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Xia Zhiye was carried along all the way and came to the underground laboratory.

Opening a door, the youngster asked Leters and the others to go out first.

Xia Zhiye looked at the youngster, and then looked at the container in the middle of the room.

Within a foot of a long container, there was nothing in it, but it was dark and still wriggling in the container.


Xia Zhiye suddenly realized, then made a calm look, looked at this youngster.

Carlton Drake!

The founder of the Life Foundation!

Genius player, young, but fruitful.

He is indeed a talented aptitude, sitting there at this time, naturally has a temperament.

Valuable is that he is still young, so young can have such a temperament, if not the wrong way, maybe the future will be bright?

Xia Zhiye started thinking about the unfathomable mystery in his heart, and suddenly he felt a little helpless.

Why did you start to look at the youngster in an inexplicable way?

I’m only 20 when I was young, okay?

“I don’t understand why on earth?”

Drake sits here, seems to have stayed for a while, then rubbed his face and said: “Probably because of my approach, it makes you feel unacceptable. In this way, you can tell me who he is. ?”

Xia Zhiye was silent.

This can’t be told directly as soon as you come up, and others believe or not say 2.

“You know… we have to think about your friends.”

Drake started to try to persuade from another angle: “We all understand what is dangerous to him, it is self-evident. If we let it go… he will die!”

Xia Zhiye frowned.

Drake came out from behind the chair: “So, I promise you, we will save your friend, and we will have a bottom line when we do things in the future!”


Xia Zhiye took a deep breath, made a struggling expression, and then said: “Block! Eddie Brock!”

“Eddie Bullock?”

Drake put out a long breath, and then nodded: “You told a reporter what happened here…”

After he finished speaking, he turned directly to the door, and when he was about to go out, he said, “Open the container!”

The door was closed, the container in the middle of the room was opened, and the dark black symbiote immediately sprang out, and went straight to Xia Zhiye.

“You can’t do this to me…”

When Xia Zhiye said this, the black symbiote had already fallen on him.

…It’s cool, it feels average, but it doesn’t have the foul smell that it imagines. Although this thing doesn’t look good, at least it’s still fresh.

The next second, he felt something, trying to integrate into himself.

However, no one can enter!

What horror is Xia Zhiye’s body? Even if the symbiosis is no matter how great it might be, it needs Xia Zhiye’s own consent to integrate it.

And precisely, Xia Zhiye agreed.

Like opening the door to rob, the next second, he felt that a subtle existence directly integrated into his muscles, attached to the skeleton, and tried to replace some organs in the body!

The result…can’t do it!

For the symbiote, a very embarrassing situation may be more than this.

I wanted a body and came in and it turned out… I couldn’t move anything, I couldn’t change it, even more terrifying, it couldn’t get out!

After the door was opened, the door was closed directly. Xia Zhiye’s external performance was very painful, but in fact he was constantly stimulating the symbiote with golden energy to see what changes it would produce.

Unnecessary changes are not at all, because just after 2 stimulations…the symbiote is dead!

This special!

Xia Zhiye’s face was dark, and she had no choice but to release this thing, and then she made the appearance to the street, in order to tell people outside that she was dead.

Lying on the ground, Xia Zhiye was still thinking about it.

This is probably not because the symbiote is too fragile, but because it is too strong.

Symbiosis should deal with ordinary person, should be ten-ninth and nine stable, but for yourself… even if it exhausts all the means, it does not make any sense.

“Sure enough, if you want to study it carefully, you still have to rely on Brock. Drake’s understood Brock will definitely send someone to catch it. If Venom really has any Magical Powers, is it time to show it? “

Xia Zhiye pondered this, and the door opened again.

The Eye of Horus sees clearly, there are probably 4 5 people coming in.

Two of them carried the stretcher, carried him to the stretcher, and covered it with a white cloth.

Xia Zhiye took a look at the entire laboratory while carrying it away. Many of the experimental bodies, the situation had nothing common with each other, the overwhelming majority were dead, and the experimental body and the symbiotic body died together.

Xia Zhiye sighed in his heart, and then he did one thing in his hand!

Or 2 pieces!

The first one, he took a person out of the Disassemble space, Jimmy!

In the second case, he moved instantly and disappeared.

The 2 things were going on almost at the same time, and the speed was not fast. Xia Zhiye had disappeared on the stretcher almost in a flash, but the stretcher was replaced with a Jimmy!

The direct result of this one after the other conversion was that the two stretcher stretchers felt their hands sink, and their steps paused.

Although he was a little puzzled, he didn’t take it too seriously and continued to move forward.

After they left, Xia Zhiye appeared again, looked at the front and back, and then stepped on high heels, came to the previous office with ease, sat in the office and turned on the computer, began to browse the information, and through the bracelet , Directly invaded the host of the Life Foundation and made a remote copy.

All information will appear directly in Camp Lehigh’s system.

After doing all this, Xia Zhiye put on the face of Scholes Court Academecian, facing the monitor in the corner, slightly smiled, disappeared instantly!

As for whether the Life Foundation will find haunting later, it has nothing to do with him.

This kind of thing is also impossible to hide for too long. After all, Jimmy, who was carried over there, had to see it again no matter if he was going to dig a pit and bury it or burn it…when the time comes When something went wrong with setback, looking back, I could only find the face of Scholes Court Academecian, but could not find any other evidence.

What would Drake think when the time comes?

Xia Zhiye really doesn’t care. Now, he cares more about what interesting stories will happen on Brock!

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