Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 951: Blacksmith?

Until three months later, when Jiang Heng felt that his eyes were a little dark, this miniature superimposed array perfectly adapted to the broken bone bow finally took shape.

"Not bad, this is the success of everyone's collective efforts!"

Jiang Heng looked at these incarnations of himself and everyone praised them.

And all the incarnations gave the main body a blank stare. This main body is so inhuman, it is simply a black-hearted boss, and let them specialize in this day and night.

"Then the next step is the real inscription!"

With a wave of Jiang Heng's hand, the avatars soon familiarized themselves with forging the bone-crushing bow again. When it came to shaping, the main body quickly made a move.

Engrave all the formation nodes that have been memorized countless times in my mind at an extremely fast speed.

With the engraving of the last node, the Bone Crushing Bow has also been shaped to the end.

After waiting again, seeing that the bone-breaking bow showed no signs of collapse, the main body and all the incarnations let out a sigh of relief.

Immediately there was a burst of ecstasy, which almost represented another big step forward in Jiang Heng's formation technique inscription attainments.

Jiang Heng felt that if he engraved a conventional formation, he could engrave and superimpose more than twenty layers inside a semi-artifact.

Of course, Jiang Heng finally knew at this moment that a single inscribed formation is actually of little significance in the future. Strictly speaking, only large-scale formations can be regarded as inscriptions.

Injected into the bone-breaking bow in front of him, on the surface it looks like a bone-breaking bow engraved with ten small formation inscriptions.

But in fact, it can only be called only one inscription.

But this one is far better than the regular superposition of ten formations!

Without the slightest hesitation, I came to the proving ground again, pulling the strings like a full moon again as before.

This time when the string was pulled, there was only a gleam of brilliance circulating on the surface of the arrow, but the brilliance was extraordinarily dazzling. At this moment, it seemed that the arrow had become a key, shining with a dazzling light.


The arrow missed and shot out quickly, accompanied by a somewhat dull sound.

"Nearly twenty inches! Sure enough!"

Looking at the depth of the arrow into the target, Jiang Heng couldn't hold back the smile on his face anymore.

This thing is already close to the destructive power of the third-order peak.


The second order is ten inches.

The third level is eighteen inches, and the fourth level is thirty inches.

"This kind of power can only be regarded as a single-point kill, but it is not enough to achieve a strong destructive power to break the surface."

Jiang Heng pulled out the arrow.

"If you continue to engrave it on the Bonebreaker Bow itself, it will be too difficult. But it would be much better if you engraved it on the arrow loss, but it is definitely not a wise choice to spend time engraving a large number of arrow losses."

Jiang Heng clicked the arrow and lost it. After thinking about it, he could only continue to make a fuss about the bone-breaking bow itself.

"Perhaps we can make a fuss about the bowstring. The bowstring material Alice sent is a kind of muscle and muscle of a starry sky behemoth. Such a material is not easy to wear and tear and can be engraved with a small amount of inscriptions."

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng already had another idea.

Around October, Jiang Heng forged another brand new Bone Crusher Bow.

There is no slight difference in shape from the previous bone-breaking bow, and its appearance is almost the same. The difference is that the structure of the formation inscription inside is more complicated.

"Two large formations plus three small formations, a total of 23 small formations are superimposed. This is the limit of what I can stack at present, but if it is some wide and normal-shaped weapons, I can engrave more formation patterns , but a weapon like a bow is my limit."

Jiang Heng was a little emotional, it took nearly a year up and down, and this was only the first complete bone-breaking bow in the true sense.

"I don't know how those formation engraving masters managed to engrave hundreds of superimposed formation patterns on some small objects. Most of them are aggregates of multiple overlapping and enlarged formations. It is too difficult and incredible. Maybe wait for me Only when your formation attainment reaches the sixth level can you get access to the technique of miniaturization of the formation."

Jiang Heng shook his head, he was not angry about it, it was enough to have such a breakthrough in a short period of time.

"Right now, the destructive power of this bone-crushing bow is about at the peak level of the fourth order, but this kind of overclocking can only be used five times in a battle, otherwise the patterns on the bowstring will break.

But even with regular launches, the strength of the Bone Crusher Bow has reached a level close to the fourth level. Just rely on a large armor-breaking engraved on the bow body itself, and a large frontless formation. The superimposed power of the two formations totaling twenty formations is enough to shake the heavens and earth! "

Jiang Heng tried it, and this bone-breaking bow was enough to penetrate the target for 30 inches with one arrow, and it can penetrate up to 40 inches, which is terrifying.

