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Seriously speaking, the appearance of these two things is definitely not at odds with the food.

One is a block that can’t see exactly what the material is. There are no rules in the shape.

The overall look is probably that kind of… Ma Ma Lai Lai, potholes, not rounded at all, even it may dislike the chrome hand.

However, the color looks very good, under the lighting, it can show different forms of rays of light.

Tony believes that a glossy password may be recorded in this thing. Under different angles of illumination, combined with auxiliary tools, some of the secrets can be combined.

Xia Zhiye has reservations about this.

The other one is a block.

The size is about the same as Tesseract, the whole body is dark, without any lines on it, the material is unknown, but it is extremely smooth.

If the above Tony can still use his imagination to make a forced explanation, then this one, there is almost no room for interpretation.

Even if the Star Lord has been going south and north for so many years, he has not seen a similar device.

To this end, Tony can only guess that it originally belonged to some aircraft, or parts of combat weapons.

Only after further research is needed to understand its specific effect!

These are two things, Xia Zhiye inexplicably wants to take a bite… even close to it, all subconsciously want to swallow.

This feeling has happened in the domain of Zhiwu before, so it is different from Tony’s guess. Xia Zhiye guessed that this thing may have a certain relationship with the brain in the Zhiwu domain?

However, he was not sure about this.

And Tony, they brought these two things back so seriously, mainly because of the ruins of the underground, these two things were placed with solemnity, and that kind of solemnity obviously brought them As the most valuable thing.

Although, it seems that this value needs more research.

But on Xia Zhiye’s side, these two things also show another value.

He picked up one of the pieces, which was a very irregular shape, and when he put it on his hand, a prompt appeared in front of him.

[Will Disassemble mysterious learn pseudo lifeform components (pink)? 】


Xia Zhiye put this down and then picked up another one.

[Will Disassemble mysterious learn pseudo lifeform energy crystal (powder)? 】


Xia Zhiye fell into hesitation.

mysterious learning pseudo lifeform… to be honest, Xia Zhiye had never heard of it before, but now in his Disassembler, he is still disassembling a related existence, which is Igo.

“Could it be said that these two things are actually so-called gods?”

Xia Zhiye touched his chin, what would happen if these 2 things were secretly disassembled?

After looking at Tony standing next to him, and Banner, who was expressing his opinions enthusiastically, he thought about it, and decided to secretly swallow the two things of Disassemble into his stomach.

Disassemble they may get a lot of benefits, but they may also face the most terrifying danger.

Moreover, the deadly thing is that the danger is likely to come from within and from behind.

When he worked with Steve for the first time that year, he knew that the most unprepared thing was the surprise from behind.

At that time, the stunning glide was unsuccessful, Xia Zhiye has been remembering for more than 70 years!

Simply found a place to wait for Tony and Banner to discuss, plus Star Lord’s gag, and T’Challa’s unique conjecture… In summary, looking at their busy appearance, Xia Zhiye always felt that they had forgotten something. thing?

Until half an hour later, Xia Zhiye finally said to the palm of the disabled to bear pats: “I said, is our spaceship already in the palace of others, suspended for almost an hour, when will you end?”

Tony and Banner suddenly stopped and looked at Xia Zhiye together: “Why are you still here?”

“Aren’t you supposed to go down to reason immediately after you come?” Banner also asked.

“…Do you understand what a team is!”

Xia Zhiye’s face was black.

“I see!”

Star Lord said quickly: “All in all, is action now?”

“Don’t I say the beginning, you are planning to spend your life in this spaceship?” Xia Zhiye’s face was black: “All the members are ready to wear battle clothes and Banner. When they go down, they immediately transform and we give them a grand and Another gorgeous meeting.”

“Is this too rough?” Banner said: “Hulk civilization politeness is not a big problem now. Will this directly lead to solid state germination?”

“Less nonsense …”

Xia Zhiye opened the Tibetan door directly: “It was originally intended to sneak in and sneak in. Now it seems that you are too busy, go on…”

Xia Zhiye was so anxious that he was about to throw down one by one.

Tony quickly made a gesture command, next moment, and his Battle Armor flew over. Before putting on the helmet, Tony said: “If the old man’s temper is too grumpy, it may not live long.”

After talking, he flew out at the same time. At the same time, Xia Zhiye released a large amount of Šumer from the Disassemble space. Tony directly connected through Jarvis and Šumer and took over command authority.

Banner stumbled into battle clothes and jumped directly from the sky. The man was in the air, just like a balloon that was blown up, and suddenly became a short-legged giant, landing with a bang Then, he dragged the head of a statue outside the palace directly, and roared with a roar of 2 sounds. With a flick of his hand, he threw the head over the palace and smashed the roof of the palace!

Others jumped off in turn, and when it was T’Challa’s turn, he said: “When you came to Wakanda, fortunately did not go on like this…”

After the black little brother went down, Xia Zhiye released the other people in the Disassemble space and released another spaceship directly!

One of them carried out the remote control mode, put the operation right on a spaceship, and left Natasha here to lock all the combat units. The next second, Xia Zhiye’s figure disappeared, spread out his wings, and was suspended on the other side. Above the palace, he said: “It is very unfortunate to tell you that the palace is now surrounded. If you don’t want to be completely annihilated, I think you should give up all armed resistance and raise your hand to surrender. Although I don’t know whether it is in the universe There are conventions for the protection of civilization, but if you make any irrational decisions, then these orders may become your epitaph!”

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