"Go to hell!"

Avery swung his huge claws vigorously and swept towards Li Xin. Suddenly, a gust of bloody wind blew and the iron carriages touched by the claws were easily torn into pieces.

Li Xin still stood there quietly in the face of this terrifying claw, indifferent.

"When you see these eyes, you've already lost..."Li Xin raised her head slightly, looked at Avery and said slowly

""Swish!" As a gust of fishy wind passed by, the terrifyingly sharp bone claws whizzed past Li Xin's body in an instant, and the exterior of the left carriage was instantly torn into pieces by this claw!

But Li Xin still stood quietly in the same place, without any wounds on his body.

"It's that one, Evan!"Avery shouted in shock again; because he was very sure that the claw he just swung did not miss, but passed through Li Xin's body like passing through the air.

Although he had heard Kolya talk about it, he still felt very incredible when he really saw this scene.

At this time, the thin man hiding behind Avery appeared again, and one hand touched his forehead. He was going to use his superpowers again towards Li Xin.

But the two sides had been fighting for so long, and he had been using superpowers all the time during this period. His body was also very uncomfortable. Not only did his nose start bleeding, but his expression also became very haggard.

He didn't expect the opponent's strength to be so terrifying and difficult. Every time he used superpowers, he always felt that the opponent was covered with a layer of energy surrounding him, so every time he wanted to invade the opponent's brain waves, he always spent more effort than usual, and the effect was not that good.

Unless he could use it close to him, but the opponent's flexible skills, the sharp and swift knife skills and the injuries on Avery's body made Evan give up this idea instantly.


Suddenly, another strong brain wave attacked Li Xin.

When Evan saw the scarlet eyes, even though they were so far away, he felt that this invasion seemed to be easier and smoother than the previous one, and he could not help but increase the strength of his supernatural power. However, after Evan released it forcefully, he fell backwards listlessly.

When Avery saw that the masked man seemed to be hit, he naturally would not miss this opportunity, so he quickly raised his right hand and swung it from top to bottom, as if he was going to tear the masked man apart.

""Swish~" As the sharp bone claws quickly passed by, the upper surface of the carriage was torn apart in an instant, and then they quickly grabbed the masked man's head.

Just when Avery thought he was going to grab the masked man's head, the excavator actually pierced through Li Xin's body again! It only tore the floor of the carriage and exposed steel bars and iron fragments.

While the opponent was shaking after the attack and could not return to defense, Li Xin lightly jumped into the air, and then pinched the thunder formula. Suddenly, a pure white arc flashed on his body, and a long lightning snake made of electric light slowly circled around Li Xin.

""Little White Long Worm"

Li Xin pushed forward with the Thunder Art, and suddenly the lightning snake was like a poisonous snake coming out of a hole, twisting its body quickly in the air, and then biting Avery swiftly and cunningly.

This happened so fast that Avery could only raise his right hand in panic to block the lightning snake biting towards him.

""Crack~ crackle!"

The whole carriage was filled with lightning and sparks. Even the helicopter that was broadcasting live outside was startled by the flash of lightning.

"Oh, God!"

The female reporter was startled by the sudden flash of lightning and quickly covered her chest and hid aside to pray.

After the lightning snake bit the monster hand, it instantly exploded with various arcs flashing and jumping everywhere.

Avery's monster hand had become charred, broken and riddled with holes, and he was dizzy and vomited blood due to the electric shock, and his body was covered with wounds.

Li Xin saw that the opponent had such a high lightning resistance and had not fallen down. He drew his sword again and opened the Wuji sword after the chakra condensed on the Tingfeng Sword.

Suddenly, a light blue energy covered the Tingfeng Sword, and then Li Xin slashed it fiercely, and a sharp light blue blade light instantly cut through the air and whistled towards Avery!

"Listen to the wind and slash—break the wind!"

Avery could only stand there, watching the unstoppable sharp blade slashing towards him.

"Are you going to die?..."

In an instant, time seemed to slow down. He thought of his brother BJ Tucker's pitiful and helpless appearance when he was a child, and also of Dr. Lillian who awakened her superpowers but never had any expression on her face.

"As one of the doctor's most perfect experiments, how could I fall here!"

Suddenly, a strong desire to survive filled his body. His right hand, which had been seriously injured and paralyzed, miraculously recovered a little reaction. Avery instinctively raised his hand to block and quickly jumped out of the car.

""Swish!" The blade flashed, and a severed hand floated slowly in the air. Avery had already jumped out of the subway car and was falling down to the viaduct nearly 100 meters above.

Li Xin was also a little surprised at this time. He didn't expect that the other party could recover from the paralysis in such a short time, and even avoid the move he had temporarily experimented with using the Wind-Listening Slash.

Avery, who jumped out of the car, quickly took out a remote control from his pocket, and immediately showed a victorious expression, as if he was about to press the

"Damn it!"

Li Xin obviously saw the remote control. If he succeeded in pressing it, not only would his operation fail, but he would also have to die with so many people, and all of this could only be attributed to his own mistakes.

""God's power!"

Li Xin's left eye instantly focused on Avery's left hand. Then, a strong vortex-like space distortion suddenly emanated from the air! Just as

Avery was about to press the detonation button, he suddenly felt that his left arm was twisted off by some huge suction force and he lost consciousness instantly.

When he looked at his left hand again, there was nothing there, only some blood was left in his empty hand as he fell down. On the way down rapidly, he vaguely saw the pair of scarlet and terrifying Mangekyō Sharingan.....

"I didn't expect that I would have to use the power of God in the end."

Li Xin covered his left eye and said with some relief; he didn't expect that this old���With such high life resilience, he probably won't survive a fall from such a high distance.

In fact, Li Xin had used the power of his left eye once before, because the long-distance absorption and transmission ability of his left eye consumed much more energy than that of his right eye. Unless it was absolutely necessary, Li Xin really didn't want to overuse his pupil power. At this time, Li Xin also secretly vowed that in order to achieve the freedom of divine power as soon as possible, he must become stronger

"Although there is no Hashirama cell in the Marvel Universe that is most suitable for Sharingan, it does not mean that my Sharingan cannot find a direction to evolve in this world."

At this time, Li Xin looked at the strange hand on the ground and thought silently in his heart, and this world also has the power of the Infinity Stones.....

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