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This is a big cocoon!

The whole body is golden, not so much a cocoon, but rather a strange golden device. It is very large and a little taller than Xia Zhiye.

“Legendary Adam, who had never met, is sleeping here?”

Xia Zhiye looked at the cocoon in front of him: “Just because of the 2 batteries, the somewhat neurotic Ayesha lord has made such a thing. Well, it is indeed a magical race.”

Extend the hand to try to touch, but suddenly a voice came from my ear: “If you dare to touch him, I will let you experience what it means to regret your pain!”

Xia Zhiye turned back, slightly smiled: “It seems that Lord Ayesha has withstood some gentleman’s treatment.”

Standing in front of him was Lord Ayesha of the Sovereign.

It’s just dishevelled hair, what appears on the face is a remnant after hysterics, and the mental state of the whole person is obviously not particularly beautiful.

It is worth mentioning that she still has blood on her body.

Xia Zhiye does not think that his team members will be hurt by such Ayesha adults. It turns out that the tracking system in the mask shows that the lifeform of each member is good enough to be better!

So, where did these blood come from?

Xia Zhiye said with a smile: “It seems that you did something that was not very good.”

“It has nothing to do with you!” Lord Ayesha was furious: “You humble, damn, filthy thieves like maggots!!! You dare to come here! You are so impudent! Sovereign! People will never accept such humiliation! This is not perfect!!!”

“I don’t know what Master Ayesha called perfection?”

Xia Zhiye sighed said: “In terms of appearance, in my opinion, Lord Ayesha is not perfect, at least, your skin color is too… well, too dazzling, if the light is on…”

He said here, looking at the surrounding light sources, looking thoughtful and saying: “If these lights are white, you probably have the biggest effect, that is, to be able to illuminate each other? In other words, this is why, all your lights are all The reason for this warm yellow? Forgive me to speak bluntly, this is actually very imperfect!”

“Do you understand what is perfect?”

Lord Ayesha said something, gradually approaching the cocoon.

Xia Zhiye gave her a very considerate position and kept a safe distance at all times.

One is that he does not quite clear what this very dangerous weapon in the hands of this Ayesha lord can fire.

Secondly, he also plans to have a good chat with this Ayesha lord…

Although some people’s life creed is to be able to do as little as possible… but Xia Zhiye thinks, why can a war be caused by a problem that can be solved by nagging in two sentences?

“Then what is perfect?” Xia Zhiye asked the situation, but already understood what the master Ayesha wanted to say.

Sure enough, Lord Ayesha reached out to stroke the cocoon with a neurotic gesture: “He… is perfect!”

Xia Zhiye shook his head: “No, he is not perfect at all. From a beauty point of view, there are probably two kinds of cocoons, one is a creature named butterfly, I am not quite clear on this planet No. But it is actually beautiful, but even so, it is not perfect, because before they become butterflies, they are often ugly caterpillars. Another kind of imaginable is just that In the thick cocoons, white insects like maggots, meandering and twisting, um, I don’t think I need to say more details?”

Lord Ayesha suddenly said, “Don’t talk nonsense! This is my most perfect work. How can you mention on equal terms with those inferior creatures in your mouth? Even more how, the most important thing is… Such perfection, you simply can’t realize it. , Incomprehensible! Just like the members of the parliament! Heinous idiots, they even want to deprive me of their status, thinking that I am not perfect! But it turns out that when facing your attack, the only thing they can do, It’s just pushing me out as a scapegoat! They simply didn’t think about it, the weaker the concession, the more excessive aggression they get! How can I tolerate these imperfect existences, sitting on top of me to face me tyrannically abuse power!”

“So, you killed them?” Xia Zhiye tsk tsk sighed: “It seems that Ayesha’s mood is not particularly stable now.”

“I know… they are anxious…” Lord Ayesha shook his head and closed his eyes, as if he had exhausted all his strength to struggle with something: “I know, but I thought that when they saw my masterpiece After that, they will think…all this is worthwhile, and they will recognize my decision! But in fact? They… they even said that he… worthless! He is perfect, you understand? But they actually Think these are worthless!! They can’t understand what is truly perfect, they simply have no reason to continue to live in this world, breathing the air of this planet…”

She suddenly looked at Xia Zhiye with a very weird look and murmured: “You know… I suddenly feel that their filth is beyond description, even if they breathe the air in the same space, Let me be infected with their incompleteness!”

“you are sick.”

Xia Zhiye’s pitying eyes looked at this Ayesha lord: “And, it’s not too sick.”

“I am not sick!!!”

Lord Ayesha gasps suddenly: “I won’t get sick either, do you know? Perfect me, how can I get sick? Even in this planet, those 1000 10000000 10000 ordinary persons are all immune to the disease. Troubled! And I… how could I get sick?”

“Well, generally speaking, mental illness will probably not say he is sick.”

Xia Zhiye looked at her with a helpless look: “Is it worth destroying myself to such a degree because of 2 batteries?”

“Battery?” Ayesha froze: “What battery?”

“Sure enough… I have forgotten the cause of the matter.” Xia Zhiye sighed, suddenly disappeared.

Lord Ayesha’s face was inexplicable, the weapon in his hand had been crushed by Xia Zhiye, and then he grabbed Ayesha’s wrist with one hand and pulled her to the side of the cocoon: “Look, he is the least The perfect place is… now he has no resistance!”

The voice fell, reached out and pressed on the golden cocoon, and he disappeared the next second!

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