

I see that yours is mainly about buffs, not that kind of compound multifunctional A stomach, so why do you mainly use a super giant buff pattern as the main one, and other large buff patterns as supplements? "

Bai Lao smiled and pointed at the blueprint.

"Based on a super giant buff pattern?"

Jiang Heng showed a thoughtful look on his face, he really hadn't thought about this idea.

He knows the so-called super giant formation.

If a formation composed of dozens of small formations is called a large formation, then a super giant formation is a super giant formation composed of several or even dozens of large formations.

Its efficacy is naturally far from comparable to that of a large formation, and the effect of the amplification is also greatly enhanced.


The construction of this super-giant formation belongs to the main research direction of the fifth-order formation, and Jiang Heng, a fourth-order formation master, has not yet had practical experience in that area.

Theoretical knowledge does.

"Also, your way of thinking is too conservative..."

Bai Lao seemed to have a lot to say after seeing these blueprints, and Jiang Heng also slowly chatted with this ugly old man.

Unknowingly, the two were like friends who hadn't seen each other for many years, chatting enthusiastically in front of Wan Fuchang Liulang.

This made Wan Fu Zhang Liulang a little dumbfounded, thinking that these two people are really like-minded.

So he stood beside him like a wooden stake, and as a result, a year passed.

"Sorry, Senior White, although I still have a lot of questions I want to ask you for advice, it's just that I'm running out of time, and it's time for me to teach."

Jiang Heng looked at the time and said apologetically.

Since he is an instructor here, Jiang Heng still has a concept of time.


Old Bai was taken aback for a moment, then he stroked his beard and laughed loudly: "Little friend, don't teach anymore, you come with me and go to the base of the Jiying Legion. The old man will talk with you all night long, and it just so happens that Lord Hou also wants to recruit you. How can you do that?" There are really not many talented young people. You used to be willing to teach you all your skills!"

Hearing this, the first person who was shocked was not Jiang Heng, but Liu Lang who sat aside for a long time.

He knew how powerful Bai Lao's crafting skills were.

Moreover, Lord Hou has been recruiting and recruiting some weapon refining geniuses over the years, just to let them inherit Bai Lao's weapon refining skills.

Because Bai Lao is not young, Lord Hou doesn't know when a master craftsman like Bai Lao will pass away. In order for the army to have a master craftsman in command all year round, Lord Hou has put in great effort.

It's just that in Bai Lao's eyes, these geniuses are no different from chickens, tile dogs and waste materials. Even the best craftsmen become stupid pigs in his mouth.

Now seeing that Bai Lao actually said so bluntly that he wanted to teach a craftsman who had only been in contact with him for a year, how could Liu Lang not be shocked.

In fact, this is not Bai Lao's unintentional words at the moment, but what he wants to say after careful consideration.

After talking with Jiang Heng for a year, with his seasoned experience, he realized from the very beginning that the silence in front of him was not a master craftsman, but a young man with a particularly solid foundation.

Speaking of its advantages, perhaps it is mastering the two abilities of refining weapons and formation inscriptions at the same time.

But as the conversation continued to deepen, Bai Lao found that this silence could gradually catch up with his thoughts, and occasionally he could draw inferences about other cases from one instance.

This can only explain one problem, that is, the other party has a very strong comprehension ability for refining, which is a talent that is almost monstrous!

For these reasons, Bai Lao has the heart to teach all skills to the craftsman in front of him even though he has only been with him for a year.

"Uh, Senior White, you're joking, I still have teaching tasks."

Jiang Heng's mind is still very confused now, and he doesn't understand what's going on. It happened so suddenly that he couldn't accept it all at once.

"Master Shen, please don't decline, Master Hou attaches great importance to you. Before coming here, Master Hou emphasized that you must be invited to the Legion for a talk. Master Hou is willing to give you the greatest convenience in the Legion with the highest standard of ~And Bai Lao also values ​​you very much, I believe that it won't take long for you to have a position second only to Bai Lao in the legion."

Liu Lang explained aside, he did not introduce Bai Lao's position in the legion in detail.

But the high status of Bai Lao can be seen from the attitude of this Mr. Wan who is completely obedient to Bai Laoyan.

"But if I belong to the Eye of Heaven..."

"It doesn't matter, the Lord Hou at the Eye of Tianyu will send someone to say hello, and the base will also say hello." Bai Lao smiled and waved his hands. Seeing that Jiang Heng was still hesitant, he added:

"There is a better refining room than here in the legion. You can use the materials, and the old man will teach you everything in terms of refining. Although the old man doesn't know much about the engraving of formations, I will give you Some ideas are still possible.

And the old man knows a few real formation engraving masters, if you still want to specialize in formation engraving, I will invite those few friends to come and give you pointers! "

Bai Lao's words completely moved Jiang Heng.

Good guy, the real formation engraving master!

After talking with Bai Lao, Jiang Heng also probably understood what kind of skill level it means to be called a master.

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