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After parking the car, Xia Zhiye got off the car.

I saw a few people patrolling the garage with guns. After seeing Xia Zhiye, the group of people did not react, basically maintaining a blind eye.

Xia Zhiye smiled slightly in her heart and kept a similar look, passing them by.

The whole garage had been read before he came in. There was an elevator in the direction of the north. When he came to the front of the elevator, he took out the card of the jacket. After entering, he scanned the card and then pressed the floor.

The goal is downstairs!

Like most research institutes, the laboratory of this institute is still downstairs.

The elevator runs slowly, and Xia Zhiye glances at the elevator camera.

Then he blinked: “There should be a camera in every elevator… So, how did Scholes Court Academecian take Bullock to the underground laboratory?”

Then he raised his eyebrows, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: “Sure enough, without training, the sensitivity to this aspect is almost zero.”


The elevator came to the designated floor. Xia Zhiye walked out of the elevator and spared 2 circles. The light car arrived at the bathroom on this floor.

Don’t ask him why he knows where the bathroom is… The Eye of Horus makes him know everything about the surroundings!

More embarrassing is that there is someone in this bathroom.

This made Xia Zhiye miss the toilet in SHIELD a certain branch.

Especially what he wants to do now, there is no way to enter the men’s toilet to solve.

“Forget it…”

Xia Zhiye walked into the men’s toilet, and after finding a room, put The Eye of Horus into the women’s toilet…

“Although I know this is like a pervert… but there is no way.”

He was sighed, unwilling to do it.

With just a scan, I have already figured out which compartment is empty, and the body flashed and disappeared…

At the time of reappears, he was already in the compartment of the women’s toilet.

After his body shape changed to become the appearance of Scholes Court Academecian, Xia Zhiye jingled a pair of high heels, pushed open the door of the compartment, and came out.

“Hi, Court Academecian.”

A girl I didn’t know greeted her.

Xia Zhiye nodded with a brilliant smile. In fact, his knowledge of Scholes Court Academecian is extremely limited.

But because I have been in contact with it for an hour or two before, I can probably judge that this woman’s personality is relatively kind.

Sure enough, this smile did not cause any doubt.

Even if an acquaintance may find this smile a little weird, it will certainly not be able to respond in the first half.

After all, reality is not a novel, and no one wonders whether their acquaintances are suddenly and pretend to be someone else.

This kind of fantasy thing, whether it is a movie or a novel, is normal to write, and will be certified as common sense.

However, when it comes to reality, this kind of thing is incredible, and no one will believe it.

Right now, it is the reality of Xia Zhiye!

I washed my hands and pretended to put on makeup on my face. In fact, he didn’t do anything, because he didn’t have makeup tools, he just wiped the corners of his mouth, rubbed the corners of his eyes, and then gently smiled out of the bathroom.


At least, Xia Zhiye thought so, although there may be some weak spots in expression and behavior.

But it is estimated that unless this group of people has an extremely clever existence and spends a few months studying it, they will definitely not find any problems.

No problems were left for others, but Xia Zhiye himself had doubts.

What are you doing down here?

Go to the laboratory on the next floor to see the experimental subjects?

Or to find an experimental report to study?

But where is your office? You can’t just ask someone casually, where is my office?

As he walked, he whispered in his heart, but not at all appeared cowering.

His experience in this regard is too rich, the more cowering, the more it will cause others to doubt.

Although it is said that the whole Life Foundation is tied together, it is not enough for him to blow it in one breath, but the problem is that he is not here to fight.

In addition to wanting to check out the entire Life Foundation, he also wanted to see if this group of guys had any substantial results.

When the time comes to take it directly, so as not to spoil good things.

While walking, someone behind her suddenly called her: “Scholes Court Academecian!”

When Xia Zhiye heard the name, it responded within a second, stopped and turned around, remaining calm and composed while handling pressing affairs.

He is actually waiting for this call, but didn’t expect to be so fast.

Standing behind him is a big bald head.


The name that came out of Jimmy’s mouth has a place to use.

After all, there is probably only one such hairstyle in an institute.

“I’m glad you can remember my name, but now, I think you must go with us.”

The voice is very cold, the tone is like treating the prisoner.

Xia Zhiye knew that he had to show a certain degree of lose one’s head out of fear, shaking his hands now… not like shaking, but like the gesture style of drawing a knife.

Impatient sighed, the acting has to be practiced.

Fortunately, Retus didn’t find anything, but made a wink at the two sides. On the left and right sides, there was a guy like Two Great Protectors waiting there, driving Xia Zhiye’s shoulder and giving the person to the side. gone……

This is also a deliberate indulgence, otherwise, Hulk dare not say it now, can move Xia Zhiye so easily, even more how they…

While walking, Xia Zhiye’s mouth was not idle: “What are you doing? You can’t do this to me!”

“Court Academecian, please shut up!”

Retes turned and looked fiercely: “Otherwise, I will let you taste my strength!”

Xia Zhiye shut up for a second and pondered in his heart. After I finished my goal, I will let you taste my strength.

In an instant, Xia Zhiye had been taken to an office.

A youngster is sitting behind the desk. His eyes seem calm, but he looks extremely cold at the computer screen. When the entire group comes in, he lifts the head looked towards Xia Zhiye: “I want to know why?”

“I don’t understand what you mean, and I don’t know why you treat me like this.”

Xia Zhiye feels that the average person has reached this level, probably speaking hard.

“Although you are smart and deleted the monitoring records at that time,” the youngster stood up and said, “but you underestimated all of us.”

He said, crossing the crowd and walking out the door.

Then…Xia Zhiye continued to be carried…

To be honest, you don’t have to walk on your own, and it feels like you’re being carried so well, it’s quite comfortable.

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