A full-strength arrow from the bone-breaking bow can directly pierce a fourth-order demigod. Even a martial artist with a physical body can hardly resist it effectively, because its non-frontal and armor-piercing characteristics make most of its defenses vulnerable to thin paper!

As for killing a fourth-order demigod with one arrow, that's impossible!

After all, whether it is a fourth-order demigod with a flesh and blood body or an apostle-level soldier with a metal body, such an arrow can only effectively make the opponent lose his ability to move for a short time.

Impossible to kill with one hit.

But Jiang Heng also thought about the idea of ​​killing with one blow. If it is to deal with the conventional fourth-order demigods, then make a fuss about the arrow loss of the bone-breaking bow, and use some materials mixed with soul-eating gold as the arrow loss. The inside of the arrow is engraved with burst patterns.

In this way, even if an arrow is not fatal, it is enough for a fourth-order demigod to drink a pot. His soul is shaken, his body is frustrated, and he may not be able to move for a while.

Even a pause at the demigod level is fatal.

But to deal with the apostle-level fourth-tier fighters with metal bodies, they can only use purely physical means, and they can only make a fuss about the loss of arrows.

But Jiang Heng is too lazy to do these troublesome things. He is a craftsman and not the nanny of the Jiying Legion, so he doesn't engage in these private customized services.

After solving the Bone Broken Bow, Jiang Heng's eyes fell on the Shadowless Cone.

With the successive forging experience of Wanjian and Bonebreaking Bow, facing Wuying Zhuijiang Heng is already very easy.

However, in order to maintain its power, Jiang Heng still spent some thought, and spent a month specially supporting it with two large array inscriptions, only three array lines less than the bone-breaking bow, a total of twenty array lines.

And the two big formations are Phantom and Armor Sundering!

This is because the material of the Shadowless Cone itself is extremely sharp, so the Wufeng was abandoned and replaced by Phantom and Armor Breaker.

Phantoms are mainly used to confuse opponents.

With the phantom array, when the shadowless cone is shot, there will be layers of phantoms, making it completely impossible to predict the trajectory of the real killer, and the armor-piercing is easy to understand, just to strengthen the penetration.

"Then the process can be mass-produced next!"

Jiang Heng clapped his hands, seeing all the avatars understood, they were all used to the operation of the main body, and it was nothing more than letting them carry out process-based operations.

Let the avatar be forged in batches according to his template, while Jiang Heng himself lay quietly on the only recliner in the refining room with his eyes closed.

During this period of time, his brain was really running at a high load, and after experiencing this, he also had a very strong understanding of refining weapons and pattern inscriptions.

"Maybe I can forge a nice treasure for myself."

After thinking about it, Jiang Heng felt that the time was almost ripe.

"Then what should I choose for the first weapon I forged? If it is to hone my skills for excellence, maybe I choose a small object so that I can hone my skills better. But I can't guarantee what dangers will arise later, and whether the war will remain unchanged Unknown, I have to plan early for the follow-up."

"But why should I choose a weapon? Isn't treasure armor also a part of strength?"

Jiang Heng thought of Jiawei, and if he wanted to say that the object that best demonstrated a craftsman's skills, it would undoubtedly be Jiawei.

The structure of a complete set of armored stomach itself is very large, and if it is some powerful armored stomach, it must be guaranteed to be powerful, and the operation of the power of law must be very smooth.

The most important thing is that the armor stomach is big enough, which allows Jiang Heng's formation inscription to have a perfect space to play.

"The first thing is to choose a complete set of armor, and the second is the bow!"

Jiang Heng thought of the bone-breaking bow, and to be honest, he was really interested in bows.

This thing can kill enemies hundreds of thousands of light years away, it can be said that a cloud piercing arrow will kill you.

However, if Jiang Heng forged a bow for himself, he would naturally not choose the standard shape of the broken bone bow.

The shape and volume of the Bone Crusher Bow are designed to meet the mobile warfare of the Jiying Legion. This makes the Bone Crushing Bow itself not big, and it is a very small and delicate bow. Secondly, because the Jiying Legion needs high-speed movement, Therefore, the bow body itself is also made of extremely light and flexible materials.

As far as Jiang Heng himself is concerned, the bow he needs must have two characteristics. The first explosive power must be strong enough, the stronger the better, and it is best to be a moving god-killing cannon.

