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Opposite one old and one young 2 people, including a group of fully armed women standing behind them, all laughed.

Xia Zhiye also laughed and took a sip of this unknown drink and said, “I’m here to save people.”

“If we can do our best, this is not a problem. But you have not answered my question, why would you know Wakanda?”

“Someone asked the same question… I don’t know how to answer it.” Xia Zhiye sighed: “It can only be said that I have a special ability. In fact, the main purpose of this time is Because of this, I can always see a lot of things beyond imagination, and have already experienced it personally… You may not be satisfied with such an explanation, but I have done my best!”

After pondering for a while, the old king opposite said, “You mean to say that you saw Wakanda from a certain ability? So, what is your real purpose?”

“2 things…”

Xia Zhiye said: “But no matter which one you say, you may not agree.”

“Since we know we won’t agree, why should we say that?” The old man’s brow furrowed, and a bad hunch appeared in his heart.

Xia Zhiye sighed, creating something from nothing in his hand, a projection device appeared.

Put it on the table, click it, and then an image of a person pops up.

A purple bald head appeared in everyone’s field of vision.

This thing was obtained by Xia Zhiye from Gamora, and it contains some audio and video materials of Thanos planet.

“This person is the reason why I have to say it.”

Xia Zhiye looked at the black man opposite him, His Royal Highness the King of Wakanda, with a helpless but solemn tone: “Then please allow me, before presenting the two things, to all of you Some… bedtime stories.”

The old man looked at Thanos in the projection in front of him, but frowned: “A big villain in the new movie?”

“Haha.” Xia Zhiye laughed: “If that’s the case, I wouldn’t dare to come here and cheat. He is called Thanos…not an Earth person, whether you believe it or not, there are countless civilizations in the universe With countless darkness…”

This time Xia Zhiye said relatively detailed.

For Thanos, for the possible future, and the origin of the major event in New York a year ago… all this and so on, so and so.

After listening, all but Tony and Xia Zhiye were stunned.

The old man rubbed his chest and gasped for 2 breaths: “This… is amazing.”

“Sure enough, it was like a bedtime story.” The young Black Panther looked at Xia Zhiye: “But, why do we believe what you said is true?”


The old man immediately raised his hand: “Please don’t say this, it is the biggest insult to our valued guests.”

“It’s normal to question.” Xia Zhiye said: “What you see, what you hear with your own ears, people can believe everything they don’t want to believe. But I’m very worried, when we actually see them, maybe, it’s already There is no time to prepare…to prepare for Thanos!”

“So, what are the two things you want to say?”

old man frowns looked at Xia Zhiye.

“The first thing…” Xia Zhiye said: “I hope that I can establish a cooperative relationship with you!”

“How to cooperate?”

“The fusion of technical resources.” Xia Zhiye said: “We have the biggest arms company in this world and the best mind in our hands!”

Tony laughed: “The first time I heard you praise me like that, it’s kind of sorry… Otherwise, would you say two more sentences?”

But I heard Xia Zhiye said: “Well, there is a mind.”

“…What do you mean?” Tony frowned.

But I heard Xia Zhiye said again: “apart from this, we also control in this world, the best biochemical company!”

old man laughed: “This may not be enough to impress me.”

Tony glared immediately.

But Xia Zhiye said: “Perhaps, but in our hands, we also control more than one kind of knowledge system of alien advanced civilization.”

“Really there is this thing?”

T’Challa didn’t wait for his father to speak, so he said first: “How did you get it?”

“In fact, we had a fight with a certain alien civilization before…” Xia Zhiye glanced at Tony.

Tony rolled the eyes: “I said, since all the video materials on the Xandar star have been destroyed, why should I keep a copy…it is wily old fox, Jarvis!”

“Good sir!”

Jarvis is also not a general system, and understands Tony in a flash.

Tony reached out his hand and released the image from his hand. Even Xia Zhiye looked a little dumbfounded in this scene: “Why do you want to make this strange thing on Battle Armor?”

“Don’t you think it’s practical?” Tony said. “As soon as 10000 hits, I suddenly want to watch a movie. What should I do to find inspiration?”

Xia Zhiye wondered: “Why has your style become more and more strange recently?”

“It may be because there are too many contacts with some elderly people.” Tony said here, but said in surprise: “Compared to, why are you more serious?”

“…Because I have recovered my long lost morals.”

Apparently neither of them had any real credibility. In the face of King Wakanda and Prince, they buried each other here.

However, these people on the opposite side have no time to care about these.

Because of the audio and video materials released by Tony, they can see the scene when Tony and the Cree are fighting.

The Cree spaceship hiding the sky and covering the earth, and Tony was driving Šumer like Myriad Sword Returning to Origin. The scene of 10000 cannon shots was shocking and shocking.

And the scene of the war also moved all the people on the opposite side.

Spaceship, soldier, laser, death, scream, wailing, explosion…

Everything is being shown, and after a full 5 minutes, this audio and video is over.

If the piece just released by Xia Zhiye is just like a well-made big movie, then this piece is more real because of the relationship of Tony’s silhouette in it.

“These 2 materials can be sent to you, and you can investigate their authenticity.”

Xia Zhiye said: “But if the investigation is over, I hope you will return them to me.”

“Of course.” Old man nodded, glanced at the person behind him, the previous woman came out and took out 2 documents.

When I opened the door, I saw a little girl sniffing there.

“…Shuri Princess, you shouldn’t be here, but…”

As the woman talked, she pushed the little girl outward, and the words that followed could not be heard.

The old man has already packed his mind now: “So, what is the second thing?”

Xia Zhiye looked towards T’Challa Prince, said with a smile: “Hopefully, he can join our alliance.”

“Avengers?” T’Challa Prince froze.

Xia Zhiye, however, hooked the head: “It is the Super Hero League.”

“…I said, even if the name of our group is so settled?” Tony opened his mouth. “A casual chat that started with 2 words?”

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