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It’s late at night!

But the streets of San Francisco are still very lively.

Xia Zhiye is hidden above the sky, quietly stealth, he is ready to watch a big show!

The news of Eddie Bullock he confided to Drake, it can be said to be a completely intentional, deliberate disclosure!

It was just to see what interesting things would happen when Drake sent someone to catch him.

And to watch such a big show, he must find a best viewing platform.

Where else is it better to watch such a good show than in the sky?

Therefore, after coming out of the Life Foundation, Xia Zhiye has been hiding in the sky and waiting quietly…

Then he finally waited until Retus, the big bald head in the Life Foundation!

His purpose is clear, Shule Apartment, Eddie Bullock.

“It’s time to start!”

Xia Zhiye took out popcorn from the Disassemble space, and The Eye of Horus broke into Bullock’s apartment directly.

Retus knocked on the door… came in, raised his weapon, and Brock raised his hand…

Xia Zhiye chewed the popcorn and almost forgot to swallow it, hit him… nothing to do with his hand raised?

As a visitor, Xia Zhiye really hopes that Bullock will be more decisive when he is the protagonist.

However… this counsel is obviously not aware of what it means to kill decisively.

Until an infamous black object popped up in his hand, a person was directly caught, and after fiercely leaning against the ceiling, everything was on track.

Although the roles played by Brock and Xia Zhiye are almost the same throughout the battle… they are all spectators!

The actor is actually Rest and his companions, and even Brom with the body of Venom.

But Xia Zhiye is still satisfied with this battle!

After a simple, quick, and violent confrontation in the room, Brock jumped out of the window. The symbiotic ability allowed him to stick himself to the wall as Spider-Man and strengthen his body. Quality.

Regardless of strength, speed, and bouncing power, all have significantly improved.

Moreover, the symbiotic body can resist being able to fight, and it can also release itself into a layer of defense, which can at least resist the bullet attack.

“If this thing is too much, it is indeed quite troublesome.” Xia Zhiye touch the chin pondered: “In terms of fighting consciousness and various attack methods, it is indeed a great warrior. One word is good, but If there is more, it will be a disaster! A few 1000000…”

Xia Zhiye lightly sighed, and then saw Brock has come to the back lane of the apartment.

And the first time I saw my real change from the car glass, and then said Xia Zhiye would not understood.

Too far away, I can’t hear, The Eye of Horus is not the ear of Horus, Xia Zhiye suddenly felt that he really should take the time to learn lip language, otherwise, how much fun will be missed!

The sudden arrival of a drone interrupted Bullock’s intoxication and used a bomb to make him clearly aware of the facts in front of him.

What followed was a chase battle.

In the competition between motorcycles and cars, this time Xia Zhiye has the advantage of occupying the commanding height vividly and thoroughly.

From the perspective of God, he saw it completely and clearly.

Satisfied again!

And the result of the whole battle also came to the end. Brock almost got rid of all the pursuers, but it is a pity that Retes, who is rigorous schemes and deep foresight, is obviously better at this.

Parked the car in a suitable place, and finally broke Brock’s motorcycle directly!

“Well, even if it is an old driver, there will be times of overturning.”

Xia Zhiye looked at the popcorn in his hand and had finished eating it, and then looked at Brock, and it fell so badly that it was almost like nothing.

Fracture of the leg bone, lying on the ground, impossible to move even a little bit.

Retes got off the car, and he seemed to be very satisfied, and appreciated the tragic state of his prey.

Xia Zhiye looked at the popcorn in his hand and felt that he should go down and take revenge.

The big bald head used to say that he wanted to show himself how powerful he is. Now is the time for him to let him know how powerful he is.

I was planning to act, but I saw Brock lying on the ground, who had no resistance at all. Suddenly a black substance emerged from the body. The black substance instantly controlled Retes, and the next step In seconds, Brock has stood up from the ground in an absolutely impossible way.

And, at a speed visible to the naked eye, it turned into a black monster with a long grin and a half-foot tongue!


Xia Zhiye praised: “This transformation is more handsome than Kamen Rider.”

However, the actions of the other party made Xia Zhiye feel a little unacceptable.

This guy used his big tongue to lick Retez’s face. Retez’s scream made Xia Zhiye wonder if this guy would pee his pants because of this?

The sound of the gun suddenly sounded, but I didn’t know when. A man was standing behind Venom and shot him with a very determined attitude.

Venom is fond of new and old, and now throws Letes and bit off the man’s head behind him.

The next second, his body sprang up violently, and he randomly found a place to run away… But when he ran, he obviously didn’t pay much attention to the road, and he constantly trampled various vehicles into scrap iron along the way.

Seeing this, it’s almost the same.

Xia Zhiye’s body fell from midair, quietly silent, and he had changed into his own shirt.

And came to Retes.

He was thrown on the roof of the car, and the situation was similar to that of Brock just now.

He couldn’t move at all. The severe pain made him feel that his internal organs were about to move.

When Xia Zhiye saw his eyes, his expression was puzzled, but Xia Zhiye grinned, but he couldn’t see his expression under the dark mask.

But this is actually not important, because in the next second, Retus has lost all consciousness, because he was included in the Disassemble space by Xia Zhiye.

Not stunned, just put it in.

Xia Zhiye expects what he will look like when he comes out.

Then he followed the direction of The Eye of Horus, looking for Brock and Venom.

At this time, Venom was also on the streets of San Francisco, performing an extraordinary street art!

“The origin of superheroes or supervillains often starts with street performance art.”

Xia Zhiye remembered Hulk a long time ago. Heaven knows that he just went for a meal that day. Why did he end up having a confrontation with Hulk and Idiot?

“Looking back…”

Xia Zhiye chased in the sky all the way until Venom jumped directly into the water, and at an extreme speed, after swimming on an island, he slowly dropped from the sky.

It was time for him to play.

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