"Wow~" The people behind him cheered excitedly after seeing the terrorists being defeated.

Especially Rika, her cheeks flushed and she screamed excitedly, and when she saw her brother's cold and ruthless back, she jumped up and shouted loudly:"Brother! Kill me!"....

Just as Li Xin turned around speechlessly to look at who it was, Evan finally shook his head and slowly woke up.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the severed hand of the monster not far away, and the masked man standing quietly. He was a little overwhelmed for a moment and couldn't believe it.

"How can it be...He actually lost. Didn't I successfully hack into his brain? And that time it went much more smoothly than any other time?..."

Seeing that he couldn't do anything, Evan quickly stood up and jumped out of the car!

But just as he was about to jump out of the car, a sharp blue light flashed behind him.


A cold light flashed, and Li Xin casually caught the head that was about to fall out of the car, and the headless corpse began to fall slowly. After a while, the blood began to flow slowly....

As the corpse fell to the ground, the whole carriage was once again filled with a cold and bloody feeling. The people who were cheering for a while didn't know when their throats were locked and they couldn't make any sound.

In the carriage that had become riddled with holes, a demon figure that looked like it came from hell was slowly standing up, and a man wearing a bloody robe and a mask was standing in front with his head in his hand. The corpse in the pool of blood and the severed exorcist's hand had filled the entire carriage with blood and the smell of blood, making the temperature of the entire carriage drop to an ice cave again.

Rika was pale and no longer cheering at this time. The other hostages were also struggling to cover their mouths and take deep breaths. Even reporter Kai on the helicopter outside was frightened by the figure holding his head.

"Holy Mary, I'm afraid I'll have a nightmare tonight...."

Kai suddenly felt a chill on his back and made a prayer gesture.

At this time, the subway had already reached the Hudson River and was about to reach the terminal.

Just as Kaia and Aphra were still defusing the last bomb, a cold voice came from the headset;

"Target eliminated, please instruct the next step."

Nick Fury in the warehouse clenched his fist and showed his gangster smile again, then said into the headset;

"If the bomb is no longer a threat, you can leave it alone. It's time to stop this damn subway train."

After hearing the order, Li Xin threw the head in his hand and walked into the cab with the torn door.

Li Xin, who was just looking at the instrument operating levers, really didn't know how to operate them.

"Someone come over here and take a look. I can't tell which one is the emergency stop button."

Kaiya, who finally didn't have to defuse the bomb, hurried to the driver's seat, but he couldn't help but cover his mouth with his hand when passing the No. 2 car.

After that, Li Xin leaned aside and silently watched Kaiya frantically operating up and down in the cab. It wasn't long before Kaiya began to sweat profusely, and his entire back was wet.

"What, can't the car stop?"

Li Xin looked at Kaiya's panic and sweaty look and asked worriedly;

"able...Can stop.."

Kaiya looked back and quickly looked away. Kaiya didn't expect that Agent Afei would put so much pressure on him just by standing behind him.

With Kaiya praying countless times in his heart, the subway began to brake and slow down gradually, and then slid for a distance before stopping.

"Oh my god, it's finally over...."

After breathing a sigh of relief, Kaiya quickly found a seat and sat down, took out a cigarette and prepared to light it.

""Well done."

Seeing that the subway was successfully stopped, Li Xin patted Kaiya's shoulder with relief and said, otherwise he really didn't know how to stop the subway. Should he use Susano to stop the train?

""Oh, great! We are saved!"

As the subway stopped, people began to shout excitedly for having survived the disaster, shouting hard to vent their emotions, and some men and women couldn't help but kiss each other on the spot.

""Oh God, we survived, thank you, thank you for not giving up on your servants."

Some people also knelt on the ground with their hands folded devoutly and prayed silently.

The hostages in car No. 2, who witnessed the whole scene, also ran to car No. 3 and clapped and shouted. Rika also regained her color and was hugged by Makiko, shedding tears of excitement and surviving a disaster.

Makiko Iwata would sneak a glance at Ah Fei in the cab from time to time, because she had been practicing kendo since she was a child. When the battle just happened, she did not hide her body like other people and dared not to watch. Instead, she witnessed the whole battle process with her own eyes.

She not only saw that there were humanoid monsters like Avery in this world, but also saw the"divine power" displayed by the white mask.

This person was not only agile but also could control lightning. Moreover, the ribs formed by the light blue energy and the superb last knife opened the door to her new world.

"Ah Fei?...Why does his swordsmanship seem familiar?..."

Makiko couldn't help but recall it, especially the posture of Ah Fei after he drew his sword and entered the fighting state....

"Yes, this is the live broadcast of the New York Times. After the mysterious man in white mask arrived at the scene, he quickly eliminated the terrorist with mysterious power."

"Later, with the cooperation of the police, they successfully stopped the subway and rescued the hostages. I think the mysterious man in white mask is a very qualified New York hero. He once again protected us today......"

The TV screen then showed the people cheering for the rescued hostages and the police handling the follow-up work.

Of course, Chief George also gave a wonderful and inspiring speech in the interview with the reporter:

"Yes, New York is our territory. I will bring any criminal who wants to cause trouble on this land to justice. Remember that I will never tolerate crime! The people of New York are safe!"

After the female reporter Kay finished the interview in front of the camera, she breathed a sigh of relief, but the bloody and cruel scene of the white mask was deeply engraved in her mind and could not be erased.

"No, I can't sleep alone tonight, or I'll definitely have a nightmare."

Kai thought to himself and took out his phone and found Doglicker No. 4 in the address book. After pressing a few times with his fingers, he sent a message.

Half an hour later, Li Xin met Nick Fury at the temporary command post in the warehouse.

"Very well done, Agent A Fei. Although this matter has something to do with you, you handled it very well. Believe me, your performance will be very good."

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