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Above the Sovereign Palace!

Xia Zhiye floated in mid-air, and Tony stood beside him, with the sky of Šumer floating behind him!

The combat members on the ground have all successfully landed!

A murderous-looking body!

After Xia Zhiye said, the whole palace was still quiet.

After a while, Tony said, “Will they not understand what is an epitaph?”

“…Then fight.”

From the beginning, Hulk was more lively and active. He directly dragged the head of a statue and smashed the roof. The rest of the people did not move.

At this moment, Hulk was also standing by a group of people, waiting for Xia Zhiye’s order. When Xia Zhiye said this, he immediately jumped up, banged, and rushed directly into the other party’s palace along the roof. .

The golden aircraft suddenly appeared from behind, and Šumer turned around in a blink of an eye, making the first wave of brilliant fireworks bloom over the entire palace.

This also shows that the other party obviously not at all means to surrender directly!

I also want to come. With such a highly technologically advanced planet, how can it be easy to directly declare surrender?

Whether it is useful or useless, struggling for growth.

Anyway, this group of people may be in pursuit of perfection, but their spacecraft, although the maneuverability is powerful, but each and everyone are all crispy, the appearance may be beautiful, but it is indeed not resistant to beating!

The combatants on the ground have moved towards the palace, and Xia Zhiye connects everyone’s communication, while using The Eye of Horus for global command.

Xia Zhiye takes this battle very seriously!

In any case, this is also the Super Hero League, after the last confrontation with the Cree, the first war against a civilization!

The last time, although the head-on war was fought, the real decisive factor was the beheading team led by Xia Zhiye… Although this time was similar, the overall situation was different.

The highest battle strength of a civilization may be gathered in the palace.

If all the armed forces of the palace are defeated in a frontal battle, it will be a stimulant for the Super Hero League!

The Eye of Horus soared in every corner of the palace, trying to sort out all the corners and corners, and find out where all the armed defenses were, but at this moment, the communicator uploaded Tony’s voice: “The probe has been An overall scan was carried out, but there are a few areas that are not accessible and require you to investigate.”

At the same time a map was sent.

Xia Zhiye planned the partition while commanding, and handed over different areas to different team members to execute the attack command.

With distractions, he even had extra energy to use The Eye of Horus to scan the area that Tony said.

After the first area investigation was completed, Xia Zhiye marked a message, then passed it to Hulk, and said: “Do not kill everyone after entering.”

“Understood, but I can’t find a way.”

Hulk’s answer is also concise.

Xia Zhiye pats’s forehead had to say: “Go forward where you are now. There are twelve miniature armed forces hidden at the first intersection. I dare not determine the lethality. I suggest that you directly destroy the area. Then go forward. You can see a door. There are a lot of armed forces in the corridor on the 2 sides in front of the door. I don’t think they can pose an effective threat to you!”

“Of course, Hulk is invincible!!!”

Xia Zhiye’s words seemed to make the big green guy suddenly burn up, and rushed past with a roar.

Then you can hear the rumbling boom from Hulk’s newsletter!

At the same time, Xia Zhiye moved to the Star Lord’s side: “Going forward is a trap of the type of technological device, scan and crack in advance, this should not be a problem for you.”

“Of course…in other words, is there a positioning device in the combat uniform?”

“That is necessary.” Xia Zhiye said: “I need to be responsible for your life.”

“Very good, but there is one thing, although it is not that I don’t believe you, but if our position is known by the opponent, will there be any unpredictable things?”

Between his speeches, Xia Zhiye heard his gunshots sound, and after a while Star Lord said: “So, only you can control our position and have enough encryption?”

“Relax, we have professional talents in this area.”


Star Lord said: “To be honest, I always think that if all our members work together in space, it is only a matter of time to dominate the universe.”

Xia Zhiye thought for a moment: “I suddenly felt that someone might talk to you, um, it’s a beauty.”

“Can I ask her contact information?”

Just after saying this, I heard Star Lord quickly explain: “I’m just curious, curious…”

This hurried explanation is obviously not directed at Xia Zhiye.

Xia Zhiye skimmed said with curled lips: “I don’t know her contact information, but I know the address… presumably, hell.”

“Are you cursing me?” Star Lord 100 shouted so busy, and then said quickly: “Gamora, you listen to me explain…”

Diverting another newsletter, Xia Zhiye said: “Venom, I know that eating people is a pleasure, but I hope you can control your appetite as much as possible.”

“In fact, these guys are not delicious. The appearance of golden-bright and dazzling skin gives me a bad taste.” Venom’s unique voice came into Xia Zhiye’s ear: “Tell me, your The enemies will not be all these golden light shining very bad guys, right?”

“Of course not. There is a red-and-frosted dinner, waving at you. I believe you will be able to eat it soon.”

Xia Zhiye said.

“very good !”

“Also, you better be careful behind.”

“Oh damn, when did these golden snacks show up here?”

After transferring the communication to Tony, Xia Zhiye said: “I will give Šumer’s command to Natasha. I have received early warning messages from the spacecraft. There should be something coming. I need Šumer’s help.”


Tony said, “Do I need to be outside?”

“Trust Natasha, she can cope with everything!” Xia Zhiye said: “The second unknown area has been scanned, tentatively should be regarded as a database, if you want, you can collect some information, I will send you the information…”

“Great, it seems that this matter does not need their consent?”

“This is the difference between active surrender and now… Let’s not talk about it for a while, I have probably found something different, I need to go over and confirm it myself.”

Xia Zhiye ended the communication, and in the sight of The Eye of Horus, he saw a cocoon…

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