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“Listen, no matter who you are, you have invaded Wakanda’s land, please don’t resist, otherwise, I can’t guarantee that next moment you will become a floating dust in the air!”

A woman said so with a nearly stout voice.

Xia Zhiye glanced at Tony: “Are you ready?”

Tony was taken aback, and immediately took a fighting stance.

Xia Zhiye nodded, then shouted: “I surrender!”


Tony showed a white question mark…



Wakanda maintained a unique humanitarian spirit in a highly civilized system. When Xia Zhiye and Tony chose to surrender, they not at all pained (hunted) to kill (dead) hands (road), but let Xia Zhiye and Tony immediately made a forced landing, and sent soldiers to detain the two, and finally took them to the spaceship.

This group of people is headed by a woman with black skin… Of course, it is not surprising that the entire Wakanda people have the same skin color.

She looked at Xia Zhiye and Tony with a strange expression.

“Why, will you come to Wakanda?”

When she asked this, she was standing in the hall of the spaceship.

Xia Zhiye and Tony were just standing opposite her, and there was no handcuffs on their hands. Even Tony’s Battle Armor was not asked to take it off.

This approach makes Xia Zhiye satisfied, at least the other party is very sensible.

Slightly smiled at the moment: “I think I should meet your king.”

“Sorry, this thing, I don’t think you can obey your orders.” The woman said coldly: “At least, before I figure out why Iron Man and Instructor came to our country…”

“Have my reputation been here?” Tony had been looking at the internal structure of the spaceship before, hearing this laughed, and then said to Xia Zhiye: “I feel that their spaceship seems to be better than that of the Raiders. Even better, higher grade! Compared with Xandar star, it is not too much! This is incredible…In contrast, our Kun-style fighter is a grade worse!”

“The resources and heights occupied by each other are different, which is normal.” Xia Zhiye replied Tony, and then looked at the woman opposite, laughed: “Sorry, the child at home has not seen the world, laugh. Well, if you want If you like, you can treat our visit at this time as an ordinary, friendly visit. No matter whether you are willing to believe or not, we are not malicious!”

“From the moment you are willing to choose to surrender, I believe that what you are keeping is not malicious. But please allow us to be cautious!” said the woman: “You will be temporarily detained in the king capital until we figure out your purpose until.”

“You are nervous…”

Xia Zhiye looked at this woman and suddenly laughed: “Relax, the outside world doesn’t know about your existence. There are not many troops, or satellites aimed at this position, waiting for you to put the outer layer… Um, when the protective cover is opened, 10000 arrows are sent… In fact, only two of us came here, and there are some purposes, you need to ask for your help! So, if you find that everything is normal, I hope the king can See us. Well, I won’t stay here too long, I hope you don’t waste unnecessary time.”

The woman was frowned, gave Xia Zhiye a deep look, then turned away.

Tony looked at her back, then looked at Xia Zhiye again: “I thought you would talk to them in a weaker tone, we seem to be asking for people.”

Xia Zhiye nodded: “We are indeed seeking people, but when your attitude is too weak, the other party’s attitude will be tougher. We come in a peaceful attitude, but it does not mean that I will not be angry. “

Tony shrugged: “As an elderly person, your temper is indeed a bit big. They seem to have a lot of confidence in themselves?”

“This is the superiority brought by the developed civilization.”

The two of them started a new round of discussion on this issue again, and talked nonsense.

They didn’t shut up until the spacecraft landed.

The black woman appeared again: “Please follow me.”

Xia Zhiye laughed and glanced at Tony, Tony shrugged: “I appreciate their caution.”

“But obviously, this does not fit your personality.” Xia Zhiye laughed.

Following the woman out of the spaceship, there was a passageway. At the mouth of the passageway, a group of people stood, headed by a black old man, followed by a young black young man.

The remaining people are all on 2 sides, armed with weapons, and are all women.

“Welcome friends from afar.”

The old man smiled and spoke to Xia Zhiye and Tony.

Xia Zhiye also laughed: “I think that this spacecraft has circled at least ten times in the sky, and has made you confirm that the outside world is not at all dangerous. So, we can completely omit any condoms and go straight to the theme.”

“Legendary Instructor turned out to be such an impatient person.”

The old man laughed lightly: “Please.”

While walking, Xia Zhiye looked towards the youngster beside the old man, the next generation of black panthers.

To his gentle nodded, youngster is also nodded, looking at Xia Zhiye and Tony’s eyes, a little curious.

Tony walked and looked at everything around him, only feeling incredible.

Xia Zhiye said thoughtfully: “Is the Vibranium mineral vein under the cavity behind?”

The old man accidentally glanced at Xia Zhiye: “It’s curious, I don’t understand. Even if our clansman accidentally leaked our information, it shouldn’t be so much leaked. What exactly are you…how to know of?”

Tony also eavesdropped with his ears closed, and he wanted to know about it.

Xia Zhiye laughed: “This is really embarrassing, I don’t even know how to answer it.”

“This answer is very important to us.”

The old man looked at Xia Zhiye: “It is even more important than the purpose of your coming here!”

“Then maybe, it’s inappropriate here.”

“of course.”

The entire group walked along the passage, and finally came to an office.

Xia Zhiye’s understanding of this side is limited to those shown in the movie, and naturally everything is clear.

But The Eye of Horus wandered outside, but found a little black girl who was sneaking to peek outside the door…

Everyone was seated, and Xia Zhiye and Tony were in front of them, each serving a drink.

Tony took a sip with a curious and resistant complex expression, then raised his eyebrows: “God, its taste is much better than it looks!”

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