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But just after 2 steps, he returned again.

The clothes haven’t changed yet…

Reorganizing, stepping on high heels and wearing professional attire, Xia Zhiye stride proudly ahead again and came to the gate.

“Scholes Court Academecian?”

The guard at the gate saw her a little shocked: “What about your car?”

“…The car broke down,” Xia Zhiye said, “I can only walk over.”

The guards inside had no doubts, laughed said: “Every day there will always be some unexpected situations.”

“Of course.” Xia Zhiye smiled.

Then the two of you look at me, I look at you, Xia Zhiye wondered, why not open the door?

“What about your card?”

The guard also seemed puzzled.

Xia Zhiye slapped his head: “Forgot in the car.”

“This… unfortunately, Court Academecian, you should know our rules. If there is no card, we can’t let you in.”

Xia Zhiye’s complexion is gloomy. After hesitating for a long time, sighed: “Well, I’ll go find my car…”

“We can send you.”

“But the problem is… it should have been dragged away now.”

“It doesn’t matter, we can always send you to pick it up.”

“That’s very good.”

Xia Zhiye laughed: “This is a good idea.”

The guard laughed, and after picking up the phone and saying two sentences, he said to Xia Zhiye: “Please wait.”

Less than 5 minutes later, a black commercial vehicle had arrived at the door. The co-pilot opened after going out. The driver was an experienced-looking man in a camouflage suit. The clothes were bulging, obviously with weapons hidden.

He smiled and said to Xia Zhiye: “Court Academecian please get in the car.”


This posture can scare Scholes Court Academecian, but not Xia Zhiye.

He got into the car directly, and the car went away.



“Court Academecian, which trailer company are you calling?”

In the car, the youngster asked.

“Um… let me think about it.” Xia Zhiye thought about it for a long time, and then helplessly said: “I seem to have forgotten, but don’t worry, I have their phone number.”

“That’s good.” The man laughed.

When the car completely left the base, Xia Zhiye suddenly asked: “How old are you?”

“27, what’s wrong?” The man froze.

“What’s it called?” Xia Zhiye asked again.

“Jimmy, my name is Jimmy Walker, Court Academecian.”

youngster answered with a smile.

Xia Zhiye’s satisfied nodded: “How long have you been working in the Foundation?”

“This year is the third year.” Jimmy had no doubt, and the two chatted casually.

“Are you satisfied with this job?”

“Everything is good except that our team leader is annoying.” Jimmy laughed: “But I heard that his situation is not very good recently…you know, what happened before, let Boss very angry.”

“Oh… yes, your Captain is called… called…”

“Letes.” Jimmy said.

Xia Zhiye was immediately nodded: “Yes, yes, called Retus, Aiya, don’t say I have forgotten, is that big bald head right?”

“Of course, it’s him.” Jimmy followed nodded.

Xia Zhiye was stunned, but it was just a swindle. Was it really a bald head?

While chatting casually along the way, Xia Zhiye was always knocking on the side and asking some questions, and Jimmy was basically answering questions and cooperating.

Xia Zhiye was very satisfied and didn’t want to kill anymore.

Where can I find such a nice child?

But as soon as he was about to enter the city, Xia Zhiye suddenly said, “Wait first, stop by the roadside.”

“What’s wrong with Court Academecian?” Jimmy looked at the road and said, “I’m afraid I can’t stop here.”

“But… I can’t hold it anymore.” Scholes Court Academecian If he knew that Xia Zhiye had become her appearance, and if he still did so, it would be hard to fight with him even if he was afraid.

Jimmy had no choice but to park the car on the side of the road: “Well, it doesn’t matter if the ticket is fine, when the time comes to let people handle it…but here is the word…”

He looked at Xia Zhiye with some embarrassment. Where is the toilet around here? Only anywhere…

His eyes followed Xia Zhiye’s chest, and then he gradually looked down, with a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

Xia Zhiye also smiled, and suddenly raised his fist and said: “I tell you, you can’t peek! Otherwise, I will hit you.”

“…I don’t think your fist will cause much harm to me.” Jimmy smiled very funny. His eyes and tone were like a man who encountered a special situation. reaction.

Xia Zhiye waved his fist and said, “I will pay the price if I look down upon it.”

“I am willing to bear!”

Jimmy stretched out a hand, but was grabbed by Xia Zhiye.

At this moment, Jimmy’s expression changed.

Without him!

Although it is a woman’s hand, but a great force!

In a flash, he was startled, let him startled, and wondered what kind of tone does Court Academecian like?

Kung Fu, who was in doubt, saw a fist of Bai Shengsheng, and in a blink of an eye he had reached his front.

Jimmy didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, is this really going to hit someone? Is it true that you really misunderstood?

But the educated women are different. They are all slaps in the face, but she has to use her fist… Forget it, let’s do it.

Thinking about it this way, his fist had already hit his head.

Like a comet hitting Earth!

Maybe it’s inaccurate… Anyway, Jimmy feels that under this fist, he seems to be hit by a train!

The whole person had 5 fans and 3 sessions in an instant, and his eyes were confused and wondered why he was so fierce and found a more terrifying thing… The Scole Court Academecian in front of him turned into A man!


Without saying a word, Jimmy was already stunned and unconscious.

“Tsk tsk, so pitiful.”

Xia Zhiye touched his face, and then changed Jimmy’s clothes, and he took the young man to the Disassemble space.

Turned the car back and returned to the Life Foundation base.

This time went smoothly, but when it came to the gate, the guard inside asked: “What about Court Academecian?”

“Take a taxi in the city and leave.” Xia Zhiye replied: “Nothing suspicious happened.”

“Okay, go rest.”

The guard waved his hand and Xia Zhiye drove in with a smile on his lips.

Routine Jimmy, understood something that is neither too big nor too small. For example, this guard is actually not inferior, and the reason for escorting’Scholes Court Academecian’ is nominally an escort, but it is actually because of’Scol Court Academecian’ even forgot to bring the card, which is very unreasonable.

Therefore, someone was sent to monitor.

Although Jimmy didn’t make it clear, how could Xia Zhiye not understand the truth?

“The gate of a gate has this kind of scheming. What kind of place is this Life Foundation…?”

As Xia Zhiye drove in, he waited for Middle-Stage.

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