While Alfie and Kaia were accepting Nick Fury's commendation and reporting their actions in the warehouse, two policemen were getting off an ambulance at a dock near the Hudson River. They quickly pushed the emergency stretcher out of the car and put it into another black business car.

As the business car closed the door and left, a young man with red hair in fancy clothes inside tried to smell the breath of the black man on the stretcher.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect he's not dead yet."

The red-haired man looked at Avery on the stretcher and laughed heartily; this man always seemed to be an optimist.

"L264 was recovered, but N019's body had to be disposed of immediately. However, I am very curious about the man wearing the white mask."A cold and beautiful woman in the co-pilot seat said expressionlessly, and only when she mentioned the white mask did she show a slight emotional fluctuation.

As the black commercial vehicle left, the ambulance parked at the dock suddenly exploded and turned into fragments in a burst of flames.......

At this time, a birthday party was being held in a cliff mansion in Malibu.

To the sound of the live music, some sexy beauties were twisting their bodies happily to show their charm.

Even many wealthy people and celebrities rarely seen in New York were shaking in the dance floor with a glass of good wine.

The most exciting thing was that on the DJ stage, Tony Stark was wearing a red and gold iron suit and dancing the robot dance happily to the beat of the music.

""Oh wow~ good! Great dance, Tony!"

As Tony danced on the stage, the celebrities and sexy beauties in the front row cheered and praised loudly. Some models who were only wearing three-point clothes wanted to jump on him immediately. Rod, who came to attend Tony's birthday party, made a reassurance call at the door, and saw Pepper Potts, who looked helpless, as soon as he entered the door.

"I can't stand it anymore, I have to go out for some fresh air,"

Pepper said impatiently after greeting Rhodes.

Rhodes also saw Tony on the stage wearing his Iron Man suit. Tony didn't know how much he had drunk at this moment, and he staggered against the wine cabinet beside him.

"What a joke, this is ridiculous, I just vouched for him!"

Seeing this ridiculous scene, Rhodes pointed at Tony on the stage and said angrily; just as Rhodes was about to go out and ask someone to deal with it, Pepper quickly pulled him back;

"etc....Don't call anyone, okay? I know. Leave it to me."

After saying that, Pepper walked towards the center of the party, the DJ stage, with a tired look on her face.

"Hurry up, or I will take action."

Rod said with wide eyes when he saw Pepper leave; he didn't know how much pressure he had taken on and how many guarantees he had made outside, but in the end, the person he had tried so hard to protect treated Iron Man as a toy in such a ridiculous way. He was really angry.

Tony, who was already drunk on the stage, was holding the microphone and looking at the audience seriously, saying:

"I'm often asked, 'Tony, how do you go to the bathroom when you're wearing the Iron Man suit?...."

As he spoke, he closed his eyes, his brows twitched, and then he shook his body and said,"That's it."...."

It seemed that he had just finished solving the problem in the Iron Man armor, and he began to laugh loudly.

The people in the audience also saw for the first time that Tony was such a playful person, so they began to applaud and cheer crazily.

Finally, Pepper couldn't stand it anymore, so she quickly walked up to the stage, grabbed the microphone, and said with a smile;

"Wow, Tony is a real party guy, isn't he?"


"I love you~"

Tony hugged Pepper and finally expressed the words that had been buried in his heart for a long time under the influence of alcohol.

But Pepper just regarded it as Tony's drunken nonsense and did not take it seriously, and continued to say to him;

"Unbelievable, thank you so much, Tony, we all thank you for a great night, but we have to say goodnight, thank you all for coming...."

"Oh no! There was a sudden booing from the audience.

"No, no, no, wait, we haven’t cut the cake or blown out the candles yet"

Tony said to Pepper quickly;

"You're out of control, trust me, you just peed in your suit..."

"I know, but he has a filtration system, and the filtered water is even drinkable.."

"Let's go back, Tony...."Pepper said to Tony tiredly.

Seeing Pepper's firm attitude, Tony had no choice but to agree, and then he slowly walked off the stage with the microphone and said;

"Pepper Potts, she's right, the party's over, but for me the party was over an hour and a half ago."

"So I declare, the after-party starts in 15 minutes! If anyone doesn't like..."

Tony raised his hand and blasted the glass wall on the side."Including Pepper, the door is right there."..."


As Tony roared excitedly on the stage, everyone started to cheer.

Then Tony signaled the beautiful woman in the front row to throw the bottle in her hand into the air.

""Bang~" With a palm cannon, the wine bottle thrown by the beauty was instantly shattered.

Seeing how exciting it was, everyone started cheering and continued to throw good wine bottles.

Rhode couldn't stand it anymore and hurriedly ran to the studio downstairs to change into his favorite silver-black armor.

Just as Tony was using the cannon on his chest to smash a big watermelon thrown by a beauty, Rhode, who had changed into the armor, stood opposite Tony amid the cheers of the crowd;

"Everyone , I'll only say this once, get out of here!"

After Rhode said this domineeringly, the mask of the armor was covered and began to enter combat mode.

���When they realized something was wrong, they all ran out quickly, while Rhodes walked towards Tony step by step and accused him loudly;

"You don’t deserve to wear this suit, take it off"

Tony seemed to have expected this to happen, so he held the microphone and shouted to the DJ booth;

"Goldsden, call in, 'cause I'm gonna beat up my buddy..."Hahahaha"

Then the two Iron Men started a fist-to-flesh fight to the sound of relaxing and rhythmic music. However, since it was Rhodes' first time and he had no experience, he was suppressed and beaten by Tony.

The two of them punched through the wall from the entertainment room to the gym. In the gym, they held dumbbells and hit each other, then punched through the floor and flew to the second floor.

Then there was another heavy fall, and the two of them punched through the floor again and came to the living room on the first floor. The fight between the two Iron Men finally scared everyone, and Happy saw that the situation was out of control and quickly pulled Pepper away and asked the crowd to leave.

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