The second must be shot far enough.

The biggest obstacle that restricts physical martial arts is that it is easy to be kited. Of course, Jiang Heng himself does not have this problem, but it is impossible for him to use space teleportation to rush and kill enemies at some ultra-long distances. With his current teleportation ability, the teleportation distance is not far enough. Secondly, The consumption of teleportation is also huge.

It is very useful to be able to shoot far, and bows and arrows can also be used to snipe and chase your enemies. Shooting an arrow from a distance can greatly delay the time for the opponent to chase you.

In total consideration, Jiang Heng decided that his bow must meet these two rigid conditions.

As for the Nine Handled Flying Knife, Jiang Heng felt that he could delay it a little longer. He was still not sure about renovating the killer with his current level.

Especially the beauty knife, Jiang Heng does not plan to recast this knife with extremely high spiritual intelligence, but only plans to add other rare materials on the original basis, and then attach the pattern.

As for the Time Knife Jiang Heng plans to recast, the Time Knife still contains a lot of time and space materials.

However, the original blacksmith of the Time Knife was only at the domain master level, which completely restricted the use of these space and time materials, and re-smelting was the best choice.

As for the god-slaying gourd, uh, I made a mistake, Jiang Heng can't even understand the forging skills on this thing now.

It belongs to the forging technology that is completely beyond Jiang Heng's current understanding. In addition, the densely packed large-scale miniature patterns engraved on it also made Jiang Heng look confused.

It's exactly the same feeling as elementary school students watching calculus.

When Alice received the news from Master Shen again, she was a little overwhelmed, but the efficiency was still as high as ever. She remembered that it seemed like five years had passed, right?

These two hundred Tier 2 semi-artifacts have already been forged?

It was only when she came to Jiang Heng's mansion that she did get two hundred neatly arranged weapons that she gradually had a new definition of the skill of the master in front of her.

"It took a lot of time to design the matching pattern for the weapon, and it could have been faster."

Jiang Heng's fluffy explanation made Alice feel a little confused for a while.

Are all the current refiners so crazy? The efficiency is fast, and there is still time to design the supporting patterns.

With the first experience, Alice did not check one by one this time. Instead, she picked up a broken bone bow and began to examine it carefully, mainly to observe the details of the internal patterns.

I want to see what surprise this master brought her again this time.

Just one glance made her flustered, a little unbelievable, and she counted the patterns on it again.


Indeed, there are twenty array patterns.

"Master...I really don't know how to thank you. You have engraved twenty formation patterns on each bone-breaking bow. This is already a rare treasure-level second-tier magic weapon!"

More than just treasures, Alice felt that these things could be used as collectibles.

She remembered that the saber that her lord Qianfu often regarded as a treasure seemed to have only 20 lines, and this was a family treasure passed down from generation to generation by her lord Qianfu.

That's why Alice often saw that her commander often took care of that treasure, but he was reluctant to use it on the battlefield, for fear of damaging this family heirloom.

Even Alice herself has a saber bestowed by the elders in her but she only has ten array patterns.

It's just that she kept that sword in her mansion in Tiannan City for enshrinement and never carried it.

From this, it can be seen that the array pattern magic soldiers are rare, and how can they be mass-produced like Jiang Heng.

In fact, if you say it is rare, it is indeed extremely rare. If you say it is not rare, there are still some in the hands of some dignitaries at the princely and count level.

Especially at the princely level, it is a routine operation to use the array magic weapon.

For example, most of the magic weapons bestowed by Nanwang to Lord Hou are magic weapons with more than a hundred patterns, which shows that there is no shortage of them.

This is also normal. Formation engraving masters cannot be raised outside the world. Only the princely level has the background to support this kind of profession that specializes in serving the nobles.

Jiang Heng belongs to a different kind, relying on the strength of the incarnation outside the body, one person concurrently takes several jobs, and then uses the little skill of engraving formation patterns in the refining and shaping stage to have such a magical fortune.

It can be said that everything is so clever.

"You read it wrong, there are twenty-three formation patterns, and there are three more on the bowstring." However, Jiang Heng's words made Alice even more flustered.

If you look closely, there are really three.

"Master...this...I really don't know how to thank you! It is our blessing to have a master like you forge for our legion!"

"Thank you, no need, give me more forging materials, I am very short of these! Yes, I am very short!"

Alice inexplicably felt that the master in front of her was a bit down-to-earth.

Is it so real?

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