But the people who came to the party, after finally seeing something new, would not leave so easily, so they took out their phones to take pictures and eat the melon.

Tony threw Rod to the ground with a back throw, leaving a dent, and slowly stood up, looking at the people outside the door who were pointing and taking pictures, and suddenly a surge of irritation came out.


Tony roared at these people. Seeing that Tony was going crazy, they began to rush out of the scene.

This also gave Rhode a chance to attack. He picked up the sink next to him and smashed it towards Tony's head.


Tony, whose head was smashed into the fireplace, felt a little angry at this moment. He immediately turned around and raised his palm cannon to aim at Rhodes, saying:

"Do you think you have what it takes to wear this suit?"

"Tony, we don't have to do this."

Rhodes also raised his palm and pointed the cannon at Tony to persuade him;

"Since you want to be a war machine so much, then do it, come on, fire!"

As Tony finished speaking, the palm cannons of the two Iron Men began to shine, and as the charging was completed, the two simultaneously fired a strong energy beam to complete the wave in the center of the living room.

""Boom!" As the energy accumulation reached its limit, a strong explosion broke out in the living room of the mansion!

After a violent shock wave dissipated, the entire cliff mansion had become a mess and devastated.

When Tony's battle suit was restored, Rhodes looked back and silently looked at Tony, and after a moment he flew away from the villa in the battle suit.


After seeing Rhodes leave the mansion and he was the only one left, Tony sighed, leaned against the broken wall and closed his eyes.

He didn't know when his mind went back to the cave in Afghanistan, thinking of what Ethan said to him; 'Having everything, but having nothing.’

"Yeah, what can I have?..."Tony laughed bitterly at himself.

Just as Tony was about to get up and find a bottle of wine, he heard a hollow and quiet flute sound in his ear.

Tony closed his eyes and listened to the sweet, clear, and moving voice. He was suddenly moved by the scene, and many things hidden in his heart emerged.

He thought of his former happiness, his former vigor, and his endless inspiration.

As the hollow flute sounded again, Tony thought of his carefree youth, and the most important thing to him: his family.’...

When Tony's face was blown by a gentle breeze, he slowly woke up from a meadow. The blue sky and fresh air, as well as the familiar small manor in front of him, made Tony's eyes red instantly.

On the lawn of the manor, a middle-aged man with a mustache was slowly pushing a lawn mower, and a small golden retriever behind him was playfully jumping and chasing the man's trouser legs.

At this time, a beautiful woman with slender eyebrows appeared at the door. Everything was so beautiful and harmonious, so nostalgic.

"Howard, do you need a break? I just tried making a new dessert. Come and have a taste."

After hearing the woman's voice, Howard quickly put down the lawn mower and walked towards the house with a happy face.

"Of course, dear~"

Howard kissed the beautiful woman on the cheek and looked at her affectionately.

At this time, the little golden retriever ran over mischievously and bit Howard's trouser leg to play with him.

Seeing this, Howard began to shout towards the house:

""Tony, Tony! Can't you take care of your dog?"

Seeing no one answering, the beautiful woman also shouted,"Tony? Where are you?"

At this time, Tony, who was watching all this from a distance, couldn't hold back his tears anymore....

"I'm here, father. I'm here, father...."

Tony said as he ran across the lawn towards the parents of the house.

""Oh, Tony, when did you go there? Come here quickly," Howard said to Tony kindly.

When Tony ran to the front of the house, he found that he was 7 years old at this time, and the scene in front of him was the day he was happiest and missed the most.

"Sit down, stupid, sit down..."Tony choked with tears as he gave orders to the little golden retriever.

"Woo...woo" The little golden retriever wagged its tail, looked at Tony with its watery eyes, and then sat down obediently.

"Oh, Tony is awesome....Tony..."

The gentle lady stroked Tony's cheek and said;

"Oh, maybe we should go home and cut the cake, today is Tony’s 7th birthday, hahahaha.."

Howard laughed and picked up Tony, and then the family walked into the house happily....

At the lively dinner table, Tony talked about everything with his parents whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

He talked about the development of Stark Industries under his leadership after his father left, and how it became the most powerful technology company in the world, far ahead of the others! He also talked about the sad days in those years, and how he became Iron Man and contributed to world peace. Then he talked about the World Expo, friends, lovers, and all the ups and downs in those years.

Tony's parents always looked at him with a smile, supported and cared about him, and listened silently, hoping that Tony could live a safe and happy life.

Amid Tony's crying and laughing, Tony heard the familiar sound of the flute again....It seemed that the song was about to end.

Tony seemed to understand something. He looked at his parents and blew out the candles on the cake....

When Tony woke up again, he saw the familiar hole in the ceiling and the sound of the sink leaking next to it.

After that, Tony stretched and yawned comfortably, as if he had slept for a long time and the dream was so real.

But he didn't want to wipe away his red eyes and the remaining tears.

"Cough cough." Li Xin put the Xiao back into his waist and coughed softly, breaking the silence.

"Oh, it's you, my friend, when did you arrive" Tony said after he slowly stood up;

"After a rocket rushed out of your house, it seems that your birthday party was really exciting. Rich people still know how to have fun."

Li Xin said jokingly. It was he who played the ethereal music of the distant deer with the flute just now, and combined with the illusion cast by his Yin Dun Chakra, Tony was able to return to the place he wanted to return to the most in his heart.

After hearing what Li Xin said, Tony looked around and chuckled and said:

"Yes, it’s a good time to change the decoration style. To be honest, I’m tired of the previous one."

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