You can search “Marvel’s DNFDisassemble Master Miaobige Novel Network (” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Nothing extra happened along the way.

That is, I occasionally saw a few planes, and then Brat looked at the window and yelled. As a result, father and mother saw nothing, and Brat was beaten to weeping bitter tears…

This is not a problem!

It was late at night, Xia Zhiye stopped and stood in the air.

While waiting for Tony, he opened his bracelet and confirmed the location information.

“Probably around here…”

Looking down, you can see a place that looks like a city, it is a bit run-down, like an old community.

Too shortly after, Tony arrived.

“That’s what you said… Wakanda who was ahead of the curve?”

Tony looked at the city at his feet and had Jarvis scan for several laps. He was about to say something, but he heard Jarvis say, “Sir, I found unidentified energy fluctuations.”


Tony stunned: “It seems really interesting.”

“Jarvis, scan for energy fluctuations.”

Xia Zhiye said.

“Okay, Mr. Xia!”

Jarvis agreed immediately and Tony said with a black face: “Don’t know who your boss is?”

Jarvis didn’t speak, but Xia Zhiye’s bracelet had an extra message. After opening, it was the approximate range of energy fluctuations.


Xia Zhiye did not delay time, directly moved towards the destination and flew past.

“I’ll pack you up later!”

Tony was ruthless, and he didn’t actually know how to clean it up.

One after the other soon arrived, Xia Zhiye lowered his position until he felt a layer of energy fluctuations in front of his eyes, and then stopped.

“what is this?”

Tony asked Jarvis to scan, but the results of the scan were not satisfactory.

“Can it be cracked?” Tony asked again.

“With the information we currently control, we cannot crack it from within unless brute force cracking.”

Jarvis’ answer is simple and simple.

Tony looked towards Xia Zhiye: “Is this the Earth I know? A primitive tribe who has such advanced technology?”

“Trust me, when you really see Wakanda, you will be more surprised!”

Xia Zhiye laughed and then said to Tony: “Take off the helmet and see me.”

Tony had no doubt about him, he took off the helmet, and finally asked, “Why should I show you my helmet?”

“Then I will show you something.” Xia Zhiye said.

“I don’t want to see the strange things of the elderly…” As soon as Tony finished talking, he saw a fist magnified infinitely!

Waiting for the reaction, it has lost consciousness.

Jarvis: “…”

“It’s okay, it will be fine soon, and you will be quiet for a while.” Xia Zhiye put the helmet and Tony into the Disassemble space, and they disappeared in the next second.

in this world There is no place to trap Xia Zhiye, there is no place Xia Zhiye cannot enter!

Because his instantaneous movement is one of the most Strength of Source in this universe.

If there is an energy sequence in this world, the power of space gems is definitely among the best!

When Xia Zhiye’s body reappeared, he had entered Within the Formed Domain.

But the scope inside is wider than imagined, and it is vast in sight.

Taking Tony out of the Disassemble space and shaking it twice with his hand, Tony opened his eyes: “God, what did I just experience?”

“Do you want to experience it again?” Xia Zhiye be eager to have a try.

“I knew it was not one or two times that you wanted to hit me!”

Tony flustered and exasperated, but glanced around subconsciously: “Where is this?”


Xia Zhiye said: “The satellite can’t scan here, otherwise, Wakanda’s secret is already known to the world, let’s go, we go directly to their king capital!”

“I do not understand鈥︹€?#8221;

Tony took the helmet passed by Xia Zhiye and put it on his head, while flying forward with Xia Zhiye, saying, “Since they have such advanced technology, why are they always silent?”

“The power can never only bring progress…” Xia Zhiye shrugged said: “At the same time, there is death!”

Tony nodded: “I understand that if Vibranium alone can allow them to figure out such advanced technology, it will definitely become the most exciting resource in this world. Wakanda will also become the goal of the entire world! But What if they conquered the world?”

“Since the birth of human civilization, no race or country has conquered the entire world!”

“That’s because humans at the time had no way to conduct super-strength long-range operations!”

“Later they can.”

“So, the world is almost unified.”

“But many people are unwilling.” Xia Zhiye laughed: “Because that will shed too much blood. Even if it is unified, it will take a long time to digest such after-war pain.”

“But when all that is over, what is ushered in must also be a leap forward.”

“Who dares?” Xia Zhiye asked.

Tony was silent.

No one would dare to launch such a large-scale war and easily destroy a country. In this world, no one will do it.

Once people are rushed, the entire world will be destroyed, not to mention any unification.

Therefore, no one dares.

“Yeah…” Tony said after a while: “If someone intends to destroy my country, then I will try my best to compete with them, no matter what technology they master, it will not work.”

Xia Zhiye’s eyes inexplicably looked towards the East, then said in a slight but firm voice: “Me too.”

Tony doesn鈥檛 know what Xia Zhiye is thinking, but just agrees with the nodded: “But now, our goal seems to be bigger, we are looking for ways to protect Earth! Earth Guardian, this title… sounds a bit, um… 鈥o imposing manner!”

“You finally realize this.” Xia Zhiye smiled: “In contrast, I prefer the name Super League of Legends!”

“…Are you referring to us? When did we have this name? And I didn’t even know it?”

“This is mainly due to 2 words…” Xia Zhiye had stopped when he said this, he said lightly, “We are here.”

A row of black spaceships was already in front of them.

Not far below the ground, brightly lit is the king capital of Wakanda…

“I like the way Wakanda greets guests.” Tony looked at the fighter in front of him: “Explain first?”

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